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1、选修八unit 4pygmalion1 必备知识盘点夯基2 核心素养精讲层练3 高效演练素能提升1 必备知识盘点夯基单词立体巧记写准记牢核心单词1_ vt. 显露出(本来面目);背叛2_ n. 谈论;言论;评述vt. & vi. 谈论;评论;说起3_ adv. 适当地;恰当地4_ n. 一把;少量5_ vt. 俯视;忽视;不理会 betrayremark properlyhandfuloverlook写准记牢核心单词6_ n. & vt. 妥协;折中7_ vt. 谴责;使注定8_ vt. 把分类;把归类9_ adj. 破旧的;寒酸的10_ n. 皮夹;钱包11_ adj. 带来麻烦的;使人心烦

2、的12_ vi. & vt. (使)褪色;减弱;逐渐消失13_ n. 结果;效果 compromisecondemnclassifyshabbywallettroublesomefadeoutcome语境运用1(2020江苏卷)there will still be lots of challenges if we are to _ (分类)garbage in a short time. 2the curtains i bought many years ago in the supermarket have _ (褪色) in the sun. 3the two sides havent

3、reached a _ (妥协) and they are in need of more time to think about the situation. 4john _ (condemn) to death because he advocated original opinions. classifyfadedcompromisewas condemned语境运用5his appearance _ (betray) him;it was evident that he did not sleep well last night. 6some people believe that s

4、tudents should be allowed to take mobile phones to school as long as they use them _ (proper). 7however, mental health is easy to _ (overlook), which can result in serious mental diseases. betrayedproperlybe overlooked写准记牢拓展单词1_ n. 适应(性);改编本 _ v. (使)适应;改编2_ adj. 经典的;第一流的n. 经典著作 _ n. 班级;阶级;等级 _ adj.

5、古典的;经典的adaptationadaptclassicclassclassical写准记牢拓展单词3_ n. 教授 _ n. 职业;专业 _ adj. 专业的n. 专业人员 4_ adj. 使人反感的;令人厌恶的 _ vt. 使反感 _ adj. 反感的5_ vi. 犹豫;踌躇 _ n. 犹豫;踌躇professorprofessionprofessionaldisgustingdisgustdisgustedhesitatehesitation写准记牢拓展单词6_ adj. 不舒服的;不安的;不自在的 _ adv. 不舒服地;不自在地 _ adv. 舒服地;舒适地 _ adj. 舒适的;

6、舒服的 7_ adj. (见解或判断上)错误的;不正确的 _ n. & v. 错误;误会 uncomfortableuncomfortablycomfortablycomfortablemistakenmistake写准记牢拓展单词8_ n. 惊讶;惊愕 _ vt. 使吃惊 _ adj. 吃惊的 _ adj. 令人吃惊的9_ n. 机会;运气;大笔的钱 _ adj. 幸运的 _ adv. 幸运地 amazementamazeamazedamazingfortunefortunatefortunately写准记牢拓展单词10_ adj. 有效的 _ n. 效果;影响11_ vt. 抢劫;盗窃;剥

7、夺 _ n. 抢劫(行为) _ n. 强盗;盗贼12_ adj. 音乐的;喜爱音乐的n. 音乐喜剧 _ n. 音乐 _ n. 音乐家 effectiveeffectrobrobberyrobbermusicalmusicmusician语境运用1tom is often _. last year he went to shanghai to try his _. _, he met his girlfriend and got married there. (fortune) 2in the lecture, the _ said that his _ is to cultivate more

8、 _ for the country. (profession) fortunatefortunefortunatelyprofessorprofessionprofessionals语境运用3yesterday an old woman _ me for her daughter. that means i was _ for her daughter. in fact she often makes the same _. (mistake) 4dont _ to ask for help and lets solve the problem without _. (hesitate) 5

9、three of his novels have been _ for tv and this is a screen _. (adapt) mistookmistakenmistakehesitatehesitationadaptedadaptation语境运用6jane was _ of her diamond ring the other day and the _ was caught by the police very soon. (rob)7her house is modern and _ furnished, but she always feels slightly _ t

