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1、lustlst n. 性欲;强烈的欲望vi. 贪求,渴望 lust for moneymanipulatemnipjuleit 1228 vt 1 (暗中)控制操纵影响she uses her charm to manipulate people他用自己的魅力来摆布比人how to manipulate public opinion 如何左右舆论2熟练的操作使用,对象可以是设备tenanttenntn. 承租人;房客;佃户;居住者terrainterein, t-, terein n. 地理 地形,地势;领域;地带distorteddist:tid 580 1是变形歪曲使失真2歪曲distor

2、t the truth歪曲事实illiteracyilitrsi文盲illiterate ilitrt /ulitrt 文盲的clutchklt 离合器 抓住freightfreit 814 货物货运 to send goods by air freight空运货物 a freight business 货运公司%holistichulistik 977 adj (informal)considering a whole thing or being to be more than a collection of parts 整体的全面的(医)整体医学%integralintirl 1060

3、必须的不可或缺的*integrate 1使合并,成为一体2使加入融入群体sb into/with sth with the local community融入本地社区 ion结合整合economic integration经济一体化(dis)integratedisintireitambiguousmbijus 模棱两可的59self-denial自我节制bonusbuns 红利、津贴surges:d2033verb 1汹涌多指人2物价利润的猛增noun数量的急剧上升after an initial surge of interest 过了开始的一阵新鲜劲后gasoline-electric

4、hybrid model 油电混合动力hybridhaibrid n. 杂种,混血儿;混合物adj. 混合的;杂种的retro词根 retrospect 1706 retrspekt回顾回想 in 现在回想起来excludeiksklu:d1不包括opp include 2防止.进入sb from sth 693breadwinnerbred,win n. 负担家计的人;养家糊口的人 家庭支柱paternitypt:niti leave 父亲的陪产假Mpeonpi:n n. 日工;劳工;雇农;被强制劳役以还债的工人 勤杂工beckonbekn 示意 160 beckon sb to do st

5、h 160centristsentrist温和派的议员neutralnju:trl adj. 中立的,中性的;中立国的;非彩色的n. 中立国;中立者;非彩色;齿轮的空档leftishlefti adj. 左派的;左倾的lamentlment对什么感到悲痛 he lament the destruction of the countryside对乡村遭到破坏流露出悲哀 1130plutocratplu:tukrt n. 财阀;富豪 有钱有势的人%reciprocalrisiprkl action 相应的行动1657imitateimiteitfranticfrntik endeavor 近乎疯狂

6、的努力之中809 get 快要急死了*fulfillfulfil vt. 履行;实现;满足;使结束(等于fulfil)824retailri:teil trade 零售业 1703enlightenmentinlaitnmnt 663启迪启发spiritual enlightenment心灵启迪enlighten开导启发阐明ed 开明的bubblebbl 气泡,泡沫prescientpresint, prei-, pri:- adj. 预知的;有先见之明的refrain,ri:frein 1669 克制节制避免materialismmtirilizm n. 唯物主义;唯物论;物质主义ideal

7、ismaidilizm n. 唯心主义,理想主义;理念论affluencefluns n. 富裕;丰富;liberatelibreit vt. 解放放出释放 liberate sb from sth a war of liberation 解放战争 predestinepri:destin1556 命中注定的 to do sth (formal)destinyaffirmf:m33 肯定 申明 断言deference 524 noun 遵从顺从the women veils in deference to the customs of the country女人头戴面纱是遵从这个国家的习俗de

8、ferential,defrenl adj. 恭敬的;惯于顺从的Confucianknfju:jnadj. 孔子的,儒家的;儒家学说n. 儒家,儒家学者;孔子的门徒subordinatesb:dint, -neit, sb:dineit2014 adj be to sth隶属于什么 verb 把什么居于次要地位safety consideration is to commercial interests 商业利益置于安全考虑之上subsidiarysbsidiri n. 子公司;辅助者dutifuldju:tiful adj尽职的顺从的恭敬的SYN obedient 1371 dutiful

