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1、 Pre-reading Main idea / Theme Structural analysis Questions ExtensionHow much do you know about Hollywood?Can you name some Hollywood movies you have seen or Hollywood movie stars you know? How do they strike you? Hollywood: A district in the city of Los Angeles, California. Since 1911, it has been

2、 the center of the US movie industry and home to many legendary film studios such as 20th Century Fox, MGM, Paramount, United Artists, Disney, Columbia, and Warner Brothers. Many movie stars own homes in nearby Beverly Hills and other nearby communities near Hollywood. Main categories in Hollywood m

3、otion picture industry include: feature films, animated films, documentaries, science fictions, educational films, etc. The term “Hollywood” stands symbolically for American.Academy Awards (Oscar): An annual award (in many categories), given since 1927 by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts

4、and Sciences. The award is a gold-plated statuette, which has been nicknamed “Oscar” since 1931. Nominees are chosen by their peers (actors nominate actors, designers dominate designers, etc.). The awards ceremony is televised each spring. Awards include: Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Ac

5、tor, Best Supporting Actress, Achievement in Directing, Best Animated Feature Film, Best Animated Short Film, Best Documentary Feature, Best Documentary Short, Best Foreign-Language Film, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Live-Action Short Film, Best Picture, Best Original Screenplay, Best Original Song

6、, Best Original Score, Achievement in Sound Editing, Achievement in Sound Mixing, Achievement in Cinematography, Best Visual Effects, Best Film Editing, Achievement in Costume Design, Achievement in Makeup, Best Art Direction. This text presents the _ or _ about Hollywood. The author believes that H

7、ollywood has _, but for many years to come the old Hollywood movies will be _ all over the world.major factsimportant informationthe glamour of the pastshown again and again Para. 1: an overall impression of Hollywood Para. 2-8: some major facts or important information about Hollywood Para. 9: the

8、authors belief about the future of Hollywood movies major facts or important information about Hollywood: Movies were first made in Hollywood before _. Hollywoods fame and fortune _ in the 1930s and 1940s, the golden days of the _. In those days, Hollywood was like _, attracting ambitious young men

9、and women from _. They did everything they could to attract attention. The stars themselves were controlled firmly by _ who could cause the stars to succeed or completely fail except those big stars who really appealed to the audience.World War Ireached its peakblack and white moviesa magnetvarious

10、parts of the worldthe studio heads The Hollywood studios, by means of _, turned young performers who played the small parts (_) in films and hoped to become famous into extremely famous and popular film stars. Today most of the Hollywood studios have been leased to _. About 80% of all American TV en

11、tertainment comes from _. Hollywood has not lost all its glamour; movie stars still _. “_” are played by Americas best orchestras every summer since 1922 in the attractive _, the huge outdoor amphitheater, before packed audiences. Hollywood has the glamour of the past. The old Hollywood movies _ in

12、movie houses and television screens all over the world.advertisingstarletstelevision networksHollywoodlive thereSymphonies under the StarsHollywood Bowlwill be shown again and againPara. 1:1. What main facts are mentioned in the first paragraph? 2. Please point out the contrast mentioned in the firs

13、t paragraph. Para. 2-8:3. What do you know about the history of Hollywood and when did it reach its greatest success? 4. What did the ambitious young men and women from all over the world do? 5. What do you know about Hollywood studios and the studio chiefs? 6. Can you support the statement that sta

14、rs were often typecast?Para. 9:7. Do you agree with the writer that “for many years to come the old Hollywood movies will be shown again and again in movie houses and television screens all over the world”? Justify your answer. Search on the Internet for some facts or information about a super star

15、(actor / actress / singer / athlete, etc.) you like and present them to your classmates. Words and Expressions Sentences Grammar fulfill fringe fit for recommend whatsoever in vain appeal advertise means typecast interfere cease distinguished on location lease audience L2. fulfill v. (1) to make or

16、prove to be true; to cause (sth. wished for or planned) to happen 应验,实现(愿望等) e.g. If hes lazy, hell never fulfill his ambition to be a doctor. Visiting Disneyland has fulfilled a boyhood dream. She succeeded in fulfilling herself (fully develop ones abilities and characters) an actress / through act

17、ing. Does your job fulfill your expectations? 你的工作符合你的预想吗?你的工作符合你的预想吗? While he is very competent, he is not really fulfilling his potential. 他固然能胜任,但没有真正充分发挥出他的潜力他固然能胜任,但没有真正充分发挥出他的潜力。 (2) fml to do or to perform (a duty, etc.) 尽到,履行(责任等) e.g. A nurse has many duties to fulfill in caring for the si

18、ck. This chimney fulfils the function of taking away gas fumes. (3) to supply or to satisfy (a need, demand, or purpose) 满足(需要、要求);使达成(目标) e.g. The traveling library fulfils an important need for people who live in country areas. This company should be able to fulfill our requirements.*fulfilled a.

