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1、Run Rate GP-9按预定能力生产I. PURPOSE目的The purpose of a Run Rate is to verify:Run Rate的目的是要核实:A. the suppliers actual man ufacturi ng process is capable of produc ing comp onents that meetGMs on-going qualityrequireme nts, as stated in the Producti on Part Approval Process(PPAP), at quoted tooling capacity

2、 for a specified period of time; and供应商的当前制造过程是否有能力在指定的一段时间内按声称的加工能力、生 产出符合通用汽车公司现行质量要求的零部件。如同在该零件生产件批准”(PPAP)文件中所述一致。B. the suppliers actual man ufacturi ng process con forms to the man ufactur ing and quality pla n docume nted by the supplier in PPAP, GP-12 and other required docume ntati on供应商的当前

3、生产流程是否符合供应商在PPAP,GP-12或其它要求的文件中所记录的制造和质量计划。Duri ng a Run Rate, all producti on tooli ng is to be in place and running at full capacity, utiliz ing all regular producti on, direct and in direct, pers onnel and support systems.在Run Rate过程中,所有的生产工具应各就各位并且按最大能力运行,运用所有 正 式 生产的 人 员 和支持系统,包括直接的和间接的。II. SCO

4、PE适用范围All new parts require a Run Rate, unless exempted by the supplier quality engineer and approved by the Supplier Quality and Purchas ing Directors of the procuri ng divisi on.所有新的零部件都要通过Run Rate,除非供应商质量工程师认为可以免除并且得到采购部供应商质量和采购负责人的认可。III. SELECTION PROCESS规程选择All new part n umbers will be evalua

5、ted by GM, tak ing into con siderati on factors such as the follow ing: history; new tech no logy; irreversible tooli ng cha nges; and new supplier facilities. The n eed for the Run Rate will be con firmed by the Supplier Quality Engin eer, and approved by the Supplier Quality and Purchas ing Direct

6、or(s) of the procuri ng divisi on. The supplier will be notified of the need to perform a customer monitored or supplier monitored Run Rate as early in the Adva need Product Quality Pla nning Process as possible.Note: See Secti on VHI for Additi onal Requireme nts for Supplier mon itored Run Rate. 所

7、有新零件号中的零件都要经过通用汽车公司的评审,将考虑到如下的一些因 素:生产历史,新技术不能回复的模具更改,以及新的生产工厂等等。进行 RunRate的必要性由供应商质量工程师确认,并且得到米购部门的供应商质量及采购负责人的认可。供应商将在前期产品质量计划(APQP)规程中尽早被通知是否要作一次用户监督或由供应商自行监督的Run Rate。注:见第VHI节中有关于由供应商自行监督下的Run Rate R的附加要求。IV. GENERAL INFORMATION概述A. DURATION OF RUNRA TERun Rate的周期The n umber of comp onents to be

8、 produced duri ng the Run Rate should be sufficie nt to dem on strate man ufacturi ng process capability and should be predeterm ined by the supplier and the procur ing divisi ons Supplier Quality Engin eer(s). Factors such as product complexity, shelf life, storage, cost and single shift vs. multip

9、le shift operations are taken into con siderati on in determ ining the len gth of the Run Rate. The default len gth of the Run Rate is one day of the customers daily producti on requireme nt at full accelerati on.在RunRate过程中所生产的零部件的数量要足以表明其所具备的生产能力,并且由供应商和采购部门的质量工程师们共同预先商定。诸如产品复杂程度,有 效期,贮存,费用,单班运作或多

10、班轮作等等,都是影响RunRate时间长短应考虑的因素。RunRate的默认周期是用户满负荷生产时一天的需求量。B. TIMING OF RUNRATERun Rate的开始时间The Run Rate should be performed after the supplier has attained an acceptable PPAP submission and prior to start of production acceleration. Although encouraged to be performed as early as possible, a key con s

11、iderati on in establishi ng the Run Rate date is the stability of the design. The exact date should be predetermined by the procuring divisi on and the supplier.供应商必须在获得 PPAP生产件批准后及在开始加速生产之前进行Run Rate。尽管越早进行越好但是进行RunRate的关键考虑因素是该零件设计的确定性。确切的日期应由采购部门和供应商共同确定。C. REQUIRED PARTICIPATION要求参加的人员1. Custome