9、son 孝顺的儿子refinedrifaind adj. 油气化工冶 精炼的;精确的;微妙的;有教养的elevateeliveit vt.提升职位到不应有的位置647%defeminizationdi:,feminaizein, -niz-n. 失雌性态;女性性征消失feminizefeminaiz vt. 使女性化;具有女性风度vi. 女性化;雌性化feminityfeminiti n. 温柔;女性气质(等于femininity)masculinization,mskjulinaizein, -niz-n. 生理 男性化demasculinizedi:mskjulinaiz vt.使失去男子

10、气;使丧失男性特征;去除的男性特征或性质outcryautkrai, ,autkrai n. 强烈抗议;大声疾呼;尖叫;倒彩1413moralitymrlti, m:- n. 道德;品行,美德assertives:tiv adj. 肯定的;独断的;坚定而自信的 102 behavior 坚定自信的行为assert 1明确肯定 断言2 维护自己的权利 102、assessses 102 Id assess your chances as low我认为你机会不大rationalrnl1643 1合理的理性的 a analysis 有道理的分析2 理智的清醒的 no person would eve

11、r behave like that有头脑的人都不会这样做willfulwilful adj. 有意的;任性的;故意的 2302%hustlehsl1003 猛冲 verbcoordinateku:dinit, ku:dineit441使协调配合 衣服家具的搭配with*primepraim 1571*disruptdisrpt578打扰中断 disruption hypnotisthipntist n. 施催眠术的人hypnotizehipntaiz vt. 使着迷;对施催眠术;使恍惚vi. 施催眠术;使进入睡觉状态1006workaholic,w:khlik, w:k,hlik 工作狂*s

12、oaksuk 1908浸泡 使湿透cosmickzmik adj. 宇宙的(等于cosmical)deemdi:m同 consider认为视为521formal the evening was deemed a great success晚会被认为很成功they would take any action deemed necessary他们会才会必要的任何行动rockyrki1730 岩石的 困难的难以维持的不稳定的 a marriage 不稳定的婚姻rock bottom最低点最低水平 price最低价格 the marriage has reached rock bottom 婚姻走到的

13、尽头proximityprksimiti 近似数,近似 nounfutilefju:tail 832徒然的无效的 be to do sth 做某事无用 attempt/exercise 徒劳的尝试/联系%analogousnls 64 类似的相似的,be to 类似什么。和什么类似 Sleep has often been thought of as being in some way analogous to death人们常常认为睡眠在某种意义上来说就是死亡insightinsait n. 洞察力;洞悉gloomylu:mi866%momentummumentm n. 势头;物 动量;动力

14、;冲力irresistible adj. 不可抵抗的;不可阻挡的1080%unorthodoxn:,dks 2210 非正统的非传统的非正规的*rotrt 1738 蛀牙 teeth away烂掉*mountmaunt 1309parliamentary,p:lmentri adj. 议会的;国会的;议会制度的*initiativeiniitiv, -tiv 1050 adj. 主动的;自发的;起始的n. 主动权;首创精神painkiller 止痛药componentkmpunnt 403 the car industry 汽车配件行业downhilldaunhil 602recklessre

15、klis 1657 adj. 鲁莽的,不顾后果的;粗心大意的 he had always been reckless with money 花钱大手大脚 driving鲁莽驾驶brainwashingbrein,wi 洗脑allergicl:dik 50 adj. 对过敏的;对极讨厌的 allergy(noun)odorud 1380 odour 臭味,难闻的气味seal off封闭;把封锁起来%shepherdepd 1838 noun 牧羊人 羊倌%intricateintrikt 1072 错综复杂的having a lot of different parts and small de

16、tails that fit together contentiouskntens 429 可能引起争论的 topic/issue有争议的话题/问题*content contented contention contentment 429bogusbus 210 syn false acontract伪造的合同doctor冒牌的医生postulatepstjuleit, -t- 1546 noun verb假定假设 obedienceubi:dins 1371 obedient 形 a child听话的孩子he is always obedient to his fathers wishes

