1、第三章 放射性核素的衰变规律radioactive decay目的 熟悉各种衰变的特点 掌握衰变规律与活度计算 了解放射性平衡及放射系内容 衰变 衰变 衰变 衰变规律 放射性平衡 放射系引言 放射性的发现:贝可勒尔与居里夫妇 放射线的分类及本质 放射性与放射性核素的概念 自发的含义 核衰变的概念与分类 各种放射性核素通过衰变趋向稳定线 对各类衰变,要求熟悉其含义、方程、对象、能量和纲图henri becquerel 18521908, france french physicist who discovered radioactivity through his investigations
2、of uranium and other substances. in 1903 he shared the nobel prize for physics with pierre and marie curie marie curieborn nov. 7, 1867, warsaw, poland, russian empiredied july 4, 1934, near sallanches, francepolish-born french physicist famous for her work on radioactivity and twice a winner of the
3、 nobel prize. with henri becquerel and her husband, pierre curie, she was awarded the 1903 nobel prize for physics. she was then sole winner of the 1911 nobel prize for chemistry. she was the first woman to win a nobel prize pierre curie born may 15, 1859, paris, francedied april 19, 1906, paris fre
4、nch physical chemist and cowinner of the nobel prize for physics in 1903. he and his wife, marie curie, discovered radium and polonium in their investigation of radioactivity. 放射线的分类及本质放射性(radioactivity) 原子核自发核自发放出、等粒子的性质 the spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclei, with the emission of usu. pen
5、etrating radiation or particles (oxford) property exhibited by certain types of matter of emitting energy and subatomic particles spontaneously. it is, in essence, an attribute of individual atomic nuclei. (eb) note: a major source of heat in the interior of both the earth and the moon is provided b
6、y radioactive decay. (eb)放射性核素(radionuclide) 具有放射性的核素 a radioactive nuclide (oxford) a radioactive nuclide (merriam-webster) radioactive isotope (radioisotope): any of several species of the same chemical element with different masses whose nuclei are unstable and dissipate excess energy by spontane
7、ously emitting radiation in the form of alpha, beta, and gamma rays (eb)(核,放射性)衰变(decay, disintegration) 原子核自发核自发放出、等粒子的过程 (of a substance etc.) undergo change by radioactivity (oxford) any process in which a nucleus emits a particle or particles or divides into smaller nuclei (oxford) 原子核自发核自发的结构或能
8、量转变过程衰变alpha decay衰变的定义 放射性放射性原子核自发自发放出粒子而变为另一种原子核的过程 type of radioactive disintegration in which some unstable atomic nuclei dissipate excess energy by spontaneously ejecting an alpha particle 粒子的实质:高速运动的氦原子核衰变的方程 或: 例: 注:衰变过程满足质量数守恒、电荷守恒、能量守恒以及动量守恒yx4a2zazheyx424a2zazporn2188422286衰变的衰变能和衰变条件 衰变能:
9、 衰变条件: 即:只有比较重(a140)的原子核才可能发生衰变mmmzz222)(cmmmqzz22)(cmmmzz衰变的对象 丰质子丰质子的核素衰变的动能分配 粒子的动能远大于子核的反冲动能 或:衰变能衰变能绝大部分被粒子带走 原子核的基态基态与激发态激发态 粒子的能谱是分立的线状谱线状谱 短射程短射程粒子与长射程长射程粒子讨论和提问(13分钟)衰变的纲图(decay scheme)一个问题 从ra-226的衰变纲图看,只有和粒子的发射,为何在发自镭源的射线(图3-1)中显示有粒子的发射?衰变beta decay衰变的定义 - 衰变、+ 衰变和电子俘获(ec)的统称 同量异位跃迁(isoba
10、ric transition) any of three processes of radioactive disintegration by which some unstable atomic nuclei spontaneously dissipate excess energy and undergo a change of one unit of positive charge without any change in mass number. the three processes are electron emission, positron (positive electro
11、n) emission, and electron capture. - 衰变(negative beta decay) 放射性原子核自发自发放出- 粒子,变为原子序数加1而质量数相同质量数相同的核素的过程 - 粒子的实质:高速高速运动的电子电子- 粒子能谱之谜- 粒子能谱之谜 - 粒子能谱是连续连续谱 泡利中微子中微子假说 费米弱相互作用弱相互作用理论- 衰变的方程 例: 实质:tcmo99m439942yxa1zazpn- 衰变的衰变能和衰变条件 衰变能: 衰变条件: 即:当母核的原子质量大于大于子核的原子质量时才能发生- 衰变1zzmm21)(cmmmqezz21)(cmmzz- 衰变的
12、对象 丰中子丰中子的核素: 3h, 14c- 衰变能的分配 绝大部分衰变能被- 粒子和反中微子带走,子核带走的反冲动能微不足道 - 粒子的最大能量(em)等于衰变能 - 粒子的平均能量约为衰变能的1/3,而反中微子的平均能量约为衰变能的2/3- 衰变的纲图讨论和提问(13分钟)+ 衰变 放射性原子核自发自发放出+ 粒子,变为原子序数减1而质量数相同质量数相同的核素的过程 +粒子的实质:高速高速运动的正电子正电子 发生+ 衰变的核素基本是人工放射性核素+ 衰变的方程 例: 实质:yxa1zaznpof188189+ 衰变的衰变能和衰变条件 衰变能: 衰变条件: 即:只有母核与子核的原子质量之差大
13、于两个电子的静止质量才可能发生+ 衰变ezzmmm2121)(cmmmqezz21)2(cmmmezz+ 衰变的对象 丰质子丰质子的核素: 11c, 15o+ 衰变的能量 + 粒子的能谱与- 粒子的能谱相似+ 衰变的纲图+ 粒子的命运 正电子湮没(annihilation) 当+ 粒子的能量耗尽时,旋即与物质中的电子结合而转化为电磁辐射的过程 湮没辐射(annihilation radiation) 正电子湮没时产生的电磁辐射:能量均为0.511mev,反向发射的两个光子讨论和提问(13分钟)电子俘获 原子核俘获轨道电子的衰变过程 k俘获 原子核俘获k层电子的衰变过程 注:俘获k层电子比俘获其
14、他壳层电子的概率都大电子俘获的方程 例: 实质:yexa1zaznepteei1255212553电子俘获的条件 即:只有母核与子核的原子质量之差大于壳层电子的结合能(相应的质量)才能发生电子俘获 从能量条件看,能发生+ 衰变的,也能发生电子俘获,反之则不尽然21cmmizz电子俘获的对象 丰质子丰质子的核素电子俘获的能量 子核与中微子的能量都是单一的(杨福家引述王淦昌探测中微子的思想)7li的反冲能为56ev(7be的衰变能等于0.86mev)liebe7k7电子俘获的继发过程 子核的原子伴随特征特征x射线射线或俄歇电子俄歇电子的发射 特征x射线或俄歇电子的能量能量都是单一单一的 间接证实电
15、子俘获存在的方法或途径: 观察原子特征x射线或俄歇电子的发射电子俘获的衰变纲图衰变小结 衰变都是同量异位素之间的跃迁 衰变包括- 衰变、+ 衰变和电子俘获(ec) 发生- 衰变的是丰中子的核素,而发生+ 衰变和电子俘获(ec)的是丰质子的核素 有些放射性核素能同时发生三种衰变能同时发生三种衰变的放射性核素讨论和提问(13分钟)衰变gamma decaygamma decay type of radioactivity in which some unstable atomic nuclei dissipate excess energy by a spontaneous electromagn
16、etic process in the most common form of gamma decay, known as gamma emission, gamma rays (photons, or packets of electromagnetic energy, of extremely short wavelength) are radiated gamma decay also includes two other electromagnetic processes, internal conversion and internal pair production 发射(gamm
17、a emission) 放射性原子核自发放出粒子的过程 粒子的本质:光子,电磁波或电磁辐射发射的方程 例: xxaz*aztctc994399m43内转换(internal conversion, ic) 激发态原子核将多余的能量直接直接传给核外电子,使其脱离核的束缚而成为自由电子的过程 被发射的核外电子称为内转换电子内转换电子 note: no neutrinos are involved in internal conversion (nuclear radiation physics)内转换电子的能量 内转换电子的能量是单一单一的,分立分立的,不不连续连续的 内转换电子的能谱是线状谱线状