19、satisfied with your life, job, etc. 满意的,满足的 e.g. Im sure Id feel more fulfilled if I had a job that involved working with people, caring for people.*fulfilling a. a job, relationship etc. that is fulfilling makes you feel satisfied 使人满足的,充实的 e.g. Love is one of the most fulfilling things we can have

20、 in our lives. Once we know and believe in ourselves that we are worthy of a fulfilling life, a life full of happiness and love. *fulfillment n. an occasion when sth. that is wanted, needed etc. happens or is given (愿望的)实现,(需要的)满足;the action of doing what you have promised, your duty, etc. (诺言的)履行,(

21、条件的)满足;the feeling of being satisfied, esp. in your job, because you are using all your skills and qualities (工作中的)满足感 e.g. Many people come to this country for the fulfillment of their dreams. Being responsible for so many people gave her a tremendous sense of fulfillment. The offer of this contrac

22、t is subject to the fulfillment of certain conditions. L3. fringe (1) v. to be around the edge of sth. 围绕着围绕着,为,为的的边缘边缘 e.g. A line of trees fringed the pool. The river was clear and rushing and _ trees. (2) n. the part farthest from the centre; edge 边缘,边缘,外围外围 e.g. It was easier to move about _ the

23、 crowd. *fringed a. being around the edge of sth. 边缘的,边缘的,外围的外围的 L3. vast palm-fringed swimming pools very large swimming pools fringed by palm trees fringed byon the fringe of L3. fit for suitable for; good enough for 适合适合的,对的,对合适的合适的 e.g. We had to make sure the land was fit for drilling. I dont t

24、hink shes really fit for the job. The food was not fit for human consumption / not fit to eat. cf. fit sb. for sth. (1) fml make sb. suitable for sth. or able to do sth. 使某人适合(做)某事,使某人适合(做)某事,使某人有能力做某事使某人有能力做某事; (2) try a piece of clothing on sb. to see if it is the right size for them, or to make s

25、ure a special piece of equipment is right for them 试穿(衣服)试穿(衣服) e.g. His natural authority fitted him for a senior position. He went to the tailors to be fitted for a coat.L16. recommend v. (1) to make sb./sth. seem attractive 使受欢迎,使显得吸引人 e.g. His integrity recommended him to his employers. This pla

26、n has much/something/little/nothing to recommend it. 这个计划有许多/某种/没啥/毫无可取之处。 (2) to tell sb. that sth. is good or useful, or that sb. would be suitable for a particular job, etc. 推荐,介绍 e.g. I recommend this book to all of you. I can recommend him as an extremely good accountant. She was strongly recom

27、mended for the post. (3) to suggest, to advise 建议,劝告 e.g. Id recommend extreme caution. I recommend that you (should) resign. I recommended (you) meeting him first. I wouldnt recommend you to go there alone. Im not the person to recommend how the job should be done.*recommendation n. (1) The action

28、of suggesting to sb. that they should choose a particular thing or person that you think is very good 建议,推荐 e.g. We bought the car on Pauls recommendation.(2) official advice given to someone, esp. about what to do 正式建议,意见 e.g. The committee made a number of recommendations for improving safety stan

29、dards. The judge made recommendations to the court. They made a recommendation that the offer of 5% (should) be rejected.(3) quality, etc. that makes sb./sth. seem attractive 使显得有可取之处的特质 e.g. The cheapness of coach travel is its only recommendation. L17. whatsoever ad. also: whatever; used after “no

30、 + n.” or “nothing”, “none”, etc. used to emphasize a negative statement e.g. There can be no doubt whatever about it. Political factors played no part whatsoever in this decision. Are there any signs of improvement? None whatsoever. She gave no sign whatsoever/whatever of what she was thinking. 她在想

31、什么,毫无迹象可寻。cf. whatever (1) det./a., pron. any or every (thing) 任何(事物),什么(都);regardless of what 无论什么,不管什么 e.g. You can eat whatever you like. Whatever I have is yours. You are right, whatever opinions may be held by others. I will take whatever help I can get. Keep calm, whatever happens. (2) interro

32、g pron. expressing surprise or bewilderment) what 用以表示惊讶或困惑(究竟是)什么 e.g. Whatever do you mean? Youre going to keep snakes! Whatever next?(3) ad. =whatsoever L22-23. in vain (1) without success in spite of your efforts 徒劳地,徒然 e.g. Police searched in vain for the missing child. Doctors tried in vain to

33、 save him. We tried in vain to make him change his mind. / We tried to make him change his mind, but in vain. 我们试图让他改变主意,可是徒劳。我们试图让他改变主意,可是徒劳。 (2) without purpose or without positive results 无效果的,无用的 e.g. It took a great deal of courage to admit that all her efforts had been in vain. L25, L34. appea