17、他一向顺从他父亲的意愿 反 disobedient noun blind/complete/unquestioning/total obedience盲目的绝对的无条件的完全的顺从。He has acted in obedience to the law他是依法办事immortality,im:tlti 1020 n. 不朽;不朽的声名;不灭 adj immortal in the immortal words of sb按照某人的不朽名言portrayp:trei, pu- 1540vt. 描绘;扮演 portray sb as hero把某人描述成英雄%righteousraits1719

18、 adj. 正义的;正直的;公正的sinfulsinful 1871(道德) 不道德的邪恶的 sinful thought邪恶的想法 it is sinful to waste good food 浪费好好的食物是有罪的*sliceslais 1888 Slick 1888华而不实的 花言巧语能说会道的delugedelju:d 529大雨暴雨 a deluge of calls/complaints接连不断的电话没完没完没了的投诉。动 使充满,同 floodprophetprfit n. 先知;预言者;提倡者1590有几个医学词汇thereof,rv, -v 2095 adv. 它的 由此

19、在其中 关于 将它 there词根单词都在此页shamm 1832N 1假象2假装某人冒充者3虚假的行为感情言语伪善their promise turned out to be full of sham他们的谎言到头来都是空的adj 虚假的假装的a sham marriage 假结婚 verb to pretend sth is he really sick or just shamming 他真病了还是装的%concoctknkkt409verb 调制配合(尤指食物和饮料)quackkwk 1618 江湖郎中冒牌医生 庸医quack doctorunwary,nwri 2217 不警觉的不提

20、防的wary 2266 be wary of chorusk:rs338 合唱团 异口同声 a chorus of praise 一片赞扬声 a of voices calling for her resignation 异口同声要求她辞职 reignrein 1675 统治noun verb in/during the reign of sb在sb统治期间brand-name 品牌的trump card王牌dilemmadilem, ,dai- 556 (进退两难的)窘境困境dazzledzl509solventslvnt, s:l-1916 noun 溶剂adj 有偿付能力的2可溶解的in

21、solventinslvnt adj. 破产的;无力偿还的 1056mineralminrl 1278矿物质whereashwz2292(用以比较或对比两个事实)然而但是尽管starring role 主演auxiliary :zilri as an auxiliary means 117 辅助的 nurse/worker助理护士/辅助工人2备用的(术语)%noun辅助工辅助人员consistent knsistnt422持续的 一致的始终如一的*persistent 1479 lanelein fast lane 快车道clap klp clap hard 热烈鼓掌*literallylit

22、rli 1181literary 字面意义的I am not referring to “small”people in the literal sense of the word我指的不是字面意义上的小人 a literal translation直译1按字面的 sth literally means sth按照字面意思是2略3简直 I literally jumped out of my skin *acknowledgeknlid 16handicappedhndikpt923有生理缺陷的physical 残疾 同 disabled a school for the physical h

23、andicapped 残疾人学校handicap noun 1 生理缺陷 弱智残疾mental/physical visual handicap 智力生理视力缺陷 despite her handicap, he is able to hold down a full-time job尽管有生理缺陷,他还是保住了一份全职工作2 障碍,阻碍 SYN obstacle not speaking proved to be a bigger handicap than I d imagined事实证明不会说这种语言造成的障碍比我想象的大seaweedsi:wi:d海草,海藻grasshopperr:s

24、,hp, rs-蝗虫,蚱蜢predatorpredt 15551捕食性动物2实行弱肉强食的机构/人 剥削者 protect from foreign 保护不受外来剥削sugarcaneug,kein n. 作物 甘蔗;糖蔗mentorment: n. 指导者,良师益友 导师superficial,sju:pfil2026 1粗略的肤浅的浅薄的 a analysis/understanding粗略的分析肤浅的理解2表面的外面的外表的 differences表面的差异impression表面印象romancerumns, rumns, rmns17331浪漫史爱情关系(短暂的)2恋爱爱情 how

25、can you put romance back into your marriage 怎样才能使你的婚姻在此充满绵绵爱意呢empathizeempaiz有同感 产生共鸣( with) verb 653emphasize强调emphasis(noun)the emphasis is very much on learning spoken English 重点放在口语学习上endearindi658verb endear sb/oneself to sb是某人受到某人的喜欢adj endearing SYN loveable an endearing habit 讨人喜欢的习惯blue fla

