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1、 写作课程内容介绍写作课程内容介绍 词汇词汇 句子句子 段落段落 篇章篇章 短文写作短文写作 温馨提示:温馨提示: 希望同学们不仅为学分,更为打下希望同学们不仅为学分,更为打下 写作基本功、掌握写作要领而上好写作基本功、掌握写作要领而上好 课。所有任课教师承若:一定尽力课。所有任课教师承若:一定尽力 备好课上好课,让同学们收益。备好课上好课,让同学们收益。 v写作选修课旨在抛砖引玉,以 期通过方法的介绍帮助同学们提 高学习效率,提高写作水平。 v1词汇与写作(导言)词汇与写作(导言) v 1.1.词汇的重要性词汇的重要性为什么写作课要讲词为什么写作课要讲词 汇学习汇学习 v 1.2写作与高频词

2、写作与高频词 v 2 词汇的学习词汇的学习 v 2.1 音、形、义音、形、义 v 2.2词的分类及其功能词的分类及其功能 v 2.3 词块(词的搭配)词块(词的搭配) v 2.4 写作常用词组短语写作常用词组短语 v 2.5 小结小结 v3写作词汇选择的标准写作词汇选择的标准 v 3.1准确性准确性 v 3.2 具体性具体性 v 3.3 简洁性简洁性 v 3.4 得体性得体性 v 3.5 形象性形象性 v 3.6 多样性多样性 v 4写作中词汇高分应用写作中词汇高分应用 v 4.1 多实少虚原则多实少虚原则 v 4.2 正式词汇短语正式词汇短语 v 4.3 用词多样性原则用词多样性原则 v 4

3、.4 标新立异(上义词标新立异(上义词 同义词 v. seem appear gaze, observe watch examine inspect focus on stare investigate glance, survey, n. glance, glimpse, peek, peep; appearance, v+pre.+n look at look into look for look up . see perceive by sight or have the power to perceive by sight; v.+n. see doctor see film see

4、movie see world see future see reason see problem 同义词v. perceive observe understand meet visit find out imagine picture make sure l解决解决:如何利用词汇学习提高英语写:如何利用词汇学习提高英语写 作水平作水平 v词块搭配学习法 即把单个词汇扩展到更大单位,即短语的学 习方法,从而帮助学习者掌握新学词汇使用 的场景,以及前后的搭配情况,使得语言的 学习更为模块化,并最终促进学习者综合运 用词汇能力的提高。 v英语的语言交际并非仅仅通过单词的使用来 实现, 自然话语中

5、的90%是由 “词块” (chunks)”来实现的。 v包括 : 短语动词、复合词、固定搭配、成语、惯用 语等相对固定的组合, 短语框架和句子框架。 2.3 词块的学习词块的学习 gain/obtain/access to/derive knowledge from ; 增长知识:增长知识: expand/ increase/broaden/ develop/ enhance; 传播知识:传播知识: pass/ impart/spread 渴求知识:渴求知识: hungry for/ thirsty for knowledge acquire knowledge 学知识学知识: v“词汇搭配学

6、习法”提高写作能力的原理在 于,通过掌握更大的语言单位,提高学习者 综合运用词汇的能力,从而提高学习者遣词 造句的能力。 practice: v下文是一篇阐释爱心的优秀文章,多处用词精巧, 现将文中关于爱心这一主题的词汇总结 vwhen we use the word love, we do not simply mean an attraction to a person of the opposite sex, which is a very narrow definition of the word. love is emotional strength, which can suppo

7、rt us no matter how dark the world around us becomes. in fact, throughout history people of many different cultures have regarded love as the noblest of human emotions. vas an example of the power of love, we should remember how the chinese people of all nationalities respond to the call to help the

8、 victims of natural disasters every year. although their incomes are still low by international standards, people all over the country do not hesitate to donate whatever they can be it money or goods to help their needy fellow citizens. moreover, they do this with no thought of gain for themselves.

