已阅读5页,还剩13页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Lesson 13Its only me”Lesson 13Its only me” ()After her husband had gone to work. Mrs. Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom. She was too excited to do any housework that morning, for in the evening she would be going to a fancy-dress part with her husband. She intende

2、d to dress up as a ghost and as she had made her costume the night before, she was impatient to try it on. Though the costume consisted only of a sheet, it was very effective. After putting it on, Mrs. Richards went downstairs. She wanted to find out whether it would be comfortable to wear.Lesson 13

3、Its only me” () Just as Mrs. Richards was entering the dinning room, there was a knock on the front door. She knew that it must be the baker. She had told him to come straight in if ever she failed to open the door and to leave the bread on the kitchen table. Not wanting to frighten the poor man, Mr

4、s. Richards quickly hid in the small storeroom under the stairs. She heard the front door open and heavy footsteps in the hall. Suddenly the door of the storeroom was opened and a man entered. Mrs. Richards realized that it must be the man from the Electricity Board who had come to read the meter. S

5、he tried to explain the situation, saying Its only me, but it was too late. The man let out cry and jumped back several paces. When Mrs. Richards walked towards him, he fled, slamming the door behind him. after过去完成时态常同表示时间状语的从属连词过去完成时态常同表示时间状语的从属连词after 一同使用,一同使用,如:如:e.g. 他把信全写完后干了些家务活。他把信全写完后干了些家务活

6、。 After hed written all her letters, she did some housework.假如从句中先于主句谓语动词动作发生的那个动词动作很短假如从句中先于主句谓语动词动作发生的那个动词动作很短暂,常可用一般过去时来代替过去完成时态,如:暂,常可用一般过去时来代替过去完成时态,如:e.g. 他把猫放出去后,它就跑开钻进了灌木丛。他把猫放出去后,它就跑开钻进了灌木丛。 After she put the cat out, it ran off into the bushes.但是,当两个分句为同一主语时,更早发生的那个动作通常但是,当两个分句为同一主语时,更早发生的

7、那个动作通常用过去完成时态来表示。如:用过去完成时态来表示。如:e.g. 他送走她后就锁上门,睡觉去了。他送走她后就锁上门,睡觉去了。 After he had seen her off, he locked the door and went to bed.fancy ()fancy v. (fancies, fancying, fancied, fancied)1.(BrE) (informal) to want sth or want to do sth 想要,想做e.g. (1) vn 她不喜欢黑夜回家这个主意。 She didnt fancy (=did not like) the

8、idea of going home in the dark. (2) v-ing 今晚你想不想出去? Do you fancy going out this evening?2. vn yourself (BrE, informal, disapproving) to think that you are very popular, attractive or intelligent自负;自命不凡e.g. 他和我聊起天来,我看得出他确实自以为了不起。He started to chat to me and I could tell that he really fancied himself

9、.n. pl. ies1.c,u something that you imagine; your imagination想象的事物;想象力e.g. 青少年的幻想 teenage fancies2. a feeling that you would like to have or to do sth想要,爱好e.g. 她说想要一条狗,但这不过是一时心血来潮。She said she wanted a dog but it was only a passing fancy.adj.(fancier, fanciest)unusually complicated, often in an unne

10、cessary way异常复杂的;过分复杂的e.g. 他们给这个舞蹈增加了许多复杂的舞步。 They added a lot of fancy footwork to the dance.(footwork n. u (体育、舞蹈的)步法,脚步动作fancy ()2. only before noun (especially of small things尤指小物件) with a lot of decorations or bright colours精致的;有精美装饰的;绚丽的,花哨的e.g. 精美小商品 fancy goods3. (sometimes disapproving) exp

11、ensive or connected with an expensive way of life昂贵的,奢华的e.g. 价格昂贵的豪华餐厅。 fancy restaurants with fancy pricesfancy dress n.u (BrE) clothes that you wear, especially at parties, to make you appear to be a different character 化妆服;化装舞会服fancy-dress party 化装舞会intend ()intend v.1.to have a plan, result or p

12、urpose in your mind when you do sth 打算;计划;想要e.g. (1) 他昨天想来我家。 He intended to come to my house yesterday. (2) 他确实曾打算多待一段时间。 He had really intended staying longer. (3) 我不打算长期逗留。 I dont intend staying long. (4) vn that 计划月底将开始生产。 It is intended that production will start at the end of the month.2. vn s

13、th (by sth) / sth (as sth) to plan that sth should have a particular meaning意指e.g. (1) 你说此话什么意思? What do you intend by saying so? (2) 我并不认为他有什么恶意。 I dont think he intended any end ()intended intendid adj. (only before noun)1.that you are trying to achieve or reach意欲达到的;打算的;计划的e.g. 原来的目的 the

14、intended purpose2. for sb. / sth /as sth./ to be / do sth planned or designed for sb. /sth为打算(或设计)的e.g. 这本书是为儿童写的。 The book is intended for ention n. c;u (of doing sth) / (to do sth)(that) what you intend or plan to do; your aim打算;计划;意图;目的e.g. (1) 我无意去参加婚礼。 I have no intention of going t

