1、外文翻译-个人理财规划 广东工业大学华立学院本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 系 部 经济学部 专 业 经济学 年 级 2008级 班级名称 08经济学3班 学 号 xxxxxx 学生姓名 xxxxx 指导教师xxxxx 年 月 目录1外文翻译译文1 2外文翻译原文5 1外文翻译译文外文翻译要求译成中文5000字1.1个人理财规划参考模型 我们知道个人理财规划是通过财政管理达到人生目标的方式。我们的参考模型要符合两种用途:第一,分析模型作为一种概念模型,它为理财师提供支持决策的工具;第二,系统开发人员能够利用模型设计系统框架。此外,模型通过使用个人理财规划的工具来解决操作性评估中的问
2、题。 有很多的教科书可以提供关于个人财务规划的知识,大多数图书可以作为指南,以处理个人财务问题,例如财富的最大化,实现各项经济目标,确定应急储蓄,最大限度地提高退休计划供款等。我们将会讨论一些与个人理财有关的定义。注册财务策划师(cfp资格)标准委员会定义的(个人)理财规划:理财规划是符合人生目标通过适当的管理财务状况的过程。人生目标可以包括买房,为您孩子的教育或退休计划储蓄。财务决策可以提供财务策划方向和意义,可以让你了解每个财务决策对你的财务状况和其他领域的影响。例如,购买特定投资产品可以帮助你较快还清房贷,也可能延误您的退休时间。通过查看每个财政年度阶段的决定,来考虑其时间的长短,还可以
3、适应生活的变化和使目标更安全的走上正轨。 iso/tc 222 2004年定义:个人财务规划是一个互动的过程,旨在使消费者/客户,实现其个人理财目标。在同一草案中,个人财务策划人员,消费者,客户和财务目标的定义如下: 个人财务策划人员是向客户提供服务和财政规划,并满足能力,职业道德和经验等所有要求的标准个体从业者。消费者是个人或团体,如一个家庭或成员,拥有共同的经济利益。客户是已签订财务规划合同,接受条款的个体。经济目标,是一个量化的结果,旨是在将来某个时间点或一段时间内实现。 定义(cfp资格标准委员会2005年国际标准组织):个人理财规划过程应包括在整个客户关系和金融策划师重复的六个步骤但
4、不限于此。客户可以决定年底前通过的过程。该过程包括收集有关财务资料,设定人生目标,审查您目前的财务状况和制定一些满足自己现状和未来的战略或计划。金融规划的过程包括以下六个步骤: 1.建立和界定客户规划师的关系。财务规划师应明确解释文件的服务内容,让客户了解自己的责任。客户和规划师应商议职业关系维持时间的长短并作出相应的决定。 2.收集客户资料,确定其目标与期望。财务规划师应要求客户提供有关财务状况的资料。客户和规划者应该各自定义客户的个人财务目标,了解客户对时间框架和风险的认知度。财务规划师应该在收集所有必要的文件之前先给出了解客户需求的建议。 3.分析和评估客户的财务状况。财务规划师应分析客
5、户的信息,以评估客户当前的局势,并确定客户必须做什么来满足自己的目标。根据所服务的客户要求,这可能包括分析客户的资产,负债和现金流量,及保险,投资或税务策略。 4.制定和提供财务规划建议和/或替代方案。财务规划师应提供财务策划建议,根据客户提供的信息完成客户的目标。规划师应该根据客户的建议,以帮助客户了解自身理财需求,让客户能作出明智的决定。规划师还应该听取客户的意见,做出适当的修订建议。 5.实施理财规划建议。财务规划应该得到客户同意才能进行。规划师为客户提供各项建议,类似于客户的“教练”,包括协调客户与律师、股票经纪等专业人才关系的整体过程。 6.监测理财规划建议。客户和规划师应该同意对将
6、监测客户实现自己的目标的进展情况。如果规划师负责该过程,当客户生活发生变化时,他应该向客户定期审查他的情况并提供调整建议。 系统定义 (鲁博等人,2005年)系统是指为达到某一目的而构成的相互关联的集合。从不同的观点来看一个系统可以描述为一个或多个模型,完整的模型描述了整个系统。 在使用知识决策支持系统的基础上进行财务管理使用情况调查。这种系统的基本特征是将专家系统技术、模型和方法用于决策。调查一些系统应用于金融分析,投资组合管理,贷款分析,授信,信用风险评估,以及企业业绩和可行性评估。这些系统提供以下功能: 1.支持决策过程的所有阶段即结构问题,选择替代解决方案和实施的决定; 2.反映不同决
7、策者需求和认知风格; 3.集合知识基础,帮助决策者了解模型; 4.客观、完整性的比较专家估计和数学模型; 5.时间和决策过程的成本大大降低,使决策的质量得到提高。 参考模型是描述一些相互关联的集合。目的是为了提供所要求的功能,模型描述了组件的相互作用的方式。参考模型可分为两组(菲特克和洛斯2003):方法学方面和具体的参考模型。据我们所知,没有任何个人理财规划的参考模型。我们认为个人理财规划参考模型由个人财务规划系统和个人财务规划信息系统的系统分析模型所组成。 个人理财参考模型要求:我们对个人理财规划参考模式应履行有关的输入,数据处理和输出。输入必须数据完整,有目的的收集。输入数据必须从客户端
8、和/或在这个过程中涉及的机构收集。这种机构可以是储蓄银行,按揭银行,人寿保险,汽车保险,提供股票报价标记,养老基金等。数据处理(即数据评估和数据分析)通过个人和网络的方式输入正确的数据。结果必须精确无误的按照财务规划的方式才能接受。个人规划意味着其所有方面的具体情况都必须在规划中心,并且输出要连贯和清晰。 分析模型的主要任务是帮助个人理财规划师咨询,妥善管理个人财务。适当的个人理财规划是十分重要的,因为多数人缺乏理财知识,不具备作出最有利于自己经济福利的决策。例如,美国联邦储备委员会的消费者和社区事务(2002)表示,“金融知识缺陷可以影响一个人或家庭的日常的资金管理能力和长期目标,如置业,寻
9、求更高教育,或金融退休。资金管理不当也会导致消费者受到严重的“财政危机”。” 我们认为个人理财规划参考模型由两部分组成: 1.分析模型,帮助个人理财规划师做理财规划。 2.系统架构帮助系统开发人员开发设计逻辑模型。 对于模型由以下几部分:用例建立了系统的动态视图,类图建立的系统的结构视图。系统的活动图和时间图,两种观点的行为相结合。 确定客户的财务状况: 1.数据采集。财务规划者要求客户提供有关的财务状况。包括资产,负债,收入和支出的有关信息。 2.数据的评估。财政规划者使用两个财务报表:资产负债表和利润表。 3.数据分析。财务策划者资产负债表和损益表进行分析。例如,调查国家规定和养老金计划,
10、风险管理,税务收费,投资及其他财务比率。 第一类资产是现金账户,如支票帐户,储蓄帐户,货币市场账户,货币市场共同基金,存款证(到期时间不到一年)。第二类资产是固定资产,固定的主要资产,固定收益资产或债务证券。固定收益资产主要是公司和政府债券,也可以是进行抵押,投资于债券,固定年金主要是共同基金。第三类资产是股权资产。股权投资的主要是普通股,持有多数普通股,可变年金,共同基金。第四类资产是养老金和其他退休帐户资产。最后一类资产通常是有形资产,也被称为实物资产。这一类包括资产收购,主要投资于家庭,汽车,家具,服装,珠宝首饰,以及任何有转售价值的其他个人物品。 数据分析,净值是十分重要的,因为净资产
11、越大,个人财政就越好,资产负债表和损益表包含更多有用的信息,也包括理财规划师应考虑的问题。分析财务报表的传统方法是使用财务比率。结合财务比率以财务报表的数字来衡量客户的个人财务状况。使用财务比率可以衡量一段时间内的财务状况质量的变化;衡量目前财务状况的绝对质量;指导如何改善财政状况。 我们把比率分为以下八类:流动性,偿债能力,储蓄,资产配置,通货膨胀的保护,税收负担,住房费用,破产/信用。 我们已经提出了个人财务分析模型和相应的系统体系结构参考模型,在体系结构层次参考模型中运用网络技术加以分析。个人理财规划参考模型符合二种用途:第一,分析模型作为概念模型,可以作为一个理财规划师的决策支持工具。
12、第二,在系统开发设计阶段,系统开发人员可以利用分析模型,并应用到他们的系统架构。该参考模型将信息技术的技术概念和个人理财规划的业务概念相结合。我们以参考模型为基础建立it系统评估的参考模型,并以此对原有参考模型进行评估。该模型表明,我们的参考模型满足持续性,适应性,效率,可靠性和简便性的要求。2外文翻译原文 2.1a reference model for personal financial planning 外文翻译原文要影印版的,或者是复印的书本,或是原格式打印电子期刊,不要这种格式的 we understand personal financial planning as the pr
13、ocess of meeting life goals through the management of financesour reference model fulfils two kinds of purposes: first, the analysis model is a conceptual model that can serve financial planners as a decision support tool. second, system developers can map the analysis model to the system architectu