9、vin my opinion, the best way to show love is to help people who are more unfortunate than we are. we should always be ready to give a helping hand to those who are in trouble, no matter whether they are family members or complete strangers. in this way, we can help to make the world a better place,

10、for the darker the shadows of sorrow become, the more brightly the lamp of love shines. v文中关于爱心这一主题的词汇总结如下: vemotional strength 情感的力量 vthe noblest of human emotions人类最高尚的情感 vno thought of gain不计得失 vthe lamp of love爱心之灯 vhelp the victims of natural disasters支援自然灾害受害者 vdonate whatever they can倾囊相助 vhe

11、lp their needy fellow citizens 帮助有需要的同胞 vbe ready to give a helping hand 随时准备伸出援手 v. two responsibilities of education the true test of a nation is not the size of its production or the number of its automobiles. the true test must only be the kind of persons it produces. every educational system ha

12、s two responsibilities. first, it must help to prepare for a career. this requires training and a degree of specialization, which will enable its citizens to perform the tasks required by various occupations. a musician must understand music; a carpenter must be skilled in carpentry; a teacher must

13、be able to teach and to motivate students; a mailman must know how to deliver mail; a good educational system will train persons and encourage them in the pursuit of excellence in whatever trade they choose to follow. assignment: vthere is another responsibility of our educational system, in additio

14、n to preparing our citizens to earn a livelihood. another goal must be to cultivate decent, compassionate human beings who can accept change gracefully and who are not filled with greed or envy, persons who have a sense of justice tempered by mercy, persons who have great respect for nature as well

15、as for mankind, persons who want to enrich the world. vthis seems very general and, of course, the development of such persons is dependent upon a variety of influences including parental care, friend help, financial condition, perhaps genetics, and many accidental happenings. it also raises the que

16、stion of how our educational system can contribute to producing citizens who will lead more creative, thoughtful and humane lives. 2.4写作常用词组短语写作常用词组短语 经济的快速发展 人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长 先进的科学技术 the rapid development of economy the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of peoples living standard advanced scie

17、nce and technology v人们普遍认为 社会发展的必然结果 引起了广泛的公众关注 it is commonly believed/ recognized that/ the inevitable result of social development arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention it is generally/widely believed/held/agreed that 对产生有利/不利的影响 利远远大于弊 导致,引起 实现梦想 have/exert a profound influence on /

18、a dramatic/ undesirable positive/ negative effects on the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in realize ones dream/ make ones dream come true v开阔眼界 v学习知识和技能 经济/心理负担 v考虑到诸多因素 v从另一个角度 widen ones horizon/ broaden ones vision acquire knowledge and ski

19、lls financial burden / psychological burden take many factors into account/ consideration from another perspective 采取措施:take effective steps/measures to 控制我们的环境:take/gain increasing control over our own environment 满足要求:meet/satisfy/accommodate the demand of 补偿损失:compensate for / make up for the los

20、s/damage 解释某现象:account for / explain the phenomenon 对很好的了解:have a better understanding/appreciation of,have a new perspective(观点) on,provide/gain an insight into 把某因素考虑进去:take sth. into account (consideration),give much thought to . 要熟记! 2. 5 词汇学习小结词汇学习小结: 音音 形形 义义 运用运用 词性 功 能 搭搭 配配 常用词句 3.写作选词标准写作选

21、词标准 准确性,就是要根据使用场合选用确切的语言形式。 误 he won his opponents and defeated the election. 正 he defeated his opponents and won the election. 分析: win和defeat 都有” 战胜、赢”之意, 但的win的宾语 为事情( 如match, battle, elec-tion等) , defeat 的宾语为人 ( 如enemy, opponent, team等) 。 3.1 准确性准确性 注意: 1)区分同义词的用法 v比如large和big都指“大”,但large通常用 来修饰诸

22、如number,amount及 quantity (alarge nunlber of students, a large amount of money, a large quantity of wine,etc)。但象“勇 气”,“信心”,”能力”、“智慧”等表 示个人素质的名词,人们通常用great而不用 big或large来修饰。 vwe should use our natural resources in an economic way. v we should use our natural resources in an economical way. they lost no

23、 time in escaping the burning hotel. they lost no time in fleeing the burning hotel. vtough一词在下面不同的搭配里,含义都有所不同。 vshe was having a tough time with that difficult task. (艰难的时刻) vhe is known as a tough teacher. (严厉的老师) vmy boss is a tough man to convince. (顽固的人) vthe competition is really tough. (激烈的)

24、vcooperating with him is a tough matter. (棘手的) 3.1 准确性准确性 注意: 2)词的多义性 l注意词语的两种意义:注意词语的两种意义:“基本意义基本意义”(denotation)和和“引申引申 意义意义”(connotation) 前者指该词语的本身,或客观的固有含义,后者指该词语在 一定搭配或上下句中出现的其他意义,往往比较含蓄,带有 词语使用者的主观态度或感情色彩。如inexpensive和cheap 都表示便宜的基本意思,如顾客问营业员:“may i have some thing cheaper?”意思是希望要价钱便宜一点的,当然 并不是

