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1、2015年重庆市专升本大学英语全真试题Part I Listening ComprehensionDirection: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded q

2、uestion. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A,B,C and D given in your test papen Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centen

3、1. A. At 7:35B. At 7:20C. At 7:15 D.At8:102. A. She quaneled with her bossB. She is sick.C. She is fired.D. She received a warning from her boss3. A. She likes Chicago better.B. She likes Houston Better.C. She do己sift like Chicago or HoustonD Its hard to say which city she likes better.4. A. He is s

4、ick.E Hu is woniedC. He is confidentD He is sony.5. A. Because the mail likes the other dress better.B. Because it is too modemC Because she doesnt like it.D. Because it does not fit her veiy well.Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are

5、2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A,B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should

6、 mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Conversation 16. Who won the table-temiis match?A. Class One.B Class Two.C Class ThixeD. Class Four.7. What was the score in the last game of the match?A. 3:2.B. 13:11.8. Wliich of the following is NOT on the me

7、nu for breakfast?B. Steamed bread.D Fried noodlesB. Dumplings.D. Bread.10. Wliich of the following statements is tme?A. The woman is from the SouthB. The conversation takes place in the eveningC The mail prefers rice to dumplings.D The mail and woman disagree with each other and order their own food

8、Section CDiiections: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage Tlie passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or pleases missing. Tlie passage will be read three times Dunng the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phiases on the Answer Sheet in o

9、rder of the numbered blanks according to what you hear. The thiid reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin Chinas first hub for 3D printing teclmology was established in Changsha with an immediate 11 goal to produce 100 3D printers, and to triple the number of devices by

10、122016 Taking Changsha lead, the cities of Wtilian and Zhuhai haveaimounced plans to develop similar industiy hubs.Other countries in the Asia-Pacific region are also focusing on this 13 fast-giowing teclmology. Over the next five years, Singapore plans to 14 invest S500 million to improve skills in

11、 advanced manufacturing, focusing lwavily on 3D printing.Companies in Japan are akeady marketing inexpensive desktop 3D printers, while South Korean conglomerates are 15 widely using the technology.Part II Vbcabulaiy & StructureDiiections: Tliis part is to test your ability to use words and phrases

12、conectly to constnict meaningful and grammatically coiTect sentences There are 10 incomplete sentences You are requked to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer From the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D Then mark the coiTespondiiig letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line trou

13、gh the center.16. It is impossible to finish the task A A. ill such a short timeB in so a short timeC ill such short a timeD in a so sort time17. DocumentsDwith chemicals will not become yellow with age.A. tieatingB. treatsC be treatedD treated18. I should like to rent a house, modem, comfortable an

14、d B in a quietneighborhood B above allD ow allA. all ill allC. after all19. She bought the dictionaiy _D$35A. inB underC. aboveD. For20. Last year he paid a visit to liis honwtown, wliich was no longer the sleepy littlevillageC.A. it wasB it lias beenC. it had beenD. it was being21. Trapped in the f

15、orest, the traveler have hadDbiscuit for 5 days.A. anything but、E Something butC. everything butD nothing but22. Without the iiiteniet, weB.A. we dont make the rapid progiessB would not have made such rapid progressC. didnt make such rapid progressD would not make such rapid progress23. C_ in a poor

16、 family, she is used to a simple liE.A. Bom and breedingE Having boni and bredC Boni and bredD Being boni and bred24. He ought to have come by now, IDthat some accident has delayed himA. supposeEimagiiwC doubtDSuspect25. Not until that day A the importance of good maimersin a job interview.A. did I

17、realizeEI did realizeC I have realizedD have I realized26. The number of the people, _Cwe had expected, was a thousandA. whomB. whoC asD that27. You have the right to liv亡Cyou want.A. thereE. in which C where D here2& Hu was not slow to realize liis situation,Dto see the coming danger.A. either did

18、he failE he neither failedC nor he failedD. neither did he fail29. Do what you think is right, A they say. (1992 年 06 月北京市学位英语考 试真题)A. whate*erB wliiche-erC. whene*erD However30. Online shoppingBover 15% of the sale volume at our partnei stores.(截取于一篇段落翻译)A. attendedB. accounts forC attiacts toD. am

19、ounts asPart III Reading Comprehension (I)Diiections: Tliis part is to test your reading ability. There are 2 tasks for you to fillfill. You should read the materials carefxilly and do the tasks as you are instmctedTask 1Directions: After reading the following passage you will find 5 questions or un

20、finished sentences numbered 31 to 35 For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B,C,and D. You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Tlie Web Way to Leani a LanguageTlie young woman seated next to

21、us at the restaurant had an exotic (异国的)air, her looks and style, we thought, made it likely that she was not Ainencan bom But then she spoke in peiiect American English, even ending her sentences in a way many young Californians do. As it tunis out, however, she wasnt from these parts after all; sh

