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1、高三英语词汇与短语应用专练练习一:第一部分:词组默写1. 缺席 _2.专心于 _3.在方面丰富 _4.接近 _5.为提供住所 _6.控告某人 _7.习惯于_8.适应 _ 9.沉溺于 _10. 足以说明,占据 _第二部分:选词填空abandon / abolish / absorb 放弃;废除;吸收1. A majority of the citizens approved of _ slavery.2. The dark-colored clothes always _ light.3. He is going to _ his plan of going abroad. abrupt / a

2、bsurd / abstract / accurate / adequate突然的,骤然的;荒唐的,荒谬的;抽象的;准确的;足够的1. Crops suffered a lot from the _ change of weather.2. He made an _ excuse for his being absent from school.3.Without _ evidence, the accused was set free.accompany / accomplish / accommodate / accumulate / accelerate陪伴;完成;提供食宿;收集,积累;

3、加速1. Its easier to _ a task by cooperating with others.2. He _ a large amount of fortune in the past few years.3. The country _ its economic growth at present. accent / absent / access 口音;缺席的;接近,进入1. He speaks English with strong Scottish _. 第三部分:词类活用1. Nobody can tell when the volcano will erupt wi

4、th _. (accurate)2. Water and food are supplied to the earthquake areas in _. (abundant)3. He has _ plenty of social skills in the activity. (acquisition)4. He _ (knowledge)as an authority in the _ field. (academy)5. He works as an _(account) in the company.练习二:第一部分:词组默写1. 使自己适应 _2. 利用 _3. 喜欢某人 _4. 在

5、方面优势过某人 _5. 前进,成功 _6. 被活捉 _7. 有同样的想法 _8. 提前 /预先 _第二部分:选词填空administration / admission / allowance 管理,政府;允许,认可;津贴1. The Bush _ found it hard to end the Iraqi war.2. He had gained _ to a club.3. He has offered a job with good _. agent / agency / agenda / algebra / alphabet代理人;代理处;议程;代数;字母表1. He is look

6、ing for an advertising _ to help with the advertising project.2. It is high time we put the plan on the _.3. The first step to learn English is to learn the _.affect / affection / effect / effective / efficient / allergic 影响V. ;喜爱n.;影响,效果n.; 有效地;高效率的;过敏的1. The harvest this year is badly _ by the abr

7、upt change of the weather.2. He has an _ towards his grandfather.3. Running is an _ way to lose weight.4. Computers can help people work more _. advocate / afford / allocate / adore提倡;承担得起;分配;喜爱1. He _ putting eco-tourism into practice.2. My father _ Chairman Mao very much.3. A part of the money wil

8、l _ for the construction of the school.第三部分:词类活用1. This country suffered a lot from the _ of the enemy country. (aggressive)2. To our _, he has passed the exam. (amaze)3. _ work always begins in March every year.(agriculture)4. He is highly praised for his _ achievement. (admire)练习三第一部分:词组默写业余演员 _另某

9、人惊讶的是 _实现抱负 _担心/对感到焦虑 _道歉 _胃口好 _赞成做 _另人高兴的是 _第二部分:选词填空alternative / ambassador / ambulance 可替代的,选择;大使;救护车1. Whenever we are faced with an _, we will find it hard to make a choice.anecdote / anniversary / antique / appendix名人轶事;纪念日;古董;附录,附加物2. The reporters are always interested in the _ of the famou

10、s people.3. They are going to celebrate their 25th wedding _ tomorrow.ambiguous / ample / apparent / appropriate / arbitrary / ancient模凌两可的;充足的;明显的;得体恰当的;武断的;古老的4. We should be aware of how to behave _ on social occasions.5. The emperor is so _that nobody dares to raise objections.6. The shortcoming

11、s of the plan are _.appeal / approach / appoint / appreciate / applaud呼吁;接近,途径;指定,约定;欣赏,感激;鼓掌 v.7. We would greatly _ it if you can give me a hand.8. We will _him as the leader of our team.9. The government _ to the public to take public transport.10. The audience _ regularly during the performance.

12、第三部分:词类活用1. Generally speaking, businessmen are more _(ambition) than others.2. He is _ (amuse)at the comedy. 3. The _(applaud) from the audience is great encouragement to him.4. We all give our _(approve) to his plan.5. His speech is so _(appeal) that everyone is inspired by it. 练习四:第一部分:词组默写某人一到达

13、_除以外 _感到羞愧 _附属于 _尝试做 _注意 _对持态度 _知道,意识到 _第二部分:选词填空arise / arrive / arrest / arrow / award / aspect出现;到达;逮捕;箭;奖项;方面1. He has won an _ for his academic achievement.2. When the opportunity _, we will take immediate action.3. The accused _ by the police.assess / assist / assume/ attend / avoid / attain评估

14、,评价;帮助v.;假设,假定;参加,出席;避免;获得1. The students _ their teachers in planting the trees.2. We will never give up before we _ our goal.3. Lets _ that there are other creatures on the moon.astronaut / atmosphere / audience / authority / author / architecture 宇航员;气氛,氛围;观众;权威;作者;建筑物1. Yang Liwei is acknowledge

