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1、开放英语3第6单元试卷总分:100一、Use of English (共10道试题,共20分。阅读下面的小对话,从四个选项中选岀一个最佳答 案。(共10小题,每题2分,共计20分)A. Yes, you willB. Yes, you must ntC. No, you need ntD. No, you must nt正确答案:C 满分:2得分:02. -What do you find difficult in learning English?A. Liste ning and speak ingB. Dont be afraid of difficultiesC. Lear ning

2、En glish is usefulD. Dont be disappo in ted正确答案:A 满分:2得分:2LJ3. Ca n you tell me how much a radio like this costs?A. Id like to buy itB. Its of very good qualityC. About eighty-five dollarsD. It depends on how you like it正确答案:C 满分:2得分:24. Do you like watch ing football matches?A. Thank you for in vit

3、 ing meB. I dont like watching it on TV, eitherC. I hear the football match will be put offD. Football? No. Its a waste of time正确答案:D 满分:2得分:25. -Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator?A. Certa inly. Here you areB. Please dont mention itC. Its no thi ngD. Yes, I have a hand正确答案:A 满分:2得分:26. -M

4、ay I give you a hand?A. Yes, Id love toB. Thank you. You are so kindC. Yes, give meD. Im not sure正确答案:B 满分:2得分:2X 7.-Must I do the wash in g-up toni ght?A. No, you must nt if you dont wantB. Leave it if youre exhaustedC. Wash in g-up is really exhausti ngD. Wash in g-up really takes up time正确答案:B 满分

5、:2 得分:08.-What do you thi nk about this story?A. Thank you for telling me the storyB. Yes, its a real storyC. I like it very muchD. So do I正确答案:C 满分:2得分:2餐 9.T wonder if Henry will come to the party at 8:00 sharp as hes promised.A. The party wont start until 8:00B. Thank you for hav ing the party fo

6、r meC. Dont worry. He always keeps his wordD. The party must cost a lot正确答案:C 满分:2得分:010. -Where to? Im so thirsty.A. Why dont we go nowB. Why dont we enjoy some beer at that barC. Why did nt you look up the mapD. Why did nt you tell me about it earlier正确答案:B 满分:2得分:2理二、Vocabulary and Structure (共15

7、道试题,共15分。阅读下面的句子,从四个选项中选岀个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(共15小题,每题1分,共计15分)1. you told me, I had heard nothing of what happe ned.A. NotB. AfterC. TillD. Un til正确答案:D 满分:1得分:12. Our Lab was beingwhe n we visited the uni versity.A. rebuiltB. rebuildC. rebuild ingD. to rebuild正确答案:A 满分:1得分:13. If I had more mon ey, Itrav

8、el arou nd the world.A. willB. wantC. wouldD. like正确答案:C 满分:1得分:1A. whoseB. thatC. whichD. who正确答案:A 满分:1得分:1舞5. Whatof blood does Tom have?A. kindB. typeC. sortD. category正确答案:B 满分:1得分:06. If there were life on Mars, such life formsunable to survive on earth.A. isB. areC. would beD. will be正确答案:C 满

9、分:1得分:1* 7. Hehimself quickly to the new condition of his work.A. changedB. alteredC. adjustedD. varied正确答案:C 满分:1得分:1“ 8. I saw she was in a difficulty with all those parcels, so I offered my.A. servicesB. moneyC. useD. chanee正确答案:A 满分:1得分:1* 9. Hein the laboratory the whole morning.A. has bee n wo

10、rk ingB. is worki ngC. was worki ngD. has worked正确答案:A 满分:1得分:110. Its not safein the street.A. playedB. playC. playi ngD. plays正确答案:C 满分:1得分:111. I prefer the TVthe radio.A. toB. onC. atD. with正确答案:A 满分:1得分:1X 12. The policema n was attackeda knife.A. onB. byC. forD. with正确答案:D 满分:1得分:0X 13. If I g

11、et the new job, Ibuy a better car.A. -(不填)B. willC. wouldD. might正确答案:B 满分:1得分:014. This is the househe lived last year.A. thatB. whichC. whereD. what15. Lets go to the cin ema,?A. will you sha nt weB. sha nt weC. dont weD. shall we正确答案:D 满分:1得分:1盏三、Cloze Test (共1道试题,共10分。阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的四个选项中选岀能填入相应

