1、alta公司栅极腐蚀在线测量系统技术建议书1 introduction 引文1.1 scope 范围at the end of may 2013 head aerospace has requested alta to provide a formal quotation for an erosion measuring system (ems) to be implemented in a new vacuum chamber of the customer, the lanzhou institute of physics (lip), to be used to assess erosi
2、on of gridded ion engines.2013年5月底和德公司要求alta为可应用于510(lip)所新型真空灌的腐蚀测量系统(ems)给出正式报价,该系统用于评估栅极离子发动机(gridded ion engines)的腐蚀情况。1.2 applicable documents 适用文件the following is the complete list of documents to be considered applicable to this proposal:下表列出了可适用于该投标的所有文件:1.3 acronyms and abbreviations 首字母缩略词
3、与缩写词首字母缩略词/缩写meaning含义atpauthorization to proceed授权进行coclose-out完结daqdata acquisition数据采集epelectric propulsion电推进emserosion measuring system腐蚀测量系统ffp firm fixed price固定总价fmeafailure mode and effects analysis失效模式与影响分析fsofull scale output全量程输出giegridded ion engine栅极离子发动机hethall effect thruster霍尔效应推进器h
4、whardware硬件i/f,ifinterface接口irinfra red红外线liplanzhou institute of physics510所maimanufacturing,assembly, integration制造,部装,集成ndanon-disclosure agreement保密协议qmqualification model鉴定样机rparetarding potential analyzer减速电势分析仪swsoftware软件tbcto be confirmed/to be clarified留待确定tbdto be determined/defined留待决定tc
5、thermocouple热电偶vdcvolt direct current直流电压2 introduction 简介the present section describes the tele-microscopy and erosion facility implemented in alta iv-4 facility.本章将介绍alta iv-4设备所采用的远程显微镜和腐蚀测量设备。2.1 tele-microscopy system for gridded ion engines 栅极离子发动机远程显微镜系统alta provides an innovative diagnostics
6、 to measure the erosion of the grid holes in gridded ion engines (gie).alta为栅极离子发动机网格空腐蚀情况的测量形成了一种新型的诊断方法。the telemicroscopy diagnostic system consists of a special camera mounted on a movable structure placed inside the vacuum facility. the system is maintained in a parking position while the thrus
7、ter is firing (figure 1 - bottom), so that it does not interfere with the plasma plume. when the thruster stops firing, the telemicroscopy system is moved in front of the thruster to perform the erosion measurement. four led lights or a laser line beam illuminate the thruster during the image acquis
8、ition. the motion of the diagnostic system is obtained through two separate stepper motors one governing the arm rotation, the other controlling the arm translation. 远程显微诊断系统为一个专用相机固定于可移动结构上,并放置于真空设备内部。推进器点火时,该系统保持在一个固定位置(图1底部),因此不会接触到等离子羽流。推进器关闭后,远程显微镜系统移动到推进器前方对腐蚀情况进行测量。图像采集时有四盏led灯或激光线束为推进器照明。诊断系
9、统的移动由两个分开的步进电机控制,一个控制臂的旋转,一个控制臂的移动。figure 1 diagnostic system for gie erosion measurement: front view (top), system placed in a parking position when the thruster is firing (bottom)图1 用于gie腐蚀测量的诊断系统,正面图(上图),推进器点火时系统处于固定位置(下图)the system consists of a supporting structure and of an inspection optical
10、head. the supporting structure includes the following main subsystems: 系统由一个支持结构和一个光学探头组成。支持结构主要由以下分系统够成:l translation stage移动台l rotation stage旋转臂l sustaining arm支撑臂l protective box保护箱the optical head consists of a long working distance objective with the following characteristics: 光学探头具有长工作距离物镜,其特性
11、如下: parameter参数unit单位value数值field of view视场mm5.33resolution分辨率mm0.005depth of field景深mm0.408working distance工作距离mm175the measurement system allows the inspection of the acceleration grid (measurement of the hole diameter variation across a diameter of the grid). 系统也可进行加速极检测(通过一个网格的直径测量孔径的差异)。paramet
