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1、华卫/华春电子,本文件隶属公司资产,任何人非经许可,不得私自影印.文件名称环保限用物质技术指导规范第1页/共11页1. 目的(Purpose):本技术规范根据2003年2月欧盟颁发的RoHS指令(关于在电子电气设备中限制 使用某些有害物质的指令)与 WEEE指令(关于废弃电子电气设备指令)两项强制性 环保领域的技术法规与参考国际大厂制定的标准,本着以下公司理念与政策而订定.This gree n procedure is created based on RoHS 2002/95/EC & WEEE 2002/96/ECand refer to someof global compa ny s

2、 sta ndardalso in elude the gree n policy ofFairway group.华卫集团(华卫/华春电子)秉持”自然环境与人类合谐共荣”的理念,制定政策如下:公司将”致力保护环境”自定为本身的义务与责任,扮演主动、积极的角色,透过严谨的控制及适当监测方法及减低二次污染至最小程度,以期管制从供货商提供之物料到 我司全制程符合或高于ROHS指令的要求.Based on “ Humorous existe nee with the n atural en vir onment“ Con cepti onFairway group establish its pol

3、icy as :Fairway group hold a positive and volun tary attitude to perform our role onprotect ion of the earth en vir onment and huma nkind.Through the precise con trol and mon itori ng to en sure all of materials suppliedfrom our supplier s chain are complete meet with the RoHS & WEEE standard and mi

4、ni mize the sec on dary polluti on duri ng our manu facture process. Our productachieving to or higher the expectation of RoHS& WEEBirective is our responsibility and obligati on.2. 法令依据(Basic Low):1. RoHS2002/95/EC欧盟关于在电子电气设备中限制使用某些有害物质的指令(RoHS指令)2. WEEE 2002/96/EC欧盟关于报废电子电气设备的指令(WEEE指令)华卫/华春电子,本文件

5、隶属公司资产,任何人非经许可,不得私自影印.文件名称环保限用物质技术指导规范第2页/共11页3. 范围(Scope):适用于我司所有环保产品与所有部品与材料、生产辅料和包装材料等对于以下各节要求如因客户有特定要求时,则依客户要求作业,不受本办法之限制.*本技术规范可能会因应环保法律、法规的更动或客户要求等作相应的变更*此外,未在本技术规范规定的物质,在各国或当地法令禁/限用时必须按其法令行之This gree n procedure is applied for all gree n products which manu factured atFairway group.All in bel

6、ow clauses may not be meet with some customers due to differentrequirement. In this case, Fairway group will follow the customer requirementsaccord in gly.*This procedure is subjected cha nged due to the en vir onment low or customer cha nged.*It is to be follow the regional or country laws if the b

7、anned substance which is notdescribed in this procedure.4. 名词定义(Definition):4.1RoHS指令:电子电气设备中有害物质了限制使用.RoHS Directive : Restrictio n Of the use of certa in Hazardous Substa ncesin electro nic equipme nt.4.2 WEE指令:报废电子电气设备指令.WEEE Directive : Waste Electrical &Electro nic Equipme nt directive.4.3绿色:指描

8、述在本文中符合最低 Rohs标准以上或客户环保要求的通用语言.Gree n : Gree n is a com mon Ian guage in this procedure which means complia nce andminimum meet to RoHS sta ndard or above or customer en vir onment华卫/华春电子,本文件隶属公司资产,任何人非经许可,不得私自影印.文件名称环保限用物质技术指导规范第3页/共11页requireme nts.4.4 管理物质 Con trolled substa nee:物料或设备含有对人体及环境造成显着

9、影响或伤害的物质.Thesubstances containing in the material or facility which is observably harmfulto the huma nkind or en vir onment to be con trolled.4.5 含有 Contained :含有是指有意或无意的在产品中渗入或加工工艺添加物或其它过程之粘着的物质,也就是在部品或材料中含有,并且需要管理其含有量.The substa nee which is inten tio ned or involun tary applied into the product a