12、r Mon itored -用户监督Customer - A represe ntative from the procuri ng divisio n is to be prese nt for the entire Run Rate. No portion of the Run Rate is to be performed without representation of the procuring division, without prior approval. The lead GM representative typically will be the Supplier Qu

13、ality Engineer, with participation of the Buyer an d/or Release Engin eer upon request.Supplier - The lead supplier represe ntative is to be the project man ager or man ager appo in tee.用户一一采购部门的一个代表到现场监督整个生产过程。没有预先的许 可,没有代表到场,不得进行任何的操作,GM方面的首席代表是供应商质量工程师。如有需要,采购员和产品放行工程师也可能被邀参加。供应商-供应方的首席代表应是项目经理或是

14、该项目经理指定的代表。2. Supplier Mon itored -供应商监督The lead supplier representative is to be the project manager or manager appo in tee.供应方的首席代表应是项目经理或其指定的代表Note: Equipment and/or subcontractors may be asked to participate.注:设备制造商和分包商也可能被要求参加。D. SUPPLIER PREPARTATION FOR RUNRATE供应商为Run Rate所作的准备To make effecti

15、ve use of time, the supplier should con duct a practice Run Rate an d/or producti on simulati ons, as well as complete as much of the Run Rate Worksheet (Attachme nt B), before the official Run Rate is con ducted.为了能有效地利用时间,在正式的RunRate进行之前,供应商应作一次演习或 相应的模拟生产,并完成工作表 (附录B)上所规定的尽可能多的项目和所有问 答。E. INVENTO

16、RYE.存货If parts are produced ahead of product ion schedules, the supplier will hold all parts produced un til authorized to ship. The supplier will en sure that sufficie nt product ion containers and packagi ng are available to preve nt part damage.如果零件的制造发生在总装厂需要之前,供应商应保存全部的零件直到允许装 运。供应商应保证有足够的生产用装运

17、箱和合适的成品包装以防止零部件的损 坏。V. RUNRATE REVIEW CONTENTRun Rate 检查内容The Run Rate will verify that the results of the suppliers actual manufacturing process meet customer requirements for on-going quality, as stated in PPAP, and quoted tooling capacity. Also, it will verify that the suppliers actual process is

18、 to plan, as documented in PPAP, GP-12 and the other documentation listed below.RunRate的目的是要核实供应商的实际制造过程是否符合现行质量要求(如在PPAP文件中所说的)以及报价所称的工装能力,并且供应商实际生产过程是否按照 已订的计划,正如在 PPAP、GP12及下列其它文件中所述的。During the Run Rate, the following will be reviewed: documentation; the manufacturing process and results; part q

19、uality requireme nts and results; sub-supplier requireme nts and Run Rate results; and packagi ng.在 RunRate 过程中,检查以下一些项目:文件,制造工艺和其结果,零件质量要 求和其结果,对分供方的要求及其 Run Rate 的 结 果,还有包装和搬运。A. DOCUMENTATION : At the time of the RunRate , the following support documentation should be available for review: 文件 : 在

20、作 Run Rate 审核时,应出具下列证明性文件以备查阅。1. PPAP package including :PPAP 文件包括 :a) Process flow diagram 过程流程b) Process control plan, with reaction plan 具有反应计划的过程控制计划c) DFMEA / PFMEA 设计/过程失效模式及后果分析d) Master part(s) 标样2. GP-12( Pre-launch ) control planGP-12 初期生产次品遏制的控制计划3. Tool capacity information工 装 能力 情况4. Op

21、erator/inspection instruction操作 /检验指导书5. Prototype / pilot concerns (PR/R s) 样件 /试生产时发生的问题 (如 PR/R)6. Sub- contractor control / capacity data 分供方控制 /能力数据7. Sub-contractor material schedules and transportation 分供应商材料(含零件)生产计划及运输8. Packaging / labeling plan 包装 / 标记计划9. Acceleration plan生产加速计划Note : Al

22、l documentation must be complete and correct注: 所有文件都应完备及正确。B. MANUFACTURING PROCESS-ACTUAL TO PLAN制造过程-实际相对于计划1. The product is being manufactured at the production site using the productiontooling, gaging, process, materials, operators, environment, and process settings. 产品应在生产现场用正式生产的工装、测量系统、工艺、材料

23、、操作人员、 环境和过程设定来进行生产。2. The actual process flow agrees with the process flow diagram, as documented inPPAP.实际生产流程应与 PPAP 文件中的流程图相同。3. Operator instructions/visual aids are available and adhered to at each work station.应将操作指导书 /目视参考图表置于相应的每个工作岗位。4. All in-process documents, such as process control cha