12、er参数unit单位value数值gie diameter range gie直径范围mm50300image resolution图像分辨率m5field of view视场mm5.3measurement type测量种类-hole diameter孔径grid deformation网格变形working distance工作距离mm175the tele-microscopy system has been designed with the aim of performing successive erosion measurements during gie tests with
13、no need of re-opening the vacuum chamber. this greatly reduces the risk of contamination and saves a considerable amount of time if multiple measurements are to be taken along an endurance test. the remarkable advantage of performing a series of successive measurements lies in the opportunity of rec
14、ording not only the total erosion after a certain number of firing hours, but also a time-history of the erosion (thus providing information about how the erosion rate varies in time).远程显微系统的设计可在gie测试时进行连续腐蚀测量,而无须再次打开真空灌,这大大减小了污染的风险,并且为耐久试验的多次测量节省了大量的时间。连续测量的最大优势不仅可以记录工作数小时后的整体腐蚀情况,也可以记录随时间变化的腐蚀情况(因
15、此可以了解随时间变化的腐蚀速率)。figure 2 calibration images taken on a brand new grid图2 全新网格的校准图像2.2 infrared-camera system for het temperature measurement 用于het温度测量的红外照相机不要温度测量的相机可节省多少成本?我们暂时不需这种功能。by using an infrared camera it is possible to monitor the temperature of the thruster assembly during the test. alta
16、 provides an advanced diagnostic system with the infrared camera installed right inside the vacuum chamber in order to have an optimal view of the item whose temperature has to be monitored. besides, in this way the camera can be placed closer to the thruster (w.r.t. an infrared camera placed outsid
17、e the chamber and operating through one of the available viewports), resulting in a higher spatial resolution of the acquired images. 测试过程中推进器部件的温度可通过红外照相机监测。alta提供的带有红外照相机的诊断系统科直接安装于真空管内部,以获得被测物体的最佳视图。此外,相机更加靠近推进器,可获得较高的空间分辨率(放置在真空罐外部的红外相机只能通过一个可用视点照射)。the infrared camera has the following characte
18、ristics:红外相机具有以下特性:parameter参数value数值measuring range测量范围0-800error误差2%temperature resolution温度分辨率0.08ccd size ccd尺寸384 x 288 pxwavelength range波长范围8-14 mas an option, the following more performing camera could be provided: * sensor : microbolometric non-cooled 384 x 288 pixels * spectral range : 814
19、 micron * measurement range(s) : 1) 0 - 200 c 2) 150 - 800 c 3) 200 - 1000 c * temperature resolution: 80 mk (range 1, 30 c, 50hz) * field of view (fov) : 15 x 12* minimal focal distance: 0.75 m * target image: about 280 x 205 mm 1 m distance * pixel measurement spot: 0.8 mm 1 m distance * different
20、 possible acquisition frequencies :selectable between 50hz, 25hz, 12.5hz,. * measure uncertainty: 2k(t 100c) or 2% of the measured value in c * repeatability: 1% of the reading * measuring distance : from 75 cm to “infinity” * working temperature : -1050 c * interface: fast ethernet (real-time 50hz
21、max) * 4 i/o digital ports: digital inputs (trigger), digital output (alarm) * power input : 1036vcc, 5va * weight : about 1.6 kg * dimensions (mm) : 85 x 175 x 107 mm * protection : ip54以下性能较高的相机作为可选项目提供: 传感器:微测辐射热 非冷却382x288pixels 光谱范围:814 微米 测量范围:1) 0 - 200 c 2) 150 - 800 c 3) 200 - 1000 c 温度分变率:
22、80 mk (range 1, 30 c, 50hz) 视场(fov):15 x 12 最小焦距: 0.75m 靶像:约280x205mm1m距离 像素测量点:0.8mm1m距离 不同采集频率:可选频率50hz,25hz,12.5hz 测量不确定度:所测值的2k(t 100c)或2%,单位 可重复性:显示的1% 测量距离:75mm到无限远 工作温度:-1050 c 接口:快速以太网(最大值实时50hz) 种i/o数字分类:数字输入(触发),数字输出(警报) 电源输入:1036vcc, 5va 重量:约1.6kg 外形尺寸(mm):85 x 175 x 107 mm 保护:ip54in figu