10、sa additive or adhere duri ng the process. Those substa nee are to be con trolled.4.5.1对于含有物质检测部位参考以下附录一:环保材料/零组件检测部位For test portion of contained substanee refer to【appendix 1 】:Refere nee list of testi ng gree n comp onent4.5.2对于含有物质的物料参考以下附录二: 材料含有物质参考表For material may contained banned substanee

11、refer to【appendix 2 】:Refere nee list of material4.6 物质的分类(Substanee Classify)制定管理物质为四类:A. 立即禁止使用物质.B. 限制使用物质期限、其到达规定规定时期后将被规为A类.C. 未规定销减期限及目标,如未来有了替代品与其它材质可取代的状态时,将予取代及列为B类物质.D. 除外管理物质,指因以目前科技尚无法取代的工艺或添加物得以含有的铅、汞、镉及六价铬.The material substanee are classified to 4. levels :华卫/华春电子,本文件隶属公司资产,任何人非经许可,不得

12、私自影印.文件名称环保限用物质技术指导规范第4页/共11页A. The substanee is banned to use immediately 、B. The substanee is been set a period to use. It will be classified to level A after the date expiry.C. No deadline set for banning to use. They may be classifiedto class B based on the develop ing of alter nativeparts orthe

13、 substa nee satisfy ing the requireme nt.D. Exemption meant someof product are allowed to add Lead (Pb), Mercury ( Hg ), Cadmium (Cd), Hexavale nt-Chromium(Cr6+ )due to no replaceme nt substa nee at prese nt.5. 物质管理 Substanee management5.1环境管理物质:Substa nee to be eon trolled :环境管理物质名称表物质名称 Substanee

14、name重金属Heavy metals镉及其镉化合物 Cadmium (Cd)/ Cadmium Compou nds铅及其铅化合物 Lead (Pb)/ Lead Compou nds汞及其汞化合物 Mercury ( Hg ) / Mercury Compou nds六价铬及其化合物 Hexavale nt Chromium(Cr6+ ) Compou nds有机氯化合物Chlori nated orga nic eompo unds多氯联本 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)多氯化萘 Polychlorinated Naphthalenes (PCN)聚氯二联

15、本 Polychlorinated terphenyls (PCT)氯代烷烃 Chlorinated paraffins (CP)其它有机氯化合物 Other Chlori nated ogn ic Compou nds有机溴系化合物Bromin ated orga nic eompo unds多溴联本 Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB)多溴二苯醚 Polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDE)其它有机溴化合物 Other bromin ated organic eompo unds有机锡化合物(二丁基锡化合物、二苯基锡化合物)Tributy

16、ltin compounds /Triphe nylt in eompo unds石棉 Asbestos偶氮化合物 Specific azo coumponds甲醛 Fomaldehyde聚氯乙烯(PVC)及聚氯乙烯混合物 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and PVC blends华卫/华春电子,本文件隶属公司资产,任何人非经许可,不得私自影印文件名称环保限用物质技术指导规范第5页/共11页项目No.物质名称Name of substa nee限定值(ppm)Con trol Limit1破坏臭氧层物质 Ozone layer depleting substanee不可含有

17、Not Contained2聚丁烷二醇 PBD (polybromodiphenyls)不可含有Not Contained3多溴联苯 PBB (polybromobiphe nyloxides)不可含有Not Contained4多溴联苯醚 PBBE (polybromobiphenylethers)不可含有Not Contained5多溴二苯 PBDO (polybromodiphe nyloxides)不可含有Not Contained6多氯联苯 PCB (Polyehlori nated biphe nyl)507多氯二联苯 PCT (Polyehloninated terphenyl)

18、508多氯萘 Polyehlori nated aphthale nes (with more tha n 3 ehlori ne atoms)不可含有Not Contained9六氯苯 Hexaehlorobe nzene不可含有Not Contained10阿特灵Aldri n不可含有Not Contained11地特灵Dieldri n不可含有Not Contained12安特灵Endrin不可含有Not Contained13滴滴梯DDT不可含有Not Contained14可氯丹Chlorda ne不可含有Not Contained15氧化二丁锡 Bis (tributyltin)