10、he moment she comes in. (comfortable) 8mike likes _ very much. there were many _ instruments in his room. when he was young, he wanted to be a famous _. (music) robbedrobbercomfortablyuncomfortablemusic musicalmusician联想积累:1你可知-some也是一个形容词后缀?troublesome带来麻烦的awesome令人敬畏的tiresome使人厌倦的bothersome引起麻烦的br

11、ightsome明亮的;灿烂的handsome英俊的2“恐怖;可怕”大排档horror战栗;恐怖horrible恐怖的terrified恐怖的alarm惊慌;恐慌frighten使惊吓;吓唬fear恐惧;畏惧3含mis-前缀的词汇集锦mistake误会misunderstand误解misuse误用;滥用mislead误导misprint印刷错误短语语境助记写准记牢1_ 伪装(的);假扮(的)2_ (把某人)改变或冒充成3_ 结识;与相见4_ 一般来说5_ 就来说;从角度 in disguisepass.off as. make ones acquaintancegenerally speaki

12、ng in terms of.写准记牢6_ 抢劫某人某物7_ 带或领进来8_ 再一次9_ (声音、画面)逐渐模糊;渐淡10_ 需要 rob sb. of sth. show.in once morefade outin need of语境运用1please wait here and _ the guests _ when they dont know how to find the art show hall. 2the two sides did not agree on the subject for the first time, so today they will sit down

13、 _ to have a discussion. 3_,those who pay attention to physical exercise are in good health. 4_ study and health, we should develop a healthy lifestyle. showinonce moregenerally speakingin terms of语境运用5i _ last year and then fell in love with him. 6my memory of the happy days we spent together will

14、never _ as time goes by. 7when they got there, they found the people suffering the storm were _ food and water supplies. 8he _ himself _ a doctor until someone checked his record. made his acquaintancefade outin need ofpassedoff as句式运用速记背会原句知晓考点我会仿用1will that be of any use to you?;那对你有用吗? be of抽象名词表

15、“具有某种特征或属性”。1据说这个地图很有价值。it is said that the map is _. of great value背会原句知晓考点我会仿用2what if i was?如果我是,又怎么样呢? what if ?意为“如果将会怎么样?”2(全国卷,书面表达)要是你不预习这周要学的东西会怎样?_ you dont preview what you will learn this week? what if背会原句知晓考点我会仿用3but, sir, (proudly) once educated to speak properly, that girl could pass

16、herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party. 不过,先生,(高傲地)一旦有人教她把英语说好了,这个女孩就可以在三个月以内冒充公爵夫人出席大使主办的花园晚会了。once educated是省略结构,完整形式为once that girl is educated。3(全国卷,书面表达)一旦被剪纸吸引,你会从中获得许多乐趣。_ by paper-cutting, you will have a lot of fun from it. once attracted背会原句知晓考点我会仿用4henry h

17、iggins and colonel pickering are s i t t i n g d e e p i n conversation. 亨利希金斯与皮克林上校正坐着进行深入的交谈。形 容 词 短 语deep in sth. 意为“专心于”,在句中作状语。4(全国卷,书面表达)由于对剪纸感兴趣,我已经成为一个剪纸俱乐部的成员好几年了。_ paper-cutting, i have been one member of a paper-cutting club for many years. interested in2 核心素养精讲层练hesitation n. 踌躇;犹豫 (1)he

18、sitate to do sth. 迟疑做某事;不愿做某事hesitate about/in/at/over(doing)sth. (做)某事犹豫不决(2)without hesitation 毫不犹豫地have no hesitation in doing sth. 毫不犹豫地做某事1hesitate vi. 犹豫;踌躇夯基单句语法填空。(2019北京卷)if a student gets hungry on the long drives to and from school, wilson never hesitates _ (buy) them a meal. a young man

19、immediately rushed to the girl to give her first aid and i joined in without _ (hesitate). we had no hesitation in _ (help) the japanese when the terrible earthquake hit japan. i didnt hesitate for a moment about _ (take) the job. to buyhesitationhelpingtaking提能一句多译。令大家意想不到的是,她毫不犹豫地接受了这份工作。out of ev

20、erybodys expectation, she _ accept the job. out of everybodys expectation, she accepted the job _. out of everybodys expectation, she _ accepting the job. didnt hesitate towithout hesitationhad no hesitation inremarkable adj. 显著的;非凡的remarkably adv. 引人注目地;明显地2remark n. 谈论;言论;评述vt. & vi. 谈论;评论;说起(1)ma

