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1、徐州龙文教育个性化辅导教案教师刘占英学生年级高三授课时间授课课题Module Unit 授课类型Revision教学目标1. learn and master the important language points2. master the subordinate clauses 3. improve the reading skills重难点The usage of the words as well as the phrases参考资料The Students book(Module 10)教学过程授课内容分析、推导(突出教学内容要点,采用的教学方法等,要求简明扼要,若有与教材中相同的

2、文字、表格、例题等不要在教案上照抄,可注明教材页码。)Teaching methods: Expository method; Question method and Practise methodProcedures:Step 1: Review what the student have learnt in the last class and check them.Step 2: Lead-in:Present the student some pictures of other countries which are related to the culture and heritag

3、e: The Great Wall; Egyptian Pyramid; Stonehenge in England;Triumphal arch and so on.There are a lot of religious sites around the world that are of historic importance, Now, discuss with your partner.Some useful expression:Where is it located?When and why it was set up?Who set it up?Step 3: learn th

4、e new words and phrasesStep 4:Fast reading: Answer the questions in Page 2. Careful reading: learn the language points in this passageStep 5: Homework.1. Finish the exercises in Page 4 and Page 52. Finish the paper of this Unit小结Learn the key and difficult language points and words as well as the gr

5、ammar1 / 34作业/思考题Finish the paper of this unit课后反思(体会、得失分析、改进)学生对于本次课的评价: 特别满意 满意 一般 差 学生签字:教师评定:1、 学生上次作业评价: 好 较好 一般 差2、 学生本次上课情况评价: 好 较好 一般 差 教师签字: 主任签字: 日期 徐州龙文教育重难点讲解:1. be second only to 仅次于The Yellow River is second only to the Yangtze River in China. 在中国黄河仅次于长江长。 be second to none 不亚于任何人As a

6、dancer, he is second to none.他的舞技不亚于任何人。2. defend vt. 常与from /against 连用 防御;保卫;保护;为辩护;辩解Their duty is to defend our motherland against enemies.他们的职责是保卫祖国免受敌人侵犯。The lawyer is defending Mr Smith. 律师正在为史密斯先生辩护。3. abundant adj. 大量的;丰富的 be abundant in + 地点名词:在地方有大量的/盛产; be abundant in + n:在方面丰富;充裕 Rice i

7、s abundant in the south of China. 中国南方盛产大米。China is abundant in natural resources.中国自然资源丰富。4. Located in the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower, which is often called the CN Tower for short. 本句为倒装句,主语是the Canadian National Tower。located in the center of Toronto 是过去分词短语作表语,该句的主语被一个非限制性定语

8、从句所修饰,为避免头重脚轻,所以用倒装。 _ (seat) on the grass is a young couple, _ come from Nanjing. be located in 位于;坐落于 = be situated in The Ming Tomb Xiaoling is located in the suburbs of Nanjing. 明孝陵位于南京郊区。 for short: 简称;缩略;常作状语。 be short for: 作谓语, 是的简称; in short: 总之;简言之British Broadcasting Corporation is called

9、BBC _ _.英国广播公司简称为BBC。CCTV is _ _ Chinas Central Television. CCTV是中国中央电视台的简称。_ _, her novels are well-received by teenagers. 总之她的小说很受青少年的欢迎。5. Montreal is the second largest French-speaking city in the world, Pairs being the largest. 蒙特利尔是世界上第二大讲法语城市,巴黎是最大的。划线部分用的是独立主格结构,独立主格的逻辑主语与主句的主语是不一致的,它独立存在。Pa

10、irs being the largest 是由 “名词 (Pairs) + V-ing (being the largest)” 构成的独立主格结构形式。 独立主格结构可以由 “名(代词主格) + V-ing / V-ed / to do / 形容词 / 副词 / 介词短语构成,这种结构在句中作状语,表时间,原因,条件,伴随,方式等。 注意: (1) 用to do / V-ing / V-ed 意义不同。不定式往往表示没有发生或即将发生的动作;V-ing 形式表示一个主动动作正在进行;V-ed形式表示已经完成、或被动完成的动作。(2) 独立主格结构中的being可以省略,但若是being d

11、one表示正在被做时,being不可省略。且当独立主格逻辑主语是it,there时,being 通常不省略。I _ the news, tears came down. 我一听到这个消息,眼泪就流了下来。Her work _, she prepared to go home. 她的工作完成了,准备回家。The weather _ _, I kept the windows open.天气很好,我让窗户一直开着。So many windows _ _, I had to devote the whole afternoon.这么多窗户要擦,我只好奉献一个下午。The boy stood ther

