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1、Lesson 17 又好吃又便宜 yu ho ch yu pin yi delicious as well as cheap鱼香茄子 y xing qi z 糖醋鱼 tng c y西红柿炒蛋,番茄炒蛋 x hng sh cho dn fn qi cho dn铁板牛肉ti bn ni ru 炒土豆丝cho t du s Note 注释zh sh 1、又又 as well as(1)她又会唱又会跳。 t yu hu chng yu hu tio She can singing as well as dancing.(2)这个学生又聪明又努力。 zh g xu shng yu cng mng yu

2、n l 。 This student is smart as well as hard-working.(3)这孩子又白又胖。 zh hi z yu bi yu png The child is white as well as fat.2、什么的 shn me de and so on(1)打球、唱歌什么的,他都喜欢。d qi 、chng g shn me de ,t du x hun He likes playing basketball, singing and so on.(2)这儿的早饭很丰富,有包子、饺子、面包什么的。 zh r de zo fn hn fng f ,yu bo z

3、 、jio z 、min bo shn me de The breakfast here is very abundant, including steamed stuffed bun , dumpling and so on.3、“来个西红柿炒蛋怎么样?” li (1)来两瓶啤酒 I want two bottles of beer.(2)来一斤蛋糕 I want a jin of cake.4、说不清楚/吃不完 shu b qng ch /ch b wn 听得清楚tng d qng ch hear clearly 吃得完ch d wn eat up看不懂kn b dng be blind

4、to听不清楚tng b qng ch cannot catch写不完xi b wn dont finish writing吃不饱ch b bo be on short commons借不到ji b do Unable to borrow5、这儿的菜比食堂的菜香多了zh r de ci b sh tng de ci xing du le (1)小王比小张高xio wng b xio zhng go Xiao Wang is taller than Xiao Zhang.(2)今天比昨天冷一点儿jn tin b zu tin lng y din r Today is Colder than yes

5、terday.(1)小张没有小王高xio zhng mi yu xio wng go (right)(2)小张比小王不高xio zhng b xio wng b go(wrong) Exercises 练习 lin x 1、(1)冬天dng tin 分钟fn zhng 酸甜sun tin 餐厅cn tng 今天jn tin咖啡k fi 明天mng tin 喝汤h tng 听说tng shu 星期xng q(2)鸡蛋j dn 期末q m 早饭zo fn 生日shng r 听力tng l多大du d 医院y yun 音乐yn yu 方便fng bin 学校xu xio(3)打包d bo 晚饭wn

6、fn 每天mi tin 好吃ho ch 烤鸭ko y好喝ho h 寒假hn ji 老师lo sh 哪边 n bin 想家xing ji2、喝茶h ch 书店 sh din 穿鞋chun xi 不高b go 刚才gng ci 什么shn me 别的bi de 夏天xi tin 吃饭ch fn 音乐yn yu 听力tng l 蓝的ln de 回去hu q 不听b tng 说话shu hu (1)阿姨 y(2)天气tin q (3)菜单ci dn(4)觉得ju de三、正确朗读下面的句子(1)你们吃点儿什么?n men ch din r shn me ?(2)我喜欢又酸又甜的w x hun yu s

7、un yu tin de (3)服务员,点菜!f w yun ,din ci !(4)又酸又甜的有什么菜?yu sun yu tin de yu shn me ci ?(5)来个西红柿炒蛋怎么样?li g x hng sh cho dn zn me yng ?(6)我也说不清楚,一会儿你吃了就知道了。w y shu b qng ch ,y hu r n ch le ji zh do le 。(7)四个菜够不够?s g ci gu b gu ?(8)快一点儿好吗?kui y din r ho ma ?(9)这个饭馆儿的菜怎么样?zh g fn gun r de ci zn me yng ?(10

8、)你们吃饱了吗?n men ch bo le ma ?(11)你多吃一点儿吧。n du ch y din r ba 。(12)服务员,结账!f w yun ,ji zhng !五、 1、你吃猪肉吗?n ch zh ru ma 没吃mi ch 不吃b ch 不吃过b ch gu 2、您几位?nn j wi 三位人sn wi rn 三个人sn g rn 3、您看得懂中文菜单吗?nn kn d dng zhng wn ci dn ma 看不懂kn b dng 不看懂b kn dng 没看懂mi kn dng 4、这个菜味道怎么样?zh g ci wi do zn me yng 好吧ho ba 不错b