25、说质量可以不好,但cheap在其他句式或使用场合可 引出“低劣”、“平庸”、“吝啬”、“卑鄙”等多种意思, 这类意思正是修辞上的“敏感地带”。 i was born in a city.(general) (specific) i was born in beijing the food is very good the food is very delicious/ yummy ,tasty, delicious, nourishing, rich, wholesome, fresh, appetizing, abundant . 3.2具体性具体性 v在英文作文里巧妙使用总括词可以使文章简

26、 洁明快, 言简意赅, 因为它们有着较强的概括 力。但是只能在适当在时候选用且不可多用, 因为它们往往给人以空泛的感觉。大多数时 候都应选用细目词, 这才富于表达力, 给人确 切的概念, 从而体现出具体性。 the teacher is good. the student is good. the movie is good. the essay is good. the reason is good. /gd/ practice: from general to specific each group writes 4 synonyms synonyms for “good” voutsta

27、nding excellent fantastic marvellous great grand incredible amazing vyummy admirable, commendable, competent, complimentary, decent, desirable, ethical, expert, exquisite, fabulous, fair, favorable, fine, gifted, gracious, just, justifiable, justified, kind, kindly, likable, nice, noble, pleasing, p

28、ositive, prosperous, pure, reliable, reputable, respectable, respected, righteous, rightful, satisfactory, skilled, solid, straight, suitable, superb, valid, well behaved, well done, worthwhile, v v learning an synonym /antonym for each new word can help you increase your vocabulary vwe are learning

29、 something at school. vwith money , we can buy something. vstudents do many interesting things after classes ( 2 minutes) practice: from general to specific v. every morning and afternoon the sports fields are alive with energetic students. football and basketball matches, volleyball, and badminton,

30、 track-training and gymnastics are all in full swing. even the alleyways under the trees and around the flower beds provide enough space for enthusiasts to practise. through the windows comes the pitter- patter of ping-pong balls, the sound of songs and music, or laughter and discussion. how old is

31、old? vwhen you hear the sentence: “he is old.” what age comes to your mind? vspecific :in spring there is often a very strong northwest wind. it carries so much fine dust with it that sometimes the sun becomes obscure. there is no escape from the fine dust; it gets into your eyes, your ears, your no

32、strils, and your hair. it goes through the cracks of closed windows and covers your desks and chairs. general :it is often windy and dusty here in spring. assignment: haikou is beautiful 3.3 简洁性简洁性 v言以简洁为贵( brevity is the soul of wit. ) 。在用 英文写作时, 要用简洁的语言表达完整 的意思, 尽量避免为了凑满字数而去用几个单词来 表达本来一个单词便可表达清楚的意

33、思。 劣 in spite of the fact that it rained heavily, he came to the meeting on time. 优 although it rained heavily, he came to the meeting on time. v在可以运用较简短的常见词语表达意思时不 要用复杂而少的词语,如:用endfinish a letter (不用terminate,conclude)。 v多余的或转弯抹角的词语都不利于明白地表 达思想,因而下列短语中加括号的部分都应 省去: mutual aid(to each other)(mutual)a

34、id to each other,(an entirely)complete confidence,repeat the question(again), return(back) from abroad,etc 3.4 得当性得当性 v所谓选词的得当性指的是充分利用英语单词在感情色彩和语体 色彩上的差异, 对其进 行恰当的使用。 v从感情色彩上讲, 英语中的同义词有褒贬之分。例如: politician 和statesman都指政治 家, 但前者主要指勾心斗角、图谋私利的” 政客”, 含贬义; 后者指正派、有远见的” 政治家, 含褒义 词典标识:词典标识:derog (derogatory)

35、 vs. apprec( appreciative) c.f. cause /lead to / result in v从语体色彩上看, 主要有常用文体和正式文体两大 类, 例如: i have often wondered whether some people, who had no intention of making a purchase, would take advantage of this privilege. (我常纳闷是否有些不想购买的人会利用这一特 权。) “ wandering with intent to commit an arrestable offence,