18、谱iehe内转换能谱内转换的继发过程 与电子俘获(ec)一样,内转换(ic)也会继发特征特征x射线或俄歇电子射线或俄歇电子内转换系数 发生衰变时,发射内转换电子与光子的概率概率之比比(内转换电子数与光子数之比) 一般说来,重核低激发态重核低激发态的跃迁,发生内转换的概率较大lklkeennnnnn电子对内转换(internal pair production) 激发态原子核直接直接发射一对正、负电子一对正、负电子而回到基态的过程 正、负电子的动能之和 条件:激发能大于1.02mev02. 1eeeee其他放射性 自发裂变(spontaneous fission, sf) 重重原子核自发自发分裂
19、成两个较轻的核,并同时释放2到3个中子的过程 most of the heavy atoms having an uneven number of neutrons are fissionable and are also radioactive (radiation and health)讨论和提问(13分钟)衰变规律decay law放射性核素的衰变规律 单一核素的衰变规律 递次衰变规律单一核素的衰变规律 指数衰减规律 衰变常量 半衰期 平均寿命 放射性活度 多分支衰变情形 生物半排期和有效半衰期 比活度与放射性浓度单一核素的衰变规律指数衰减规律 实验表明,任何放射性物质在单独存在单独存在
20、时都服从这样的规律 式中的是一个常量,称为衰变常量衰变常量tenn0衰变常量(decay constant) 物理意义:单位时间内每个原子核的衰变概率dtndn /半衰期(half-life) 放射性原子核的数目衰减至原来一半所需的时间693. 02ln21t平均寿命(mean lifetime) 放射性原子核的平均生存时间212144. 12ln1tt放射性核素的特征量 衰变常量衰变常量、半衰期半衰期t1/2和平均寿命平均寿命,都可以作为放射性核素的特征量 大量实验表明,衰变常量几乎几乎与外界条件(温度、压力、磁场等)没有任何关系放射性活度(activity) 放射源在单位时间内发生衰变的原
21、子核数,或放射性核素的衰变率teandtdna0放射性活度的单位 国际制单位:贝可(bq) 1 bq = 1 s-1 表示每秒钟有一次核衰变 惯用单位:居里(ci) 1 ci = 3.71010 bq 常用单位:kbq, mbq, gbq; mci, ci放射性活度的计算(1) 1g ra-226(1602a)的活度(以bq为单位) 1bq c-14(5730y) 的原子数和质量讨论和提问(13分钟) exercise:carbon-14 dating some archeologists found a piece of wood which they assumed could be fr
22、om a viking ship. in order to find out more about this hypothesis they decided to determine the age of the piece of wood by c-14 analysis. all living organic materials contain c-14 at a concentration of 15.4 dpm per gram of pure carbon. the piece found by the archeologists weighed 2 gram. the activi
23、ty was 11.8 dpm. the carbon content of the wood was 44%. how old was the piece of wood? exercise: cesium from chernobyl the most important isotope released in the chernobyl accident was cs-137, with a half-life of 30 years. the amount released in the accident was given as 85,000 tbq. what is the wei
24、ght of the cs-137 released in the accident?exercise: a scenario with pollution by isotopes in a research laboratory, work is going on with the radioactive isotope na-24. one day an accident occurred resulting in contamination of the laboratory. the radiation authorities found that the activity was 1
25、00 times that acceptable. they decided to close the laboratory until the activity reached an acceptable level. na-24 has a half-life of 15 hours. for how long a time must the laboratory be closed?多分支衰变情形 总衰变常量 部分放射性活度 注意:部分放射性活度随时间按 而非 衰减 总放射性活度iitietetiiienna0naai生物半排期和有效半衰期 生物半排期(biological half l