14、re at the design stage of system development. furthermore, the reference model serves as a capture of existing knowledge in the field of it210 oliver braun, gnter schmidt supported personal financial planning. the model also addresses interoperability assessments by the concept of platform-independe
15、nt usage of personal financial planning tools. personal financial planning the field of personal financial planning is well supplied with a lot of textbooks, most books can be used as guides to handle personal financial problems .e. g. imize wealth, achieve various financial goals, determine emergen
16、cy savings, imize retirement plan contributions,etc. there are also papers in journals ranging from the popular press to academic journals. we will start our discussion with some definitions related to the world of personal financial planning. certified financial planners cfp board of standards defi
17、nes personal financial planning as follows: definition cfp board of standards 2005 financial planning is the process of meeting your life goals through the proper management of your finances. life goals can include buying a home, saving for your childs education or planning for retirement. financial
18、 planning provides direction and meaning to your financial decisions. it allows you to understand how each financial decision you make affects other areas of your finances. for example, buying a particular investment product might help you pay off your mortgage faster or it might delay your retireme
19、nt significantly. by viewing each financial decision as part of a whole, you can consider its short and long-term effects on your life goals. you can also adapt more easily to life changes and feel more secure that your goals are on track. definition iso/tc 222 2004 personal financial planning is an
20、 interactive process designed to enable a consumer/ client to achieve their personal financial goals. in the same draft, personal financial planner, consumer, client and financial goals are defined as follows: definition iso/tc 222 2004 a personal financial planner is an individual practitioner who
21、provides financial planning services to clients and meets all competence, ethics and experience requirements contained in this standard. a consumer is an individual or a group of individuals, such as a family, who have shared financial interests. a client of a personal financial planner is an indivi
22、dual who has accepted the terms of engagement by entering into a contract of services. a financial goal is a quantifiable outcome aimed to be achieved at some future point in time or over a period of time. definition cfp board of standards 2005; iso/tc 222 2004 the personal financial planning proces
23、s shall include, but is not limited to, six steps that can be repeated throughout the client and financial planner relationship.the client can decide to end the process before having passed all the steps. the process involves gathering relevant financial information, setting life goals, examining yo
24、ur current financial status and coming up with a strategy or plan for how you can meet your goals given your current situation and future plans. the financial planning process consists of the following six steps: 1. establishing and defining the client-planner relationship. the financial planner sho
25、uld clearly explain or document the services to be provided to the client and define both his and his clients responsibilities. the planner should explain fully how he will be paid and by whom. the client and the planner should agree on how long the professional relationship should last and on how d
26、ecisions will be made. 2. gathering client data and determining goals and expectations. the financial planner should ask for information about the clients financial situation. the client and the planner should mutually define the clients personal and financial goals, understand the clients time fram