23、re 3 a scheme of the infrared-camera system is displayed. the camera is contained in a sealed box, where atmospheric pressure is maintained (since the camera cannot operate in vacuum). 图3为红外相机系统示意图,相机处于密封箱内,可保持大气压强(相机不能再真空环境工作)。figure 3: infrared-camera diagnostic system图3 红外相机诊断系统the optical window
24、 of the protecting box is made of germanium, a material which is transparent to wavelengths in the range of interest for infrared measurements (8-14 mm). when the camera is turned off, a shutter (actuated by a stepper motor) protects the germanium window from the sputtered particles that could impin
25、ge on it. images acquired with the infrared camera are elaborated via a in-house developed software (a sample screenshot is presented in figure 4). 保护箱的光学窗口由锗制成,可透过红外波长测量范围(8-14m)。相机关闭后,步进电机控制的遮光器可保护锗窗,以防溅射颗粒的影响。红外相机采集的图像通过自主研制软件分析(图4是该软件的一个截图)。figure 4 software for handling the images acquired with
26、 the infrared camera图4 红外相机图像处理软件the list of components of the system is: 系统组件清单:1) pressure sensors 压力传感器2) glass lenses 玻璃镜头3) stepper motors 步进电机4) drivers 驱动器5) visual camera(s) 可视相机6) ir camera ir相机7) structure (adapted to the chosen vacuum facility diameter) 结构(适用所选真空设备直径)8) sledge, guides, be
27、arings, gears etc. 拖运器,说明书,轴承,传动装置9) cables and connectors 电缆与连接器10) feed-throughs 馈入装置11) electronics 电子仪器12) control computer 控制计算机13) microswitch 微型开关14) software 软件2.3 literature overview 文献查阅a list of papers available in literature on the problem of erosion measurement is given below.以下列出的是关于腐蚀
28、测量的参考文献。l m.t. domonkos,a.d. gallimore, “thermographic investigation of 3.2 mm diameter orificed hallow cathodes”, aiaa-98-3793l s. mazouffre, j. perez luna, d. gawron, p. echegut, m. dudeck, “an infrared thermography study on the thermal load experienced by a high power hall effect thruster”, 29th
29、iepc, princeton, nj, paper 63 (2005). l r. e. stevens, m. t. domonkos, methodology and feasibility of in-situ erosion measurements in carbon- based ion thruster grids by laser induced fluorescence, iepc-01-311 l m. t. domonkos, r. e. stevens, assessment of spectroscopic, real-time ion thruster grid
30、erosion-rate measurements, aiaa 2000-3815, 36th aiaa/asme/sae/asee joint propulsion conference and exhibit, 2000. l e. j. beiting, “precision measurements of ion-engine grids for erosion studies” l j. e. polk, j .r. anderson, j. r. brophy,v. k. rawlin, m. j. patterson, j. sovey, “in situ, time-resol
31、ved l accelerator grid erosion measurements in the nstar 8000 hour ion engine wear test “, aiaa 97-1114 l l.s. mason, r.s. jankovsky, “1000 hours of testing on a 10 kilowatt hall effect thruster “, aiaa-2001-3773, l 37th aiaa/asme/sae/asee joint propulsion conference and exhibit, , 2001 l r.s. janko
32、vsky, “preliminary evaluation of a 10 kw hall thruster “, aiaa-99-0456 l j. tomaszewski. r. branam, w. hargus, “characterization of a hall effect thruster using thermographic imaging “ . aiaa-2007-0584 3 customer requirements 用户需求3.1 introduction 引文the lanzhou institute of physics aims at the measur
33、ement of the grid erosion produced on 1 kw-class ion engines to be placed in a dedicated new vacuum chamber and subjected to long duration tests. accuracy, easiness of use, and reliability of the system are the key requirements that will be detailed in the next sections.510所旨在测量其专有的新型真空灌内1kw级等离子发动机所