22、e was bom in Iian and spoke only Persian until her anival here two years ago. How, we wondered, had she leanied English so well?11 I used Rosettastone, nshe said. The yellow box sold at shops is an example of PC-based language learning, but it certainly isnt the only one.With the growth of broadband

23、 networks, companies have iiitioduced a wide range of Iiitemet-based language learning product, both free and fee-based, that allow students to interact ill real time with teachers in other countries, gain access to their lesson plans where*er they are ill the world, and conununicate with virtual pe

24、n pals. Learning a language sometimes seems as difficult as dieting Tlie solution is to figure out how to stay interested after the novelty wears off. Online language programs have iiitioduced crossword puzzles, interactive videos and other games to reward users for making progressHow do you choose

25、which progiam to use? Sites with human contact work best J a language professor in Australia said、“The shows the advantage of humans compared to computers.”One of Rosettastone main competitors, Tell Me More () believes it lias an advantage because its software not only teaches words and phrases, but

26、 includes videos showing students how to shape their months to create different sounds.TheBritishBroadcasting Corporation()offers vaiying levels of instruction for 36languages,with features including audio and video playback and translationBesides, simpler versions of these programs may be used on s

27、mart phones and other d igital devices.All these represent a new trends in the web way of leaniing languagesMake use of one or more of these new programs and you will leani languages more effectively.31. Which of the following statements is true about the young woman seated next to us at the restaur

28、ant? AA. She could speak American English as well as a young CaliforniansB Her looks and style showed that she was a native AmericanC She was actually from California.D she could not speak Persian.32. What are Rosetta Stone and Tell Me More? DA. They are training courses on smart phonesB. They are n

29、etwork companiesC They are branches of the Bntish Broadcasting CoiporationD. They are iiiteniet-based language leaniiiig products.33 Wliich of the following is NOT true about internet-based language learning products? BA. They allow students to interact in real time with teachers all ovb the world.B

30、 They are all fieeC Some of them are fee-basedD They allow student and to communicate with a virtual pen pals.34. What online language programs have been introduced to attract the inteniet of users and help users make progress?A. Crossword puzzlesB. Interactive videos.C Other games D All of above35.

31、 According to the a language professor in Australia, wliich program do you choose to use for online learning?A. Sites that one can interact with each other.B Sites with human contact work leastC Sites with games and crossword puzzle.D Sites with many ads.Task 2Directions: This task is the same as Ta

32、sk 1. The five questions or unfinished statements are numbered 36 to 40.College Students Are Seeking Out Plastic SurgeiySuiwys show alanning trends among the youth of today, who appear to be extremely eager to G曷望做某事)get under the knife to change their looks. For many young men and women, barely out

33、 of their teens, it would appear that plastic surgeiy has become the panacea (万能药)for their dissatisfaction with thek looksAlso, opposite to (与 彳、同)popular belief, it is not only the use in American who are lining up at clinics of plastic surgeons to improve their image of themselves. This change ha

34、s now spread to Korea with students in their 20,s choosing cosmetic and plastic surgeiy to beautify thek looksIn the United Kingdom, tliis gieat lead for cosmetic and plastic surgeiy is also on the rise among the youth. A Bntish association of plastic surgeons reported that thenumber of surgical ope

35、rations has greatly increased Furtliennore, medical tourism in regards to cosmetic surgery is on the rise today ill the UK with cosmetic surgeiy centers and plastic surgeiy clinics ofiering discounts and attractive packages Glamour and beauty had become the order of the day and todays use regard pop

36、 stars, actors and celebrities(名人)as their role models. It has become a priority for people to have a beautifiil face and a beautiful body, ill order for them to fit in with social groups,and as a result, students and young people are under a lot of pressure to look good.Ordinaiy faces have disappea

37、red from magazines, television and even newspapers and it is only the beautifiil pictures of rail thin models,with pouting(撅卩托勺)lips and sculpted bodies that appear on billboards, images of these carefully selected beautifiil people and the attention being given to looks today have caused many young

38、 people to grow up with a sense of inferiority.It is said (据说) to see 20-year-olds so eager to out dangerous surgeries where they will allow tlieii faces to be cut in an attempt to (试图,尝 i式)become what they feel is beautiful”. As kids they are not happy with themselves and when they grow up and go t

39、o college and are of age-they choose plastic surgeiy a solution to thek low selfesteem 36. According to the passage, the need for cosmetic surgeiy among the youth is on therise in these countries EXCEPT_CA. The United KingdomE The United StatesC ChinaD Korea37. W11O are NOT the role models of todays

40、 youth when they seek glamour and beauty?A. Pop starsE. ActorsC CelebritiesD. Tliek mothers40. To hav己 a beautifiil face and a beautifiil body has becomeCfor todaysyouth.38. The models who appear on billboards usually have the following characteristic EXCEPT B A. a life goal C importantB. quite easy