27、e for results and discuss, if relevant, how the client feel about risk. the financial planner should gather all the necessary documents before giving advice the client needs. 3. analyzing and evaluating the clients financial status. the financial planner should analyze the clients information to ass
28、ess the clients current situation and determine what the client must do to meet his goals. depending on what services the client has asked for, this could include analyzing the clients assets, liabilities and cash flow, current insurance coverage, investments or tax strategies. 4. developing and pre
29、senting financial planning recommendations and/or alternatives. the financial planner should offer financial planning recommendations that address the clients goals, based on the information the client provides. the planner should go over the recommendations with the client to help the client unders
30、tand them so that the client can make informed decisions. the planner should also listen to the clients concerns and revise the recommendations as appropriate。 5. implementing the financial planning recommendations. the client and the planner should agree on how the recommendations will be carried o
31、ut. the planner may carry out the recommendations or serve as the clients “coach,” coordinating the whole process with the client and other professionals such as attorneys or stockbrokers. 6monitoring the financial planning recommendations. the client and the planner should agree on who will monitor
32、 the clients progress towards his goals. if the planner is in charge of the process, he should report to the client periodically to review his situation and adjust the recommendations, if needed, as the clients life changes. definition rumbaugh et al. 2005 a system is a collection of connected units
33、 organized to accomplish a purpose. a system can be described by one or more models, possibly from different viewpoints. the complete model describes the whole system. the personal financial planning process can be supported by financial decision support systems dss give a survey on the use of knowl
34、edge based dss in financial management. the basic characteristic of such systems is the integration of expert systems technology with models and methods used in the decision support framework. they survey some systems applied to financial analysis, portfolio management, loan analysis, credit grantin
35、g, assessment of credit risk, and assessment of corporate performance and viability. these systems provide the following features: ? support all stages of the decision making process, i. e. structuring the problem, selecting alternative solutions and implementing the decision; ? respond to the needs
36、 and the cognitive style of different decision makers based on individual preferences; ? incorporate a knowledge base to help the decision maker to understand the results of the mathematical models; ? ensure objectiveness and completeness of the results by comparing expert estimations and results fr
37、om mathematical models; ? time and costs of the decision making process is significantly reduced, while the quality of the decisions is increased. a reference model describes a standard decomposition of a known problem domain into a collection of interrelated parts, or components, that cooperatively
38、 solve the problem. it also describes the manner in which the components interact in order to provide the required functions. a reference model is a conceptual framework for describing system architectures, thus providing a high-level specification for a class of systems reference model ling can be
39、divided into two groups fettke and loos 2003: investigation of methodological aspects e. g. lang et al. 1996; marshall 1999;remme 1997; schtte 1998, and construction of concrete reference models e. g. becker and schtte 2004; fowler 1997; hay 1996; scheer 1994. to the best of our knowledge, there is
40、no reference model for personal financial planning. our reference model for personal financial planning consists of an analysis model for the system analysis of a personal financial planning system and of corresponding system architecture of an information system for personal financial planning. req