24、rts, are in place at the time of the Run Rate. The documentation is utilized to drive a defined reaction plan and corrective action process. 在进行 RunRate 时,所有过程文件都应在工位上,如过程控制计划。这些 文件应用于实施规定的反应计划和纠正措施。5. Production boundary samples, when required, are available at required work stations. 当需要时,在需要的工位上应

25、拥有边际样品。6. Maintenance plans are in place; repair and maintenance parts are available; and there is planned downtime for preventative maintenance. 应具备保养计划和用于维修和保养的备件以及进行预防性维修保养的停机 计划。Note: All of the preceding requirements must be met to pass the Run Rate. 注:上述所有要求都须合格才能通过 Run Rate。C. MANUFACTURING C

26、APACITY RESULTS制造能力结果The following will be verified while the process is running.在进 行 生产时 , 要核实以下内容:1. Net output from each operation can support quoted capacity.每 道 工 序的净产量与报价生产 能 力相符。2. During the Run Rate, the tooling must meet the quoted up time requirements (net vs. gross quoted output). Any un

27、expected downtime must be documented and corrective action taken.在按预定能 力生产时 ,工 装 应满 足报 价所 要求 的开机 时间要求 (报价 净产量和标称毛产量 )。记下任何意外的停工时间和要求的改进措施计划。3. All line changeovers, if any, can be performed within the quoted tooling capacity requirements.所有在线工装的更换应在报价工装能力要求范围内进行。4. The net through-put of good pieces

28、 (scrap taken out, any allowable rework) meet daily quoted capacity.合格零件的净产量 (剔除废品 , 保留返工合格零件 ) 应与报价日生产能力相 符。5. The acceleration plan is sufficient to meet requirements. 加速生产计划足以满足客户要求。Note: All of the preceding five requirements must be met to pass the Run Rate. 注:上述所有五项要求都须合格才能通过 Run Rate。D. PART

29、QUALITY PLAN TO ACTUAL 零件质量计划同实际相对比1. All production checking fixtures must be complete, with acceptable measurement system studies ., gage R and R) performed, and operator instructions/visual aids available.所有生产检验设备应完备并且作了可接受的测量系统分析工作(即量具的重复性和再现性 )。应具备操作指 导书 /目视参考图表 。2. All in process gaging and co

30、ntrols must be complete, functional and in place. 所有生产过程中的测量和控制设备应完备 , 功能齐全并且到位。3. The process control plan (normal and GP-12) must agree with the actual process. Production part checks and statistical monitoring must take place as outlined on the process control plan 过程控制计划(一般的和GP12)应与现行过程相符,应按过程控制

31、计划作零 件检验和统计监测。4. Potential failure modes, as identified in the PFMEA, are addressed through error-proofing or the control plan.在 PFMEA 中所确定的潜在失效模式应有防错措施或控制计划来处置5. The process control plan reaction plan as well as the suppliers corrective action process to ensure containment and correction should be

32、available for review.过 程 控 制 计 划 的 反 应 计 划 与 供 应 商 的 改 正 措 施 一 样 , 确 保 在 检 查 时 有 遏 制 措 施 及 施 改 正 措 施 。Note: All of the preceding five requirements must be met to pass the Run Rate. 注:上述所有要求都须合格才能通过 Run Rate。E. PART QUALITY RESULTS零件质量结果1. All parts produced off production tooling during the Run Rate

33、 meet GMs requirements for ongoing quality, as stated in PPAP.在RunRate时,用生产工装生产出来的所有零件应符合PPAP中记载的GM对准予持续制造的质量要求。2. The manufacturing process is in control. 制造过程必须受控。3. The manufacturing process demonstrates the required capability. 制造过程应证明所要求的生产能力。4. The process control plan is sufficient to effecti

34、vely meet the design recordrequirements ., control points, frequency of checks, etc.). 过程控制计划应能有效地满足设计要求,(即控制点 , 检验频率等) 。5. Nonconformance不符合性Note: The total number of parts produced, the pieces rejected and the pieces reworked need to be documented on the summary sheet. 注:生产出来的零件总数,不合格零件数,返工合格零件数都应

