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1、Unit 4 Section AThe Telecommunications The Telecommunications RevolutionRevolution What is communications? Telecommunications, from Greek, means “communications at a distance”. Telecommuni-cations through voice, data, and image communication is changing the world. The ease of accessing information a

2、nd people of the world at anytime is having major impacts on society ,business, and finance. NHCE-BIV-Unit 4 I: Objectives MENU1. NHCE-BIV-Unit 4 I: Objectives MENU2. 驿驿 (Horse), (Horse), 钟鼓钟鼓(drum)(drum)、烟火、烟火(smoke, (smoke, fire)fire)、鸽子、鸽子(pigeon)(pigeon)、旗语、旗语(flag signal)(flag signal)、 letters,

3、 post office, letters, post office, 电报电报(telegram) 、电话(、电话(telephone)、电子)、电子邮件邮件(e-mail)、短信、短信(instant-messaging)、电、电视电话会议(视电话会议(teleconference)、手机)、手机(mobile phone)、)、BP机、电脑机、电脑(computer)、传真传真(fax) NHCE-BIV-Unit 4 I: Objectives MENUTopic: the old tools: slow, inefficient, cost a lot of time, labor,

4、 energy, easy to be lost, insecure, the modern ones: quick, fast, make people closer, make the world small, MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 4 IV: Section A-Text Key WordsKey Words New Words in Section Adumb a. 哑的哑的e.g. Being dumb, the little girl had difficulity communicating her feelings. 因为不会说话,那个小女孩交流情感有困难。因为

5、不会说话,那个小女孩交流情感有困难。Investment n.The act of investing money in sth. 投资投资e.g This is anThis is an investmentinvestment that returns a good interest that returns a good interest这是一项可获得丰硕利润的投资。这是一项可获得丰硕利润的投资。MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 4 IV: Section A-Text 1) utility:He serves for a public utility providing local

6、 transportation. 他从事提供本地运输的公用事业. be of no utility没用的, 无益的 n. A service used by the public 公用事业,公共设施 The usefulness of sth,. Sep. in a practical way 功用MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 4 IV: Section A-Text transmission n.1) 播送;发射;传送播送;发射;传送e.g. The BBC has successfully demonstrated a new digital radio transmission

7、system. 英国广播公司刚刚成功地演示了一套新的英国广播公司刚刚成功地演示了一套新的数字式无线电播送系统。数字式无线电播送系统。2 2)传播)传播the transmission of disease/virus 疾病疾病/ /病毒的传病毒的传播播New Words in Section Acondense to reduce to a smaller or shorter form缩缩短,短,压缩压缩e.g.Should I manage to condense my letter of application into one page? 我应该设法把申请信压缩到一页吗?我应该设法把申

8、请信压缩到一页吗? to (of a gas) become liquid by cooling 凝结凝结e.g. When a gas or vapor condenses, it changes into liquid.New Words in Section A intensive a. 密集的,集中的e.g. She needed intensive care for three weeks.她需要三周的特别护理。她需要三周的特别护理。e.g. labor-intensive 劳动密集型的劳动密集型的 capital-intensive 资金密集型的资金密集型的 intensive c

9、are 重病特别护理重病特别护理 intensive study 强化学习强化学习同根词同根词 intense a.(性质、感情等)强烈的;紧张的(性质、感情等)强烈的;紧张的New Words in Section A intensify v. 增强,强化增强,强化 intensity n. 强烈,剧烈,紧张;强度强烈,剧烈,紧张;强度 rust n.生锈生锈放在空气潮湿地方的铁会生锈。放在空气潮湿地方的铁会生锈。 Iron exposed to damp air will rust.v. 使生锈;使使生锈;使(脑子等脑子等)发锈;发锈; 使迟钝;使荒废:使迟钝;使荒废:雨水使大门生了锈。雨

10、水使大门生了锈。The rain has rusted the gate.Antique 古董古董Strategy n. Strategic a. 战略的战略的, 策略的策略的recession n.经济经济衰退衰退e.g. Many businesses are failing because of the continuing recession. scratch v. 抓,挠抓,挠1.擦痛擦痛 to scratch ones arm 擦破了胳臂擦破了胳臂2.胡乱地涂画,潦草地写:胡乱地涂画,潦草地写:to scratch ones name on the register在登记簿上潦草地

11、签名在登记簿上潦草地签名 log v. 记录记录,伐木,伐木log on to 登陆(计算机)系统登陆(计算机)系统e.g. In order to log on to the system you must enter a special password. 为了登陆这个系统你必须输入一个特殊密码。为了登陆这个系统你必须输入一个特殊密码。 invest 投投资资, 投入投入 (时间时间、精力、精力); 我宁愿把时间花在丽贝卡身上,也不愿花在厨房里。我宁愿把时间花在丽贝卡身上,也不愿花在厨房里。I would rather invest time in Rebecca than in the