41、uirements for a reference model for personal financial planning our reference model for personal financial planning should fulfill the following requirements concerning the input, data processing, and output: the input has to be collected in a complete, i.e. adequate to the purpose, way. the input d
42、ata have to be collected from the client and/or from institutions that are involved in this process. such institutions may be saving banks, mortgage banks, life insurances, car insurances, provider of stock marked quotations, pension funds, etc. this stage is time consuming and the quality of the fi
43、nancial plan is dependent on the completeness and correctness of the collected input data. data processing ie. data evaluation and data analysis have the task to process the input data in a correct, individual, and networked way. correct means that the results have to be precise and error-free accor
44、ding to accepted methods of financial planning. individual means that the concrete situation with all its facets has to be centre in the planning, and that it is forbidden to make generalizations. the output has to be coherent and clear. analysis model main task of an analysis model for personal fin
45、ancial planning is to help financial planners to consult individuals to properly manage their personal finances. proper personal financial planning is so important because many individuals lack a working knowledge of financial concepts and do not have the tools they need to make decisions most advan
46、tageous to their economic well-being. for example, the federal reserve boards division of consumer and community affairs 2002 stated that “financial literacy deficiencies can affect an individuals or familys day-today money management and ability to save for long-term goals such as buying a home, se
47、eking higher education, or financial retirement. ineffective money management can also result in behaviours that make consumers vulnerable to severe financial crises” our reference model for personal financial planning consists of two parts 1. analysis model which can help financial planners to do p
48、ersonal financial planning. 2. system architecture which can help system developers to develop logical models at the design stage of system development. the analysis model of our reference model for personal financial planning consists of the following parts: use cases build the dynamic view of the
49、system. class diagrams build the structural view of the system. both are combined in the behavioural view of the system with activity diagrams and sequence diagrams. determining the clients financial status 1. data gathering. the financial planner asks the client for information about the clients fi
50、nancial situation. this includes information about assets, liabilities, income and expenses. 2. data evaluation. the financial planner uses two financial statements: balance sheet and income statement. 3. data analysis. the financial planner analyses the results from balance sheet and income stateme
51、nt. he can investigate for example the state of the provisions and pension plan, risk management, tax charges, return on investments and other financial ratios. in the following, the scenario is described in more detail. the first category of assets is cash which refers to money in accounts such as
52、checking accounts, savings accounts, money market accounts, money market mutual funds, and certificates of deposit with a maturity of less than one year. the second category of assets are fixed assets, fixed-principal assets, fixed-return assets, or debt instruments. this category includes investments that represent a loan made by the client to someone else. fixed-return assets are primarily corporate and government bonds, but may also be mortgages held, mutual funds that invest primarily in bonds, fixed annuities, and any other monies owed t
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