12、e, hand _ _ _.男孩站在那儿,手放在口袋里。It _ Sunday, they had no classes.那天是星期天,他们不上课。Food _ _, I fell asleep. 我做着饭睡着了。【自我检测】I. Multiple choices. 1. I wont do it! _ shortno! / Her real name is Catherine, but we call her Kate _ A. In; for short B. For; in short C. In; in short D. As; for short2. Many children _

13、very _ mini French bread. A. is; fond of B. are; fond of C. do; like D. are; like3. _ in the east of China, Shanghai is said _ one of the most developed cities of the country. A. Located; to be B. Locating; to being C. To locate; being D. To be located; having been 4. It is said that Pairs is the la

14、rgest _ city in the world. A. French-spoken B. spoken French C. speaking French D. French-speaking5. Quebec, once originally _ by France, _ the British in 1763. A. was colonized; was lost to B. being colonized; was lost in C. colonized; was lost to D. having being colonized; was lost in6. _ 553 metr

15、es into the sky, Canadian National Tower is the tallest tower in the world. A. Raising B. Raised C. Rising D. Risen 1. It is like an underground city, covering an area of more than 20 football pitches. 它就像一个地下城市,其面积比20个足球场还要大。coving an area of 是V-ing短语作非限制性定语,补充说明前面的句子。 cover vt 占地;覆盖;走过/行走 (一段路程);报

16、道;涉及;看/读多少页书Cover his eyes with a hand. 用手盖住他的眼睛.China is the third largest country in the world, covering an area of 9.6 million square kilometers.中国是世界第三大国,面积960万平方公里。The Red Army covered 25000 li during the Long March. 红军长征走了25000里。I want to send our best reporter to cover the event. 我想派最好的记者去报道这

17、件事。The report covered all aspects of the problem. 这份报告涉及到了问题的所有方面。I cover 20 pages a day. 我每天读20页书。 n. 盖子;覆盖物;(书)封面 The cover of the book is very beautiful. 这本书的封面很漂亮。2. settlement n. 定居点;安顿;定居;(问题的)解决; settle vt 确定;解决;定居;停息;停落Lets settle the date of the meeting. _They got married and settled in Lon

18、don. _Can you help us settle the problem? _The chairman tried to settle the audience down. _Two birds settled on the fence. _3. A maple leaf is featured on the Canadian flag. 枫叶是加拿大国旗的显著特征. feature vt 以为特征; 给以显著地位 feature sb/ sthThe Canadian flag features a maple leaf. 枫叶是加拿大国旗的显著特征.The new engine f

19、eatures high speed, small size and low costs. 这种新发动机以速度快,体积小,成本低为特色。 feature sb (as sth) 由某人主演 (担任) The film features Gong Li and Zhou Xingchi. 这部电影由巩利和周星驰主演。A classic love triangle featured Calaf, Turandot and Liu. 一个经典的三角恋爱由主演。4. go with sth 与某物相配Does this jacket go with this skirt? 这件上衣与这条裙子相配吗?P

20、ancakes go perfectly with onion. 煎饼配洋葱再完美不过了。5. enthusiast n. 热衷于.的人;爱好者a football enthusiast = an enthusiast for /of football enthusiasm n. 热心;热情; enthusiasm for sth / doing sth 对的热情She never lost her enthusiasm for teaching.她从未失去过教书的热忱。enthusiastic adj. 热情的, 热心的be enthusiastic about (doing) sth. 对

21、热心的an enthusiastic supporter/ crowd 一个热心的支持者/群众 We students are very enthusiastic about learning English.我们学生对学习英语很有热情。6. cater to 满足需要;迎合The Times extra caters to every shopping need. 时代超市满足各种购物需求。The newspaper _ _ peoples appetite for scandals. 这种报纸迎合了人们爱看丑闻的喜好。【自我检测】I. Multiple choice.1. _ are th

22、e days when the women were looked down upon. A. Gone B. Go C. Missed D. Losing 2. The maple leaf is Canadas national _. A. symbol B. signC. sigh D. design 3. Shuyang high school has a long history of about 85 years, _ of approximately 100 mu.A. cover the area B. covered a area C. covering the area D

23、. covering an area 4. That the city of Toronto keeps the most multicultural is _ the large amount of immigration there.A. owe to B. due to C. because D. thanks to 5. The dancing group _ the old women got the first place at last. A. consists of B. consist of C. consisted of D. consisting of6. - How a

