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1、module 2 fantasy literature课时作业.阅读(2020河南省南阳一中高三月考)shellharbour city library provides a range of library special needs services for people who are unable to access our library service in the usual way. as long as you live in shellharbour city, well provide a full range of library services and resour

2、ces including: large printed and ordinary printed books talking books on tape and cd dvds and music cds magazines reference and information requestsyou will be asked to complete a “statement of need” application form which must be signed by a medical professional.home delivery servicelet us know wha

3、t you like to read and we will choose the resources for you. our staff will deliver the resources to your home for free. we also provide a service where we can choose the resources for you or someone instead of you chooses the things from the library. you can also choose the resources you need perso

4、nally.talking books and captioned videosthe library can provide talking books for people who are unable to use printed books because of eye diseases. you dont have to miss out on reading any more when you can borrow talking books from the library. if you have limited hearing which prevents you from

5、enjoying movies, we can provide captioned videos for you at no charge.languages besides englishwe can provide books in a range of languages besides english. if possible, we will request these items from the state library of nsw, australia.how to joincontact the library special needs coordinator to r

6、egister or discuss if you are eligible (合适的) for any of the services we providetuesday, wednesday and thursday 9 am5 pm on 42972522 for more information.篇章导读:本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了shellharbour市图书馆提供的图书馆特别需要服务,并具体介绍了其服务的内容及针对的人群。1library special needs services are provided for .athose who are fond of reading

7、bonly those who have walking disabilitiescpeople living in shellharbour city with an illness or disabilitydthose who cant get medical help in shellharbour city答案:c细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句“shellharbour city library provides a range of library special needs service for people who are unable to access our libr

8、ary service in the usual way.”可知,这一服务是为那些生活在shellharbour市有疾病或残疾的人提供的。故选c。2if people with eye diseases want to learn about history, they choose .atalking booksbcaptioned videoscmagazinesdlarge printed books答案:a细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段第一句“the library can provide talking books for people who are unable to use p

9、rinted books because of eye diseases.”可知,如果有眼疾的人想了解历史,应该选择有声读物。故选a。3to get home delivery service, you must .aonly choose printed booksbregister ahead of timecpay the library ahead of timedhave others choose the resources for you答案:b细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的“contact the library special needs coordinator to re

10、gister or discuss if you are eligible (合适的) for any of the services we provide”可知,为了享受送货服务,你应该提前登记。故选b。【词汇积累】professional n. 专门人员;专业人士;专家deliver v. 递送;传送;交付captioned adj. 带字幕的miss out 错过;遗漏【难句分析】原文:we also provide a service where we can choose the resources for you or someone instead of you chooses

11、the things from the library. 我们还提供一项服务,我们可以为您选择资源,或者由其他人代替您从图书馆中选择书籍。(第三段第三句)分析:本句为主从复合句。where引导定语从句,修饰先行词service。.完形填空two brothers decided to dig a deep hole behind their house. as they were working, a couple of older boys stopped by to 1 .“what are you doing?” asked one of the visitors. “we are di

12、gging a hole all the way through the 2 ,” one of the brothers said 3 . the older boys began to laugh, telling the younger ones that it was 4 . after a long silence, one of the diggers 5 a jar full of spiders and insects. he took away the cover and 6 the wonderful contents to the visitors. then the o

13、ther said quietly and confidently, “ 7 we cant dig all the way through the earth, look what we found along the way!”they were far too 8 , so they continued to dig. and that is what a(n) 9 is forto cause us to move in the direction we have chosen! but not every goal will be fully 10 . not every love

14、will last. not every job will be finished 11 . perhaps you can say, “look at the 12 things which have come into my life because i 13 to do something,” when you 14 to reach your goal.i believe it is the 15 on the journey, in the end, that truly matters.篇章导读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章通过兄弟俩在房后挖洞时有了意外收获的故事告诉我们:成功不是最

15、重要的,真正重要的是我们在奋斗的过程中收获到的快乐。1a.helpbwatchclearndsmile答案:b由下句他们的问话可知,有几个人停下来看(watch)兄弟俩在干什么。2a.earthbparkcstreetdmountain答案:a根据第一段最后一句中的“all the way through the earth”可知,他们打算在这儿挖一个洞,穿透地球。3a.nervouslybexcitedlycsuddenlydeasily答案:b由本空前的“we are digging .”可知,其中一个兄弟兴奋地(excitedly)说出了自己的打算。4a.terriblebsimplec

16、impossibleddangerous答案:c那些大点儿的男孩们认为挖一个洞穿透地球是根本不可能的(impossible),所以他们开始嘲笑。5a.gave upbturned upctook updpicked up答案:d根据下文内容可知,两兄弟中的一人拿起(pick up)一个装满蜘蛛和昆虫的罐子。6a.soldbsentcshoweddgave答案:c由本空后的“contents (内容)”可知,两兄弟中的一人揭开盖子,向他们展示(show)里面装的东西。7a.even ifbas ifcin thatdwhat if答案:a句意:兄弟中另外一个说:“即使(even if)我们不能挖

17、穿地球,但是,你看我们从挖掘中找到了什么。”8a.determinedbcarefulcstrongdstrange答案:a根据下文“they continued to dig”可知,他们意志非常坚定(determined),继续挖下去。9a.planbreasoncgoaldinterest答案:c根据下文中的“to cause us to move in the direction we have chosen”可知,那就是目标(goal)的意义。下文中“but not every goal .”也是提示。10a.setbchangedcrecognizeddachieved答案:d由本空

