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1、学校代码: 10128学 号: 本科毕业设计外文文献翻译 翻译翻译二 一 五 年 一 月内蒙古工业大学本科毕业设计外文文献翻译The Test Library ManagementSystem of FrameworkBasedonSSHTheapplicationsystemfeaturesinsmallormedium-sizedenterpriselieinthegreaterflexibilityandsafetyhighperformance-priceratio.TraditionalJ2EEframeworkcannotadapttotheseneeds,butthesystem

















18、databasebyJDBC.However,thismethodhasnotonlyheavyworkloadbut alsocomplexSQLcodesofJDBCwhichneedtorevisebecausethebusinesslogicslightlychanges.So,whateverdevelopmentormaintainsystemareinconvenient.Consideringthelargedifferencebetweentheobject-orientedrelationofjavaandthestructureofrelationaldatabase,i





23、esofJavaandtherelationaldatabase,Hibernateisessentiallyamiddlewareprovidingdatabaseservices.Itsuppliesdurabledataservicesforapplicationsbyutilizingdatabasesandseveralprofiles,suchashibernatepropertiesandXMLMappingetc.Web services technologiesThe introduction of annotations into Java EE 5 makes it si

24、mple to create sophisticated Web service endpoints and clients with less code and a shorter learning curve than was possible with earlier Java EE versions. Annotations first introduced in Java SE 5 are modifiers you can add to your code as metadata. They dont affect program semantics directly, but t

25、he compiler, development tools, and runtime libraries can process them to produce additional Java language source files, XML documents, or other artifacts and behavior that augment the code containing the annotations (see Resources). Later in the article, youll see how you can easily turn a regular

26、Java class into a Web service by adding simple annotations.Web application technologiesJava EE 5 welcomes two major pieces of front-end technology JSF and JSTL into the specification to join the existing JavaServer Pages and Servlet specifications. JSF is a set of APIs that enable a component-based

27、approach to user-interface development. JSTL is a set of tag libraries that support embedding procedural logic, access to JavaBeans, SQL commands, localized formatting instructions, and XML processing in JSPs. The most recent releases of JSF, JSTL, and JSP support a unified expression language (EL)

28、that allows these technologies to integrate more easily (see Resources).The cornerstone of Web services support in Java EE 5 is JAX-WS 2.0, which is a follow-on to JAX-RPC 1.1. Both of these technologies let you create RESTful and SOAP-based Web services without dealing directly with the tedium of X

29、ML processing and data binding inherent to Web services. Developers are free to continue using JAX-RPC (which is still required of Java EE 5 containers), but migrating to JAX-WS is strongly recommended. Newcomers to Java Web services might as well skip JAX-RPC and head right for JAX-WS. That said, i

30、ts good to know that both of them support SOAP 1.1 over HTTP 1.1 and so are fully compatible: a JAX-WS Web services client can access a JAX-RPC Web services endpoint, and vice versa.The advantages of JAX-WS over JAX-RPC are compelling. JAX-WS: Supports the SOAP 1.2 standard (in addition to SOAP 1.1)

31、. Supports XML over HTTP. You can bypass SOAP if you wish. (See the article Use XML directly over HTTP for Web services (where appropriate) for more information.) Uses the Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) for its data-mapping model. JAXB has complete support for XML schema and better perform

32、ance (more on that in a moment). Introduces a dynamic programming model for both server and client. The client model supports both a message-oriented and an asynchronous approach. Supports Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM), a W3C recommendation for optimizing the transmission and fo

33、rmat of a SOAP message. Upgrades Web services interoperability (WS-I) support. (It supports Basic Profile 1.1; JAX-WS supports only Basic Profile 1.0.) Upgrades SOAP attachment support. (It uses the SOAP with Attachments API for Java SAAJ 1.3; JAX-WS supports only SAAJ 1.2.) You can learn more about

34、 the differences by reading the article JAX-RPC versus JAX-WS.The wsimport tool in JAX-WS automatically handles many of the mundane details of Web service development and integrates easily into a build processes in a cross-platform manner, freeing you to focus on the application logic that implement

35、s or uses a service. It generates artifacts such as services, service endpoint interfaces (SEIs), asynchronous response code, exceptions based on WSDL faults, and Java classes bound to schema types by JAXB.JAX-WS also enables high-performing Web services. See Resources for a link to an article (Impl

36、ementing High Performance Web Services Using JAX-WS 2.0) presenting a benchmark study of equivalent Web service implementations based on the new JAX-WS stack (which uses two other Web services features in Java EE 5 JAXB and StAX) and a JAX-RPC stack available in J2EE 1.4. The study found 40% to 1000

37、% performance increases with JAX-WS in various functional areas under different loads.ConclusionEachframeworkhasitsadvantagesanddisadvantages.LightweightJ2EE structureintegratesStrutsandHibernateandSpringtechnology,makingfullusethepowerfuldataprocessingfunctionofStrutsandthemanagementflexibleofSprin