36、“he said.(“ 到出游荡, 企图 作案。”他说)。 句1的intention为一般文体, 而句2的intent 属于正 式的法律文体, 两者均表示/ 意图”之意。 v加深领会词汇语体差别以及词汇选择与语域 ( register-immediate situational context) 的 关系。注意避免词汇方面语体混杂或语体不 当现象较普遍。比如, 应该使用正式语体的场 合使用非正式语体 v例如, 1)在正式语体的科学报告中, 要表达” 问 题”, 一般不会采用snag, 而用problem这个 词。在正式语体中, 常选departure而不选 leave, 选用reduce而不选

37、cut down, v选用should not 而不选shouldnt。 v2)reading, speaking, listening and writing are regarded as the four elements of language learning skills. if an esl student cant read, he couldnt learn language well. v学术论文中使用cant 之类的词语是不妥当的。 ( 1) va) opinion in the colony greeted the promised change with enthus

38、iasm. vb) the people in the colony rejoiced when it was promised that things would change in the way. vpractice: identify which of the following sentences is spoken english and which is written english? why? v( 2) v a) every previous visit had left me with a sense of the futility of further action o

39、n my part. vb) whenever id visited there before, i ended up feeling that it would be futile if i tried to do anything more. 3.5形象性形象性 v所谓形象性指的是用一定的修辞手段来提高 语言表达效果, 使得文章生动、形象, 从而吸 引读者。常用的有下列修辞手段(figures of speech): v1、明喻、明喻( simile v2、暗喻、暗喻( metaphor v3、拟人、拟人( personification) vo my loves like a red,

40、red rose. vthat man cant be trusted. hes as slippery as an eel. vthe old mans hair is as white as snow. vhe is the soul of the team virrigation is the lifeblood of agriculture e.g. vyouth is hot and bold, age is weak and cold, youth is wild, and age is tame. vdusk came stealthily. v4、借代( metonymy) 借

41、代指的是不直接说出某人或某物的本名, 而用和这个人或这种事物有不可分割关系的 名称来代替。his purse would not allow him that luxury. v5、夸张( hyperbole) 夸张指的是根据表达需要, 对客观事物的某些 方面故意铺张, / 言过其实, 加以适当的扩大。 she is dying to know what job has been assigned her. 6、转类修饰语转类修饰语( transferredepithet) 转类修饰语指的是将本应用来修饰某一类句词的修饰转类修饰语指的是将本应用来修饰某一类句词的修饰 语用来修饰相关的另一类名词

42、。语用来修饰相关的另一类名词。 vshe was so worried about her son that she spent several sleepless nights. in his quiet laziness he suddenly remembered that strange word. 注意学习掌握一些英语修辞手法 v许多同学平时阅读习惯只注重字词的学习, 忽略学习积累一些修辞手法,并认为英语修 辞在考试作文中没有用武之地。殊不知,只 要我们留心,英语修辞在平日的阅读材料里 还是俯拾皆是的。 vwherever there is patience, love and co

43、mmitment, the window of opportunity for raising a healthy, happy and well-adjusted child never closes. doing the best for our kids by hillary rodham clinton v句子看似简单,但都使用了排比结构。 vwe encourage our children to be competitive, to get ahead, to make money, to acquire possessions. vthe human being longs fo

44、r a sense of being accomplished, of being able to do things, with his hand, with his mind, with his will. v要在考试中拿高分,也要注意恰当地使用修辞手段。如下面 一段文章的作者通过三次使用介词in 引出的补语短语,构成 一系列排比结构,句式结构有变化(作文高分标准之一), 而且达到很好的的修辞效果,语言地道、优雅,行文流畅。 vso when you see someone in difficulty or in distress and in need of help, dont hes

45、itate to give your love to him. i believe then the relationship between people will be harmonious and our society will be a better place for us to live in. 3.6 多样性 v在同一句话, 同一段话或者同一篇文章中有时 需要同一词义的反复使用, 如果总是选用同一 个词, 会让读者觉得无新鲜感。为了避免这一 点, 应恰当地选用同义词以获得一种变化, 让 读者产生兴趣。 e.g. animals have different ways to ca

46、re for their young. some push their offsprings out of the nest early. others keep their babies them in the herd for many years. vthe report indicated that most college students had grown up in or near cities. about one fifth of the freshmen reported that they had been brought up in small towns; only

47、 seven percent came from farm families vif there is anyone out there who still doubts that america is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. vi had a very happ

48、y childhood. i went to a very pleasant school in scotland wherethe teachers were all kind to the children and the lessons were always interesting. it was in a very beautiful part of the country and it seems to me now that the weather was always nice. i thought it was especially nice in winter when i