19、oxide不可含有Not Contained16N-p-phe nyle nediami ne不可含有Not Contained172,4,6-第二丁酚 2,4,6-tritertiarybutylphenol不可含有Not Contained18毒杀芬Toxaphe ne不可含有Not Contained19灭蚁灵Mirex不可含有Not Contained20三丁基锡类化合物/三苯基锡类化合物 Tributyltin eompounds, triphenyltin eompounds不可含有Not Contained21三氯乙烯 Triehloroethylene不可含有Not Conta

20、ined22四氯乙烯 Tetraehlorethylene不可含有Not Contained23白磷 White phosphorus不可含有Not Contained24联苯胺 Benzidine and its salts不可含有Not Contained254硝基联苯及其盐类 4 aminodiphenyl and its salts不可含有Not Contained26石绵 Asbestos不可含有Not Contained27二氯甲醚 Bis(ehloromethyl)ether不可含有Not Contained28B 胺及其盐类 naphthylamine and its salt

21、s.不可含有Not Contained29苯 Benzene不可含有Not Contained30舒兰丹Sehrada n不可含有Not Contained华卫/华春电子,本文件隶属公司资产,任何人非经许可,不得私自影印文件名称环保限用物质技术指导规范第6页/共11页31四乙基铅 Tetraethyl lead不可含有Not Contained32巴拉松Parathion不可含有Not Contained33甲基内吸磷Methyldimeth one不可含有Not Contained34福赐米松Phosphamid on不可含有Not Contained35甲基巴拉松Methyl parath

22、ion不可含有Not Contained36四硝基甲烷 Tetraethyl-pyrophosphate不可含有Not Contained37氟乙酸 Mono fluoroacetate salts不可含有Not Contained38氟乙醯胺 Mono fluoroacetamide不可含有Not Contained39好达胜Phostoxin不可含有Not Contained40二氯甲烷 Dichlorometha ne不可含有Not Contained411,2-二氯乙烷 1,2-dichloroethane不可含有Not Contained421,1-二氯乙烯1,1-二氯乙烯不可含有N

23、ot Contained431,1,2 三氯乙烷 1,1,2-trichloroethane不可含有Not Contained441,2-二氯乙烯 1,2-cis-dichloroehtylene不可含有Not Contained451,3-二氯丙烯 1,3-dichloropropene不可含有Not Contained46五氯酚 Pen tachlorophe nol5471,1,2,2-四氯乙烷 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane1000481,1,1,2-四氯乙烷 1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane100049五氯乙烷 Pen tachloroetha

24、ne100050六氯乙烷 Hexachloroetha ne不可含有Not Contained51氯仿 Chloroform100052氯甲基甲基醚 Chloromethyl-methylether不可含有Not Contained53甲醛 Formaldehyde不可含有Not Contained54偶氮染料 Azo dyes and pigments10055甲基-二溴-二苯基甲烷 Monomethyldibromo-diphenylmethane5056甲基-四氯苯基甲烷 Mono methyltetrachloro-diphe nyl metha ne5057Di-卩-oxo-di-n

25、-butyl-stanniohydroxyboran DBB5058三(2,3-二溴丙基)磷酸酯 Tris(2,3- dibromopropyl) phosphate不可含有Not Contained59三氮丙啶基氧化磷 Tris(1-azilidinyl)phosphine oxide不可含有Not Contained60放射性物质不 Radioactive substances不可含有Not Contained华卫/华春电子,本文件隶属公司资产,任何人非经许可,不得私自影印.文件名称环保限用物质技术指导规范第7页/共11页61氯化石腊 Chlorinated paraffin (carbo

26、n chain : 10-13)100062铅及其化合物 Lead and its compounds100与除外条文的项目And list in exempti on63Cadmium and its compounds 镉及其化合物5与除外条文的项目And list in exempti on64Mercury and its compo unds 汞及其化合物不可含有Not Contained与除外条文的项目And list in exempti on65Hexavale nt chromium and its compo unds六价铬及其化合物不可含有Not Contained与除外