38、gandthematureofHibernate.Accordingtothepractice,puttingforwardan open-sourcesolutionssuitableforsmallormedium-sizedenterpriseapplicationof.Theapplicationsystembasedonthisarchitecturetechnologydevelopmenthasinterlayerloosecoupling,structuredistinctly,shortdevelopmentcycle,maintainability.Inaddition,c




42、eb框架,在已经集成三种技术的基础上,伴随形成了基于SSH的轻量级Web 框架,并且在实际应用中有着重要作用。简介一般大型企业使用的是J2EE27平台,很好的解决了该应用的可靠性、安全性、稳定性,它的缺点是费用高、形成该系统的周期长,对于小型或者中型企业级应用,可以用轻量级Web代替系统框架,比如通用的Struts和Hibernate,随着Spring的广泛应用,轻量级Web框架开发的最好选择是Struts、Hibernate、Spring三者的相结合,因为它采用的是分层结构并且为Web应用程序在各层提供了一个框架的集成,这样不仅降低了层与层之间的耦合性,而且提高了开发效率。使用该框架可已经解

43、决好多问题,具有可维护性和可扩展性,使得用户接口和业务逻辑层之间分离,业务逻辑层、数据库访问层、以及程序控制层的分离等。本文研究了Struts、Hibernate以及Spring的技术和使用原则,呈现出企业级轻量级Web应用框架开发的权威性。网络分层机制网络分层主要分为:视图层、控制层、数据库持久层、拓展层等,使用每一层不同的功能完成整个应用程序。整个系统划分成相互独立、相互依存的不同逻辑 模块,根据具体设计调用不同的逻辑模块实现逐步实现该系统。同时实现系统并行开发、快速集成、可维护性、可扩展性。Struts MVC 框架为了确保高效率再次使用发展过程,采用J2EE技术去构建Web应用程序不许

44、选择一个具有良好性能的框架,这使得我们没有花费大量时间去进行系统配置,而是去高效率、快速地实现系统开发,因此程序员拥有很好的发展平台并且开发经验有了提升,如:MVC、O/R映射等。运用包括Struts、Hibernate这些技术框架实现这种模式。然而,Struts解决的是视图层、业务逻辑层、控制层之间的分离,对于那些错综复杂的数据保存没有提供灵活的支持。相反,Hibernate框架提供了强大且灵活的支持在保存错综复杂的数据时。因此工程人员正在研究使用框架并且灵活开发项目。 模型-视图-控制器,所谓的MVC是一种流行的设计模式。它把交互式系统中三种组成成分有一个明确的分工,各自负责自己的任务,M


46、an对象,以显示其信息的主要内容。Spring框架技术Spring是轻量级应用开发技框架,使用来自配置文件和应用程序的控制分离中的实际应用,依据J2EE应用所有的解决方案,Spring不仅是取代现有的技术,更是组织对象进行POJO管理。此外,开发人员可以自由使用Spring框架的部分或者全部,源于Spring模块不完全依赖。根据模块的业务描述,Spring采用加载延迟来提升代码的扩展性和内置系统的灵活性,该系统通过Spring Aop模块实现了集中业务处理,减少代码重用。Hibernate的持久层框架Hibernate持久层框架是一种用Dao设计模式实现对象和关系数据库之间映射的开源框架。随着


48、nate很容易掌握,更符合面向地向的编程思路,Hibernate特有的完全面向对象的查询语言(HQL)。介于对象和关系数据库之间的映射是很关键的,Hibernate最本质的中间组件来提供服务,它通过利用数据库和多个配置文件,如Hibernate固有特性和XML映射等应用提供持久的数据服务.WEB服务技术在 Java EE 5 中引入了注解(annotation)特性,这简化了复杂 Web 服务端点和客户机的开发,与以前的 Java EE 版本相比,代码更少,学习过程更短了。注解(最早在 Java SE 5 中引入)是可以作为元数据添加到代码中的修饰性代码。它们并不直接影响程序的语义,但是编译器

49、、开发工具和运行时库可以通过处理它们生成额外的 Java 语言源文件、XML 文档或其他工件和行为,这些对包含注解的程序起辅助作用(参见 参考资料)。在本文后面,会看到如何通过添加简单的注解,将常规的 Java 类转换为 Web 服务。Web 应用程序技术除了现有的 JavaServer Pages 和 Servlet 规范,Java EE 5 引入了两种前端技术 JSF 和 JSTL。JSF 是一组 API,支持以基于组件的方式开发用户界面。JSTL 是一组标记库,支持在 JSP 中嵌入过程式逻辑、对 JavaBean 的访问方法、SQL 命令、本地化格式指令和 XML 处理。JSF、JSTL 和 JSP 的最新版本支持一种统一表达式语言(expression language,EL),这使这些技术更容易集成在一起(参见 参考资料)。 Web 服务支持方面的飞跃Java EE 5 中 Web 服务支持的基础是 JAX-WS 2.0,它是一种替代 JAX-RPC 1.1 的技术。这两种技术都支持创建 REST 风格和基于 SOAP 的 Web 服务,而不必直接处理 Web 服务固


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