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1、Three main characteristics of BEC SPEAKING1.Simple&ClearEg:I d like to buy stocks.2. Logical& Well-organized1.A clear structure(eg:Firsly,Secondly.Thirdly 2.Verbal mapEg:Could you introduce yourself?(less than 1 min(Name,job,hobbyI m fond of I m pretty good atThats why my job is about3.Informative(m

2、ust be presented efficiently1.use figures2.detailseg: we made money. our profit was 10%.I can speak good business English.The level of my BEC certificate isVANTAGE.BEC 中级口语评分标准语法和词汇1、语法(单复数等 ,语态2、词汇(准确性 ,专业性技术 technology 技术含量 technology involved话语组织发音 (清楚、重读、节奏、语调互动式交流 (积极参与、恰当提问中级口语考试 (14min 应试技巧Pa

3、rt One (interview良好第一印象Good afternoon,Sir/Madam.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you too-Have a seat.-Thank you very much. 回答简洁为佳(=3sentences,=20s避免答非所问巧用(You mean ?保证自己答对。遇到棘手的问题 ?-It s very tough question.-I can t say exactly,but-I have no idea,but-I m a layman in this field I still wanna explore it

4、in the future.常考问题:1、what s your registration number准?(考证号 ?(长串 3-4 位停顿一次 ,0 zero,2个 double,3 个 triple.2、What s your name?My surname is ,my given name is.My friends always call me Veronica,myEnglish name.3. where are you from?(no criticize,choose about 3 points,20sweather,transportation,environment(

5、job opportunity,housing,night life(exciting,dynamiclocal people,resortsI m from Suzhou.Suzhou is a large and beautiful city,with many classical gardens.Moreimportantly,the good scenery makes you relax and happy.4. Do you come from a large family or a small family?(nuclear family 小家庭 ,only child ,sin

6、gleI m from a typical family,my father ,my mother,and I.I m the only child in my family.But instead of being spoiled,I m very independent.5. Do you work or are you a student?I m a college student.I m really into my job. Igood at it. Imt w pilrl egttivye me apromisingfuture,I believe.6. What do you s

7、tudy?How do you like about your major?事实,兴趣,擅长,未来。Part Two(mini-presentation1 min preparationRead & BrainstormPREPoint + Reason / Example1、主题明确 ;逻辑清晰通过专业词实现黄金模式 :(1-3-3-3-1万能模式 :(1-4-3-2-1a. 选择主题-Which topic have you chosen? I choose topicb. 开篇点题When(dealing with complaints,(offering an apology is v

8、ery important.As to this topic,When talking about complaints.c. 论点组织My points are as follows: I have the following points.First ,Second , Third First of all on the second place finally c.论点拓展解释: whichmeans,in other words转折 :but,however,infact,actually因果:because,that s why举例:forexample,Iwanna take fo

9、r exampled. 结束That s all.Thank you.2、用词专业、得当短语优先 ,避免低级错误Psychological factorsBrand imageBuilding databaseStart out创立 team up合作 develop研发;培养 product lines产品系列 selling points卖点 very stylish 非常拉风 cutting-edge technology 高尖技术 compact 小巧的3、长短合适 (1min反复练习 ,把握在 55s-65sPart Three(discussion开始应有简单寒暄让考官考生都进入状

10、态1、简单寒暄 Hi/Hello/Hey,Sam以互动式交流为主回答简洁清晰 ;总有反对2、开始讨论 (三选一 are paying a visit to Now,people in our company aretalking about As we all know,/As everybody knows,Some people think that /It has been said that 3、邀请对方加入讨论What do you think of it?What would you say?What about you?What s your opinion?4、要求对方进一步解

11、释Really?/Why?/How come?(开放式What do you mean (by ?What exactly are you trying to say?5、赞同 (边说边点头Mm Hmmm./Yes.That s it./You got it./You said that.Exactly!/Absolutely!/Definitely.I see what you mean./Make sense.6、部分赞同 ,部分反对即竞争 ,又合作赞同,but 建(议提出 ,用迂回的方式否决。Social time may be a good choice! Because we can

12、 get to know each other.You got it. Very good .But I think too much social time is a waste of time and efforts. So social time must be organized in order.We better look into their background. This way, we can fully meet their needs.I see what you mean. But Im aware that we need more details about their likes anddislikes. Thar way, it will bring us more benefits in dealing with them.7、插话 (尽量不插话对方 ,尽量允许对方插画Excuse me, but By the way,.顺便说一下Before I forget, I thinkSorry, but 比(Excuse me强S


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