49、t was enjoyable to play in the snow. our school uniform was very attractive and school dinners were always delicious. i wonder if it was really as wonderful as i think now or if i am just becoming old? back 作文选词标准小结作文选词标准小结 v准确性准确性accuracy v具体性具体性specific v简洁性简洁性brevity/concision v得当性得当性appropriaten

50、ess v形象性形象性figurativeness v多样性多样性variety 4.写作词汇高分运用写作词汇高分运用 v多实少虚原则(即具体性原则)多实少虚原则(即具体性原则) v多使用正式词汇或短语,代替非正式或随意的多使用正式词汇或短语,代替非正式或随意的 词汇或表达词汇或表达 v用词多样化,切忌关键词的重复使用用词多样化,切忌关键词的重复使用 v标新立异标新立异 ( 正反关系,同义词,上下义关系,词性转换) v分词做定语分词做定语 4.1多实少虚原则多实少虚原则 例:例:.我希望我在学校能学到一些东西我希望我在学校能学到一些东西 i hope i can do /learn somet

51、hing . 说一个人很好说一个人很好/不错的时候不错的时候 不应该只用不应该只用nice这样空洞的词,而可以使这样空洞的词,而可以使 用用 一些诸如一些诸如generous, humorous, interesting, smart, gentle, warm- hearted, hospitable 之类的形象词。之类的形象词。 back 例如:例如: good:positive, favorable, promising, perfect, pleasurable, excellent, outstanding bad: unfavorable, poor, adverse in my

52、opinion: for my part, from my own perspective think: take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared /accepted/ acknowledged back 4.2 多使用正式词汇或短语,代替非正式或随意的多使用正式词汇或短语,代替非正式或随意的 词汇或表达词汇或表达 如在某事的优点和缺点时,就可用如在某事的优点和缺点时,就可用 vadvantage and disadvantages v positive and negative aspects; v ben

53、efits and drawbacks, v favorable and unfavorable aspects. v merit and downside v pros and cons, etc. back 4.3 用词多样化,切忌关键词的重复使用用词多样化,切忌关键词的重复使用 v 认为,主张argue, maintain, hold, believe 考虑 takesth. into consideration, consider, ponder, meditate, contemplate, think over, reflect on/ upon, meditate on the

54、matter(思考这问题), ponder over 下结论,断定 come into conclusion, arrive at the conclusion, draw the conclusion, conclude, decide, assert(宣称) 获得 acquire, obtain, attain, reap practice 在写作中在写作中“较高级词汇较高级词汇”的使用主要是指使用的使用主要是指使用大纲大纲上没上没 有的词语、使用通过构词法变化来的新词、使有的词语、使用通过构词法变化来的新词、使用同用同(近近)义词义词 或反义词等来代替常见词语。或反义词等来代替常见词语。

55、 4.4标新立异标新立异 u洗澡间和厨房都很好。 在表达要点时,b句使用了well furnished,这比good语气强, 也显得生动。 在造句时,“较高级词汇”如能运用贴切自然,哪怕整篇文 章 只用上一个,也会使你的作文显示出与众不同。 va: the bathroom and the kitchen are good. u在周末我们做很多作业。 a: at weekends, we have a lot of homework to do. b: at weekends, we have endless homework to do. b. the bathroom and the ki

56、tchen are well-furnished. an army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. when it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are very bad. less impressive. 保保护护 vpreservation of w

57、ildlife habitats vconservation of natural habitats vprotection of ecosystem vfocus on environmental protection and nature conservation 垃垃圾圾 v rubbish v waste v dust v trash v junk v refuse v landfill l名名词词替替换换 l形容形容词词替替换换 大多大多数数的的 va large majority of va vast majority of va great majority of 发发展中展中国

58、国家家 va developing country va less-developed country van disadvantaged country van impoverished country 可回收、可循可回收、可循环环再用的再用的 vrecoverable vrecovered vrecycled vrecyclable vreused vreusable l动词动词 protect wild birds, conserve water and preserve the environment strengthen economic exchanges and promote

59、cultural communication balance the calories you consume with the amount of calories you expend lly副词副词 while the price of petrol increases sharply, the price of automobiles decreases dramatically. rise slightly and then drop moderately increase/drop significant, greatly, dramatically, strikingly, su

60、bstantially v highly efficient environmentally friendly increasingly competitive financially independent culturally diverse physically damaging emotionally detrimental l正反正反义关义关系系 vphysically active people are about half as likely as non-exercisers to die of coronary heart disease. vphysically activ


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