15、d as a brilliant _.2. His opinions are influential as he is an _ in the academic field.3. What is the purpose of the _ in writing the article.artificial / athletic / authentic / automatic / autonomous人工的;田径的;真实的;自动的;自治的1. He can walk again with the help of the _ leg.2. This is an _ report as it stat

16、es the truth.3. This province is an _ region.awful / available / awkward / awesome 可怕的;可得到的;笨拙的,棘手的;令人敬畏的1. The _ weather spoiled our holiday.2. It is an _ question to deal with the complaint from the customers.3. Further details are _ on our website.第三部分:词类活用1. This is a fact beyond _. (argue)2. He

17、 made an _(assume) that _(poor) only exists in the third world.3. He stood there _(astonish) without saying a word.4. He is laughed at by others for his _.(awkward)5. Every company will do an _(assess) of its economic strength every year.练习五:第一部分:词组默写掉头不理/ 背弃/舍弃 _与某人就讲价 _光秃秃的山 _代表某人做 _行为不好 _守规矩 _落后

18、_请求原谅 _保持平衡 _以为基础 _第二部分:选词填空bachelor / bakery / balcony / bandage / band学士;面包店;阳台;绷带,乐队1. He dreams of owning a house with a broad _.2. He will get his _ degree after graduation. barbecue / barber / bark / barrier / battery / battle / baggage烧烤,理发师,狗吠,障碍,电池,战役,行李1. She prefers to do her hair on her

19、own instead of at the _.2. The _ is out of power, so we cant use the remote control.3. The police has set up _ on the scene of accident.basic / basin / basis / bathe 基本的;脸盆;根基,基础;沐浴1. The theory came into being on the _ of practice.2. He _ in honor when he acquired the reward. bean / bear / beard /

20、beast / beer / beat豌豆;容忍,熊;胡须;野兽;啤酒;打败1. I can no longer _ the traffic jam in the cities.2. They _ their opponents in the match.3. He is a tall man with a little _. 第三部分:词类活用1. He is praised by teacher for his good _. (behave)2. He has a firm _(believe) that he will succeed in the end.3. _(basic) sp

21、eaking, his assumption is reasonable.4. We always come across the _(beg) in the streets.5. He took a _(bathe) as soon as he got back home yesterday.练习六:第一部分:词组默写属于 _对 有益 _原形毕露 _ 向某人道早安 _从中受益 _不知道,对视而不见 _特意做/ 费力做 _一定成功 _生 / 造成的原因 _把归罪于某人 _第二部分:选词填空belly / bench / belt / bend / bent 肚腩;长凳;带,安全带;弯曲,弯腰v

22、.;弯曲的adj.1. He is a fat man with big _.2. He _ his mind to work even on holidays.3. You are supposed to fasten your seat _ before the plane takes off. blank / blanket / blind / blood / board 空白的;毯子;盲的;血液;木板,纸板1. His mind went _ when he heard the news.2. He became _ in the accident.3. The number of t

23、he sailors on _ is 20.bomb / bond / bone / bonus / boot / boom / booth炸弹;纽带,联系,使结合;额外津贴;靴子;快速增长;电话亭1. He received good _ at the end of the year.2. With the _ of economy, people suffer from bigger pressure.3. He has bought the magazine at the newspaper _. bounce / bound / boundary / border / bottom 弹

24、跳,反弹;必定会,一定adj.;边界,边境;边界,包边;底部1. He is _ to succeed if he sticks to his goal.2. The two countries are involved in the _ conflict.第三部分:词类活用1. The patient is _ badly. (blood)2. The _ (botany) experts are observing the growth of the plants.3. He expressed his _(bless) to his wife in the letter.4. He is

25、 _(blame) on the affair, thats to say it is not his fault.练习七:第一部分:词组默写清晰的头脑 _犯法 _爆发 _逃脱,脱离 _破门而入 _突围,突破 _光辉榜样 _带来,造成 _抚养,教育 _突然哭起来 _号召 _给打电话 _埋头于,专心于 _第二部分:选词填空boycott / brake / branch / brand 联合抵制;刹车;分支,分公司;品牌,名牌1. There is something wrong with the _ of my car.2. He shows a preference for this _ o

26、f tea.3. He is working in the Asian _ of IBM company. breast / breakthrough / breath / bridge / brief / brick / bride / bridegroom胸部; 突破;呼吸n.;桥;简短的;砖头;新娘;新郎1. They have made a _ in the research.2. To be _, it is a problem of fund.brochure/ brunch / broom / budget / bunch / burden宣传册,小册子;早午餐;扫帚;预算;一束

27、,一串;负担1. The actual expenses of the project is much larger than the _.2. She received a _ of flowers from her son yesterday.3. We should learn to share a _ with our parents.burglar / butcher / butter / button盗贼;屠夫;黄油;按钮,纽扣1. The _ was caught alive when stealing .2. Press the _ in any emergencies.第三部

28、分:词类活用1. He show great _(brave) when fighting with the robbers.2. He became _(breathe) and _(speech) after the long running.3. Traveling _(broad) your horizon as well as _(rich) your experiences.4. He is praised for his _(calm) while facing the danger.5. _(tell) that he was fired, he went out of the