12、kitchen. import n. v 进口,输入 注意读音 stake 股份,柱,木桩 I hold several stakes in that big company. I hold several stakes in that big company. 我持有那家大公司的股份。我持有那家大公司的股份。 Set up a stake to hold a rope!Set up a stake to hold a rope! 竖个桩子把绳子撑起来竖个桩子把绳子撑起来! !New Words in Section A lease v. & n. 租借,出租;租租借,出租;租约约e.g We

13、 have leased (v.)an apartment for one year. 我们已经租到一套公寓,租期为一年。我们已经租到一套公寓,租期为一年。e.g. The lease runs out in two years time. reliable a. 可靠的,可靠的,值值得信得信赖赖的的当地的气象预报准确程度如何?当地的气象预报准确程度如何?How reliable are the local weather forecasts?Rely V. reliability 可靠性可靠性New Words in Section Adisposal n. 处处理,消除理,消除at one

14、s disposal: 供任意使用供任意使用e.g. That means you have all the company resources at your disposal. 那意味着你可以支配公司里的所有资源。那意味着你可以支配公司里的所有资源。Phrases and ExpressionsPhrases and Expressions1. gave sb. an advantage over: 使具有优势使具有优势 Her work experience gave her a big advantage over other for the job.New Words in Sect

15、ion A 她的工作经历使她比其他申请这项工作的人有更大的她的工作经历使她比其他申请这项工作的人有更大的优势。优势。2. be stuck with 无法摆脱,解脱不了无法摆脱,解脱不了e.g. 1) Why am I aways stuck with the dirty work? 2) We are stuck with this huge, ugly building.3. push ahead 推进,推行推进,推行他们已经决定继续提出诉讼。他们已经决定继续提出诉讼。They have decided to push ahead with legal action.4. date fro

16、m 始于始于The custom dates from ancient times.New Words in Section A5. be stuck in 陷入陷入He was stuck awkwardly in the middle.他处于进退两难的尴尬境地。他处于进退两难的尴尬境地。6. scratch the surface 浅尝辄止浅尝辄止e. g. Theres far more to be said -Ive only have time to scratch the surface in this talk. 要说的还很多要说的还很多我只有时间讲一点皮毛。我只有时间讲一点皮毛

17、。I. Structure AnalysisI. Structure AnalysisIntroduction + Question + Sample Solutions + Conclusion Part I (para 1-2)2Introduction: the advantages of telecommunications technologies.Part II ( para 3)Question: How fast to develop telecommunications technologies in developing countries? 3Part III (Para

18、.4-10 )Sample solutions: Six countries and regions are working hard to realize telecommunications transformation.Part IV (Para. 11)Conclusion: Developing countries can catch up with Americans and Western Europeans if they persist. 10Text StudyText StudyStructure AnalysisStructure AnalysisDetailed St

19、udy of the Text1. boost living standards = improve 2. Those areas where until recently people were unable to communicate with the outside world because of the lack of the telecommunications facilities are now quickly getting advanced telecommunications and this will allow them to attract more invest

20、ment from both home and abroad.3. zone, district, region & areazone: n. C 通常指地理上的通常指地理上的“(地)带(地)带”,尤尤指图表上的环形地带指图表上的环形地带.如:如:refugees from the war zone从战争地区来的难从战争地区来的难民民district: n. C指行政划分的区指行政划分的区,比比region小小,通通常指市镇内的一区常指市镇内的一区.如:如:Hai dian district海海淀区淀区e.g. Their apartment is in the Chongwen distri

21、ct of Beijing.Detailed Study of the Textregion: n. 1. region常指地理上有天然界限或具有某种特常指地理上有天然界限或具有某种特色(如气候、自然条件)自成一个单位的地区色(如气候、自然条件)自成一个单位的地区.如:如: the Arctic regions北极地区北极地区. 2.region也指较大的行政单位也指较大的行政单位.如:如:Xinjiang Autonomous Regione , the semi-desert regions of Australia 澳大利亚的半沙漠地区澳大利亚的半沙漠地区area: n. 通常用于面积可

22、测量或计算的地区通常用于面积可测量或计算的地区,界限明确界限明确,但但不指行政区划不指行政区划.如:如:a. 60 years ago, half French people were still living in the rural areab. Dogs are not allowed in the childrens play area. para 1 一个将会大大提高发展中国家生活水准的转变正方兴未艾。一些不久前还是信息闭塞的地方正在迅速获取最新的通信技术,这将促进他们吸纳国内外投资。亚洲、拉丁美洲和东欧的许多国家也许需要10年时间来改善其交通、电力供应和其他公用设施。但是只一根直径

