



1、 MOTOROLA Tool Desig n Check List Workbook Project:(專案名稱) Pa比(部品名稱) Date:(日期) Designer:(設計者) Reviewer:(審核者) Tool(模具製造商) Maker Title Block Yes N/A No Part Name?(部品名稱) Details: Part number and revision level to latest level?(料號及最新版次 ) Details: Resin grade / Manufacturer?(塑料等級及製造商 ) Details: Shrinkage

2、Used mentioned?(縮水率) Flow Direction: Cross Flow Direction: Scale?個面比例) Details: Bill of Materials (bom 表) Yes N/A No Mold base steel and hard ness noted?(模座鋼材及硬度有無註明) Details: Cavity steel, hardness and quantity?(母模鋼材、硬度及數量) Details: Core steel, hard ness and qua ntity?(公模鋼材、硬度及數量) Details: In sert

3、and action steels and hard ness noted?(入子及活動件鋼材硬度有無註明) Details: Mold base Sub-comp onents man ufacturer and hardn ess no ted?(模座零附件製造商及硬度 有無註明) Details: Injectio n Yes N/A No Sprue Radius correct and dimensioned?(進膠口倒角及尺寸 ) Details: Sprue Taper e nd 10% larger than ma in runner diameter?(進膠口末端斜角比主流道

4、直徑大 10 %) Details: Conven ti onal Round - Full round or Trapezoidal as per material requireme nt?(流道設計: 圓形或梯形,或依材料規範設計?) Details: Runner bala ncing performed? Gate size adequate? Runner free form obstructi ons? (流道女口 何確保平衡?進膠點大小是否足夠?如何確認流道不會阻塞) Details: Cold slug wells and ve nts at end of each runn

5、er bran ch?(每個分流道是否都有冷料井及排 氣溝?) Details: Hot Runner - Electrical box moun ted on Top of Mold per sta ndards, and no exposed wires allowed?(熱膠道:連接頭是否裝置在模具天側,且不可有外漏之線路) Details: Insulator sheets added if required?(絕緣片有無加裝需求 ) Details: Zones no ted on cavity plan view. Cavity #1= zo ne 1?(母模面視角有無註明?) D

6、etails: Wiri ng schematic no ted on assembly draw ing in clud ing voltage and amps per zone? (組立圖有無註明線切割的電壓及電流?) Details: 3 Plate - Sucker pins at each runn er bran ch? (3板模-在流道中有無使用流道抓銷?) Details: Pin-poi nt gates in serted whe n glass filled material is used?(玻璃強化材料有使用針點灌 點?) Details: Gate and Run

7、n er full lay out and dime nsio ned?(灌點及流道規劃及尺寸是否註明?) Details: 4x scale gate detail shown?(灌點詳圖(放大4倍)是否註明?) Details: Core & Cavity In serts and Sub-comp onents(工母模入子及次組件 ) Yes N/A No In dividual sub-i nserts detailed and labeled?(有無註明單獨入子 / 次入子?) Details: Critical steel tolera nces 25% of part toler

8、a nee?(主要鋼材的尺寸公差為部品公差的25%) Details: Vent depth and land no ted and dime nsion ed. All vents relieved to atmosphere? (有註明逃氣孔深度及尺寸,所有氣孔排向大氣?) Details: Adequate ven ti ng at predicted kn it lin es?(在預測的結合線位置是否有足夠的排氣設計) Details: No thin steel c on ditio ns or sharp cor ners?(無過薄肉金屬或銳角) Details: Vertical

9、 shut-off surfaces should be between 5-8 degrees?(垂直的靠破面應有5-8 度的脫模 角) Details: In serts removable from part ing line if possible? (入子可否由合模線移除?) Details: Part marki ngs. Cavity ID locati on, and Date code location noted?(料號、穴號及日期章有 無註明?) Details: Cooling System (冷卻系統) Yes N/A No Cooling line diameter

10、 should be min ?12mm?(冷卻流道直徑最小12mm ?) Details: Parallel and Series Cooli ng Circuit schematic no ted on assembly draw ing?(組立圖中有無註 明平行或冷卻系統回路?) Details: Fittings details shown?(接頭資料有無註明) Details: Required coola nt flow rate (gallo n per mi nute) show n for each line?(流路中有無註明冷卻卩 液流量?) Details: Reynol

11、ds number calculated and shown?(雷諾數計算及註明?) Details: Min dista nee from cavity and core should be 5 mm?(冷卻系統距公模或母模面最小距離為 5mm ?) Details: In serts cooled w/ baffle or bubbler if possible?(嵌入式冷卻方式是否有調節阻板或水路入 口) Details: Mold Base Plates (模座) Yes N/A No Core/Cavity in serts pockets dime nsioned and tole

12、ra need to provide proper alig nment?(公母 模仁的入子是否有標示尺寸及公差以確保精確) Details: Offset pin. Top of mold, Operator side clearly noted? (offset 的 pin (模具基準邊)、模具 天側及操作側是否有清楚的標示) Details: Waterlines and counter bores detailed and numbered?(水路及連接口是否有詳細編號) Details: Mold plates have 45 Deg pry-slots on each corner

13、?(模板的每邊是否有45 度的梯狀溝) Details: Parti ng line relieved .25mm per half?(模板合模線需有0.5mm 的間隙) Details: Part ing line locks en gage 10mm prior to mold shuts?(靠破邊緣需大於成品10mm) Details: Shot counter on operator side?(射岀計數器是否在操作側) Details: All plate edges chamfered?(所有模板的邊緣是否都有導角) Details: Slides, Lifters and oth

14、er Mold acti ons Yes N/A No All mold acti ons show n. Travel required for part release no ted?(模具動作是否有說明) Details: Locking angle no less than 5 degrees?(閉鎖塊角度需大於5 度) Details: Angle pin no greater than 25 degrees?(有角度的 pin 不可超過 25 度) Details: Wear plates detailed with grease grooves and hardn ess no

15、ted? (wear 板是否有油槽及標示硬 度) Details: Gibbs detailed with screws, and dowel pi ns?(導軌是否用螺絲或定位銷固定?) Details: Slide spri ngs and retai ners no ted and detailed?(滑塊彈簧及固定螺絲是否有標示) Details: Harde ned slides and lifters 5Rc differe nt than mat ing steel?(滑塊及斜梢的硬度差是否差 5Rc) Details: Travel sufficie nt to release

16、 part with additio nal 10% safety? (倒勾行程是否預留 10% 安全距 離) Details: Limit switches and hydraulic fitti ngs if required?(是否須裝設極限開關及油壓裝置) Details: Is there a positive lock ing method for ope n positi on?(在開模的位置上有貫際的鎖疋方法) Details: Ejector System (頂岀系統) Yes N/A No Ejector pin locati ons, guide pins, spri n

17、gs (maximum compressi on dime nsion) show n?(有無 註明頂針、導柱及彈簧(最大壓縮尺寸)?) Details: Ejector pin land 2 1/2x pin diameter maximum?(頂針頭部最大直徑為尾端的2.5 倍) Details: Support pillars un der moldi ng area equal to 50% of projected area of part?(補強柱在部品頂 岀區域約為成型區50 %以下) Details: Ejector pin stroke adequate for part removal?(預計頂針可將部品頂岀?) Details:


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