21、ke a/no remark on/about 对发表评论/不予评论exchange a few remarks交换意见(2)remark on/upon 对发表评论;谈论remark that 评论(3)be remarkable for 因而引人注意;以著称夯基单句语法填空/补全句子。miss li remarked _ some students cheating in exams, whose words left a deep impression on us. all of this makes the actions of the homeless tom smith even

22、more _ (remark). (牛津高阶)the car is in _ (remark) good condition for its age. on/uponremarkableremarkably提能单句写作。the teacher _ (评论我的文章),adding that it was well written,which made me very delighted. (2018全国卷书面表达)after the film, each class is supposed to have a discussion and all the students are expecte

23、d to _ _. 电影结束后,每个班应该进行一次讨论,期望所有的学生都要发表评论,表达他们对这部电影的看法。remarked on/made a remark on my essaymake remarks and express their views about the film acquaint v. 使熟悉;使了解3acquaintance n. 相识;了解;熟人夯基单句语法填空。he has some acquaintance _ german, but doesnt speak it fluently. it was at that party that i first made

24、 _ acquaintance, since then he and i have become good friends. employees should be fully acquainted _ emergency procedures. withhiswith提能单句写作。(重庆高考书面表达)其次,通过这次活动我可以结识志趣相同的人。secondly, i _ who share the same interest through this activity. can make the acquaintance of peoplefortunate adj. 幸运的;侥幸的(luck

25、y)fortunately adv. 幸运地(luckily) 4fortune n. 财产;大笔的钱;机会;运气(1)seek/try ones fortune 找出路;碰运气make a fortune 发财(2)be fortunate to do sth. 有幸做某事夯基单句语法填空/补全句子。_ (fortune) after a brief stay in hospital, ben was well enough to be allowed to leave and later the family met up for dinner. _ (fortune), he was c

26、aught in the traffic jam and late for the meeting. in china, children are given money in a red envelope to _ (带来好运) in the new year. fortunatelyunfortunatelybring good fortune提能句式升级。now there are many young people in our society dreaming of making a lot of money without hard work. now there are many

27、 young people in our society dreaming of _ without hard work. making a fortune5compromise n. 妥协;和解;折衷 v. 妥协;让步;违背;放弃(1)reach/come to a compromise和解;达成一种妥协make a compromise with 与妥协(2)compromise with sb. 与某人和解compromise on sth. 就某事折衷夯基单句语法填空。sometimes, its necessary to compromise _ your friends when

28、you want to keep the friendship. it is really important for parents to reach _ compromise between what they want and what their kids desire. witha提能单句写作。after a heated discussion,they finally _ _. 经过激烈的讨论,最终他们就这个问题的解决方法达成妥协。compromised on the solution to the problem 6in terms of 就来说;在方面;从的角度in the l

29、ong/short term/run 从长远/短期来看be on good/bad terms with 与关系好/坏come to terms with 与达成协议;对让步;接受on equal terms 在平等的条件下夯基单句语法填空/补全句子。learning is not always easy, but it is beneficial to us _ the long term/run. as far as im concerned,ones success cannot always _ _. (从金钱的角度衡量). to keep up good relationships

30、with your teachers and classmates,you should learn to _ (与他们关系良好). inbe measured in terms of money be on good terms with them提能句式升级。(2018全国卷书面表达)speaking of table manners, keep your voice low and pleasant during the meal. _ table manners, keep your voice low and pleasant during the meal. in terms of

31、7show in 领进来(1)show out 领出去show sb. around/round 带领某人参观show sb. to/into 带某人到show off 炫耀;展示show up(turn up) 出现(2)on show/display在展出夯基单句语法填空。mr. green is on his way here. please show him _ as soon as he arrives. if you come to hangzhou this weekend, ill be very glad to show you _ our beautiful city th

32、en. (牛津高阶)she likes to show _ how well she speaks french. inaround/roundoff提能句式升级。he promised to attend the meeting, but he hasnt appeared yet. he promised to attend the meeting, but he hasnt _ yet. showed up/turned up8will that be of any use to you?那对你有用吗?(1)介词of后面接表抽象意义的名词,如value,use,help,importan