23、小于半毫米的光纤电缆就可以比由铜丝制成的粗电缆承载更多的信息。由于安装了光纤电缆、数字转换器和最新的无线传输系统,从北京到布达佩斯的一系列城区和工业区正在直接不如信息时代。一个蛛网式的数字和无线通讯网络已经发展到亚洲的大部分地区和东欧的部分地区。Detailed Study of the Text4. economic & economical Economic(经济的,经济上的;经济学的经济的,经济上的;经济学的) describes things relating to the economy of a country and economics, while economical mea

24、ns not costing a lot of money or not wasting money(经济的;节约的;合算的经济的;节约的;合算的).For example:The economic situation is more favorable.She has to be economical because she doesnt have much money.5. Providing the opportunity to many to use information technologies, for example, will make it possible to shor

25、ten the time needed to change from labor-intensive assemblywork to industries that involve engineering, marketing,and design.Detailed Study of the Text6. Modern commmunications will give countries like China and Vietnam a much better opportunity to succeed than countries that still must use old tech

26、nology. para 2 所有这些发展中地区都把先进的通信技术看做一种跨越所有这些发展中地区都把先进的通信技术看做一种跨越经济发展诸阶段的途径。例如,信息技术的广泛应用有经济发展诸阶段的途径。例如,信息技术的广泛应用有望缩短劳动密集型的组装工业转向涉及工程、营销和涉望缩短劳动密集型的组装工业转向涉及工程、营销和涉及工程、营销和设计的那些产业所需的时间。现代通信及工程、营销和设计的那些产业所需的时间。现代通信技术技术“将使中国、越南这样的国家相比那些困于旧技术将使中国、越南这样的国家相比那些困于旧技术的国家拥有巨大的优势。的国家拥有巨大的优势。 Detailed Study of the T

27、ext 7. go too far: behave in an unacceptable or extreme way. e.g. Hes often rude, but this time hes gone too far.FThe word period can be used at the end of a statement to show that you believe you have said all there is to say on a subject and you are not going to discuss it any more. For example:Th

28、ere will be no more shouting, period!We are all against the proposal, period.Detailed Study of the Text8. weigh: V. carefully consider, especially by comparing costs and benefits in order to make a decision 权衡;考虑权衡;考虑e.g. Only when we have weighed all the factors involved can we decide when would be

29、 the best time to start.只有权衡了所有相关的因素之后,我们才能决定何时开始最佳。只有权衡了所有相关的因素之后,我们才能决定何时开始最佳。9. choose between: make a choice from a number of things or peoplee.g. It is difficult to choose between two such nice house. para 3 这些国家应以多快的速度向前是人们争论的一个问题。许多专家认为,越南在目前急需电话的情况下,却要求所有的移动电话都必须是昂贵的数字型电话,这种做法太超前了。一位专家说:“这些国

30、家缺乏成本估算和选择技术的经验。” para 4 然而毋庸争辩,通信技术将使区分输赢的关键因素。看一看俄罗斯的情况吧。由于其坚实的数学和科学教育基础,它应该在信息时代有繁荣的发展。问题是,它的国内电话系统是一堆生锈的20世纪30年代的老古董。为了解决这一问题,俄罗斯已经开始铺设光纤电缆,并制定了投入400亿美金建设通信工程的战略计划。但是由于其经济限于低迷,几乎没有资金来着手解决最基本的问题。 Economic Economical para 5 与俄罗斯相比,在未来10年中,中国大陆计划对通信设备投入1000亿美元。从某种意义上说,中国的落后成了一种有利因素,因为这一发展正好发生在新技术比铜

31、线电缆系统更便宜的时候。到1995年底,中国除了拉萨以外的省会都将有数字转换器和高容量的光纤电缆网,这意味着其主要城市正在具备必需的基础设施,成为信息高速公路的主要部分,使人们能够进入系统,获得最先进的服务。 para 6 电信工程也是上海实现其成为一流的金融中心这一梦想的关键。为了能给国际投资者提供其所期望的电子数据和无纸化交易方面的出色服务,上海计划建设与曼哈顿同样强大的电信网络。 para 7 与此同时,匈牙利也希望跃入现代世界。目前,有70万匈牙利人等着装电话。为了部分地解决资金问题,加速引进西方技术,匈牙利将国有电话30%的股份出售给了两家西方公司。为进一步减少电话待装用户,匈牙利已

32、将权利出租给荷兰-斯堪的纳维亚集团,来建造并经营一个据说位居世界先进行列的数字移动电话系统。事实上,无线方式是在发展中国家快速建设电话系统的最受欢迎的方式之一。建造无线电发射塔要比翻山越岭架设线路更便宜。而且,急切盼望可靠服务的企业乐于花费可观的高价来换取无线电话服务-其资费通常是固定线路电话资费的二至四倍。 To further reduce the number of people waiting for phones, Hungary has signed an agreement to allow a Dutch-Scandinavian group of companies to b

