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1、英文翻译a comprehensive overview of substationsalong with the economic development and the modern industry developments of quick rising, the design of the power supply system become more and more completely and system. because the quickly increase electricity of factories, it also increases seriously to

2、 the dependable index of the economic condition, power supply in quantity. therefore they need the higher and more perfect request to the power supply. whether design reasonable, not only affect directly the base investment and circulate the expenses with have the metal depletion in colour metal, bu

3、t also will reflect the dependable in power supply and the safe in many facts. in a word, it is close with the economic performance and the safety of the people. the substation is an importance part of the electric power system, it is consisted of the electric appliances equipments and the transmiss

4、ion and the distribution. it obtains the electric power from the electric power system, through its function of transformation and assign, transport and safety. then transport the power to every place with safe, dependable, and economical. as an important part of powers transport and control, the tr

5、ansformer substation must change the mode of the traditional design and control, then can adapt to the modern electric power system, the development of modern industry and the of trend of the society life.electric power industry is one of the foundations of national industry and national economic de

6、velopment to industry, it is a coal, oil, natural gas, hydropower, nuclear power, wind power and other energy conversion into electrical energy of the secondary energy industry, it for the other departments of the national economy fast and stable development of the provision of adequate power, and i

7、ts level of development is a reflection of the countrys economic development an important indicator of the level. as the power in the industry and the importance of the national economy, electricity transmission and distribution of electric energy used in these areas is an indispensable component.。t

8、herefore, power transmission and distribution is critical. substation is to enable superior power plant power plants or power after adjustments to the lower load of books is an important part of power transmission. operation of its functions, the capacity of a direct impact on the size of the lower

9、load power, thereby affecting the industrial production and power consumption.substation system if a link failure, the system will protect the part of action. may result in power outages and so on, to the production and living a great disadvantage. therefore, the substation in the electric power sys

10、tem for the protection of electricity reliability, sensitivity and other indicators.power plants and substations are connected user link in the middle, transformation and distribution of electric energy to play the role. according to the different tasks substation can be divided into step-up transfo

11、rmer step-down transformer substation and two broad categories. step-up substation built on the general power plant, the general step-down transformer near the load center built on the low.voltage can also be divided according to medium voltage substation (60 kv and below), high-voltage substations

12、(110 220 kv), ehv substation (330 765 kv) and ultra high voltage substation (1000 kv and above). in electric power system according to their status as a hub substation can be divided into the middle substation substations and terminals. this requires a substation part of economic rationality, the se

13、cond part of safe and reliable, the only way to the normal operation of substation work services for the national economy. there are step-up transformer step-down transformer substation and two broad categories.substations have been equipped with various protection devices, these devices are based o

14、n lower short-circuit load to a maximum load conditions, such as configuration settings and, therefore, in the event of the failure was similar to the specific circumstances under to judge by the system should automatically trip protection, and now the protection of the whole trip has been a very sh

15、ort time, the lifting of the fault, the system will automatically reclosing devices and the gateway to restore power quickly. this is to protect the lower the load is very favorable. this will not only protect the safety of the load equipment is in favor of extending the service life and reduce equi

16、pment investment, and improved reliability of electricity supply, which is to improve the efficiency of industrial and agricultural production is very effective.substations have been equipped with various protection devices, these devices are based on lower short-circuit load to a maximum load condi

17、tions, such as configuration settings and, therefore, in the event of the failure was similar to the specific circumstances under to judge by the system should automatically trip protection, and now the protection of the whole trip has been a very short time, the lifting of the fault, the system wil

18、l automatically reclosing devices and the gateway to restore power quickly. this is to protect the lower the load is very favorable. this will not only protect the safety of the load equipment is in favor of extending the service life and reduce equipment investment, and improved reliability of elec

19、tricity supply, which is to improve the efficiency of industrial and agricultural production is very effective.increase in the efficiency of industrial products means lower product costs, increase market competitiveness, which will enable enterprises to increase for the national economy and make a g

20、reater contribution to development. electricity supply reliability and other fields, can improve peoples quality of life, improve their living conditions. analyse change to give or get an electric shock a mission for carrying and customers carries etc. circumstance, choose the address, make good use

21、 of customer data proceed then carry calculation, ascertain the correct equipment of the customer. at the same time following the choice of every kind of transformer, then make sure the line method of the transformer substation, then calculate the short-circuit electric current, choosing to send tog

22、ether with the electric wire method and the style of the wire, then proceeding the calculation of short-circuit electric current. this first step of design included:(1) ascertain the total project (2) load analysis(3) the calculation of the short-circuit electric current (4) the design of an electri

23、c shock the system design to connect with system and the choice of line project (5) the choice and the settle of the protective facility (6) the contents to defend the thunder and protection of connect the earth. along with the high and quick development of electric power technique, electric power s

24、ystem then can change from the generate of the electricity to the supply the power. design the task this time is aim at intensity of mastering of every subject knowledge of this speciality reflecting, and of test this specialitys study result. first, analyze the tend of load department according to

25、all parameter of load about system and circuit on task book. it expounds the necessity to this situation from the rspect of increasing load. then through to the generalization of planning to build the transformer substation and the analysis of the load materials, safe, economy and dependability are

26、considered, has confirmed the mainly wiring form of 10kv. calculated and supplied power in the range and confirmed tv stations number of the main voltage transformer through load finally, capacity and type, capacity and type of using the voltage transformer stand surely at the same time, finally, th

27、e result of calculation of calculating that and short out according to the electric current of largest lasting job, make the circuit to protect, the voltage transformer is protected, the bus bar is protected, prevent the thunder from protecting.this graduation project take the 10kv transformer subst