9、 cupreserved eggbean curd mixed with chopped green onionpeanutSliced Tomatoes in Sugar Saladseaweed strips saladBitter Melon in Saucesoup of rice crust and three delicacies Saute shrimp with peas fried squidSauted Diced Chicken and Cashew Nuts Pork with Bean SauceFried Lamb with CuminSweet and sour

10、fillet sweet broad peaStir fired BroccoliMapo Tofu (Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce) fry ricefried noodles Three fresh delicacies soupHot and sour soupseaweed soup egg soupbeef brothchrysanthemum tea A Bite of China(Chinese:舌尖上的中国;pinyin:Shjin shng de Zhnggu) is aChinesedocumentary television serieson

11、thehistory of food, eating, and cookingin China directed by Chen Xiaoqing (陈晓卿), narrated by Li Lihong (李立宏) with original music composed by Roc Chen (阿鲲). It first aired May 14, 2012 onChina Central Televisionand quickly gained high ratings and widespread popularity.12The seven-episode documentary

12、series, which began filming in March 2011, introduces the history and story behindfoods of various kindsin more than 60 locations in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.3The documentary has also been actively encouraged as a means of introducing Chinese food culture to those unfamiliar with local

13、cuisine. Various notable chefs such as Shen Hongfei andChua Lamwere consultants on the project.Lesson 18 我想,请你做我的辅导,好吗? w xing ,qng n zu w de f do ,ho ma ?I would like to invite you to do my coaching, okay? Note 注释zh sh 周末我们一起去长城吧。那太好了!zhu m w men y q q chng chng ba 。n ti ho le ! Lets go to the Grea

14、t Wall together at weekend . thats good!(1)你要是不喜欢,那就别买了。n yo sh b x hun ,n ji bi mi le If you dont like, dont buy it .(2)我都准备好了。那咱们走吧。w du zhn bi ho le 。n zn men zu ba 。 Im all ready. lets go. 1、那不行n b xng2、这样吧 zh yng ba 他愿不愿意和我们一起去旅行呢?这样吧,我打个电话问问他。t yun b yun y h w men y q q l xng ne ?zh yng ba ,w

15、d g din hu wn wn t 。Is he willing to go on a trip with us? - well/all right, I make a phone call to ask him.3、 王平高兴地答应了 wng png go xng de d ying leAdj+地de认真地听课rn zhn de tng k sit in on a class seriously兴奋地说xng fn de shu speake with enthusiasm地d ground; LAND; earth; way 4、王平辅导得怎么样?wng png f do de zn

16、me yngV./adj+得de+complement说得很好shu d hn ho speak very well听得不太清楚tng d b ti qng ch Can not hear clearly 来得太早了li d ti zo le come too early5、 “挺好的”tng ho de “挺+adj+的” (1)这件衣服挺漂亮的。zh jin y f tng pio liang de This dress is very beautiful(2)老师说得挺清楚的。lo sh shu de tng qng ch de The teacher say very clearly

17、Exercises 练习 lin x 1、(1)房间fng jin 前天qin tin 明天mng tin 旁边png bin 放心fng xn时间sh jin 停车tng ch 学期xu q 第一d y 昨天zu tin(2)尝尝chng chng 常常chng chng 回答hu d 回国hu gu 留学li xu食堂sh tng 花钱hu qin 学习xu x 同学tng xu 学年xu nin (3)好玩儿ho wn r 六楼li luxu nin 每年mi nin 旅行l xng 女孩儿n hi r起床q chung 小时xio sh 很长hn zhng 以前y qin 今天jn t

18、in 2、吃醋ch c 手表shu bio 真的zhn de 周末zhu m 他们t men 休息xi x 不甜b tin 听课tng k 早晚zo wn 去年q nin 左拐zu gui 快来kui li 使馆sh gun 衣服y f 季节j ji (1)辅导f do (2)练习lin x(3)答应d ying(4)专业zhun y 鸟鸣涧nio mng jin by wang wei 王维 lBloomsarefallingoutofpeoplessight,lMountainsareslumberinginthesilientnight.lStartledbythemoonrise,abirdflies,lintothespringvailwithseveralcries.Birds Sing in Gully 三、1、你最近忙吗?n zu jn mng ma ?2、我想请你做我的辅导,好吗?


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