24、bout the book you are reading ? - Good indeed. It _ many problems we have come across in our study. A. says B. talks C. covers D. refers7. The Sydney Opera Houses roof _ a ships sails. A. is shaped like B. is in the shape of C. takes the shape of D. All of above8. North Island is famous for an area

25、of hot springs, some of _ throw hot water into the air. A. them B. what C. which D. where9. China is _ pandas. A. home to B. the home of C. home for D. Both A and B10. The color of her dress doesnt at all _ her hair. A. go through B. go over C. go over D. go with11. The film _ Anthony Hopkins _ Pica

26、sso. A. features; for B. is featured; for C. features; as D. is featured; for12. Some magazines _ boys while others are intended for girls. A. cater of B. appeal for C. cater to D. cater in 表示倍数的三种方法:A 是B的多少倍: A is times as as B (原级)A is times 比较级 than B (比较级)A is times the size/ length/ value/ widt

27、h of B (形容词对应的名词形式)This room is three times as big as that one.这个房间是那个房间的三倍This room is three times bigger than that one.这个房间比那个大三倍This room is three times the size of that one. 这个房间是那个房间的三倍 练习:1. I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs almost three times_ A. as much B. as many C. so m

28、uch D. so many 2.Ten years ago the population of our village was _ that of theirs. A. as twice large as B. twice as large as C.twice as much as D. as twice much asNote:1. 倍数的基本表达都是以倍数打头,但要注意不同倍数的不同表达方法:2. 两倍要用twice或double,不用two times. 三倍常用three times,也可用thrice。3. 除整数倍以外,还有分数倍,百分数倍,几倍多或不到几倍等。如:六倍多(mo

29、re than/over six times), 一半(half),三分之一 (one third),百分之六十(60%)等。4. 在the +n.+of结构中 :1. 要注意选择恰当的名词,常用的名词有size/height/length/weight等。2. the +n.+of 可转换成ones +n.或名词性从句。如:the height of Mary=Marys height.My suggestion is that we should try to cut back on production and reduce the amount of things we make an

30、d buy.I suggested to him that we should handle the problem in another way.The suggestion is that we should cut back on expense is reasonable.It is suggested that the wounded be sent to the hospital at once.Mary suggested going to visit palace.My friend suggested my going to see a doctor.His red face

31、 suggested he had told lies to his teacher. 练习:The parents suggested _ in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip. A .sleep B. to sleep C. sleeping D. having sleep Cut back on= cut down on=reduce 削减。缩减, 减少The doctor told him to cut down on smoking.To save money, we sho

32、uld cut back on our spending.为了节省钱,我们必须减少开支。If we cant sell more, we will have to cut back on production.如果我们不能扩大销售量,我们就不得不削减生产。cut at 向猛砍cut away 切下,砍掉cut down 砍倒,砍伐 ;减少的量,缩减cut in 插嘴,插入,插队 cut out 切下,剪下cut up 切碎cut off (1)切断,砍掉 (2) 切断(电力,煤气,自来水等),停止的供给 (3)使(人,城镇)孤立练习:I was just talking to Margret

33、when Jackson - A. cut in B. cut down C. cut out D. cut up It would be beneficial to expand our recycling industry and teach people about environmentally friendly ways of living.Sunshine is beneficial to plants.Benefit 利益,好处, Be of benefit = be beneficial toOur suggestion will be of benefit to both o

34、ur firm and yours.The dictionary will be beneficial to me.对有利Doing morning exercise will benefit your health.I will benefit from doing morning exercise.练习: The book was boring, it wasnt _ to me. A benefit B benefited C of little benefit D of much benefit It is obvious that we are very concerned abou

35、t the present situation of our environment.1. concern n. 关心,关注; There are some reasons for concern but no need for alarm.是有点令人忧虑, 但不必惊慌。2. concerned adj. 担心的,忧虑的;be concerned about / for /over = be worried/anxious about 担心/忧虑-be concerned with = be about 有关;As far as Im concerned= in my opinion就我个人的

36、看法而言;3. concerning prep. about关于,有关 We are sorry to receive a letter concerning your complaints.我们很抱歉地收到关于你投诉的信。练习:1. _ that he has no qualification in business management, Ken plans to gain necessary skills by taking a part-time course. A concerning B concerned C being concerned D to concern 2.The

37、comments which she made _ the 2008 super voice girl bored a lot of fans to death. A being concerned B to be concerned C concerned D concerning We think of greedy businessmen hiding from their responsibilities to the environment and only thinking about money.Responsibility 责任He is lack in responsibil