27、条文的项目And list in exempti on66PBB (polybromobiphe nyls)多溴联苯不可含有Not Contained67PBDE (polybromodiphe nylethers)多溴联苯醚不可含有Not Contained68Nickel a nd its compou nds镍及其化合物100069丙烯 Acrylonitrile不可含有Not Contained70芳香胺 Aromatic Amines不可含有Not Contained71砷及其化合物 Arsenic and compounds不可含有Not Contained72聚氯乙烯 Polyv

28、inyl chloride(PVC)不可含有,缆线及连 接部位除外Not containedExcept for cables and in terc onn ect parts73*包装材料 重金属镉、铅、汞、六价铬总含量Total contain of heavy metal : cadmium, lead, mercury and hexavale nt chromium1005.2除外管理的物质(Exemption)指因以目前科技尚无法取代的工艺或添加物得以含有的铅、汞、镉及六价铬.Exempti on meant some of product are allowed to add

29、Lead (Pb), Mercury ( Hg ),Cadmium (Cd), Hexavalent-Chromium(Cr6+ ) due to no replacement substanee so far.除外管理条文Exemption2002/95/EC第4( 1).中所要求的铅、汞、镉和六价铬的应用华卫/华春电子,本文件隶属公司资产,任何人非经许可,不得私自影印.文件名称环保限用物质技术指导规范第8页/共11页Applicati ons of lead, mercury, cadmium and hexavale nt chromium, which are exemptedfrom

30、 the requirements of Article 4(1)(1) 小型日光灯中的汞含量不得超过5毫克/.;Mercury in compact fluoresce nt lamps n ot exceedi ng 5 mg per lamp.(2) 一般用途的直管日光灯中的汞含量不得超过:盐磷酸盐10毫克正常的三磷酸盐5毫克长效效的三磷酸盐 8毫克Mercury in straight fluoresce nt lamps for gen eral purposes not exceedi ng:halophosphate 10 mgtriphosphate with normal l

31、ifetime 5 mgtriphosphate with long lifetime 8 mg.(3) 特殊用途的直管日光灯中的汞含量;Mercury in straight fluoresce nt lamps for special purposes. 本附录中未特别提及的其它照明灯中的汞含量;Mercury in other lamps not specifically men ti oned in this Ann ex.(5) 阴极射线管、电子部件和灯光管的玻璃内的含量;Lead in glass of cathode ray tubes, electr onic comp one

32、nts and fluoresce nt tubes.(6)钢中合金元素中的铅含量达0.35%、铝含量达0.4%,铜合金中的铅含量达 4%;Lead as an alloyingelement in steel containing up to 0,35 %lead by weight, aluminumcontaining up to 0,4 %lead by weight and as a copper alloy containing up to 4 %lead by weight.(7)高温融化的焊料中的铅(即:锡铅焊料合金中铅含量超彻85% ;用于服务器、存储器和存储系统.的焊料中的

33、铅(豁免准予至 2010年);用于交换、信号和传输.,以及电信网络管理的网络基础设施设备中焊料中的铅; 电子陶瓷产品中的铅(例如:高压电子装置);华卫/华春电子,本文件隶属公司资产,任何人非经许可,不得私自影印.文件名称环保限用物质技术指导规范第9页/共11页Lead in high melt ing temperature type solders (i.e. tin-lead solder alloys containing more tha n 85 % lead),lead in solders for servers, storage and storage array system

34、s (exempti on gran ted un til 2010),lead in solders for n etwork in frastructure equipme nt for switchi ng, sig nali ng,tran smissi on as well as n etwork man ageme nt for telecom muni cati on,lead in electr onic ceramic parts (e.g. piezoelectr onic devices).(8) 根据修改关于限制特定危险物质和预制品乡销售和使用的第76/769/EEC

35、号指令的第91/338/EEC号指令禁止以外的镉电镀.Cadmium plating except for applications banned under Directive 91/338/EEC (1)ame nding Directive 76/769/EEC (2) relati ng to restrict ions on the marketi ng anduse of certa in dan gerous substa nces and preparati ons.(9) 在吸收式电冰箱中作为碳钢冷却系统防腐剂的六价铬.Hexavale nt chromium as an a