34、产生的栅极腐蚀,并进行长期测试。操作的精确、可靠、简易和系统的可靠是关键要求,详见一下章节。3.2 detailed customer requirements 客户详细要求r-01 - target thruster grid dimensions目标推进器栅极尺寸the erosion measure should be made on grids up to 300 mm in diameter. the grids will not be plane, but curved.对直径达300mm的栅极进行腐蚀测量,栅极不非平面而是曲面。r-02 primary erosion measu
35、rement初始腐蚀测量the primary erosion measurement will be concerned with the hole erosion on the external grid (a dimension change of few percentage points should be considered as target for the minimum detectable erosion).初始腐蚀测量主要涉及的是外部栅极的孔腐蚀(最小可测腐蚀应考虑到几个百分点的外形变化)。r-03 secondary erosion measurement 二次腐蚀测
36、量pit-groove erosion should also be measured, if possible (if compatible with resolution and illumination). 如可以也应测量坑槽腐蚀(如果符合分辨率与光照条件)r-04 additional feature附加特性if possible, the esm software should allow a posteriori reconstruction of a 3d image from two separate pictures taken with slightly different
37、 angle of the camera(s).如果可以,esm软件通过两张角度略有差别的图像可后期合成3d图像。r-05 - type of thruster推进器类型the used thruster will be a gridded ion engine. 栅极离子发动机r-06 thruster dimensions and weight推进器尺寸与重量the thruster diameter will be less or equal to 300 mm. the thruster weight will be less or equal to 10 kg.尺寸300mm重量10
38、kgr-07 environmental requirements环境要求the ems should be compatible with the ipl laboratory environmental requirements, summarized below: ems应满足510所实验室的环境要求:o vacuum degree: 1x10-3 pa to1x10-2 pa; o cleanliness level: laboratory; o temperature: 0-40 c; o humidity: 10-60 %; o available power: 220 v ac真
39、空度:1x10-3 pa to1x10-2 pa;洁净度:实验室;温度: 0-40 c;湿度:10-60 %;可用电源:220v acr-08 vacuum chamber requirements真空罐要求不是这台设备用,请与杨俊泰在沟通一下。the ems should be used in a new vacuum chamber, 2 m in diameter for about 5 m in length, described in the scheme of figure 5 and figure 6.真空罐直径2m,长约5m,见图5,6。figure 1 top view: t
40、he two dn100 flanges in the red box can be used by alta图1 顶视图:alta可利用红框内的2个dn100凸缘1 液氮储供系统2 副舱真空容器3 推力器热控装置4 安装电源专用副舱5 主舱真空容器6 真空抽气系统7 地面氙供气单元8 离子推力器地面供电电源9 电推进控制系统10 真空抽气和推力器温控控制系统11 冷却水系统12 气动元件供气系统figure 2 side view: the three dn100 flanges in the red box can be used by alta图2 侧视图:alta可利用红框内的3个dn
41、100凸缘13 液氮进出接口14 推力器安装架15 主舱电、气接口16 主舱真空容器17 真空规接口18 鞍座19 离子束靶r-09 mechanical interface with the vacuum chamber与真空罐机械接口alta should clarify the required mechanical interface between the ems and the vacuum facility.alta确定ems与真空罐之间的机械接口。r-10 electrical interfaces电接口the electrical components, including
42、wires and cables, should be compatible with high voltage operation. in particular, the expected peak voltage is about 1500 v and the max peak current is 12a. the electrical components should be certified for at least 2500 v operation.电组件,含电线电缆,应能适应高压工作。最高电压约为1500v,最大电流12a,电组件应至少能承受2500v的电压。r-11 feed
43、-throughs, connectors, and flanges馈入装置,连接器和凸缘the feed-throughs for the erosion measuring system stand should be realized in compatibility with the available flanges (figure 6).腐蚀测量系统的馈入装置应符合可用凸缘(图6)。r-12 control software requirements控制软件要求the control software provided with the ems, should be capable
44、 of: o perform atmospheric and in-vacuum preliminary setup (“calibration”) o provide measurement of erosion in terms of circle diameters, linear length, depth of grooves/pits (not in real-time). o provide alarms and possible information on recovery actions in case of ems failures. o being provided w
