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1、2021/3/171Cultural EncountersUnit 42021/3/172What is CultureInanthropology,itreferstothepatternsofbehaviorandthinkingthatpeoplelivinginsocialgroupslearn,create,andshare.Apeoplescultureincludestheirbeliefs,rulesofbehavior,language,rituals,art,technology,stylesofdress,waysofproducingandcookingfood,rel

2、igion,andpoliticalandeconomicsystems.2021/3/173China VS. U.S.A Three daily meals Advice Life-style in old age Child Travel Chief 2021/3/1742021/3/1752021/3/1762021/3/1772021/3/1782021/3/1792021/3/17102021/3/17112021/3/17122021/3/17132021/3/17142021/3/17152021/3/17162021/3/17172021/3/1718Cultural dif

3、ferences Ways of greeting Clothing Use of alcohol Eating style Conversation style Sense of humor Public display of affection Concept of time 2021/3/1719How to deal with encounters? Interaction with locals always reduces the feeling of alienation. Often intermediaries who are familiar with both cultu

4、res can be helpful in cross-cultural communication situations. Make sure you are mentally prepared to meet strange people and completely different culture 2021/3/1720Global Reading1. Which sentence is the thesis statement?The last sentence of the 3rd paragraph: “Most fundamental is the profound rela

5、tionship between language and culture that lies at the heart of society and one that we overlook at our peril.”2021/3/17212.In the authors view, what is a key notion to solve cultural encounters? Detailed examplesCompromising.Paragraph 4: The lack of an exact counterpart of the English word “homesic

6、kness” in other languages such as Italian, Portuguese, and German.Paragraph 5: The problem of untranslatability which the early Bible translators encountered.2021/3/1722Paragraph 6: English and Welsh speakers make adjustments regarding the color spectrum in the grey / green / blue / brown range; the

7、 flat breads of Central Asia are a long way away from Mothers Pride white sliced toasties, yet the word “bread” has to serve for both.2021/3/1723Detail ReadingPartone(Para.1-3)1.What do cheap flights and the Internet mean to people today? Cheap flights mean that millions of people can afford to visi

8、t places their parents could only dream about, while the Internet means that numerous people are able to communicate with the remotest places with great ease.2021/3/17242.Exemplify and explain that English has become the most important international language. Conferences and business meetings around

9、 the globe are held in English, regardless of whether anyone present is a native English speaker. 2021/3/17251. Weliveinanageofeasyaccesstotherestoftheworld.access:entrance;wayin;righttoenterEg:要去到农场唯有穿过田野。学生有使用好的图书馆的权利。Translation:我们生活在一个可以便捷地与世界其它地方交流的时代。2021/3/1726RemoteldistanceintimeandspaceEg:

10、我们可以通过望远镜看到遥远的星星。lnotrelevanttolEg:Yourcommentsareratherremotefromthesubjectswearediscussing.IusesunscreenwheneverthereisevenaremotepossibilitythatIwillbeinthesun.2021/3/17272. As for mobile phones-the clicking of text messagingat any hour of the day or night has become familiarto us all. Everyone,

11、it seems, provided of course, theycan afford to do so, need never be out of touch.Conj. if, supposingEg:如果他有一个具体的计划,其他的银行才会非常渴望提供帮助。Translation:至于手机,不管是白天还是晚上,我们都能听到手机收发短信的提示音,似乎只要能支付手机的费用我们就能够随时随地地找到任何一个人。2021/3/1728significantlyadv.ofnoticeableimportance,effectorinfluenceEg:警察释放了他,但是更重要的是归还了他的护照。r

12、eleaseDerivation:significantadj.significancen.2021/3/1729conference meeting Forum Seminar Symposium Summit sessionl会议l论坛l研讨会l专题报告l峰会l一届会期2021/3/1730regardless of without taking account of or worrying about Eg: Chinese Dama bought the gold regardless of the cost. 土豪:country baron, ,newly rich, , upst

13、art provincial tycoon 尽管我们的提议有很有有点尽管我们的提议有很有有点, ,但是他都拒绝但是他都拒绝了。了。 reject all the proposalsmerits.2021/3/1731 3.So why ,you may wonder, would anyone have misgivings about all these wonderful developments, and why does the rise of English as a global language cause feelings of uneasiness for some of u