18、前“but”及其后“not every love will last.”可知并不是每个目标都会被实现(achieved)。11a.luckilybsecretlycsuccessfullydfreely答案:c根据本空前两句可知,并非每项工作最后都能成功地(successfully)完成。12a.wonderfulbeasycpopulardnew答案:a联系第一段尾句中“look what we found along the way”可知,此处指的是在朝目标前进过程中发现的美好的(wonderful)事物。13a.agreedbtriedcprepareddlearned答案:btry t

19、o do sth. “尽力/努力做某事”。句意:看看那些因为我努力去做某事而走进我生活中的美好事物。14a.refusebforgetchatedfail答案:d上文皆是未能(fail)实现目标时所说的话。15a.knowledgebjoyccouragedprize答案:b由全文大意可知,最终正是在奋斗过程中得到的快乐(joy)才是最重要的。.七选五(2020湖南师大附中高三摸底考试)there are numerous benefits of reading good books. 1 whatever your field might be, its very important to

20、create a good habit to read beyond your horizons. here are tips to help you cultivate a better and consistent reading habit.determine your reading goal. 2 this goal should be clear and backed up with a purpose. start by thinking about how you can grow a consistent reading pattern in different areas

21、of your lifespirit, academies, career, relationships and more. 3 once youre done setting your reading goal for the year, youll need a list to back it up. write out a list of the amazing books you want to read. ask for recommendations from friends and instructors. its important to keep a journal list

22、ing the books youll like to read for each month.get a responsible reading partner to promote your reading. goals need to be backed up in order to help put a check and encourage you during times you dont feel motivated. 4 to develop a reading culture, you must first analyze your current reading habit

23、s. do you read at all? 5 in order to truly achieve your reading goals and build a consistent reading habit, youll need to set up simple systems, find responsible partners and generally be hungry to grow beyond your comfort zone.ado you study hard at school?bmake a list of books for each month.cdo yo

24、u start off and stop at some point?dget up early and go to bed late to back up your goal.eits important to start off by setting a goal to create a reading habit.fget a friend willing to read, and create a plan to help you achieve your reading goals.git can make you think deeper, sharpen your skills

25、and teach you more about your field.篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了养成读书习惯的具体方法。1g设空前提到读好书有很多好处。选项g进一步列举了读书的益处,而且选项g中的“your field”对应设空后的“whatever your field .”。故选g。2e本段第一句提出确定读书的目标,选项e“通过设定一个目标来开始养成阅读习惯是很重要的。”承接前文,并引起下文“this goal should be clear . ”,故选e。3b设空处为本段首句,本段主要讲的是列书单,故b项“每个月列一个书单”总领整个段落,故选b。4f本段主要讲的是“找一个

26、负责任的阅读伙伴来促进你的阅读。”而选项f “找一个愿意阅读的朋友,制定一个计划,帮助你实现阅读目标。”符合本段大意,故选f。5c空格前讲到“你必须首先分析自己的阅读习惯”,并列举了一个问题,c项“do you start off and stop at some point?(你会在某个时间点开始和结束吗?)”是分析阅读习惯列举的另一个问题。故选c。.应用文写作(2020吉林省梅河口市高三上学期联考)4月23日是世界读书日。假定你是李华,你的美国朋友john来信询问你校读书日的相关活动,请给他写一封回信。内容包括:1主题:诵读经典名著,传承中华文化;2活动安排;3活动的意义。注意:1.词数8

27、0左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:经典名著classicsdear john, yours,li hua精彩范文dear john,im delighted to receive your letter in which you asked about our arrangements for the world reading day.what deserves to be mentioned most is the theme of the reading dayreading chinese classics and inheriting chinese culture

28、. obviously, its aim is to raise our awareness of passing on traditional chinese culture.its widely acknowledged that reading benefits us in many ways. not only can it broaden our horizons but it also deepens our thoughts. therefore, a series of activities, such as reading salon, a secondhand book e

29、xchange will take place on that day.how i wish you could join us!yours,li hua.概要写作阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。many people think the english do not like to speak other languages. in fact, english is a mixture of words from many different languages. because of this, the vocabulary of the english languag

30、e is very large. it is much larger than almost every other language in the world.many english words come from latin, the old language of rome, and also from greek. from latin we get words like “wine” and “day”. from greek we have words such as “photograph” “bible” and “ink”. because these two langua

31、ges are dead, the words have most often come through other languages such as french, or the old german language. there are also many words from both greek and latin together, “television”, for example. here “tele” is the greek for “far” and “vision” comes from latin and means “seeing”many common eng

32、lish words come from very strange places. “tea” is from china and “banana” is from west africa. “potato” came into the english language from the island of haiti, and “tomato” first came from mexico. one reason why the english language has so many words from other languages is that people from many d

33、ifferent countries have come to live in britain. two thousand years ago romans came from italy, and stayed for over four hundred years. after they left, the angles, saxons and jutes came from the northern part of modern germany. in the ninth and tenth centuries scandinavians came into the northern and eastern part of the country. finally, in the eleventh century william of normandy came from france, and became king of england. with him came french civilisation and the french language.in


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