



1、毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献文献翻译原文Marketi ng theoryMcCarthy (E.J.Mccarthy) ,in I960, also un der the micro-marketi ng defi niti on:Marketi ng is the resp on sibility of bus in ess activities, products and services will be directly from the producer towards the consumer or user in order to meet customer needs and

2、 the achievement of the company profits, but also a process of socio-ec ono mic activities with the aim to meet the social or huma n needs, to achieve social goals. this definition than in the United States, although the definition of marketing association a step forward that meet customer needs and

3、 realize the companys operating profit as a goal, but two defi niti ons that marketi ng activities are product ion activities in the beg inning of the end of the middle after a series of bus in ess sales activities, whe n the commodity to the user the hands of the end, the en terprise market ing act

4、ivities and therefore is limited to the narrow scope of circulation,rather thanoperat ing as a bus in ess for sale throughout the en tire process, in clud ing marketing research, product development, pricing, distribution,advertising,publicity reports, sales promotion, marketing staff, after-sales s

5、ervice and so on.Christia n Grnroosto the defi niti on and emphasized the purpose ofmarket ing:Marketing is in the interests of a whole, through mutual exchange and commitment to establish, maintain, consolidate and consumers and other participa nts in the relati on ship betwee n the parties to achi

6、eve the purpose.This definition has been in use ever since, until the summer of 2004 was revised. The new definition is nearly 20 years on the marketing of the first amendment to the definition, no wonder the majority of marketers attracted universal attention. The development of marketing theory ha

7、s the following four stages:The first stage: start-up phase. Marketi ng in the late 19th cen tury to 20 in theUn ited States the worlds creati on of 20, due to in dustrial developme nt and marketing at this time by a very narrow scope of the study, but research and commercial advertising network set

8、tings. Island in Illinois and other related courses at the universities. By the Association of American Advertising to National Advertising and Marketing Association of Scienee Teachers, to marketing research to ensure the organization. At this time of marketing research is characterized by: a. focu

9、s on marketi ng and advertis ing tech niq ues, modern marketing theory, concepts, principles had yet to emerge; b. University research activities are basically confined to the classroom and a professor of the study, and also society and the bus in ess com mun ity did not receive atte nti on.Phase II

10、: Applicati on stage. During the 20th cen tury to the end of World WarII 20 for the application stage, begun to take shape at this time, the United States began large-scale domestic enterprises to use marketing to operate bus in esses, ope n overseas markets, Europea n coun tries have to follow. Est

11、ablished in 1931, American Marketing Association Marketing preach, and in 1937 merged the two orga ni zati ons, academia and the bus in ess com mun ity to absorb a wide range to join the Marketi ng from the Un iversity of the rostrum to the commu ni ty. This stage of the developme nt of marketi ng i

12、n the applications. The capitalist world in 1929 due to the outbreak of an unprecedented economic crisis, the economy of the Great Depression, large shrinkage in the purchasing power of a sharp decline in the community, the unprecedented sharp market. The whole capitalist economic crisis dealt a ser

13、ious blow. This stage, market ing research is characterized by: a. there is no product to sell out of this narrow con cept of; b. at a deeper study on the basis of a broader marketi ng and advertis ing tech niq ue; c. study in favor of selli ng the bus in ess orga ni zati on set; d. begi nning of th

14、e study of market ing theory to society, pay ing atte nti on to the gen eral bus in ess com mun ity.The third phase: the formation period of development. The 20th century, the 50s to 80s for the market ing stage of developme nt, the U.S. military-industrial economy has begun to shift the public econ

15、omic, social goods, the sharp in crease in social productivity improved sig nifica ntly, while the corresponding consumption level of residents has not been much improvement, market began to emerge in a state of oversupply. At this point the U.S. marketing expert R. Cox and W. Aderson the broad sens

16、e of Marketing is to promote the potential producers and consumers of goods or services of any tran sacti on activity. This point of view to make the start into the new marketing stage. Previously that the market is the end of the product ion process, is now con sidered to be the start ing point of

17、the product ion process; the orig inal that is marketi ng to sell products, now that marketing through the investigation to understand the needs and desires of con sumers, and producti on in line with con sumer n eeds and desires goods or services, which meet the needs and desires of consumers; so t

18、hat from the marketing companies to enter the framework of social vision and a clear man ageme nt guida nee.Phase IV: the mature stage. Since the 80s for the marketing of the mature stage, in: a. associated with other discipli nes such as econo mics, mathematics, statistics, psychology, etc.; b. the

19、ory bega n to form their own system; 80 is the age of marketing revolutionary period, begun to enter the field of modern marketi ng, so marketi ng the new look.译文市场营销理论麦卡锡(E.J.Mccarthy) 于1960年对微观市场营销下了定义:市场营销是企业经营活动的职责,它将产品及劳务从生产者直接引向消费者或使 用者以便满足顾客需求及实现公司利润,同时也是一种社会经济活动过 程,其目的在于满足社会或人类需要,实现社会目标。这一定义

20、虽比美国 市场营销协会的定义前进了一步,指出了满足顾客需求及实现企业赢利成为公司的经营目标,但这两种定义都说明,市场营销活动是在产品生产活 动结束时开始的,中间经过一系列经营销售活动,当商品转到用户手中就 结束了,因而把企业营销活动仅局限于流通领域的狭窄范围,而不是视为 企业整个经营销售的全过程,即包括市场营销调研、产品开发、定价、分 销广告、宣传报导、销售促进、人员推销、售后服务等。而格隆罗斯给的 定义强调了营销的目的:营销是在一种利益之上下,通过相互交换和承诺,建立、维持、巩固与消费者及其他参与者的关系,实现各方的目的。这个定义一直沿用至今,直到2004年夏天才被重新修订。这次新定义是近2

21、0年来关于市场营销定义的首次修订,无怪乎引起了广大营销者 的普遍重视。市场营销理论发展有以下四个阶段:第一阶段:初创阶段。市场营销于19世纪末到20世界20年代在美国创立,源于工业的发展,这时的市场营销所研究的范围很窄,只是研究 广告和商业网点的设置。并在伊利诺等洲的大学开设相关课程。并由“美 国广告协会”改为“全美广告学与市场营销学教员协会”,给市场营销学的研究提供了组织保证。这时市场营销学的研究特点是:a.着重推销术和广告术,至于现代市场营销的理论、概念、原则还没有出现;b.研究活动基本上局限于大学的课堂和教授的书房,还没有得到社会和企业界的 重视。第二阶段:应用阶段。20世纪20年代至二战结束为应用阶段,此时初具规模,美国国内企业开始大规模运用市场营销学来运营企业,打开海 外市场,欧洲国家也纷纷效仿。1931年成立“美国市场营销


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