



1、小学升外国语学校英语完型填空专项 50-50ai am a 1 boy. my name 2 wu dong. i am twelve . this is 3 classroom. its 4 big room. there are 5 desks, chairs and a teachers desk 6 it. some flowers are 7 the teachers desk and some brooms are 8 the door. this is my desk, 9 english book and a pencil-box 10 on it. in the pencil

2、-box 11 a pen and a ruler. 12 pen is red and the ruler is blue.( )1.a. chineseb. japanesec. englishd. american( )2.a. amb. arec. bed. is( )3.a. mineb. ourc. oursd. your( )4.a. anb. ac. thed. /( )5.a. ab. muchc. somed. an( )6.a. inb. onc. neard. of( )7.a. underb. atc. behindd. on( )8.a. underb. atc.

3、behindd. on( )9.a. anb. thec. ad. /( )10.a. isb. amc. ared. on( )11.a. itsb. there isc. there ared. they are( )12.a. ab. thec. thed. an【解析】1. a 根据下文“我叫吴东”,推测我是一位中国男孩。【解析】2. d 主语my name为单数,系动词用is.【解析】3. b classroom为名词,前面要用形容词性物主代词作定语。另外根据上下文的介绍,此教室为作者所在的教室,所以用第一人称的代词。【解析】4. b a 用在发辅音音素开头的单词前。【解析】5. c

4、 a(an)+单数可数名词, some+复数可数名词, much+不可数名词,本句中desks为可数名词的复数形式。【解析】6. a 书桌,椅子,讲台在教室内面用介词in.【解析】7. d 花在讲台上用介词on【解析】8. c 扫帚应放在门后面。behind意思是“在后面”,under意为“在下面”,at 表示在几点钟,on 表示“在上面”。【解析】9. a an用在发辅音音素的开头的单词前。【解析】10. c and连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。【解析】11.b 本句为there be句型表示“某处有某物。”。在there be结构中,作状语的介语短语也可位于句首,以示强调。【解析

5、】12.c 上文提到过的人或事物,在下文中再次提到时名词前要加定冠词the. blucy is 1 american girl. she is 2 student. 3 father is mr. king. her mother is mrs. king. lily is 4 sister. she is a student, 5 . she is 6 a red sweater . lucy is in a 7 sweater, too. they are good. 8 ( )1.a. ab. anc. thed. /( )2.a. theb. anc. /d. a( )3.a. she

6、b. herc. hed. his( )4.a. sheb. hec. herd. his( )5.a. butb. tooc. ord. and( )6.a. onb. toc. ind. under( )7.a. redb. yellowc. greend. white( )8.a. girlsb. boysc. a girld. a student【解析】1. b 先介绍lucy, 故用不定冠词。american前需用an, 所以选b。【解析】2. d 英语中,介绍某人身份、职业时,常用不定冠词a或者an, student前应用a.【解析】3. b 本题有所属关系,即“lucy 的父亲”,所以用其形容词性物主代词形式,即her, 句首大写,即her。【解析】4. c “她的妹妹”也有所属关系,故用her。【解析】5. b 本题主要考查too的用法。too意为 “也”,通常表示和前面相同的内容,文章的前面有:she is a student,故这儿再次出现 “she is a student”时,在其后应加too【解析】6. c in后加衣服、帽子等时常译作“穿着,带着”。本题中有a red sweater一件红色的毛衣,故应用in【解析】7. a 本题主要考查表示事物颜色的形容词的用法,因本题


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