六年级英语下册 Unit 3《Can you play the guitar》单元综合测试题2 鲁教版五四制-鲁教版五四制小学六年级下册英语试题_第1页
六年级英语下册 Unit 3《Can you play the guitar》单元综合测试题2 鲁教版五四制-鲁教版五四制小学六年级下册英语试题_第2页
六年级英语下册 Unit 3《Can you play the guitar》单元综合测试题2 鲁教版五四制-鲁教版五四制小学六年级下册英语试题_第3页




1、can you play the guitar?. (看图写单词。). (把句子和图片对应起来。)1.i can swim. 6.i can play the piano.2.she can dance. 7.lucy likes reading.3.she can sing. 8.i like playing the trumpet.4.they can play basketball. 9.they like painting.5.we can play the drums. 10.she likes playing the guitar.三、(生词专练). (用所给词的适当形式完成句子。

2、)1.can you help kids with (dance)? yes, i can.2.they want (join)the baseball club.3.can you (sing)?4.the girl likes music. she wants to be a (music).5.do you want to join the (swim)club?6.are you good with (kid),jim?7.i can play the trumpet but i cant play it (good).四、圈出使用正确的单词,完成句子1.can you sing in

3、 english, tommy? sorry,i (can, cant).2.i want (to join, join)the music club.3.tom can play the guitar very(good, well).4.can you help kids with (swimming, swim),mike? yes, i can.5.what can you do? we can (sing,sings)in english.6.can you (speak, say, talk)english?五、 (中英互译。)1.弹钢琴 2.踢足球3.打篮球 4.打鼓5.下象棋

4、6.拉小提琴7.说英语 8.chinese kung fu9.讲故事俱乐部 10.擅长 11.swimming club 12.在星期五的下午 (句子结构专练)六. (根据括要求改写句子。)1.club,art,want,the, to, i, join (连词成句)2.mary can speak english.(改成一般疑问句,并作否定回答)3.my father can play the guitar very well.(改成否定句)4.i want to join the music club.(对画线部分提问) club do you want to ?5.linda likes

5、 music.(改成否定句)linda music.七.translate the sentence into english.(把下列句子译成英语。)1.你会弹吉他吗? you the guitar?2.我想参加篮球俱乐部。i want to the club.3.你能做什么? can you ?4.tom 跳舞跳得很好。tom can very .5.我能帮孩子们游泳。i can kids swimming.八exercises for function items(交际用语专练).complete the conversation.(补全对话。)a:good afternoon!b:go

6、od afternoon!a:can you paint?b:sorry,1.a:so many clubs here.2?b:im not sure.a:can you 3 chess?b:yes,but not very well.4?a:i can play it well, but i like singing very much. so i want to join 5.b:me,too.i think we can go to the music club together.一、答案:1.drum2.piano3.trumpet4.guitar5.violin二、答案:1.h2.f

7、3.d4.c5.i6.g7.e8.j 9.a10.三、(生词专练) dancing to join sing musician swimming kids well四、圈出使用正确的单词,完成句子cant to join well swimming sing speak五、(短语专练)play the guitar play football/soccer play basketball play the drums play chess play the violin speak english 中国功夫 the story telling club be good at 游泳俱乐部 on friday afternoon 六、答案:1.i want to join the art club.2.can mary speak english? no, she cant.3.my father cant play the guitar very well.4.what,join 5.doesnt like七、答案:1.can,play2.join,bask


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