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1、Quick quiz 1: Choose the one from the four choices which has the closest meaning to the underlined word.1. The tardy progress of the work discouraged the foreman. a. rapid b. definite c. slow d. advanced 2. His boast that he was the strongest man in the village turned out not to be true. a. vaunt b.

2、 vault c. vanguard d. vouch3. Death snatched him at a young age after he had had his first important novel published. a. prevented b. took him suddenly c. discouraged d. delayed4. The economy experienced a severe recession, i.e. decline in real output, during the first half of the period. a. outcome

3、 b. boost c. upshot d. reduction5. The schools good reputation has started to wane after the accident. a. transform b. decline c. snip d. growl6. He was disliked because his manner was always full of braggadocio. a. tricks b. baubles c. mischief d. boast 7. The defenders put up a stout resistance. a

4、. violent b. roundabout c. redundant d. feeble8. Despite the dangerous nature of the undertaking, the dauntless soldier volunteered for the assignment. a. stupid b. fearless c. careless d. discreet 9. The sick womans frail hands could hardly hold a cup. a. anile b. senile c. juvenile d. feeble10. A

5、long and cordial relationship was kept between the violinist and his protege. a. feud b. controversial c. friendly d. magnified11. I know whats in the secret letter, for I took a peep while no one was looking. a. a look in a stealing way b. a look in a proud way c. a look in a cautious way d. a look

6、 in a condemning way12. The youth glared defiance at the magistrate as he received a sentence of fifteen days in prison. a. looked sharply b. looked faintly c. looked with an wide open eye d. looked satisfactorily13. His extravagant habits soon exhausted all the money he had inherited.a. stingy b. s

7、kimpy c. senile d. prodigal14. He envied people who enjoyed the comforts of which hed had to stint himself for so long.a. squander b. save c. decline d. dissipate 15. If you are to succeed as a salesman, you must first lose your timidity.a. pusillanimity b. audacity c. pride d. prejudice16. From afa

8、r on the warm breeze came the rhythmic chiming of church bells.a. gale b. mizzle c. hurricane d. gentle windQuick quiz 2: Choose the one from the four choices that has the closest meaning to the underlined word in each sentence.When he was retired into himself, he will be like a celestial spirit tha

9、t has a halo around him.Aworldly Bearthly Cheavenly DagrarianShe is an excellent hitter and able to drive the ball beyond 200 metres.Aasterisk Bsuperb Cinterstellar DcosmicNo other man could be the occasion of such delightful aerial buildings as she had been enjoying for the last six months.Ain the

10、sky Bin the sea Con the ground DundergroundAstronomical sums of money are being spent on improving the means of destruction.Ageometric Bcosmopolitan Cextraterrestrial DgiganticA constellation is a stellar system.Alunatic Bastral Cterritory DgeothermalDeprived of its underground organizations in Amer

11、ica, the German High Command resorted to audacious plans.Asubterranean Bgalactic Ccelestial DconstellateThe apathy with which for weeks Bertha had looked upon all terrestrial concerns was passing away before her increasing strength.Aperfunctory Bearthly Cgalaxy DdisastrousThe Moon reaches its absolu

12、te perigee once a year.Athe farthest point from the sun Bthe farthest point from the earth Cthe nearest point from the sun D the nearest point from the earthQuick quiz 3: Choose the one from the four choices that has the closest meaning to the underlined word in each sentence.It might have been conn

13、ected with the philanthropic desire of giving the criminals something to do.Acharitable Bcynical Cpopulated DepidemicSome parks are famous for their scenery; others have special significance for students of geology or cultural anthropology.Athe study of oceans Bthe study of mountainsCthe study of hu

14、man beings Dthe study of riversMany houses in the north are warm in winter because they are insulated so that the heat is not lost.Anauseated Bpetrified Cisolated DpolishedLater JMA relocated with high accuracy earthquake events in and near Japan.Apublicized Bresettled Cdepopulated DirritatedIf we a

15、re to read the history of the earth from the record of the marine rocks, we must know something of the sea.Aof the river Bof the lake Cof the mountain Dof the seaThe Council also affirmed the need to guarantee free navigation through international waterways.Aisotope Bpublicity Cinsulation DsailingBe

16、cause of nausea and his advice, she had not gone to the factory, but lay about worrying.Aseasickness Bmariner Celegance DepidemicAlthough isolated from British and American friends, he continued to have great influence on young peots.Apopulated Bpublished Cseparated DdepopulatedQuick quiz 4: Choose

17、the one from the four choices that has the closest meaning to the underlined word in each sentence.I wanted to go out, but I had no money. I had no alternative to staying at home. Areluctance Bmischief Cegoism DchoiceThroughout the entire altercation, not one sensible word was uttered.Achange Brevol

18、ution Cquarrel DevolutionNations are governed by self interest, but they prefer to believe that their aims are altruistic.Aunselfish Begoistic Cfavorite DethnicalIt seems our little establishment has finally been deemed worthy of the banks patronageAfatherhood Bbrotherhood Clatitude DsponsorshipMany