26、me星星之火specificspisifik specific plan 详细的计划scatterskt1779 撒 散开四散the crowd 人群散开*hell 953hell-benthelbent adj. 拼命的;固执的hell-bent on sth/on doing anything he seems hell-bent on drinking himself to death他拼命喝酒,似乎连命都不要了jerkd:k1090 verb nounongoingn,ui, :n-1393adj 持续存在的an ongoing debate持续的辩论tactictktik n.策略战

27、略2054 delaying tactic拖延战术best tactic上策 s兵法%buddybdi n. 伙伴,好朋友;密友;小男孩mythologymildi1325(统称)神话Greek mythology希腊神话qualitative adj 1619质量的定性的性质的 there are qualitative differences between the two products 这两个产品存在着质的差别qualitativelykwliteitivli adv. 定性地;从品质上讲 性质不同的quandary 1620 困难进退两难 困窘SYN dilemma he was

28、in a quandary -should he go or shouldnt he他现在犹豫不定是去还是不去呢toiltil 2127verb 1长时间的苦干 辛勤劳作2艰难缓慢的移动+adv/prep they toiled up the hill in the blazing sun他们冒着炎炎烈日往山顶爬 3noun a life of hardship and toil 艰难劳苦的一生%unfetterednfetd 2201无限制的,不受约束的自由的an unfettered free market 不受约束的自由市场realmrelmn. 领域,范围;王国1651pervasiv

29、ep:veisiv, p-adj. 普遍的;到处渗透的1482fragmentation,frmentein n. 破碎;分裂;计 存储残片cushionkun n. 垫子handkerchiefhktif, -ti:f n. 手帕 纸巾napkinnpkin n. 餐巾;餐巾纸diaperdaip noun尿布 verb换尿布%hoisthistverb 提升吊起拉高haystackheistk n. 干草堆*thrillril2107gorgeous:ds 882非常美丽的动人的a gorgeous girl/view漂亮的女郎美丽的 风景torturet:t2135noun 1拷问拷打2

30、(精神上或肉体上的)折磨人的事物the interview was sheer torture from start to finish这场面试从头到尾都是人备受煎熬verb 1拷问严刑逼供2使痛苦使苦恼使受煎熬he spent his life tortured by the memories of his childhood 童年的记忆使他痛苦了一辈子viciousvis22411狂暴的残酷的SYN brutal a vicious criminal 凶残的罪犯2(of animals)动物 凶猛危险的 a vicious animal 凶猛的动物3 恶劣的严重的 vicious circ

31、le恶性循环devastation,devstein n. 毁坏,荒废widespread devastation 大面积的破坏devastate devsteit 546彻底破坏摧毁 proneprun 1588 flood-prone area -prone 易于遭受.的 error-prone易出错的 prone to do sth易于遭受有做(坏事)的倾向outageautid n.中断供应;运行中断 power outage电力中断washoutwaut, w:-因为风雨取消的事lingerli 11781继续存留缓慢消失the faint smell of her perfume

32、lingered in the room房间里仍飘逸着她那淡淡的香水味2逗留徘徊linger for a few minute多呆了几分钟linger over the breakfast慢条斯理的吃着早餐3持续的看或思考his eyes lingered on the diamond目光滞留在钻石上4苟延残喘linger on several months after the heart attack心脏病发作后又拖了几个月才去世forsakef:seik(forsook forsaken)8021 抛弃遗弃(不履行责任)SYN abandon he had made it clear to

33、 his wife the he would never forsake her她对他妻子说永远不抛弃她2抛弃(喜爱的事物)forsake city放弃了城市loungelaund1201 机场的等候室 旅馆/俱乐部的休息室 私宅的起居室verb懒洋洋坐站躺着 lounging around,reading newspapers懒洋洋的坐着看报psychiatristsaikaitrist n. 精神病学家,精神病医生psychologistpsaikldist n. 心理学家,心理学者wittywiti 2313 adj. 诙谐的;富于机智的 a witty remark机智的话wittin