14、s? Translation: 因此,你也许会问,为什么有人会对这些美好的发展顾虑重重,而英语成为世界性语言会让有些人惴惴不安?2021/3/1732 4. Most fundamental is the profound relationship between language and culture that lies at the heart of society and one that we overlook at our peril. paraphrase: Translation: 最根本的一点是,语言和文化之间密不可分的深厚关系,忽视它必然会造成危险.2021/3/1733

15、a drop in the ocean / a needle in the hay to laugh ones head off to shed crocodile tears to spend money like water to be born with a silver spoon in ones mouth 2021/3/1734 Different cultures are not simply groups of people who label the world differently; language gives the means to shape our views

16、of the world and languages are different from one another. Paraphrase: not only attach have great influence on forming Translation:2021/3/1735shape have great influence on; determine the nature Eg: Like it or not, our families shape our lives and make us what we are. 塑造我们的生活铸就我们的个性。 他对生活的态度部分是受早年经历的

17、影响 were shaped partly by early experience.2021/3/1736involve engage as a participant collocation: involve sb. in sth/doing Eg: Elsa and I do everything together, she involves me in everything. Translation:不要将我卷入你们家的私事中去! family affairs.2021/3/1737longing n. yearning, eagerness, craving, desire Collo

18、cation: longing for longing to do Eg: 她怎么也打消不掉重返家园的念头。 Nothing could dispel her longing to adj. eager, desired Eg: 因为在节食,她只能眼巴巴的看了那冰欺凌一眼。 gave a longing look at 2021/3/1738Having a discussion We are all aware that the learning of a foreign language involves the learning of a new culture. Now organiz

19、e yourselves into groups of five or six and discuss how culture should be taught in our English classes in order to help students learn the language2021/3/1739 I think we can teach cultural knowledge through words and terms with rich cultural connotations. For example, both “dragon” and “龙龙” stand f

20、or an imaginary animal but have very different connotations in the two languages.2021/3/1740 I think we can teach cultural knowledge through sentences. For example, students may find it difficult to understand the sentence “to bring the young lambs to the fold”2021/3/1741 I think we can teach cultur

21、al knowledge through texts. For example, when teaching Hollywood , the teacher may explain to students how Hollywood became synonymous with the American movie industry, the film and entertainment center and why Hollywood has become a symbol of American culture.2021/3/1742 given that whales are not g

22、iven to swimming in warm, southern seas? considering, provided, supposing, if not usually do sth. Paraphrase: considering the fact that whales are not likely to swim in warm, southern seas.2021/3/1743Word Guessing Means of entering a place Be similar to but not exact the same as Satisfied with onese

23、lf Slight change to suit better Large formal meeting Dreadful feeling that nothing good can happen Have enough money to buy sth.2021/3/1744Word Guessing Make it easier for a process to happen Use a word to describe sb. or sth. Extremely important and necessary Strong feeling of wanting sth Particula

24、r way or attitude of thinking A feeling of doubt or worry about sth. A place with water and trees in desert2021/3/1745 Faced with unsurmountable linguistic problems, translators negotiated the boundaries between languages and came up with a compromise. Paraphrase: unconquerable to deal with the thou

25、ght of a word that was similar to the original in spirit. Translation:2021/3/1746come up with produce; think of a plan, reply, etc. 尚未有人能对恐龙的灭绝做出一个令人信尚未有人能对恐龙的灭绝做出一个令人信服的解释。服的解释。 No one a convincing dinosaurs died out. 2021/3/1747 When there are no words in another language for what you want to say,

26、 you make adjustments and try to approximate. Translation: 当另外一种语言里没有词语来表达你想要当另外一种语言里没有词语来表达你想要说的话的时候说的话的时候,你就得做出调整你就得做出调整,选出尽量贴选出尽量贴近你想要表达的意思的词。近你想要表达的意思的词。2021/3/1748regarding as regards; concerning; in connection with synonym: in terms of, as for, considering Eg: She said nothing regarding your r

27、equest. 如果你对我们的任何服务有任何意见,请随时打电话给我。 regarding any of our services, please feel free .2021/3/17492021/3/1750inevitably that which is certain to happen; that which cannot be prevented from happening Synonym: unavoidably Those who are created by publicity will inevitably be destroyed by it.2021/3/1751Pa