45、ith highly automated procedures. o being provided with extensive user manual. o being realized with easiness of use as key requirement.ems配有的控制软件应: 可在大气压下和真空中进行初始安装(“校准”)。 可测量腐蚀的圆圈直径,线性长度,坑/槽处深度(非实时)。 ems一旦故障,发出警报,提供修复相关信息。 程序高度自动化。 全面的用户手册。 操作简便。r-13 control software source code控制软件源代码an option in
46、the quotation should be present concerning the possibility of purchasing the control software source code, to be able to independently modify it in the future.可购买控制软件源代码,以便日后可自行修改。r-14 operation requirements运行要求the ems should be capable to operate and withstand the thruster derived temperature level
47、, incoming heat flux, and back-sputtered particles when placed in safe position. the ems calibration procedures should be rapid.ems不受推进器引起的温度升高,热流和回溅的影响,仍可正常运行。ems校准程序迅速。r-15 reliability and service life可靠性与使用寿命the ems should be capable of withstanding very long times in vacuum (several consecutive
48、months) with sporadic operation. the ems expected service life should be 8 years, if possible, including options for regular maintenance and availability of spare parts. a set of basic failure modes should be defined and agreed with lip and their corrective actions and alarms inserted, if possible,
49、in the control software.ems可经受长期在真空中(连续数月)不定时的运行。ems的预计寿命应为8年,包括定期维护和可用的备用件。与510所协商确认一组基本的失效模式,如可能,将其正确的处理方式和警报嵌入控制软件中。r-16 maintenance, training, and spare parts维护,培训和备用件an extensive training in use of the esm should be given by alta personnel to lip personnel during the system commissioning. two y
50、ears of free maintenance with a total of 2 visits to china should be included in the offer. a list of components and spare parts should be provided with the system, with detailed information on the procurement. remote support for operation of the system should be included as part of the offer. an op
51、tion concerning a longer maintenance period including spare parts should be included.针对ems使用,alta应对510所人员进行培训。报价中应含有两年的免费维护和2次到中国的上门服务。组件与备用件清单应同系统一起提供,并有详细的采购信息。报价中应含有系统运行的远程支持。延长维护期,包括备用件,应作为可选项包含在报价内。r-17 delivery time 交付时间the desired delivery time would be 6 months, if possible. alternative poss
52、ibilities should be detailed in the offer. 如有可能,交付时间为6个月。报价应对其它可能性做出详细说明。4 technical implementation 技术实现in order to positively answer to all the previous requirements by lip, the following technical implementation will be used. additional interaction with the customer might be required. important el
53、ements are presented inside boxes within the text.以下的技术实现将对510所上述的所有要求做出正面解答。与客户需进行额外沟通。文中方框内的文字为重要原理。4.1 erosion measurement features 腐蚀测量特点4.1.1 linear measurement线性测量as described in section 3.1, the typical working distance of the system is supposed to be around 175 mm from the target surface. in
54、 this case, the field of view of the cameras will be around 5.3 mm with a resolution of 5 m. it is therefore expected, in case of nominal illumination, to be able to measure linear distance variations of minimum 2-3 pixels (corresponding to 10-15 m).如3.1所述,系统的典型工作距离设为距离目标表面175mm,因此相机的视场约5.3mm,分辨率5m请
55、落实单位?是m?分辨率是5的话,测量精度是多少?怎么验证测量精度?,所以在标准照明条件下,可测量的最小线性距离变量为2-3pixels(对应10-15m)单位?。the system will take (automatically or manually) one or more pictures in a given set of positions. after that the software will determine the variation between two successive pictures of some defined linear pattern (i.e. a hole diamete
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