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1、( (模块三模块三 高一下学期高一下学期) )grammar & usage noun clauses课件描述:课件描述: 本课语法为名词性从句。教学目的是帮助学本课语法为名词性从句。教学目的是帮助学生了解什么是名词性从句;学会连词生了解什么是名词性从句;学会连词that,if,whether的正确使用。语法课的设计应摒弃教的正确使用。语法课的设计应摒弃教师一讲到底,罗列语法规则的陈旧教学方式,师一讲到底,罗列语法规则的陈旧教学方式,把语法的运用放置于情景中。这样学生就会身把语法的运用放置于情景中。这样学生就会身临其境学习语法,生动、有趣,教学效果好。临其境学习语法,生动、有趣,教学效果好。i

2、ntroduction to noun clauses at lunch, the weatherman reported she wondered the truth is was introduction to noun clauses because the clauses in these sentences have , they are called . there are four kinds of noun clausesand . presentation :2. a noun clause can be used either as the object of a verb

3、 or a preposition in a sentence. 1) they know that the habit will kill them. 2) he asked how much i paid for the violin. 3) he made it clear to the public that he did an important and necessary job. 4) i find it necessary that we should do the homework.3. a noun clause can be used as the predicative

4、 after the link verb be. 1) the question is whether we can rely on him. 2) thats because we were in need of money at that time. 3) he looked as if he was going to cry. 4) thats why i was late.4. explain to students what apposition means. 1) the news that he failed in the exam surprised his parents.

5、2) word came that we would have two days off next week. 3) there is no possibility that our team will lose the game. 4) ill keep the promise that i will help you out when you are in trouble.noun clauses beginning with that that引导肯定含义的从句,在从句中不充引导肯定含义的从句,在从句中不充当成分,没有实际意思。当成分,没有实际意思。 在非正式英语中,以下情况中在非正式英

6、语中,以下情况中that可以省可以省略:略: 其他情况下其他情况下that一般都不可省。一般都不可省。noun clauses beginning with that you like him is strange. the fact is the earth is smaller than the sun. the idea you will invite him sounds good. i dont believe he has ever read any of shakespeares works or he has ever heard of him.noun clauses beg

7、inning with that he said , if i did not have time, i might choose not to go. his composition is very good except there are some spelling mistakes.noun clauses beginning with if/whether 表示表示“是否是否”。 只有动词后的宾语从句可以用只有动词后的宾语从句可以用 /whether,其,其他名词性从句(包括介词后的宾语从句)他名词性从句(包括介词后的宾语从句) 固定结构固定结构,不可以用不可以用if。单选题中,当确

8、定是单选题中,当确定是“”,选,选项中项中出现出现if和和whether时,必选时,必选practice1. i think it is going to be a big problem. yes, it could be. i wonder _we can do about it. a. if b. how c. what d. that2. _is no possibility _bob can win the first prize in the match. a. there; that b. it; what c. there; whether d. it; whether3. a

9、 computer can only do _you have instructed it to do. a. how b. after c. what d. when4. can you tell me _? a. who is that gentleman b. that gentleman is who c. who that gentleman is d. whom is that gentleman5. he didnt know which room_. a. they lived b. they lived in c. did they live d. did they live

10、 in6. to get the job started, _i need is from here. a. only what b. all what c. all that d. only that7. in some countries _is called “equality” doesnt really mean equal rights for all people. a. which b. what c. that d. one8. go and get your coat. its _you left it. a. there b. where c. there where d

11、. where there9. _you dont like him is none of my business. a. what b. who c. that d. whether10. the reason_i plan to go is _she will be disappointed _i dont. a. why; because; when b. why; that; if c. because; that; if d. why; that; whether11. _can i do with a situation? take _ measure you consider b

12、est. a. how ; whichever b. what; whatever c. how ;whatever d. what; whichever12. _she said suggested that she hadnt decided _to go or not. a. what; if b. that; whether c. what; whether d. whether; what13. he made a promise _anyone set him free he would make him very rich. a. that b. if c. what d. th

13、at if 14. _would like to devote his whole life to his country should go _there are all kinds of difficulties. a. who; somewhere b. whoever; where c. whatever; anywhere d. who; there15. can i sit in the front row? yes. you can take _seat you like. a. whatever b. what c. whichever d. which16. they los

14、t their way in the forest and _made matters worse was _night began to fall. a. what; that b. it; that c. what; when d. which; what17. _gone is gone. _no use talking about it any more. a. thats; its b. whats ; its c. its; thats d. thats; thats18. i didnt quite follow you. what was _ you just said about the place? a. where b. which c. that d. how19. it was _my father worked _i work now. a. where; that b.


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