19、 animals display maternal instincts only while their offspring are young and helpless.Afatherly Bamicable Cmotherly DamiableThe International Development Association is an affiliate of the World Bank.Aterrace Btopology Csubstantiate DagencyWe enthusiastically join with all our neighbors in the work

20、of perfecting a community of fraternal trust.Abrotherly Bfatherly Cmarital DpatriarchHitler expatriated Jews from Germany.Amassacred Bexiled Csurpassed DfiliatedQuick quiz 5: Choose the one from the four choices that has the closest meaning to the underlined word in each sentence.I wanted to go out,

21、 but I had no money. I had no alternative to staying at home. Areluctance Bmischief Cegoism DchoiceThroughout the entire altercation, not one sensible word was uttered.Achange Brevolution Cquarrel DevolutionNations are governed by self interest, but they prefer to believe that their aims are altruis

22、tic.Aunselfish Begoistic Cfavorite DethnicalIt seems our little establishment has finally been deemed worthy of the banks patronageAfatherhood Bbrotherhood Clatitude DsponsorshipMany animals display maternal instincts only while their offspring are young and helpless.Afatherly Bamicable Cmotherly Da

23、miableThe International Development Association is an affiliate of the World Bank.Aterrace Btopology Csubstantiate DagencyWe enthusiastically join with all our neighbors in the work of perfecting a community of fraternal trust.Abrotherly Bfatherly Cmarital DpatriarchHitler expatriated Jews from Germ

24、any.Amassacred Bexiled Csurpassed DfiliatedQuick quiz 6: Choose the one from the four choices that has the closest meaning to the underlined word in each sentence.*Koho, remembering the visits of the various German cruisers, smiled with a light of unpleasant reminiscences in his eyes.Amemories Bexpe

25、riences Carguments DstatementsNeither psychiatric interviews nor objective tests were able to show any effect upon these American sailors.Aastrological Bpsychotherapeutical Cphysical DchemicalSomeone was playing the piano, and the voices that surrounded the piano were vehement and happy.Afervent Bfr

26、ightening Coverwhelming DpredominantThe country is unanimous in its support of the governments policy.Adissentient Bnarrowminded Cagreed DdementedCommunicable diseases have been a curse of mankind since time immemorial.Aamnesia Bapathetic Csensual DancientEdward was a model of good temper and his eq

27、uanimity imperturbable.Asensitivity Bsensibility Ccomposure DmentalityI am sure that he is capable of good things, gentle things, even magnanimous things.A Bgenerous C DI have been a prisoner, so I have a lot of sympathy with other people in prison.Asentment Bcompassion Csensation DcommemorationIf o

28、ur friend has been injured, we readily sympathize with his resentment, and grow angry with the very person with whom he is angry.Aindignation Bregret Ccompassionate DconsideratenessThe strain was solemn and affecting, sustained as it was by the pathetic warble of a voice.Aantipathetic Bdispassionate

29、 Chypersensitive DwretchedQuick quiz 7: Choose the one from the four choices that has the closest meaning to the underlined word in each sentence.*1. There is an analogy between the way water moves in waves and the way light travels.Adiscrepancy Bresemblance Cconfabulation Doration2. The stern visag

30、e of the judge indicated that he had decided to impose a severe penalty.Aappearance Bcircumlocution Cprovocation Dconvocation3. Thought he described the place carefully, I couldnt visualize it because it was so different from anything Id known.Ainterdicte Brevoke Cdictate Dimagine4. We disregarded h

31、er invidious remarks because we realized how jealous she was.Aloquacious Beloquent Cvisionary Djealous5. He was constantly being warned top mend his improvident ways and begin to “save for a rainy day”.Asuspicious Bextravagant Cretrospective Dnegligent6. A teacher should be circumspect in his behavi

32、or.Aprudent Ballusive Cfabulous Dlegible7. There are several conspicuous errors in your composition.Aexorable Bapologetic Cmanifest Dcontradictory8.When King George abdicated, his brother succeeded him on the throne.Arevoked Bdisclaimed Cconvoked DprovokedA modest scholar never professed to have exh

33、austed his subject.Aaddicted Bproclaimed Cindicted DpredicatedDrunken driving is interdicted by law.Aintervened Binterrupted Cinterconnected DprohibitedOnes reputation may be blackened by the malediction of irresponsible people.Amalfunction Bslander Cmalpractice DjurisdictionThat old film evoked our

34、 father generations memories of the years of the war.Aannoyed Birritated Croused DadvocatedQuick quiz 8: Choose the one from the four choices that has the closest meaning to the underlined word in each sentence.1. I tried to dissuade her from investing her money in stocks and shares.Aencourage Bdete

35、r Cpersuade Dconvince2. Several organizations petitioned the government for the release of the political prisoners.Aboycotted Bdemonstrated Clobbied Dappealed to3. The treaty will give an impetus to trade between the two countries.Aincentive Brequest Cinquiry Ddescription4. We tried everything possi

36、ble to reclaim his brother from vice.Aprescribe Bregain Cderogate Darrogate5. He renounced his claim to the property.Areclaimed Bwithdrew Crepeated Ddescribed6. Her denunciation of her father as a spy shocked even the authorities.Aprescription Bdescription Cindictment Dascription7. His entire speech