28、ragraph 7 1. What happened to native English speaker as the spread of English? 2. How to communicate with another language according to our text?2021/3/1752 multilingual monolingual intercultural Learn more prefix on page 70. Know the basic meaning of them.2021/3/1753 Millions of people are discover

29、ing how to bridge cultures, while the English-speaking world becomes ever more complacent and cuts down on foreign language learning programs in the mistaken belief that it is enough to know English. Translation:2021/3/1754Part Three 1. According to the writer, what is the great function of intercul

30、tural understanding? in the promotion of world peace in the future. 2. Who will probably be most able to help the process of world peace in the future? probably are those who have acquired the skills 2021/3/1755 Those best placed to help that process may not be the ones with the latest technology an

31、d state-of-the-art mobile phones, but those with the skills to understand what lies in, under and beyond the words spoken in many different languages. Translation:2021/3/1756place V. To place a person or thing in a particular state means to cause them to be in it. Widespread protests have placed the

32、 president under serious pressure. 大范围的抗议已经使总统处于巨大的压力之下。2021/3/1757Word Guessing Include sth. as a necessary part In a way to laugh at sb. or sth. concerning Not notice sth. or realize how important it is Make known sth. that was previous unknown Make food go down your throat Cant be overcome2021/3/

33、1758Word Guessing Coming from a mixture of two or more things The point at which sth. ends In a direct way Be in a uncertain state Taking the risk of the consequences Not usually do reduce2021/3/1759The simple present and the present progressivePosition of adjectives2021/3/1760 Speakers use the pres

34、ent continuous to indicate that something will or will not happen in the near future. I am not going to the party tonight. Is he visiting his parents next weekend?2021/3/1761 The present continuous with words such as “always” or “constantly” expresses the idea that something irritating or shocking o

35、ften happens. She is always coming to class late. He is constantly talking. I wish he would shut up.2021/3/1762Position of adjectives 县官行令杀国才(限冠形龄色国材) Determiners articles and other limiters(e.g. the, that, my, four, ugly) Size and Shape adjectives subject to objective measure (e.g. large, round,lon

36、g) Age adjectives denoting age (e.g. young, old, new, ancient) 2021/3/1763 Color adjectives denoting color (e.g. red, black, pale) Origin adjectives denoting source of noun (e.g. French, American, Canadian) Material adjectives denoting what something is made of (e.g. woolen, metallic, wooden)2021/3/

37、17641. a white car German new powerfula powerful new white German car_2. a concrete modern office building biga big modern concrete office building_3. a dog black and tiny Chinese whitea tiny black and white Chinese dog_2021/3/1765write a summary1. Thinkofthefocuswhileyourereading.Getdownthemostbasi

38、cofquestions:Who?What?When?Where?Why?How?2. Tryreadingwiththeauthorspurposeinmind.Takenoteofthesubheadingsortopicsentences.Dividingitintosectionsinyourmindwillhelpyouorganizeyoursummary.2021/3/1766 3. Write down the support points of each section, but do not go into minor detail. 4. Write using summ

39、arizing language. Periodically remind your reader that this is a summary by using phrases such asthe article claims, the author suggests, etc.2021/3/1767 Gently massaging or tugging at an ear lobe while listening to someone means that, however interested you look, you dont really want to hear whats

40、being said to you. You want to block out the speakers words, even if theyre true. 2021/3/1768 Scratching your neck while trying to persuade someone that youre right reveals that youre not really sure of your facts. Or it could be that you are trying to persuade your listener to do something you dont

41、, in your heart of hearts, believe is right. For some reason the neck is usually scratched exactly five times.2021/3/1769Main Idea The author suggests that ones body language reveals his real intention2021/3/1770Enjoy a Video2021/3/1771ParagraphsMain idea1-3It describes the communications revolution

42、 taking place worldwide and the widespread use of the English language, and then points out that there are indeed problems with the communications revolution.2021/3/1772ParagraphsMain idea4-78It exemplifies that language and culture are so closely interrelated that often we find that what we can say in one language cannot be conveyed at all in another, and that confronted with insurmountable linguistic problems,


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