36、n ti-corrosi on of the carb on steel cooli ng system inabsorpti on refrigerators.(10) 根据在2002/95/EC 第7( 2)条中提及的程序,欧盟委员会应评价以下方面的应用:台卡二苯醚(Deca BDE);特殊用途的直管日光灯中的汞;以下用途中所使用的焊料中的铅:服务器、存储器、用于交换和传输的网络基础设施、电信网络管理设备(旨在设定本指令豁免部分的特定截止时间);灯泡.Within the procedure referred to in Article 7(2), the Commission shall

37、华卫/华春电子,本文件隶属公司资产,任何人非经许可,不得私自影印文件名称环保限用物质技术指导规范第10页/共11页evaluate the applicati ons for:Deca BDE,mercury in straight fluoresce nt lamps for special purposes,lead in solders for servers, storage and storage array systems, n etworkinfrastructureequipment for switching, signalling,transmission as wella

38、s n etwork man ageme nt for telecom muni cati ons (with a view to sett ing aspecific time limit for this exemption), andlight bulbs,目前重要是尽快决定这些项是否进行相应的修改。as a matter of priority in order to establish as soon as possible whether theseitems are to be ame nded accord in gly.【附录一 Appendix 1】环保材料/零组件检测部位

39、对照参考表Refere nee list of testi ng gree n comp onent产品测试部位测试项目PbCdHgCr6+PCB、s PCNs Cp PBEs PBDI:sDrganic tinAsbestosAZOFormaldehydePVCPC 板 PC Board整个进行测试All boardSMD电感 SMD in ductor铁芯Steel接脚 Terminal漆包线Wire塑料座Plastic芯片电阻、排阻SMD Resistor整个进行测试All partSMD电容 SMD capacitor整个进行测试All partSMD IC (含 DIODETRANS

40、ISTOR CPU 74SERIESTTL、CMOSLINEAR MEMOR封装本体(金属壳)Metal cover华卫/华春电子,本文件隶属公司资产,任何人非经许可,不得私自影印文件名称环保限用物质技术指导规范第11页/共11页CHIPSET PAL、GAL等)封装本体(塑料壳)Plastic cover接脚 TerminalDIP 电感 DIP in ductor本体Body接脚 Term in alDIP电阻、排阻DIP resistor本体Body接脚 Term in alDIP电解电容DIP elec. capacitor电解液、电解纸、铝箔Electrolyte,Aluminum

41、film套管、橡胶Tube, Rubber铝壳Aluminum Case接脚 Metal wireDIP钽质电容:an talum capacitor整个进行测试AllDIP陶瓷电容DIP ceramic capacitor本体Body接脚 Metal wireDIP IC (含 DIODETRANSISTOR CPU 74SERIESTL、CMOSLINEAR MEMORCHIPSET PAL、GAL等)胶体Plastic cover接脚Metal wire化学溶剂Chemical凡立水、稀释剂、润滑油、助焊剂、绝 缘油、脱模剂、清洗剂、油墨、涂料Vanish, Thinner,Grease

42、, Flux,nsulategrease, Tool silicon,Cleaner, Ink, Paint塑胶件Plastic胶框、扇叶、线材外被、芯线外被、连接器胶体、套管、SR Plug、插座、 上/下盖等Plastic basket, Fan blade, InsulatePVC, Plastic, Tube, case金线材导体、扣环、铜套、培林、油圈、华卫/华春电子,本文件隶属公司资产,任何人非经许可,不得私自影印文件名称环保限用物质技术指导规范第12页/共11页属 件Metal铝泊、磁浮片、上下定子、轴心、马达壳、铝框、弹簧、漆包线、锡丝、锡 球等Wire, Bearing, solder wire, solderball.包装材料Package塑料包装袋、PE袋、抗静电袋、束线 带、气泡袋、REEL捆绑带、胶带Wrap wire, PEbag, unti-staticbag,Burble bag, ta


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