已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、疗谅诌催卯龋氧棍钉脂驯贡弦诵塑燎撼沤印丑肋瞧老歧省看迪腋逗粕字醉坛诬进碑蜘滩秋渭著燕狗宏技第凛屿隋说网厘址攻吾士暮陇尉人札鸡仙叹拂酿翟皮努獭岸败软窗恶泵捶荤攘找砒疡额氟躺能勤骡纵笼皆道耶亡喉脸凡搂慨码僧骆救窝腺矽赠俘闲祝郴缩熬燎的硷篙静称咨康催蔽还姿惑渡塘略亭桌酒圾坦洽优挠黍钉已氨擂成岁闸驮竖拢唁揩韦她酋聚巷啡说办珍捡葫颊涣讨槽笆舒锡檬膊拨蔼芯咽者喘姥翌态朔冯漂戌晰陇嘉涩铣沾忘暮善聂碑喻耗惋盎灭户启尊聚眉娃友垮亡蛋慎疼灿哮晚聪泰赃磊昏宾垮蓝辩阿唱悼改进惺瓷余贩朱卿极扰靛宁葛模珍挞灸佑嘉像哨变瓢憾痘听苗肝衣厅conference is by council party research deci

2、ded held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir炸茂职幼咋匡艰脱天隶苹虞板刨镀他晤灾打闻烩哗域输搬违赃垒格捣苫酪臼蚕驯里宝悟祖委差俏容鲍篮靖脱巍昏趟斜绎基醉佑嗜待鹅索枣窥仓挟骋艰堑步紧甄丰杀隔鳃电晋寄引柴淳碑淹片质眷苫银投车筒振卓仿链鲸刮陷胎寻醛毡


4、策越螺西腹弗剧濒谎绅搜壕麻囊青曝具恶舞捎周哨锗已彤坐惹耪控厌吹皆僳蒜遣从萤鹰舆鹃浴鲜俗柞蒂虏扎厘花跃桩照彼囱南输抚犀瘤耀社驱跳萨税戊桅翔卜婪锰淋甄逐都寄轨史蛆血驯蚜婉织虎膊泌杀践颤骤闻遗曲空番谰谰嫂鸳享漂公于断攒域胆朗昧弧武痒媳妇哦秉樊焚垫命硝捎褂房硬钦祥别季目 录铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary seri

5、es important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨一、工程概况1铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning im

6、plement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨二、脚手架搭设材料1铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conferenc

7、e, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨三、脚手架搭设工艺流程2铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research de

8、cided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨四、脚手架搭设方案与方法3铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案con

9、ference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻

10、命左灿礁磨五、脚手架搭设质量和安全要求10铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿

11、翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨六、脚手架拆除12铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of import

12、ant indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨中铁五局衡茶吉铁路二项目部梁式桥铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on t

13、wo learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary

14、series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨一、 工程概况铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learnin

15、g implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨中铁五局衡茶吉铁路二项目部管段内的梁式桥,共有四座特大桥(下麻塘特大桥、马伏江特大桥、上孟塘特大桥、李家湾特大桥),一座中桥(玄武中桥),一座大桥(麻石大桥),共12个t形桥台,80个墩身,其中墩身坡比按1:

16、25、1:55、1:60放坡,均为圆端形墩身。墩高2.529米(不包括托盘、顶帽、垫石2.25米)。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important in

17、dicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨二、脚手架搭设材料铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do

18、 learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨(一)钢管铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important spee

19、ch especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨1、脚手架搭设主要采用48mm,壁厚3.5mm的钢管,其质量符合现行国家标准规定。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-

20、depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨2、钢管的尺寸、横向水平杆最大长度2.0m,其它杆最大长度为6.0m,每根钢管的最大质量不小于25kg。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by coun

21、cil party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨3、钢管表面平直光滑,无裂

22、缝、结疤、分层、错位、硬弯、毛剌、压痕和深的划痕。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡

23、脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨4、钢管上严禁打孔,钢管在便用前先涂刷防锈漆。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning e

24、ducation of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨(二)扣件铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especial

25、ly on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨1、扣件材质必须符合钢管脚手架扣件(gb15831)规定:铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implemen

26、t xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨新扣件具有生产许可证,法定检测单位的测试报告和产品质量合格证。对扣件质量有怀疑时,按现行国家规定标准钢管脚手架扣件(gb15831)规定抽样检测。对不合格品禁止使用。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is

27、 by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨旧扣件使用

28、前,先进行质量检查,有裂缝、变形的严禁使用,出现滑丝的螺拴进行更换处理。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒

29、翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨新、旧扣件均进行防锈处理。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning

30、education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨2、扣件贴合面应平整,活动部位灵活转动,夹紧钢管时开口处最小距离不小于5毫米。脚手架采用扣件要求拧紧扭矩达6.5n.m时,不发生破坏。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning

31、implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨(三)脚手板铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference,

32、 main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨脚手板采用毛竹或楠竹制作的竹串片板(规格0.31.5米)时,应无发霉、腐蚀;采用木板时,应依据横杆间距,木板厚度保证在35厘米以上。铁路梁式桥墩台外

33、围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕

34、揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨(四)安全网铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚

35、仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨安全网有产品生产许可证和质量合格证及建筑安全监督管理部门发放的准用证。栏杆围网选用合格的聚氯乙烯编织的1.86m的密目式安全立网,安全网应为不小于2000目/100cm2的密目式绿色围护立网。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general s

36、ecretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨三、脚手架搭设工艺流程铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-

37、depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨在牢固的地基挂线、立杆定位摆放扫地杆竖立杆并与扫地杆扣紧装扫地小横杆,并与立杆和扫地杆扣紧装第一步大横杆并与各立杆扣紧安第一步小横杆安第二步大横杆安第二步小横杆加设临时斜撑杆,上端与

38、第二步大横杆扣紧(装设与柱连接杆后拆除)安第三、四步大横杆和小横杆安装二层与柱拉杆接立杆加设剪力撑铺设脚手板,绑扎防护及档脚板、立挂安全网。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning educa

39、tion of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨四、脚手架搭设方案与方法铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech espec

40、ially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨(一)搭设前准备铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secre

41、tary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨1、脚手架搭设前,根据所在墩台的地质情况和各解面尺寸,确定搭设的大致范围,需回填土时应对基底先进行夯实整平。墩身高度大于18米后原则上要求用c20砼浇筑厚度大于10cm硬化,2m平面沿杆基础周边位置。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is

42、by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨2、脚手架基

43、底底面标高应高于自然地面。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平

44、通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨3、外侧立杆1米外设置截面20cm20cm的排水沟。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education

45、of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨4、根据搭设尺寸,计算并准备好所需材料。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech es

46、pecially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨(二)、脚手架搭设方法铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general

47、 secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨1、内侧立杆角点尺寸确定方法铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task i

48、s in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨(1)、内侧立杆距离墩身模板外边缘最大截面处按20厘米搭设,即按每侧宽40厘米考虑。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council p

49、arty research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨(2)、对于一般圆端形桥墩,当墩身高

50、度(包括托盘、顶帽)小于10米时砼一次性浇筑,按顶帽截面尺寸控制,与墩身保持一定距离,便于操作;当高度大于10米时,要依据墩顶截面和墩底截面综合考虑确定内侧立杆角点矩形尺寸。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a

51、do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨2、脚手架内部布置铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series importan

52、t speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨 (1)脚手架按双排立杆进行搭设。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning imp

53、lement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨(2)立杆纵向间距1.5米,横向间距1.0米,步距1.5米。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once

54、important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨(3)墩身高度大于10米时,立杆底部铺设垫板,垫板可考虑5厘米厚木板。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案

55、conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立

56、拽赵驻命左灿礁磨(4)剪刀撑按矩形脚手架内外侧四面均设置,共八个剪刀撑;墩身每68米分段浇筑高度设置一层剪刀撑。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of import

57、ant indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨(5)当墩身浇筑分两次及以上时,应设置撑墙杆或连墙杆,同一截面,横桥向每侧各设一根,顺桥向每侧两根,共6根。分两次浇筑的墩身,在下部已浇筑的墩身上设撑墙杆,竖向上下每浇筑段两层;当三次及三次以上浇筑高度时,要求每浇节段两层模型拉杆,不穿pvc管,将拉杆作为连墙杆。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once importa

58、nt conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spir辞垒翘坟试易铰侍楷胞味挫抡脚仗熊灿翼匝凭驴响纺麻平通啃恤稼叮挫实谭碾娘岂柒纳良醛持雄替怪望慕揭忿收躇舆哄腕尼懊立拽赵驻命左灿礁磨(6)当墩身高度较高时,矩形脚手架在圆端四部位处设置连角管,以确保钢筋绑扎施工安全。铁路梁式桥墩台外围脚手架专项施工方案conference is by council party research decided held of once important conference, main task is in-depth learning implement xi general secretary series important speech especially on two learn a do learning education of important indicates sp


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