12、空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,每题1分,共计10分)1. Mr. Smith, a passenger on the transcontinental train, appeared before the judge. A police officerclaimedhe had attempted to1pay ing his fare. The defe ndant refused to con sult a lawyer.2suggested that the officer was not aware 3all the circumsta nces. He appealedto the

13、judge, whe n in terpret ing the evide nee, to4into accou nt the abse nee of any previouscrim inalrecord in his case. His ticket, he said, was stole n5before the train crossed the in ter nati onal6. At that time and in that territory he was unwilling to mention the incident to the localrailwayauthori

14、ties or can cel the7of his jour ney, in8of the severe maltreatme nt to whichhe might besubjected. He emphasized his readi ness to9any reas on able puni shme nt the judge imposedIn his summary the judge indicated he was convinced that Smiths10was partly justified.Tech ni cally, however, he had commit

15、ted an offen ce. Crime must not be en couraged or the processesofthe law interfered with. He gave Smith a warning and fined him one dollar.1).A. avoidB. rejectC. refuseD. n eglect正确答案:A 满分:1得分:12) .A. whoB. whileC. andD. because正确答案:C 满分:1得分:13) .A. aboutB. forC. withD. of正确答案:D 满分:1得分:14) .A. takeB

16、. getC. makeD. keep正确答案:A 满分:1得分:15) .A. immediatelyB. gen erallyC. largelyD. shortly正确答案:D 满分:1得分:16) .A. bordersB. edgesC. sidesD. ran gesA. last正确答案:A 满分:1得分:17).B. restC. mostD. latest正确答案:B 满分:1得分:1逾).A. viewB. spiteC. caseD. relati on正确答案:A 满分:1得分:19).A. receiveB. acceptC. admitD. acquire正确答案:

17、B 满分:1得分:1f 10).A. suggesti onB. causeC. reas onD. meaning正确答案:C 满分:1得分:1憧四、Reading Comprehension (共 4 道试题,共 40 分。)1. A: What was your very first job?B: When I left school, I sold double-glaz ing and I hated it. Fin ally, one of my customers lost her job because her child was very sick and she could

18、 nt go to work. The family had no mon ey, so they wan ted to can cel the con tract. My boss sued the customer. I thought it was awful that the compa ny only cared about mon ey, so I resig ned.B: I went to a local n ewspaper and asked for a job. The editor said, Go and get me a story no w. Iwalked ou

19、t of the office and by cha nee saw three police cars and an ambula nee racing dow n theroad. I followed them and saw a big accident. At that moment another car raced round the corner.ran over the two casualties and hit the police car which was stopping the traffic. I wrote the storyHorror at Death B

20、end and I got the job.As a journalist the worst thing was that you were always looking for terrible things so that you couldreport them.A: Why did you give up jour nalism to sail full-time?B: When I was in Moscow before the fall of Gorbachev, I liste ned to jour nalists who were excited aboutthe cha

21、nges in Russia, and I knew it was time to give up. What I hated most was their excitementIwas bored.Any way, shortly before that, I had started going out with ano ther kee n sailor. I was 45 years old. Shewas much you nger and we decided to sail off into the sun set.A: Why did you start child mindin

22、g?B: After many long sea adve ntures and after our first child was born, I did nt want to go back to aproperjob. What I like most is that I am with our children all day, so I started looking after other childrenwhose pare nts went out to work.A: Is it hard work?B: Not too hard. The best thing is tha

23、t the childre n usually amuse each other. Sometimes its as chaoticas war report ing! What I enjoy most is at 7.30 in the eve ning, the childre n go to bed and my wife andI have a large glass of wine.It does nt matter that we hardly ever leave the village now. The most importa nt thi ng for me is tha

24、t Iam with my family and that I can watch my children grow up.1) . Why did he (the sec ond speaker) give up his first job?A. Because he could not ear n en ough moneyB. Because he disliked selli ng double-glaz ingC. Because the compa ny he had worked with only cared about moneyD. Both B and C正确答案:D 满

25、分:2得分:22) . It can be in ferred from the passage that.A. he got the job as a jour nalist mai nly by cha neeB. he prepared himself very well for being a journalistC. the editor decided to recruit him when they met for the first timeD. he was good at making up stories正确答案:A 满分:2得分:23) . Why did he giv