41、 D bss popularPart IV Translation (I)Diiections: Tliis part, numbered 41 to 45, is to test your ability to tianslate Chinese into English. Each of four sentences (No. 41 to No. 45) is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A, B, C and D Make the best choice and writu the coiTespond

42、ing letter on the Answer Sheet.41骑自行车是一种很好的锻炼方式,并且还容易学。A. Bicycling is one of good exercises Moreover, it is too easy to leaniB Bicycling is a good exercise Moreo*er it is easy to leaniC Bicycling is a good exercise except that it is easy to leaniD Bicycling is a good exercise Whats more, it is easi

43、er to leani42. 成龙是亚洲娱乐业最具影响力的人物之一。A. Jackie Chan is one of the most influential figures ill the Asian entertaiimient iiidustiy.B Jackie Chan is the most influential figure in the Asian entertainment iiidustiy.C Jackie Chan is one of the much important figures in the Asian entertainment iiidustiy.D J

44、acki己 Chaii is among more influential figures in the Asian entertainment iiidustiy.43. 冬季奥运会是四年举行一次的大型国际体育赛事。A. The Winter Olympic Games are major iiitemational sporting e*ents that occurs fbur years.B The Winter Olympic Games is an international sporting event that occur in each four years.C Tlie W

45、inter Olympic Game is a large iiiteniational sporting occasion that has happened duiiiig four years.D Tlie Winter Olympic Games is a major international sporting event that occurs once every four years 44. 与不同经历的人相处会有助于开阔你的视野。A. Broaden your viewpoints can be done with people from difierent backgiou

46、nds B You live with people from different backgiounds can broaden your viewpoints.C Ifll help you broaden your viewpoints that you liv亡 with people from different backgiounds D Different backgiounds will help you broaden your viewpoints.45. 林肯之所以如此受尊敬是因为他也同样不是完人。A. Wliat makes Lincoln so respected i

47、s that he is also impeiiectB Wliat makes Lincoln so respected is that he is too perfectC Lincoln is so perfect that we all respected him.D Why Lincoln is so respected is that because lie is out of iinagiiiationPart V TranslationDirection: This part is to test your ability to translate English into C

48、hinese. Write your translation of tlie paragraph (No. 46) in the corresponding space on the answer sheetIf avoiding stiess triggers(诱 因)isnt a good technique for dealing with stress, what is ? life experience teaches us positive con&oiitatioii(面对)is a good coping skill when we are faced with stress

49、instead of avoiding a difficult boss, why not take every opportunity to work in his or her presence? Making 亡vury effort to tackle a problem on our own until we master it is a good choice Taking action is good for our physical and mental healthy too.Part VI Reading Comprehension (H)Directions: This

50、part is to test your reading ability. There are 2 tasks for you to fulfill, you should read the materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1Directions: the following is an advertisement. After reading it,you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 47 thro

51、ugh 51 in the table below. You should wnte your answers in no more than 3 words on the answer sheet correspondingly.Active Xblunteers Sendee Needs You!Are you looking for 47.something worthwhile to do in your spare time? Something thats fim and which also helps other people? Tlieii join us, and be a

52、il Active Xblunteer!We are a non-profit organization that matches people49 of all ages with volunteer jobs they will enjoy. Anyone, from tweheyear old children to people ill thek 80s, can become an Active Xblunteer.Tliere are many ways you can help Schools need help with taking care of cliildien aft

53、er class while parents are working. Hospitals need A-olunteers 51.to watch ovm cliildren while their parents see a doctor. Animal lovers can help take care of dogs and cats that dont have homes Tliere something for everyone.48.As -olunteers, you dont get paid anylliing. But seeing the childiens happ

54、y faces is much more rewarding to you than money.Interested? 51. Call us on 1-500-273-0053. Or visit our website to find a Hill list of all our via article: Active Xblunteers Sendee Needs YouActive -olunteers work for _sometliing worthwhile_ but for fim and to help peopleAil active volunteer helps o

55、thers usually unpaidgettiiig impaid/having nomoney.Peopleof all agesare welcome to be volunteersblunteers are also needed ill hospitals _to watch over childien while theirparents see a doctor.You can find more iiifonnation thiough the hone/teleplionenumber/1-500-273-0053and the websitesTask 2Directi

56、ons: In this port, you are going to read a passage with 5 statements attached to it. Each statement contains information is given in one of the paragraphs. Identified the paragraph from which the information is denved. You may choose a paragraph more than once. The 5 statements are numbered 52 to 56

57、. Each paragraph is marked with a letter you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Shift.Out with the Old-Seven New Wonders of the WorldA Forget the Pyianiids. Seven new wonders of the world were announced in Lisbon, Portugal, fittingly, on Saturday July 7, 2007 For longer than two years, and with more than 100 million votes fi*om Internet polls and text massages, just about anyone with an hiteniet comiection could vote on the new 7 wondeis.B The origin of the idea of “seven wonder


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