



1、 沙县小吃 闻名遐迩的沙县小吃,历史悠久,有一千多年的历史文化积淀,创于汉晋,兴于唐宋,盛于明清,发展于当代,在沙县民间具有浓厚的文化基础,以其源远流长的汉唐饮食文化遗风,尤以风味独特,做工精细,品种繁多,荤素相宜,营养平衡和经济实惠而著称,被誉为中国饮食行业百花园中的一朵奇葩。the well-known shaxian snacks, rich in cultural heritage, has a history of over 1,000 years, which began in han & jin dynasty, boomed in tang & song,prospered i

2、n ming & qing, and still develops nowadays. enjoying solid cultural foundation among the people in shaxian, it is famous for its long-standing style from han & tang, especially for its unique flavor, fine workmanship, numerous varieties, good combination of meat and vegetables, its balanced nutritio

3、n and reasonable prices. all those contribute to its good reputation as treasures in the chinas food industry. 沙县小吃被称为古代汉族传统饮食的活化石,属源远流长的中原汉族饮食文化传统的一个分支,它既有福州、闽南一带的饮食特点,又有汀州一带山区客家饮食文化风格。到过沙县的人必尝沙县小吃,吃了都有沙阳归来无小吃之感叹。 shanxian snacks is dubbed as the “living fossil” of han traditional diet. and it is a

4、 part of the han food culture tradition in central plain of ancient china. it, therefore, shares some features with foods in fuzhou and southern fujian, and with hakka food in the mountainous area in tingzhou. those who have ever been to shanxian all regard shanxian snacks as a must-taste. thereafter, they all h


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