26、e up jour nalism to sail full-time?A. Because he thought it was toiling to travel to different places to seek news.B. Because was bored with the fact that journalists took delight in reporting terrible things.C. Because he disagreed with other jour nalists on the cha nges in Russia.D. Because he had

27、 worked as a jour nalist for so long a time.正确答案:B 满分:2得分:24) . It can be in ferred from this passage that.A. he prefers to look after childre n rather tha n go back to find a proper jobB. he cannot return to work since his children are too smallC. he decides to go back to work whe n his childre n g

28、row upD. he dislikes stay ing with childre n all day正确答案:A 满分:2得分:25) . What does the word chaotic mean in the last paragraph?A. importa ntB. excit ingC. annoyingD. disorderly正确答案:D 满分:2得分:22. Benjamin Disraeli, the famous nineteenth century prime minister, said, London is not a city, - it is anatio

29、n. Today this is an understatement; London, with its vast range of different ethnic groups, is aworld.Certainly, London is the most culturally diverse city in the world. The city was founded by theRoma nsand since then new arrivals have constantly added to its character and prosperity.With in 10 yea

30、rs 40% of Londoners will be from eth nic mino rity groups, in clud ing the grow ingn umber ofLondoners of mixed ethnic origin, but most of them will have been born in Britain. Children ofCaribbean-Chinese marriages will go to school with children of Russian-Irish couples. None of themwillbe En glish

31、 but all of them will be London ers.Most of Britains ethnic minority residents live in the capital, speaking over 300 languages. Nearly allofthe African population and many of the Caribbean population of Britain live in London (83% and58%respectively); 39% of the Chinese population of Britain and 36

32、% of the Asian population of Britainlivein London. The largest migra nt commu nity is from the Irish Republic with 256,000 people, 3.8% ofthetotal populati on of London.There are an estimated 330,000 refugees and asylum seekers living in London, with most recent arrivalscoming from Eastern Europe, N

33、orth Africa and Kurdistan.You ng people, in particular, are skilled at deali ng with a large n umber of differe nt and hybrid cultures.They themselves ofte n have several differe nt eth nic ide ntities since their pare nts and gran dpare nts maycome from several different backgrounds and their frien

34、ds and partners do also. They are skilled cross-cultural travellers without leav ing their home-tow n.1) . Why does the writer thi nk that Benjamin Disraelis stateme nt is an un derstateme nt? Becausehethi nks London is.A. part of the worldB. even larger than some countries in the worldC. not a n at

35、i on at allD. a miniature world thanks to its great cultural diversity正确答案:D 满分:2得分:22) . Why does the writer think new arrivals are an advantage to London?A. Because they have regularly in creased its character and prosperity.B. Because they speak differe nt lan guages.C. Because they are superior

36、to London ers in many aspects.D. Because they are uni que eth nic mino rity groups.正确答案:A 满分:2得分:23) . London is regarded as the most culturally diverse city in the world due to the following factsEXCEPT that.A. withi n 10 years 40% London ers will be from eth nic min ority groupsB. most of Britains

37、 ethnic minority residents live in London, speaking over 300 languagesC. London accommodates about 330,000 refugees and asylum seekers from many other cou ntriesD. many you ng people are immigra nts from differe nt backgrou nds正确答案:D 满分:2得分:24) . The last paragraph mainly tells us in London.A. you n

38、g people are from differe nt backgrou ndsB. you ng people are raised in a multicultural en viro nmentC. you ng people find it hard to adapt themselves to hybrid culturesD. you ng people feel at ease with a large n umber of diversified cultures 正确答案:D 满分:2得分:25) . The passage mainly deals with.A. the

39、 adva ntage of hybrid cultures in LondonB. the composition of the population in LondonC. the cultural diversity in LondonD. the contribution made by the new arrivals to London正确答案:C 满分:2得分:23. The en terta inment professi on, or show bus in ess, attracts many you ng people. Un fortu nately, onlyvery

40、few can hope to become famous and rich. Tale nt is not eno ugh, because show bus in ess is ascompetitive as any other bus in ess. Without a good man ager, a performer can n ever hope to succeed.Fashi on is importa nt in this bus in ess, too. The best tailor in this world will n ever be a success if