38、ity.Take the responsibility for 负起责任Be responsible for对 负责I am responsible for you safety.练习:He feels as if he alone _ what had happened. A be responsible for B should be responsible to C was responsible for D were responsible forpopulation 1) 当表示人口数量的时候,是一个不可数名词, 表示人口多少通常用形容词large/ small修饰。 The pop

39、ulation of China is much larger than that of the USA.中国的人口比美国的大多了。Canada is a large country with a small population.加拿大是一个面积很大而人口很少的国家2) 表示具体的人时,用作复数名词; 70 % of the population in China are peasants. 中国70% 的人口是农民。3) 询问人口多少,用特殊疑问词what; What is the population of your hometown? 你家乡有多少人口?在英语里,在某些名词后面习惯用介

40、词to, 表示“的”。如:the key to -, the entrance to-, the answer to-, the solution to-Does anybody know the answer to the question?有人知道这个问题的答案吗?Excuse me? Could you tell me the entrance to the museum?对不起,请问到博物馆的入口在哪里?Whats the key to solving the problem of pollution?解决污染问题的关键到底是什么呢?Key 关键的,重要的He is the key w

41、itness in this case.How do you handle the disagreement between the company and the customers?练习:The key _ the problem is to meet the demand _ by the customers. A to solving; making B to solving; made C to solve; making D to solve; madeAsking around, I found many people willing to pay slightly higher

42、 prices for things that are environmentally friendlyWilling 乐意的,自愿的 willingnessBe willing to do 乐意做某事.he is always a willing helper.Will n 意志,意愿Where there is a will, there is a way.练习:1. Both of them showed a _ to finish the fighting, so the problem will probably be _ A willingness; solved B willin

43、g; solving C will; solved D willingness; solve 2. China is _ to _ continued help to Iraq in its reconstruction. A willingly; give B willing; giving C willing; offer D will; offeringWhat if we run out of space?What if 要是会怎样呢?What if you go instead of me ?What if you go totally blank?You must obey eve

44、ry word of mine!练习:_ I dont A how if B what if C such as D only if Run out of 用完, 耗尽The petrol is run out. = we run out of the petrol练习:1.Having worked in the desert for several days, we felt exhausted, but we had to find a pool before the water we had in the bottle_ A ran out of B ran away C ran ou

45、t D ran off 2.We find the oil in the car _ A has been run out B is run out C has run out D being run outAfter all, they are limited.Limited 有限的Their menu s are usually limited.Limit 限度,极限,限制I will help as much as I can, but there is a limit to what I can do.Dont limit your study in class.We must lim

46、it our expense to 200 dollars.练习: 1. Is there a _ to the time that I can stay here? Yes, you must leave here before he comes back. A number B length C limit D matter 2.Our _ answer is for farmers_the numbers of their chickens A suggesting; to limit B suggest; limiting C suggested; to limit D suggest

47、ion; limitingless than 100 white-flag dolphin remain in the Yangtze River.Remain v. 保留,保持,留下 our plan must remain secret.留下,存活 after the earthquake, thousands of destroyed houses remained.Remaining;(adj. 剩下的;余下的;做前置定语) Left (adj剩下的;留下的;做后置定语)Remainder(剩余物;余数;廉价出售的书籍) Remains(剩余物;遗址;遗迹;遗体)练习:1.Please

48、 remain_; the winner of the prize will be announce soon. A to seat B seating C to seated D to be seated 2.It was already past midnight and only three young men _ in the tea house. A left B remained C delayed D desertedremain to be done. The fact remains to be proved. 事实尚待证明。练习:Having a trip abroad i

49、s certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _ whether they will enjoy it. A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seenIn a debate, one side gets the opportunity to present their points first.Present 赠送 My best friend presented me with a book last week.提出(观点,看法) The young worker presented a reas

50、onable view during the meeting.呈现,体现 Some young men like to do things presenting challenges.出席的,到场的 All girls are present.现在的 How about your present income?礼物 This is the present given by Johns teacher.练习:_ other countries A everyone present come from B everyone present comes from C present everyone

51、 come from D present everyone comes fromThis center was set up in 1996 and is stocked with modern technical equipment and computers for environmental research.Equipment U a piece of equipmentWe must equip the army for the modern war.We must be equipped with knowledge.练习:1.We need _ to equip the lab. Where do you think we can get any? A a lot of equipments B many


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