33、ce,significance,interest, benefit等,(of名词)相当于该名词相对应的形容词。该名词前面可以用表程度的词加以修饰,如little,no,great,much,some,any等。(2)介词of后面还可接一些表示人或物的属性的名词,如size,color,height,length,age,shape,quality等,用来描述人或事物的属性,在句中作表语或后置定语。(2020全国卷)the far side of the moon is of particular _ (interesting) to scientists because it has a lo

34、t of deep craters (环形山), more so than the familiar near side. i treasure this as a good chance and it is _ _ (对我有益)in many ways. interestbeneficial/of benefit to me 提能一句多译。(全国卷书面表达)您的指导和建议对我帮助很大,我期待您的早日回复。your guide and suggestions _ and im looking forward to your early reply. your guide and suggest

35、ions _ and im looking forward to your early reply. are of great help to meare very helpful to me3 高效演练素能提升单句语法填空1they were abroad during the months when we were carrying out the investigation, or they would _ (come) to our help. 2clearly and thoughtfully _ (write), the book inspires confidence in st

36、udents who wish to seek their own answers. 3if mr. dewey _ (be) present, he would have offered any possible assistance to the people there. have comewrittenhad been4we are at your service. dont hesitate _ (turn) to us if you have any further problems. 5if we _ (book) a table earlier, we wouldnt be s

37、tanding here in a queue. 6that was the terrible thing about wolves. you could never tell where they were because they were always _ disguise. 7the man was condemned to be shot because he passed himself _ as the president and caused a great loss. to turnhad bookedinoff8the 2010 world expo in shanghai

38、 is superior _ any other fair held this year. 9(2018全国卷阅读)and mp3 players, smart phones, and lcd tvs entered homes in 2002, before tablets and e-readers showed _ in 200710when you turn on a transistorized radio the sound comes on immediately;when you turn it off, it fades _ gradually. toupout单句改错1th

39、e teacher asked the student to explain the word proper in english. _ 2most americans feel uncomfortably if they stand too close to others when talking. _ 3people are often mistake in thinking that those with high iqs always have high eqs as well. _ proper properlyuncomfortably uncomfortablemistake m

40、istaken4when you come to our musical party, remember to bring your own music instruments. _ 5generally spoken, the relationship between us students and people around us are good. _ 6on his way home from business, he was robbed from his money. _ music musicalspoken speaking第二个from of完成句子1为了方便起见,我们可以把

41、学生分成四组。(classify)_ 2如果你有问题,一定要毫不犹豫地向我们求助。(hesitate)_ 3他对音乐不怎么了解,但他非常精通绘画。(acquaintance)_ for convenience,we may classify the students into four groups. if you have questions,dont hesitate to ask us for help. he has little acquaintance with music,but he has a wide knowledge of painting. 4您的指导和建议对我来说很

42、重要,我期待着您的早日回复。(be ofn. )_ 5在接下来的半小时里,如果这个问题必须解决会怎样呢?(what if )_ your guide and suggestions are of great value to me and im looking forward to your early reply. what if this problem has to be solved in the next half hour?语篇填空eliza doolittle was 1._ unrefined, dirty flower girl with poor phonetics 2._

43、 professor higgins was an expert in phonetics. one day they happened to meet each other while 3._(hide) from the rain. when eliza was talking with a gentleman, higgins always watched her and took notes, 4._ made her worried, for she thought he was a policeman 5._ disguise. anwhilehidingwhichinin fac

44、t he just showed interest in her poor phonetics and 6._(make) a bet with colonel pickering who he was going to meet. higgins said once 7._(educate) to speak 8._(proper), eliza could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party. after that higgins threw a handful of money into her basket and left with pickering, 9._(leave) eliza excited and in 10._(amaze). eliza decided to find him the next daymadeeducatedproperlyleavingamazement话题写作用本单元词汇、句式和语法知识写满分作文假设你是李华,你的朋友frank在观看中国改革开放四十周年晚会后,对学习汉语很感兴趣,写信向你征求建议,请按以下写作要求回信。内容如下:学习汉语的好处;合理的学习方法;如有必要,随时帮助。补充要点句(加黑


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