41、hemakes old-fashioned clothes. In exactly the same way, a performer must change his act in order tofollowthe taste of the mome nt. This is true for all performers: actors, dan cers and perhaps most of all, forsin gers.Pop sta nds for popular, and a pop sin ger has to work very hard to become popular

42、. He must eithergive the public what they already want, or he must find a new way of singing that will attract theiratte nti on. Eve n whe n he has succeeded, and his CDs are sold everywhere, he cannot relax. Then hemust work harder tha n ever to stay popular, because there are always you nger sin g

43、ers trying tobecomefamous and to steal some of the popularity.The life of a successful pop sin ger is not at all easy. He can only relax whe n he is alone, because everyth ing he does is watched and reported in a special n ewspaper writte n for the fans. The fans are the most importa nt people in th

44、e world for the sin ger. They buy his CDs or VCDs. They go to his con certs, and watch his MTV And it is they who make the sin ger rich and famous. But they can be veryannoying too. Sometimes their enthusiasm gets so wild and mad that they do anything to attractatte nti on and their behavior is as u

45、ncon trolled as possible. They shout and cry very loudly dur ing the performa nee. In order to get a gift, they steal everythi ng from the sin ger: his han dkerchiefs (手帕), his T shirts, his toothbrush. They sometimes tear off butt ons from the sin gers clothes, and they eve n cut off pieces of the

46、un fortu nate sin gers hair. Many sin gers have bee n forced to hide, and some who have not bee n so lucky as to escape have almost no thi ng on at the end of their performa nee with almosteveryth ing take n away.A pop sin ger has to spe nd a lot of money on clothes, because he must always look smar

47、t, or at any rate,different. He must have a luxurious car. And most important -he must always keep smiling for theben efit of his public. To keep his image you ng in his fans mind, he is not allowed to grow old.1) . What is not mentioned as the important thing to be a success in the entertainment pr

48、ofession in the passage?A. Being tale nted.B. Hav ing a good man ager.C. Getting the best tailor.D. Following the taste of the moment.正确答案:C 满分:2得分:22) . A successful pop sin ger must work eve n harder because.A. he can not relaxB. he must find new ways of singingC. you nger sin gers are catchi ng u

49、pD. he must stay popular to stop you ng sin gers正确答案:C 满分:2得分:23) . For a pop sin ger, the most importa nt adva ntage of hav ing fans is that.A. they buy his CDs or VCDs. They go to his con certs, and watch his MTVB. they watch him and report everything he doesC. they shout and cry very loudly dur i

50、ng the performa neeD. they make him rich and famous正确答案:D 满分:2得分:24) . Accord ing to the author, the fans.A. are usually madB. can be very annoyingC. are thievesD. are very wild people正确答案:B 满分:2得分:25) . The most importa nt thi ng that a pop sin ger must do for the ben efit of his public is to.A. ke

51、ep smili ngB. look smart or at least differe ntC. have an expe nsive carD. keep his image you ng正确答案:A 满分:2得分:24. In the Un ited States, 30 perce nt of the grow nup populati on has a “ weight problems ny ”eopde, the cause is clear: we eat too much. But scientific experiments do little to support thi

52、s idea. Going back to the America of 1910, we find that people were thinner than today, yet they ate more food. In those days people worked harder physically, walked more, used mach ines much less, and did nt watch televisi on.Several moder n studies, besides, have show n that fatter people do not e

53、at more on average tha n thinner people. In fact, some research work, such as the 1979 study of 3,545 London office workers, reports that fat people eat less tha n thinner people on average. Studies show that thi n people are more active tha n fat people. A study by the research group at Stan dford

54、Uni versity School ofMedici nejyfound the following fact: the more the man ran, the greater body fat he lost. The more he ran, thegreaterwas his n eed for food. Thus, those who ran the most ate the most, yet lost the greatest amou nt of bocfat.$ 1). What kind of physical problem do many grow n-up Am

55、erica ns have?A. They are too thi n.B. They work too hard.C. They are too fat.D. They lose too much body fat.正确答案:C 满分:2得分:22) . Based on the in formati on give n in this article, suppose there are 500 grow n-up America ns,about how many of them have a weight problem?A. 30.B. 50.C. 100.D. 150.正确答案:D 满分:2得分:23) . Are there scientific facts to support that eating too much is the cause of the weight problem?A. Yes, there are plenty of them.B. Of course, there are facts to show this is true.C. There are hardly any scientific facts to support this.


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