37、 was transcribed in the newspapers, word for word.Aacquired Bimpugned Cexposed Dcopied8.His activities have been severely circumscribed since his serious illness.Aconfined Bconfirmed Caffirmed DrequiredThe Washington Monument was built to perpetuate the memory of a great man.Aignore Bpropose Ctransm

38、it DimmortalizeShe lacks the necessary competence for learning languages.Acapability Barrogation Carrogance DignoranceA middle school course is a usual prerequisite to college work.Apreparation Bvision Cnecessity DrevisionHis chief aim in going to the U.S. is the acquisition of knowledge.Apursuit Ba

39、scription Cepigram DgainQuick quiz 9: Choose the one from the four choices that has the closest meaning to the underlined word in each sentence.1. She is a congenial person to work with.Aagreeable Bproper Cobstinate Dmorbific2. The child has congenital heart disease.Apleasant Bmoribund Cfatal Dinbor

40、n3. The fine young man has degenerated under the influence of evil company.Aencouraged Bcorrupted Centiced Dseduced4. The politician made a vigorous speech in defence of the government.Avivacious Bdescriptive Cenergetic Dattractive5. The convivial celebrators of the victory sang their college sone.A

41、charming Binfuriated Cmerry Dirritated6. Parents should avoid hurting the immature minds of their young children.Adelicate Bsubtle Cnot grown-up Dsubmarine7. The mother was mortified when her child behaved badly.Ahumiliated Bmassacred Csenesced Dinvigorated8.She said that language is an innate abili

42、ty in human beings.Aimmortal Binveterate Cimpossible Dinborn9. The embarrassed young mother admonished her children for having taken the candly from the grocery shelf.A spanked B reminded C rebuked D hit10. The dental work made a profound change in her appearance.A thorough B provocation C proper D

43、interesting11. The Browns were in a dilemma about whether to buy a house in the country or an apartment in the city where they worked.A predicament B discussion C agreement D stage12. Tempestuous times preceded the declaration of war.A terrible B turbulent C trying D temperate13. Citizens who collab

44、orated with the enemy during the war were executed after the war.A resisted B fought C lost D cooperated14. A versatile material for home construction is wood.A variable B durable C inflammable D common15. Her refusal to go out with him infuriated him.A saddened B intoxicated C angered D frightened1

45、6. Participation in intramural sports is required.A within the school B with outsiders C overly strenuous D extraordinary17. The professor elicited a loud groan from his students with his difficult assignment.A eluded B heard C drew out D articulated18. City dwellers are exhilarated by country air.A

46、 amazed B fanned C humbled D stimulated19. Ponce de Leon searched for magic waters to rejuvenate the elderly.A make young again B clean again C reject again D stimulate again20. Although they had never met before the party, Dick and Jane felt a strong affinity to each other.A affability B attraction

47、 C dislike D interestQuick quiz 10: Choose the one from the four choices that has the closest meaning to the underlined word in each sentence.1. It is said the general condescended to eat with the soldiers every Sunday.Aavoided Benthused Chumbled Dinduced2. After protracted consideration the nationa

48、l government had decided to ask a mandate from the people.Adecree Bdonation Cdetergancy Dproposal3. The treasurer was arrested for trying to manipulate the companys financial records.Aintermit Bintromit Cascend Dmaneuver4. Because this road is so tortuous, it is unwise to go faster than twenty miles

49、 an hour on it.Aretired Bprotruding Cwinding Dintruding5. The police used torture to extort a confession from him.Adonate Bobtrude Cmanumit Dforce out 6. The speed of Concorde transcends that of any previous planes.Asurpasses Bomits Cdismits Dprotrudes7. For any given metal there is a definite rate

50、of electron emission at every temperature level.Aprotrusion Bpostponement Cextortion Dejection8. There are several important omissions in his letter to us.Acondonations Banecdotes Cmissings Dproponents9. A person who suffers from stage fright is easily intimidated by a large audience.A inspired B ap

51、plauded C frightened D expelled10. Every other woman at the premiere was envious of the stars ostentatious display of her emeralds.A wealthy B loud C oscillating D showy11. Young people often dispense with the traditional ceremonies of marriage.A engage upon B unite C destroy D omit12. The cure for

52、alcoholism is complete abstinence from alcohol.A absence B avoidance C sickness D prescriptionQuick quiz 11: Choose the one from the four choices that has the closest meaning to the underlined word in each sentence.1. The boys found it hard to get along with Tom, because he always said some very bel

53、ligerent things.Abiased Bpretending Cbellicose Drebellious2. As your father, I can set you free, but in my capacity as a king of the country I must do my duty and punish you.Aauthority Barrangement Ctransference Dposition3. Lying in my hospital bed, I was a captive audience to these uninteresting ol

54、d stories.Aenchanted Binfectious Cfacile Dincipient4. It is conceivable that there will be a new economic crisis throughout the world, but we hope it wont happen.Apreferable Bfabricant Cimaginable Dcaptious5. The parcels of drugs were intercepted by the Customs House before they were delivered.Arejected Bchecked Cturned down Dejected6. The reason he gave


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