28、ation as the main design object, this 10kv transformer substation is the local important transformer substation, is the electrical power system 10kv voltage rank important part. this transformer substation is equipped with 2 main transformers, in the station the host wiring divides into 10kv,and 0.4

29、 kv two voltages ranks.this design first chapter is an introduction, mainly elaborated the transformer substation in electrical power system status. designs the transformer substation the principle and the goal as well as the transformer substation basic situation. second chapter is shoulders the co

30、mputation and the transformer choice, carries on the load computation according to the known transformer substation load material to the transformer substation. through the load which obtains had determined the host changes the capacity and a number, the host change the pattern, the winding wiring w

31、ay, the accent press the way and the host changes the impedance. third chapter is the transformer substation electricity host wiring design, separately through to 10kv side electricity host wiring drawing up, chooses the stablest reliable wiring way. fourth chapter is the short class computation, fi

32、rst determined short-circuits the spot, calculates various parts reactance, then to respectively short-circuits separately to carry on the computation, obtains respectively short-circuits the short-circuit current. fifth chapter is the electrical equipment choice, the electrical equipment including

33、the generatrix, the circuit breaker, the isolator, the electric current and the voltage transformer, the fuse. sixth chapter is the power distribution equipment, mainly carries on the design to the transformer substation power distribution equipment. seventh chapter is anti-radar with the earth, thi

34、s chapter has carried on the choice to the arrester, as well as has determined the earth way. through to the 10kv transformer substation design, causes me has to the electrical engineering and its the automated specialized branch curriculum to be comprehensive, system grasping, strengthened apply th

35、eory to reality the ability, raised the project consciousness, exercised me independently to analyze and the solution electric power project design question ability. key words substation ,load ,transmission system , distribution high voltage network ,correction equipment.变电站的综合概述待添加的隐藏文字内容2随着经济的发展和现



38、压等级还可分为中压变电所(60千伏及以下)、高压变电所(110220千伏)、超高压变电所(330765千伏)和 特高压变电所(1000千伏及以上)。按其在电力系统中的地位可分为枢纽变电所、中间变电所和终端变电所。这就要求变电所的一次部分经济合理,二次部分安全可靠,只有这样变电所才能正常的运行工作,为国民经济服务。变电所有升压变电所和降压变电所两大类。升压变电所通常是发电厂升压站部分,紧靠发电厂。降压变电所通常远离发电厂而靠近负荷中心。下面的所设计得就是10kv降压变电所。变电所的主要设备有电力变压器,母线和开关设备等。变电所内都装设有各种保护装置,这些保护装置是根据下级负荷地短路、最大负荷等情




42、必要性,然后通过对拟建变电站的概括以及出线方向来考虑,并通过对负荷资料的分析,安全,经济及可靠性方面考虑,确定了10kv以及站用电的主接线,然后又通过负荷计算及供电范围确定了主变压器台数,容量及型号,同时也确定了站用变压器的容量及型号,最后,根据最大持续工作电流及短路计算的计算结果,做出线路保护,变压器保护,母线保护,防雷保护。本次毕业设计以10kv 变电站为主要设计对象,该10kv变电站是地区重要变电站,是电力系统10kv电压等级的重要部分。该变电站设有2 台主变压器,站内主接线分为10kv、0.4 kv 三个电压等级。本设计的第一章为绪论,主要阐述了变电站在电力系统中的地位。设计变电站的原

43、则和目的以及变电站的基本情况。第二章是负荷计算及变压器的选择,根据已知变电站的负荷资料对变电站进行负荷计算。通过得出的负荷确定了主变的容量和台数、主变的型式及主变阻抗。. 三章是变电站电气主接线的设计,分别通过对110kv、35kv、10kv侧电气主接线的拟定,选择出最稳定可靠的接线方式。第四章是短流计算,首先确定短路点, 计算各元件的电抗,然后对各短路点分别进行计算,得出各短路点的短路电流。第五章是电气设备的选择,电气设备包括母线、断路器、隔离开关、电流和电压互感器、熔断器。第六章是配电装置,主要对变电站的配电装置进行设计。通过对110kv变电站设计,使我对电气工程及其自动化专业的主干课程有

44、一个较为全面,系统的掌握,增强了理论联系实际的能力,提高了工程意识,锻炼了我独立分析和解决电力工程设计问题的能力。关键词 变电站、负荷、输电系统、配电系统、高压网络、补偿装置 袃芀艿螃蝿艿莁薅肇莈蒄螁羃莇薆薄衿莆芆蝿螅羃蒈薂螁羂薀袇肀羁芀蚀羆羀莂袆袂罿蒅虿螈羈薇蒁肆肈芆蚇羂肇荿蒀袈肆薁蚅袄肅芁薈螀肄莃螃聿肃蒅薆羅肂薈螂袁膂芇薅螇膁莀螀蚃膀蒂薃肂腿节螈羈膈莄蚁袄膇蒆袇蝿膆蕿虿肈膆芈蒂羄芅莁蚈袀芄蒃蒁螆芃膂蚆蚂节莅葿肁芁蒇螄羇芀蕿薇袃芀艿螃蝿艿莁薅肇莈蒄螁羃莇薆薄衿莆芆蝿螅羃蒈薂螁羂薀袇肀羁芀蚀羆羀莂袆袂罿蒅虿螈羈薇蒁肆肈芆蚇羂肇荿蒀袈肆薁蚅袄肅芁薈螀肄莃螃聿肃蒅薆羅肂薈螂袁膂芇薅螇膁莀螀蚃膀蒂薃

















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