15、o the wedding. (2) 我一心想把我欠她的还给她。 I have every intention of paying her back what I owe entional adj. done deliberately; intended故意的;有意的;存心的e.g. 很抱歉没把你列在名单里。我不是有意的。Im sorry I left you off the list-it wasnt intentional.adv. intentionallydress dressn. 1. c 连衣裙e.g. 婚纱wedding dress2. u clothes for

16、either men or women 衣服e.g. 穿礼服 to wear formal dressv. 穿衣服,给(某人)穿衣服e.g. 她让自己和孩子都穿上最漂亮的衣服。She dressed herself and the children in their best clothes.dress up (to wear clothes that are more informal than those you usually wear) 穿上盛装;穿上正式服装e.g. 用不着穿礼服就穿平时的衣服来吧。 There is no need to dress up-come as you a

17、re.dress up / dress sb. up (to put on special clothes, esp. to pretend to be sb. / sth different) 装扮,乔装打扮e.g. 这些男孩子们都装扮成了海盗。The boys were all dressed up as pirates.dress up as 化装成costumecostume n. 1. c; u the clothes worn by people from a particular place or during a particular historical period(某地或

18、某历史时期的) 服装,装束e.g. 有些歌手身着威尔士民族服装。 Some of the singers wore the Welsh national costume.2. c ;u the clothes worn by actors in a play or film / movie, or worn by somebody to make them look like sth else (戏剧或电影的) 戏装,服装e.g. 这些演员仍是戏装打扮。 The actors were still in costume and make-up.costume drama n. c;u a pl

19、ay or film/movie set in the past古装戏;古装电影beforebefore adv. at an earlier time; in the past; already以前;过去;已经e.g. (1) 你早该告诉我的。 You should have told me so before. (2) 前一个星期天气很好。 It had been fine the week before. (the previous week) (3) 那是很早以前的事了。 That had happened long before (=a long time earlier). (4)

20、 我觉得我们以前见过面。 I think we have met before.try on try ontry on, have on 和put on这三个由动词+副词构成的短语动词都有“穿”、“戴”之意,其后常接鞋、袜、衣、帽、手套之类的名词作宾语。宾语为代词时,如课文中那样,宾语需置于副词on之前。1)try on 表示“试穿”,可用于进行时,如:e.g. (1) 你喜欢这双吗?穿上试试。 Do you like them? Try them on. (2) 她正在试一顶新帽子。 She is trying on a new hat.2) have on 表示状态或动作意味不强的持续性,

21、不能用于进行时态,如:e.g. 他们穿着节日盛装去参加庆祝活动。 They had their best suits on for the celebration.3) put on 动作意味很强,多用于祈使句中,一般不用于进行时态,如:e.g. 把大衣脱掉,穿上雨衣。 Take off your overcoat and put on your raincoat.consistconsist v.consist in sth. (fml) to have sth as the main or only part or feature存在于;在于e.g. (1) 这座城市的美就在于它那些宏伟的

22、建筑。 The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings. (2) +-ing 真正的教育并不在于简单地讲授事实。 True education does not consist in simply being taught facts.consist of sth. to be formed from the things or people mentioned 由组成(或构成)e.g. 这一组由十人组成。 This group consists of ten members.sheetsheet n.1.a large

23、 piece of thin fabric used on a bed to lie on or lie under被单,床单e.g. 被单你换了吗? Have you changed the sheets (=put clean sheets on the bed)?2. a piece of paper for writing or printing on, etc. usually in a standard size一张(通常指标准尺寸的纸)e.g. 一页白纸 a clean / blank sheet of papereffectiveeffective ducin

24、g the result that is wanted or intended; producing a successful result产生预期结果的;有效的Opposite;ineffectivee.g. (1) 治疗癌症的有效药物 drugs that are effective against cancer (2) 我很欣赏她绘画作品中的色彩效果。 I admire the effective use of colour in her paintings.2. only before noun in reality, although not officially intended实

25、际的;事实上的e.g. 他目前已有效地控制了这个国家。 He has now taken effective control of the country.3. (fml) (of laws and rules法律和规则) coming into use生效的,起作用的e.g. 这条路上新的限速规定自6月1日起生效。 The new speed limit on this road becomes effective from 1st, June.effectiveness n. u effectively adv.in a way that produces the intended res

26、ult or a successful result有效地e.g. 公司要有效地参与竞争必须降低成本。 The company must reduce costs to compete effectively.onlyonly 仅,只。副词only在句中的位置很灵活,修饰主语时一般放在主语之前,如:e.g. 只有像她那样的女人才能干这样的事情。 Only a woman like her could do such things.用only修饰句中的另一部分时,可将其置于句中动词之前,如:e.g. (1) 只有紧张时他才那样说话。 He only talks like that when he

27、s nervous. (2) 他们只去过中国一次。 They have only been to China once.在口语中,往往可以通过句子重音形式(即重读想要强调的部分),把含义准确地表达出来。虽然在书面语中也可通过上下文关系理解所要表达的含义,但也可将only直接置于所要修饰的宾语、状语等成分之前,将意义更精确地表达出来,如:e.g. (1) 只有她昨天摘了点棉花。 Only she did some cotton-picking yesterday. (2) 她昨天不过摘了点棉花。 She only did some cotton-picking yesterday. (3) 她只是昨天摘了点棉花。 She did some cotton-picking only yesterday.分词短语可用于after, before, on, once, since, until, when, whenever


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