26、ife, tb) 生物体生物体内的放射性核素核素经各种代谢代谢途径从体内排出排出一半所需的时间 有效半衰期(effective half life, te) 生物体内的放射性核素放射性核素经物理衰变物理衰变和生物生物代谢代谢二者共同作用,使体内放射性减少一半所需的时间生物半排期和有效半衰期bpbpetttttbpeexercise: biological half-life for k-40 in humans the largest natural contribution to internal radiation dose is due to k-40. the level of k-4
27、0 is rather constant even though it varies with age and sex. in this exercise, we assume that the total body contains a constant level of 5000 bq (about 70 bq/kg). furthermore, we assume that the daily consumption of potassium is approximately 2.5 gram. since 0.0118% of the potassium consists of the
28、 radioactive isotope k-40, you can calculate that each day you eat about 76 bq of k-40. 1. carry out this calculation. 2. calculate the biological half-life for k-40 if you eat 76 bq per day and the level in your body is constant at 5,000 bq. physical half-life for k-40 is 1.27 billion years. 比活度与放射
29、性浓度 比活度(specific activity) 单位质量放射源的放射性活度 注:本征比活度 放射性浓度 单位体积放射源的放射性活度 放射性活度与放射性强度讨论和提问(13分钟)递次衰变规律 递次衰变 母核的衰变规律 第一代子核的衰变规律 贝特曼公式递次衰变(serial decay) 一代接一代的连续衰变过程,即 例如:cbapbpornrau2068221884222862268823892母核的衰变规律 母核的数目随时间的变化规律 有: 母核的活度:111ndtdntenn1101teaa1101第一代子核的衰变规律 第一代子核的数目随时间的变化规律 有: 第一代子核的活度:2211
30、2nndtdn)(21101212tteenn)(2110122222tteeana贝特曼公式 第n代子核的数目随时间的变化规律 有: 式中:nnnnnnndtdn11)(212110tnntntnnnecececnn113121211nnnc223211212nnncnnnnnnnc121121放射性平衡radioactive equilibrium放射性平衡 研究对象:(第一代)子核与母核的数目及活度关系 长期平衡 暂时平衡 不成平衡长期平衡(secular equilibrium) 条件: 结果: 例如:68ge(280d)68ga(68m) 对递次衰变系列(t1ti, i=2,3,),
31、有:2121tt27tt 122112ttnn12aa nnnnn2211长期平衡讨论和提问(13分钟)暂时平衡(transient equilibrium) 条件: 结果: 例如:99mo(66.0h)99mtc(6.0h)2121tt21217ttttt12112nn12212aa暂时平衡子体的极值问题 子体的活度达到最大值的时间12122ln1atm不成平衡 条件: 结果: 例如: “冷却”反应堆裂变产物2121 tt17tt tenn2102112teaa2102122不成平衡子体的极值问题 子体的活度达到最大值的时间21212ln1atm放射平衡小结 三种平衡的共同点在于:达到平衡后
32、,衰变规律随半衰期较长的核素 长期平衡与暂时平衡:平衡后,子核按母核的半衰期(较长)衰变 不成平衡:平衡后,母核消失,子核按自身的半衰期(较长)衰变放射系radioactive series放射系 递次衰变系列的统称 三个天然放射系:铀系,钍系和锕系 一个人工放射系:镎系铀系(uranium series)钍系(thorium series)锕系(actinium series)镎系(neptunium series)the neptunium series, (4n+1) the (4n+1) series is unique in that it contains no gaseous m
33、ember. both astatine (85) and francium (87), long missing from the periodic table, are members of this series. again, branching occurs at a bismuth isotope, in this case 213bi. the series terminates with an isotope of bismuth instead of at lead, as is the case for the other three series. it should be noted that the termination of the neptunium series is at 209bi, which has a magic neutron number 126.放射系小结放射系起点核素终点核素衰变方式气体核素za铀(4n+2)238u(4.51109a)206pb8+6222rn(3.82 d)1032钍(4n)232th(1.41010a)208pb6+4220rn(55.6 s)824锕(4n+3)235u(7.1108a)207p
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