29、 office with a _(break) heart. 练习八第一部分:词组默写在乎,介意 _喜欢,想要 _执行 _继续做 _便装 _使某人做 _主要人物 _必定会做 _向某人挑战做 _免费 _控告某人 _骗某人做 _考试作弊 _万一 _决不 _无论如何 _用现金支付 _抓住 _赶上 _迎合 的要求_主角 _混乱 _负责,管理 _偶然地, 意外地 _第二部分:选词填空campaign / canal / cancel / cancer 运动,活动;运河;取消;癌症1. Lin Zexu was honored as the national hero for his leading a

30、_ against taking drugs.2. He is going to _the meeting in the afternoon. carpet / carpenter / carrier / cassette / castle 地毯;木匠;携带者;盒式磁带;城堡1. We should not discriminate the aids _.2. Now we listen to the music with MP3 instead of the _.3. There is always a mysterious _ on the fairytales.candle / cand

31、idate / candy / canteen / captain / caption / carriage蜡烛;候选人;糖果;餐厅;队长,船长;标题,说明文字;马车1. He is one of the _ for the governor of California.2. Teachers are always compared to _.3. The _ of the film doesnt match the actions. catastrophe / catholic / catalogue / certificate / champion / chart / category大灾

32、难;包罗万象的,广泛的 adj.;目录;证书;冠军;图表;类型,类别1. It was really a _ that he lost his eyesight in the accident.2. The _ of the book is so clear that I can find what I want very easily.第三部分:词类活用3. He is very _(caution) when talking with his boss.4. It is _(challenge) to finish the job before the deadline.5. He has

33、 the _(character) accent of French when speaking English.6. He is a _(center) figure in this issue.7. She prefers to be dressed _(casual) at weekends.练习9第一部分:词组默写振作起来,打起精神 _ 在某人小时侯 _作出选择 _别无选择只好做_选某人为_选择做 _靠近 _成为现实_发生/ 产生_偶然遇到_出来/开花/出版_苏醒过来_第二部分:选词填空cheek / cheer / check / cheese / cheque / chess脸颊;

34、欢呼,使振作;检查;奶酪;支票;棋类1. Tears are dropping down from her _.2. He always spends his spare time playing the _.3. He went to the bank to cash a _. circle / circuit / circus / circulate / clarify圆圈;电路板;马戏团;循环 v.;分类,弄清楚1. All the animals in the _ are well-trained.2. The satellite is traveling in the _.3. He

35、 has _his opinion at the meeting.claw / clay / clone / clerk爪子;泥土;克隆 v.;职员1. Dingo is a pet dog with strong _.2. _ technology is widely used in various of fields.3. The bank _are always polite. clumsy / coal / coach / coast / collar / colleague / college笨拙的;煤炭;教练;海岸;衣领;同事;大学,学院1. People always laugh

36、 at the _ actions of a clown.2. He hired a _ to teach him badminton.3. The average income of the white _ is 4000 in our city.第三部分:词类活用4. He is observing the _(chemistry) change of the salt.5. Wind can help with the _(circulate) of the air.6. Im tired of the _(cloud) weather these days.7. It is _(coi

37、ncidence) that they are dressed the same at the party.8. The driver changed direction in order not to _(collision) with another truck.9. The book is perfect _(combine) of Chinese traditional culture and western culture.练习10第一部分:词组默写评论 _共同,共用,共有_在的陪同下 _与相比较_与某人竞争_在方面与某人妥协_义务教育_把集中在_与无关_弥补/补偿 _与有关_关心/

38、担心_得出结论_最后/作为结论的_考虑做_认为某人是_与相符 _向老师请教关于_第二部分:选词填空command / commit / committee / companion / compass命令;致力于,承诺;委员会;伴侣;指南针1. _ is one of the four inventions in ancient China.2. The leader gave a _ that everyone stop talking.3. Sometimes, the pet dog can be a perfect _.complex / component / compromise /

39、 composition / concept复杂的;成分,组成部分;妥协,达成协议 v.;作文;概念1. The _ of the machine need repairing.2. They decided to _ with each other on housework.concrete / condemn / conduct / confirm / construct / compensate具体的 adj.,混凝土;谴责,宣判;执行;确认;建设,建造 v.;补偿,弥补1. The violent actions are greatly _ by the public.2. He tr

40、ied to call the airline company to _ his flight.conscience / consensus / consequence / constitution良心,意识;一致同意,共识n.;后果,结果;宪法1. In _, he failed to persuade her of his honesty.2. He helped to support the life of the aged just out of _.conservative / considerate / consistent / constant保守的;考虑周全的;一致的;不断的,

41、持续的1. What he does is not _ with what he says.2. He suffered from a _ pain in the stomach caused by over-eating. 第三部分:词类活用3. _(commerce) benefit always comes first for the businessman.4. In _(compare) with the import, the export of petrol has been reduced.5. He is confident that he will be _(compete) for the job.6. I greatly appreciate his _(concentrate) on the job.练习11第一部分:词组默写对 满意 _相反地_有助于/促成_失去控制_为作出贡


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