33、uild and operate what will probably be one of the worlds most advanced digital mobile phone system.waiting list: a list of people who have asked for something which is not immediately available but which they will or might be able to receive in the futuree.g. They have put us on the waiting list for

34、 the new houses.他们已把我们列入等候分配新居的名单之中。他们已把我们列入等候分配新居的名单之中。 In fact, wireless is one of the most popular ways to get a phone system into operation in developing countries.Detailed Study of the Text英语中倍数的几种表达方法:英语中倍数的几种表达方法:1. 表示表示“几倍大小(长短、数量)几倍大小(长短、数量)”, 由由“倍数倍数+the size (length, amount)结构组成;结构组成;e.g.

35、 The earth is forty-nine times the size of the moon.2. 表示表示“.比比.大几倍大几倍”,由,由“倍数倍数+形容词(副词)形容词(副词)+比较级比较级”结构构成;结构构成;e.g. This box is three times bigger than that one.3. 表示表示“.是是.倍倍”,由,由“倍数倍数+as +形容词形容词+as +结构组成结构组成e.g. Our factory is twice as big as theirs.注注 一倍用一倍用once, 2倍用倍用twice, 3倍用倍用three times4.

36、还可以用还可以用by+倍数,表示增加多少倍倍数,表示增加多少倍e.g. The production of grain has been increased by four times this year.You dont love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy You dont love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you ca

37、n hear.Oscar Wildecar, but because they sing a song only you can hear.Oscar Wilde para 8 the length/width and breadth Ive told you the the length/width and breadth of what happened. 我已告诉你发生的一切。 整个拉丁美洲对无线通信的需求和使用已急速增长。对于无线电话服务商来说,没有任何地方的业务比拉丁美洲更好了-在那里有一个营运点就好像有一堆无穷无尽供你使用的钞票。在四个无线电话市场有营运点的贝尔南方电话公司估计,来

38、自于其每个客户的平均年收入为2000美元,而在美国仅为860美金。产生这种情况的部分原因是拉丁美洲客户的通话时间是北美洲客户的二至四倍。 para 9 泰国也在求助于无线通信方式,以便让泰国人在发生交通堵塞时更好地利用时间。而且在泰国,从办公室往外打电话或发传真并不那么容易:待装电话的名单上有一二百万个名字。因此移动电话在商务人士中成为时尚,他们在交通堵塞时也能与外界保持联系。 para 10 go for:try to get or win sth she always tends to go for brightly colored clothes. 她总是喜欢挑选颜色鲜艳的衣服。 kee

39、p pace with Earnings have not kept pace with inflation. 越南正在做一个最大胆的跳跃。尽管越南人均年收入只有220美金,它计划每年增加的30万条线路将全部为有数字转换功能的光纤电缆,而不是那些以铜线传送电子信号的廉价系统。由于现在就选用了下一代的技术,越南负责通信的官员说他们能够在数十年中与亚洲的任何一个国家保持同步。 para 11 fall/lag behind backward For countries that have been backward for a long time, it is hard to resist the

40、 temptation to leap over whole stages of economic development. cruise 巡航,巡游;漫游 对于那些长期落后的国家来说,一跃而名列前茅的诱惑难以抵御。而且,尽管他们会犯错误,他们仍会坚持不懈-总有一天,他们将能在信息高速公路上与美国和西欧并驾齐驱。Key to ExercisesVocabularyVocabulary III.III. 1. investment 2. disposal 3. condensed 4. strategic 5. revenue 6. scratch 7. utilities 8. investe

41、d 9. nowhere 10. transmissionIV.IV. 1. is lagging far behind 2. are stuck with 3. going for 4. remain in contact 5. . keep pace with 6. at your disposal 7. . dates from 8. scratched the surface of 9. stuck in 10. choose betweenKey to ExercisesV.V.1.L L 2.N N 3.D D 4.E E 5.H H 6.I I 7.F F 8. .O O 9.J

42、 J 10.B BX X . .1. Petrol now is twice as expensive as it was a few years ago.Petrol now is twice as expensive as it was a few years ago.2. Theirs is about three times as big as ours.Theirs is about three times as big as ours.3. . Latin American customers talk two to four times as long Latin America

43、n customers talk two to four times as long on the phone as people in North America.on the phone as people in North America.4. the fee for cell phones is typically twice as much as for the fee for cell phones is typically twice as much as for calls made over fixed linescalls made over fixed lines5. can transmit 250,000 times as much data as a standard can transmit 250,000 times as much data as a standard telephone


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