35、在 GP-9 总结表 上纪录a) The non-conformances yielded by the process were identified by the normal PPAP control plan. If identified by the GP-12 Process Control Plan or an activity outside documented plans, corrective action is required. 生产过程中的不符合项可由一般的 PPAP 控制计划识别出来。如果是由 GP12 过程控制计划或是由其他措施认别出来,则要求修改 PPAP 控

36、制计划。b) The PFMEA identified the potential failure modes. If not, the PFMEA needs to be updated and corrective action put in place. 生产过程中的不符合项在 PFMEA 中应有预见, 若未能做到, 则 PFMEA 需要更新并且要采取改进 措施。c) All rework and repairs effectively correct the nonconformance(s). 返工及修复措施能有效地纠正不合格项。d) All prototype and pilot

37、concerns, if any, have been corrected and validated. 所有在工装样件及试生产件制造时发生的问题应已修正和验证。Note: All of the preceding five requirements must be met to pass the Run Rate.注 :上述所有要求都须合格才能通过 Run Rate 。F. SUBCONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS分供方要求1. Subcontractor(s) abilities to meet the customers quality and capacity requir

38、ements must be confirmed by the supplier prior to the Run Rate being conducted at the suppliers facility. Verification of the subcontractor(s) manufacturing processes should be accomplished through a Run Rate or similar process conducted by the supplier.在进行 RunRate 以前,供应商应该对分供方是否能满足用户的质量和数量 要求进行确认。上

39、述核实应由供应商采用 Run Rate 规程或相似的过程加 以实施。2. Controls must be in place to isolate incoming material until it has been approved. 应采取措施来隔离外来材料流入生产线,直到它被认可。Note: The preceding requirements must be met to pass the Run Rate. 注:上述要求都须合格才能通过 Run Rate。G. PACKAGING AND HANDLING 包装及装卸1.1 n process and final shipment

40、packaging will be reviewed for preservation of part quality and ease of use by suppliers operators loadi ng and uni oadi ng parts. (Refer to GM 1738 for requireme nts.)将检查在生产过程中和最终运输的包装情况以保证零件的质量并且便于供 应商的操作人员装卸零件。(参见GM1738中的要求)。2. The suppliers method for in process and final shipp ing packagi ng an

41、d han dli ng must effectively elim in ate the pote ntial for process errors or mixed stock.在生产过程中及最终运输时所采用的包装及装卸方式应能有效地杜绝可能 的程序差错及混装。VI. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS REQUIRED需要做的纠正措施A. Actual to Requirements. If the results of the actual manufacturing process do not meet customer requireme nts for on-going qu

42、ality and quoted tool capacity, corrective action must be take n to correct any non-con forma nces.实际产量与用户要求:如果实际生产过程的结果达不到用户当前质量和声称的工装能力要求,应采取 纠正措施消除这些不一致的地方。B. Actual to Plan. If the manufacturing and quality plan do not agree with the actual process, cha nges must be made to bring them into agree

43、me nt.实际制造与质量计划:如果实际过程达不到制造和质量计划要求,则应作相应的变动使两者达成一致。C. Noncon forma nces. If noncon forma nces occurred duri ng the Run Rate which were not identified previously by the normal PPAP control plan, a corrective action plann eeds to be put in place ., error proofi ng or a cha nge in the con trol pla n) a

44、nd docume nted in the PFMEA an d/or process flow diagram.不一致性:如果在进行 RunRate中,发生的不合格未能被一般的 PPAP控制计划识别,必须 采取纠正措施(即防错措施或修改控制计划),并在PFMEA或工艺流程图中记录。VII. APPROVAL审定Upon completi on of the Run Rate, the worksheets must be reviewed for complete ness and a decision made whether or not to approve the review. T

45、he Run Rate can have one of three results: pass; ope n or fail.Run Rate 一结束,应审查工作记录表以确保完整性,同时应作岀 决定:审查是否通过。可以有下述三种结果之一:通过,待定, 失败。A. Pass通过1. Definition .定义Pass indicates that all Run Rate requirements were met. The supplier dem on strated the capability to produce parts that meet GMs on-going qualit

46、y requireme nts at quoted capacity (net output). All key product characteristicswere monitored and meet Cpk/Ppk requirements. GP-12 requirements were met. The suppliers actual manufacturing process agreed with the manufacturing and quality plan, as documented by the supplier in PPAP, GP-12 and other