34、gly witili2313有意的故意的明知的it was clear that, wittingly or unwittingly, he had offended her很显然,不管是有意还是无意,他反正是得罪了他facialfeil715 adj 面部的 a facial expression面部表情noun 面部护理cuekju:486noun暗示提示信号his arrival was a cue for more champagne他一来就意味着喝更多的香槟酒verb cue to do sthfake(ry)feikri verb/noun. 伪造;假货 fakery查不到,如果表

35、示假货赝品fake就行verb 伪造冒充he arranged the accident in order to fake his death他策划了这场事故以便造成他死亡的假象 假装(某种感情/有病)he is not really sick-hes just faking it他没有真生病是假装的he faked a yawn他假装打了一个哈欠freelancefri:l:ns812 adj自由职业的a freelance journalist 自由新闻工作者adv I work freelance from home我是在家中工作的自由职业者freelancer自由职业者 freeloa

36、der白吃白住的人 寄生虫 爱占便宜的人revolutionize,revlju:naizverb 1711 *revolution 1711%theorizeiraiz, i:-alphabetlfbit n. 字母表,字母系统;入门,初步notablynutbli adv 1尤其特别SYN especially the house had many drawbacks,most notably its price这房子有很多缺陷,尤其是他的价格2很大程度上,非常 SYN remarkably this has not been a notably successful project 这个

37、项目没有取得巨大的成功inalienableineiljnbl1029 adj.不可分割的 不可剥夺的 不能让与的 inalienable right decide your own future不可剥夺的决定自己未来的权利motorizemutraiz vt. 使摩托化;使机动化nurturen:t1369 vt great minds1养育培育养护these delicate plants need careful nurturing 这些幼嫩的植物需要精心的培育2滋生 助长she secretly a hope of becoming famous她暗暗滋生成名的愿望aviation,e

38、iviein n. 航空;飞行术;飞机制造业rent onvirtualv:tul adj 1很接近的 几乎。的 事实上的 实际的 实质的the country was sliding into a state of virtual civil war这个国家实际上挣逐渐进入内战状态 he married a virtual stranger他娶了一位几乎素不相识的女子2 通过计算机软件如在互联网上模拟的虚拟的 new technology has enabled development of an online “virtual library”新技术已经是在线的“虚拟图书馆”的发展成为可能

39、harasshrs, hrs vt. 使困扰;使烦恼;反复袭击sexually harass性骚扰/sexual harassment 、harass-looking waiter愁眉苦脸的侍者baldb:ld135 adj 秃顶的秃头的 he start going bald in his twenties他二十多岁就开始秃顶了2简单的赤裸裸的 the bald fact is that we dont need you any longer事实很简单我们不再需要你了insaneinsein 1029愚蠢的无意义的 an insane remark无聊的话语insanityinsnticom

40、petencykmpitnsi =competence 1能力胜任professional/technical competence 专业/技术能力3技能本领 adj competent be in 胜任Rail against 批评 抨击Follow your instinct追随你的直觉Steer away from 偏离Some teachers of philosophy describe action in this way, of one wants to get to the top of a mountain , just sitting at the foot thinkin

41、g about it will not bring one there. It is be making the effort of climbing up the mountain, step by step , that eventually the summit is reached.一位哲学老师这样描述行动,如果一个人想要到达山顶,那么仅仅做在山脚思考是不会把他带到山顶的。只有一步一步的向上攀登最终才有可能到达顶峰Expect more and more of mates 从别人身上渴望得到更多Rest up for 为什么养精蓄锐Live a self-determined life

42、 过一个自己主宰自己的生活drive toward the best of the best精益求精measured by saved life 从拯救生命的角度看make good on this promise 兑现承诺dive into the question深入研究这个问题sneak up on me 偷偷的接近我fall short 不符合标准once-and-for-all 一劳永逸的call it a day 收工in view of the general fit into societythis brand of cameracool offat an elementary levelat each spotstarring roleon the other end 在另一面simply put 简言之go deep into what really matters 直接谈谈那些真正重要的事情dont think that they will think less of you , in fact , usually the opposite happens 不要以为他们会看轻你,事实恰恰相反humble beginnin


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