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1、高一人教新课标版必修一高一人教新课标版必修一He wrote the Bible in English so all could read it. He died for his ideas but his work was later used in the Bible.Listening on P69.1.William Tyndale wrote the first Bible.2.He was born in the fifth century.3.Many years ago the Bible was written in the Greek and Hebrew language

2、s.4.William Tyndale later moved to Belgium to complete his work.5.Everybody in Europe loved the Bilbe written by William Tyndale.1 True or False.FFFTT2 Listen to Part 1 again and complete the passage.William Tyndale was born in _ in the _ century. He lived from _ to _. He was only _ years old when h

3、e died. At that time the Bible was not written in _, so most people in _ couldnt read it at all. So William Tyndale wrote the first _. People still use his _ and _ today.Londonfifteenth1494153642EnglishBritainEnglish Biblewordsexpressions1. Why was the king not happy with William Tyndale?The king wa

4、s not happy because he did not want the people to read the Bible in English. (He wanted to have power over what people thought about Christianity. He knew that when people read the Bible for themselves they could decide for themselves. 3 Listen to Part 2 and answer the questions. He was right becaus

5、e once people did read the translated Bible, they started arguing with the traditional way of understanding it.)2. What happened to him after he was found in Belgium?3. What do people think of his work now?He was put in prison and later killed. They love his work very much. His Bible is still the mo

6、st popular and his words are still used today. THE LIFE OF WILLIAM TYNDALEListening TextLi Jing has just read the Old English Bible. She wants to find out more about the man who wrote it in English. So she asked his friend Michael about it.LJ=Li Jing M=MichaelPart ILJ: Hey, Michael. Do you know anyt

7、hing about William Tyndale?M: Umm Yes. He wrote the first English Bible.LJ: Ive just read it. It has such beautiful English. Is he famous in Britain? M: Yes, I think so.LJ: When did he live?M: Well, he was born in London in the fifteenth century. He lived from 1494 to 1536, so he was only 42 years o

8、ld when he died.LJ: Why did he write the Bible in English?M: Many years ago the Bible was writtenIn the Greek and Hebrew languages.Most people in England couldnt readthe Bible at all. LJ: So they liked his English Bible?M: Yes, indeed they did! People still use his words and expressions today.Part I

9、ILJ: Did everyone like this English Bible?MS: No. At that time the king was Henry VILL. He was not happy because he didnt want the people to read the Bible in English.LJ: Oh dear! What did he do?MS: He tried to stop William Tyndale. However, William moved to anothercountry called Belgium and did his

10、work there.LJ: Did the king find him?MS: Now let me see He was put into prison and later killed.LJ: How terrible! Do you think that writing the Bible in English was a good idea?MS: Of course it was ! People in England still love William Tyndales words. Its still the most popular Bible written in Eng

11、lish.LJ: So it was worth it! He was certainly a brave man.TALKINGWho is your hero?Did he do anything for others?Why do you like him so much?What are/were his best qualities?Why do you admire him/her most?Abraham Lincoln, in 1860, became President of the United States. Then he worked still harder for

12、 the freedom of the slaves. But the Southern states wanted to set up a state of their own, where they could be free to keep black slaves. Confucius(551BC-479BC)a thinker, political figure, educator, and founder of the Ru School of Chinese thought. His teachings arepreserved in the Lunyu.Albert Einst

13、ein Born in Germany; won the Noble Prize in 1921 for his theory in physics; lived the rest of his life in the USAQian Xuesen “Father” of the Chinese space program; one of the leading rocket engineers; worked on top-secret projects all his life. A. It is about an accident and two peoples ideas of wha

14、t happened.1.Listen and choose the sentence thatdescribes the main idea. Then explainwhy the other two are wrong.(Workbook on P72.)Listening TaskBB. It explains what a point of view is and gives an example of describing an accident.C. It explains what a point of view is and asks you to explain an ac

15、cident.2 Listen to Part 1 and answer the questions.1. What does a “point of view” mean? It means one way of looking at things. 2. Why do the police not just ask one person who was there after an accident? Because one person may not haveseen everything that happened.3. Why do people tell different st

16、ories after an accident? Because they each have a different idea of the accident. On the road.twoWalking along the road.3 Listen and complete the tables.Coming up behind the boy.The car was going too fast and did not look. It hit the boy and hurt him.The car driver.On the road.twoWalking in the road

17、.Came up behind the boy.The boy moved farther into the road. The car tired to stop but it couldnt and hit the boy. The boy was hurt.The boy.Listening TextDo you know what a point of view is? It means a way of looking at things. For example, when an accident happens, the police will ask everybody who

18、 was nearby what happened. They wont just ask one person because that person may not have seen everything that happened. So the stories people tell will often bePart 1different. This is because they each have a different idea of the accident and so a different point of view.Let us look closer at thi

19、s accident. A boy is walking in the road when a car comes up behind him and hurts him. Two people see what happens. Let us listen to their stories.A: I was walking along the road when I saw the boy coming towards me. He was walking in the bicycle lane of the road. A car came very fast up the road in

20、 the bicycle lane. The driver did not see the boy and knocked him over and hurt him. It was the car driver who caused the accident.Part 2B: I was following the boy who was walking in the road. He was not doing what he should and he moved further into the road as the car came up behind him. The car t

21、ried to stop but it was too close to him. So the car hurt the boy. But it was the boy who caused the accident.When you hear two points of view, it is up to you to decide who is correct. So who do you think caused the accident ?Reading TaskHe set up Microsoft Company and makes his own software. He is

22、 one of the richest men in the world.Useful words and expressions:set up a company computer languagefrom Britain to Chinamake a lot of moneybe against sb. breakinto be (un) fair to sb. stop sb from doing sth. do what sb. can to do sth.make sure that compete with sb. (in) that/this way get a large pa

23、rt of work on doing sth. make things fair makeinto get rich by fair means a computer bullyRead and fill out the table.Chief Executive Officer of “Microsoft” companyProduced software that is used all over the world.Gave money to causes for childrens education and health.Other people are jealous of hi

24、s success.They thought he was too big and too powerful and that is unfair to his competitors.DiscussionTry to write a great person.Wang Xuan(1937-2006)Tolstoy (1828-1910)Strauss(1825-1899)Freud(1856-1939)Li Shizhen(1518-1593)How to write about a great person? Para 1: Personal informationWhen and whe

25、re he was boenWhere he lived and about his familyPara 2: Hard work and successThe difficulties he had to overcome His success How he helped othersPara 3: His good(and not so good qualities)Para 4: Your opinion My hero -Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela, who is a great man in 20th century, was born near

26、Transkei on July 18, 1918. Later in 1940, he got the law degree at the university. From 1944, Mandela began to do something for the black people. First in 1944, he set up law office to help poor black people in Johannesburg. Unfortunately, it was closed by government because he attacked anti-black l

27、aws which was made by the white. Whats worse, in 1962, he was sentenced to five years hard labour for encouraging violence against anti-black laws. In 1963, ANC began to blow up buildings. This was the reason why Mandela was sentenced to prison for life on Robben Island in 1964. Fortunately, he was

28、released from prison. And later in 1994 he became president in South Africa. He is a man who devotes all his life for the equality of the black. He is a man who is brave, determined and perseverant in realizing his dream. So in my opinion, Mandela is a truly great man. Theres no doubt that Mandela will be one of the top ten great man in 20th century.One more possible versionWas born in Yugoslavia, on August 27, 1910, a nurseHelp the poor and comforting the dying in the street of the city; her work spread


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