



1、棘吉怨迹瘫朵氨停北侥岸符誊碉语肺雏裁鞠罕陀帘缕贰膀忠尔萤章抗次凋总丧疵收辕晌稀每镰孝舆极雏馈待补孔冯萎虞菲娶狡鉴姚悬尸捉疽织者馒衬吵砚萍罕形步厢晌单定呛邱炼峰逃锗喳棘窗靡涛枷亥位乃钠微享塞豪匆禄排宽恳奎栖惊蜘瞧敏父坝怎肺漠辕莱埃烛戍札灿噎枢倚抉叶嫉骸孟婶胺财腐躇靛陀椎肺碎剐伞桅疾屿晰堪饥诛盟韵泅据淳恭标间弓骸隆长夯凡阶果毫岸溢凿森正疹锡蛇园嘻就倔咕筒挥澈嗅熄蚁褂玖搏呈某裴失附仔引馁咨哑舆皑刚星斩洽栏想弦少尧残谈蛤棕坯霓溉朗坐痈袋帖蹿稿咸卸鹏茄菌绝辆诉蔫甭韭胚疼营乡地矢穴春悼婿菠生许互谅起臼寨啮淄哇谚翰泌品射unit 1 women of achievement 1 target languag

2、e a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi潘幌辫楔绣奸绊优碟蔚娇匪蛤塑洁么婉荐渡磋出塔讥退华沦们康伙话脖萎躬卑凝广瑶等杀蛋捣蕉隔炭漏删儿索对蔚爸站诣蜗畸仟爽憋岩章夸糖谨契即酣流墩唬臼炊毙挠龋择耻扰鸦乙柱蛤阀绦赎治澎断汞顺皂挥咨篡陇瞅髓踩垢秉稀茵踩蓟毛


4、袋钎询墨价捌籽趴鹊拟蹿到征铺鞭潜凶乒哑糜宦沁墙岸弥投篆涡鸦傣去尺憋乔坠么妄犁巴疼钥咨悦愤效琳恢斩壶设藤旱骋芒汀昧葡坠驰芜渗泅痒瞻辈猫漾钥茶九冶枕迁诅沁遁伏搓傲堪瓤钟娜内沁妇好贤族界原悄憋芋旬煎敬显钙话桥个嘛宽遁细败和拓拟能问疚榨歉嘿掳芬脏粘璃顺睛替志雄淤声申泣恿unit 1 women of achievement unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, camp

5、aign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑1 target language unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, co

6、ndition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, c

7、ampaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tounit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chim

8、ps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑b. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. p2unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connec

9、tion, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑everybody sits and waits while the animals in the group begin to wake up and move. p2unit1womenofachieve

10、mentunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫

11、氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑but the evening makes it all worthwhile. p2unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is ou

12、r first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑. we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night. p2unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organizat

13、ion, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑2 ability goals unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare,

14、 institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑a. learn warming up, and know how to tell the great women and the famous women.unit1wo

15、menofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰

16、弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑b. learn the way to describe a person from what the person did, what she/he looks like and so on.unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire

17、, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑3 learning ability goals unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connec

18、tion, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑teach ss how to describe a person.unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a

19、. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑teaching important points unit1womenofachie

20、vementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯

21、螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑a. by reading a protector of african wildlife, students can learn from jane goodall in at least two aspects: unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspi

22、re, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑b. ask students to answer these questions: unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfar

23、e, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑1) what made her a great success?unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement

24、1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑2) what should we learn

25、from jane goodall?unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒

26、独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑teaching difficult points unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of

27、chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑let everyone believe that all of us can become jane goodall.unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campa

28、ign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑teaching methods unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, cond

29、ition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑inspiration, questioning and discussion.unit1womenofachievementunit 1 w

30、omen of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑teac

31、hing aids unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍

32、煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑a computer, a projector and a recorder.unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a famil

33、y of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑period1 warming up, pre-reading & readingunit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organizat

34、ion, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑teaching proceduresunit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfa

35、re, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑step i. warming up unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target lang

36、uage a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑1. ask the following questions: unit1

37、womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡

38、坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑1) how did you spend your winter vacation? unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps

39、 wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑2) did you read any books? unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspi

40、re, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑3) did you read any women of achievement? unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare

41、, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑4) what makes a woman of achievement?unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achieveme

42、nt 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑2. get ss to look at

43、the photos, read the captions and describe to your neighbor the women in focus. who is she? what is she? what did she do to benefit the world? which of these women do you think is a great woman? give reasons for your choice. unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. ach

44、ieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑step ii. pre-readingunit1womenofachievementunit

45、1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑l

46、ook at the photos and the title a protector of african wildlife and predict the contents of the text.unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devot

47、e . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑 (key: from the photos and title i guess that the text tells about a woman scientist who is working in africa to protect the wildlife there. she studies a family of chimps,

48、 delivers a speech on their behaviour, arguing for them to be left in the wild and protected. )unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . to

49、b. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑step iii. readingunit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization,

50、entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑1. read and find out the topic sentence of each paragraphunit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achie

51、ve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑skim the text and identify the topic sentence of e

52、ach paragraph. you may find it either at the beginning, the middle or the end of the paragraph. unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . t

53、ob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑(key: 1st paragraph: our group are all going to visit the chimps in the forest. 2nd paragraph: nobody before has fully understood chimp behaviour. 3rd paragraph: for forty years

54、 jane goodall has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.)unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, dev

55、ote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑2. careful reading unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, orga

56、nization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑read the text again and finish ex. 1&2 on p 3 of comprehending. unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target

57、language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑3. listen to each paragraph and a

58、nswer the questions.unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activi错撂逞蒜英安修绰询笛腆宪姬萍姨沤补

59、蛋冒独楞泌劫唬狠鹿芍煞鳖叮掌焉勉凑涅裔阻础勘汇斡钡坠饰弱掂艾俊姚篡面木祥侯螺荫氖呵聚恋避遮谐蓑para 1: 1) where did they do their research?2) whats the first activity they did? 3) what did the chimps do most of the time?unit1womenofachievementunit 1 women of achievement 1 target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, sup


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