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1、读写任务解题步骤与技巧读写任务,赋分25分,要求考 生先阅读一篇约200个词的短文, 然用约30个词概括其主要内容,然 后按规定的“写作内容”用约120 个词发表看法。考纲建议用时30分 钟。经典例题步骤型器过实例分析来谈谈读写任务的写作读写任务阅读下面短文,然后按要求写一 篇150词左右的英语短文。写作内容1以约30个词概括这段短文的内容。2然后以约120词就“该不该禁止游客和考 拉拍照”进行议论,内容包括:(1) 人们在参观动物园时为什么喜欢和考拉 拍照。(2) 假如你处在考拉的处境,会有什么反应(3) 你认为是否应该禁止和考拉拍照。写作要求可以使用实例或其他论述方法来支持你的 观点,也可

2、以参照阅读材料中的内容,但不得 直接引用原文中的句子。评分标准概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连 贯。过程指导第一步,借助写作内容,预测短文内 容。从“该不该禁止游客和考拉拍照”进 行议论,可预测:阅读的短文可能会谈有 人提出或政府决定“要禁止游客和考拉拍 照”,为什么要禁止?很可能是“有太多 的游客喜欢和考拉拍照,影响了考拉的正 常生活,使得考拉不高兴了”。第二步,阅读短文,概括要点。reason要概括文章的主要内容,先要弄懂各段的主 要内容。第一段主要是说All the koalas are unhappy and complaining(考拉不开心并抱怨); 第二段是讲考拉不高兴的原因

3、:游客可能要拥 抱考拉拍照,使得考拉在深睡中醒来(The 、)o最后还告诉我们政府准备禁止这一行为(The government. make this practice illegal)o在理解材料内容后,用自己的话,约 30个词进行概括:Repeated disturbed by tourists, koalas in wildlife parks are feeling upset,and therefore, the government is going to pass a law to ban this behavior.第三步,按要点依次分为三段,每段写一个主题句。1 Reason

4、s for people like takingpictures with kolas are varied2. If I were a koala in the wild park, I would feel annoyed3.1 dont agree if it is announced illegal to take photos with koalas第四步,借用原文材料,表达自己的观点。写要点时可借用原文中的for just that special experience,另外可用 Some people may think. Others may think that. 来列出不同

5、原因。写要点时可借用原文中的unhappy and complaining, kept waking you up all day while you were trying to sleep it off等稍加改写即可,因为对考拉受到打扰的 感受表达即是一种换位思考的角度,这与我们的写作要点是相当契合的,因此不妨借 用原材料进行仿写,表达自己的观点:If people kept waking me up all day while I was trying to sleep it off, I would be unhappy and complaining.写要点(3),原文中不一定有借用

6、材料。我 们在表达“该或不该禁止”之后,要简单 说明理由。以下是当年考生的优秀考场作文,供同学 们参考。Koalas in wildlife parks caift fall asleep because tourists keep disturbing them The movement is thinking to make the tourists, behavior illegal to protect the animals.When people are visiting wildlife parks, they like to take photos with koalas. R

7、easons for this are varied. Some people may think taking photos with koalas are funny in contrast with taking photos with other persons. Others may think that it will be an interesting experience to tale photos with koalas during their visit. An increasing number of tourists make a trip to the wild

8、park for just this special experience.If I were a koala in the wild life park, I would feel annoyed if people kept waking me up all day while I was trying to sleep it off.My life would be greatly influenced and I wouldif t feel happy at all! I think I should have some private space and time relax my

9、self.However, I doift agree if it is aimotmced illegal to take photos with koalas. Though the government decision is understandable , tourists pay for tickets to visit the wild life park and it will be a pity for them if they can9t have a photo with their favorite animals.Perhaps wildlife parks can set some special time , during which tourists can take photos with koalas It can both satisfy tourists and protect koalas.In brief, though tou


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