47、 required docume ntati on. Quality systems were docume nted and practiced.通过意味着满足全部的RunRate的要求。表明供应商具备生产出符合GM现行质量要求的产品及具备所要求的生产能力。所有 关键的产品性能是在监督测定并且满足CPK/PPK的要求。满足GP12的要求。供应商的实际制造过程符合制造和质量计划,这些规划由供应商 记录在PPAP,GP-12和其它要求的文件中。质量体系有成文记录并切实 执行。B. Open 待 定1. Definition Ope n in dicates that some minor non

48、-con forma nces to therequireme nts were found that n eed to be corrected. Examples of this are net output meets volume requireme nts but n ot quoted capacity; quality systems have minor deficie ncies ., preve ntative maintenance system lack in g, lack of error proofi ng, in complete or in adequate

49、operator in structi on s/visual aids, operator training not complete, minor deficiencies in meeting customers ongoing quality requireme nts).定义:待定意味着产品的有些方面与所要求的稍有不一致,需要作改进。比如,产量符合客户数量要求但达不到报价声称的生产能力;质量系统 有小缺陷(例:缺少预防性保养计划,缺少防错措施,操作规则等不完备 或不合适,操作人员培训不充分,有些地方不符合用户现行质量要求)。2. Corrective Action Required

50、A documented Action Plan to correct thenon-con forma nces is required. At a minimu m, it must in clude the n ame of the in dividual at the Supplier who is resp on sible for impleme nti ng the Corrective Action and the timing and validation of the Corrective Action Plan. This plan is due to the GM Ru

51、n Rate Supplier Quality Engineer for approval, within two (2) bus in ess days of the completi on of the Run Rate.需做的改进措施:要求一个成文的纠正这些偏差的措施。并且,它应包括供 应方负责执行整改措施、控制进度及考核成效的人员名单。该计划需由GM负责RunRate评审的供应商质量工程师来审核,并在RunRate结束后两天之内完成。3. Verification of Corrective Action GM verification of successful completion

52、 of thecorrective acti on pla n can be accomplished in several differe nt ways, for example, through corresp ondence, a part review or a pla nt visit. Gen erally an additi onal Run Rate is not required. Once the Corrective Action pla n is successfully completed, the Supplier Quality Engin eer will c

53、ha nge the Run Rate result from ope n to pass.改进措施的验证:验证改进措施是否顺利完成有几种不同的方法。例如,通 过联系,对一批零件的检查或是参观生产现场。通常不需要再作RunRate。一旦改进措施顺利地完成,供应商质量工程师将把RunRate的结果由待定改为通过。C. Fail失败1. Definition Fail in dicates a serious non-con forma nee exists that requires sig ni fica ntaction by the supplier to correct, such as

54、 quality systems are not in place and serious non-on forma nces exist; Ppk values (Cpk values) do not meet requireme nts for KPC s; or supplier fails to meetVume Requirements. An additional Run Rate will be required.定义:失败”意味着存在着严重的不一致的地方,要求供应商采取一些重大 的措施来加以改进。这些不一致有:质量系统不存在并有严重不一致质量问 题存在,关键产品特性的Ppk值(

55、Cpk值)达不到KPC的要求,或者供应商达 不到产量要求,因此要求 重新作Run Rate。2. Corrective Action Required A documented Action Plan to correct thenon-conformances is required. At a minimum, it must include the name of the in dividual at the Supplier who is resp on sible for impleme nti ng the Corrective Action and the timing and

56、validation of the Corrective Action Plan. This plan is due to the GM Run Rate Supplier Quality Engineer for approval, within two (2) bus in ess days of the completi on of the Run Rate.需做的改进措施:要求有一个成文的改正这些偏差的措施。并且,它应包括 供应方负责执行整改措施、控制进度及考核成效的人员名单,该计划的要由GM负责RunRate评审的供应商质量工程师来审核,并在 Run Rate结束后两天内完成。3.

57、Verification of Corrective Action. 0 nee the Corrective Action pla n is completed, theSupplier Quality Engineer will schedule the new Run Rate to verify the successful impleme ntatio n of the corrective acti on pla n.改进措施的验证:改进措施计划完成以后,供应商质量工程师将按排进行新 的RunRate,以验证改进措施是否有执行成效。VIII. Supplier Mon itored Run Rate Additio nal Requireme nts供应商监督下的 Run Rate的附加要求A. All Run Rate requireme nts ide ntified in Sectio ns IV. V, VI a nd VII of this procedure apply to both supplier moni tored and customer moni tored Run Rates. 所有在本程序第IV、V、VI、VI


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