34、l (1) n. power to move the feelings; attraction; interest 吸引力,感染力 e.g. Films of that sort have lost their appeal for me. Her novels have wide appeal. What is the particular appeal of this island? Does rock music hold any appeal for you? 你对摇滚乐有兴趣吗?你对摇滚乐有兴趣吗? (2) n. strong request for help, support, k

35、indness, etc. 恳求,呼吁 e.g. The girls family have made a public appeal for help to try and catch her killer. His appeal for forgiveness went unanswered. (3) v. to please, to attract, or to interest使喜欢,吸引,使感兴趣 *appeal to sb. attract sb.; interest sb. e.g. The programme appeals especially to young childr

36、en.(4) v. to make a strong request for help, support, mercy, etc. 恳求,强烈呼吁 e.g. The police are appealing to the public for any information about the murder victim. They are appealing for funds to build a new church. (4) v. to make a strong request for help, support, mercy, etc. 恳求,强烈呼吁 e.g. The polic

37、e are appealing to the public for any information about the murder victim. They are appealing for funds to build a new church. *appealing a. able to move the feelings 打动人心的;attractive, pleasing or interesting 有吸引力的,有趣的 e.g. “Are you sure its okay?” she said with an appealing smile. According to Life

38、 magazine, cars with soft smooth shapes are supposed to be appealing to females. Davies books are an appealing blend of wit and wisdom. L29, L30, L31. advertise v. to make (sth. for sale, services offered, a room to rent, etc.) known to the public, e.g. in a newspaper or on television 为为做广告,登做广告,登广告

39、广告 e.g. I advertised my house in the “Daily News”. Are lawyers allowed to advertise (their services)? “How did you find out about the new software?” “It was advertised on TV.” Have you tried that new beverage theyve been advertising on TV? 你试过他们一直在电视上做广告的那种新饮料你试过他们一直在电视上做广告的那种新饮料吗?吗?*advertisement n

40、. sth. used for advertising things, such as a notice on a wall or in a newspaper, or a short film shown on television 广告广告 e.g. The Sunday papers are full of advertisements for cars. They put an advertisement in The Morning News, offering a high salary for the right person. *advertising n. the busin

41、ess of encouraging p e o p l e t o b u y g o o d s b y m e a n s o f advertisements 广告业广告业 e.g. Are you interested in a career in advertising? L31, L33. means n. a method or way (of doing) 方法,手段方法,手段 e.g. Homework should not be used as a means of controlling children. For most people, the car is sti

42、ll their main means of transport. I had no means of telling him I would be late. Brian was prepared to use any means to get what he wanted. All possible means have been tried. 一切办法都试过了。一切办法都试过了。 He got his passport by illegal means. 他用非法手段获取护照。他用非法手段获取护照。 *by means of fml. by using; with the help of

43、 通过某办法,借助于 e.g. We express our thoughts by means of words. The blocks are raised by means of pulleys. L34. typecast v. to always give an performer the same type of character to play 经常给(演员)经常给(演员)分配同一类型的角色分配同一类型的角色 e.g. Hes been typecast as a murderer because he looks rather sinister. She doesnt wan

44、t to get typecast as a comedy actress. It is said that he always avoids being typecast as the villain. 据说他总是避免常演坏蛋的角色。据说他总是避免常演坏蛋的角色。 L38. interfere v. to enter into or take part in a matter which does not concern one, and in which one is not wanted 介入,干涉,干预介入,干涉,干预 *interfere in sth. to take part i

45、n without being wanted; get involved in a situation where you are not wanted or needed 介入、干预某事介入、干预某事 *interfere with sb./sth. to prevent sth. from succeeding or from happening in the way that was planned干扰、妨碍某人干扰、妨碍某人/某事某事 *interfere between A and B to deliberately get involved in what is happening

46、 between A and B 介入、干介入、干预预A与与B两者间(的事)两者间(的事) e.g. Dont _ other peoples private affairs. I dont want to _ you; proceed with your work. The noise of traffic _ my sleep. Its unwise to _ husband and wife. The U.S. is often accused of interfering in other countries internal affairs. 美国经常被指干涉他国内政。美国经常被指干

47、涉他国内政。 interfere ininterfere withinterfered withinterfere between*interference n. an act of interfering 干预,干扰 e.g. I dont want any interference from you! Industrial relations should be free from state interference. I resent his interference in my work. L39. cease (1) v. fml. to stop (esp. an activit

48、y or state) 停止,终止,结束停止,终止,结束 e.g. That department has ceased to exist. The company has ceased trading in this part of the world. Hansen has ceased cooperating with the FBI investigation. The officer ordered his men to _ (=stop shooting). From the end of the month, this regulation will cease to have

49、effect. 从这个月底起,这个规定将不再生效。从这个月底起,这个规定将不再生效。 The factory has ceased making bicycles. 那工厂已经停止生产自行车了。那工厂已经停止生产自行车了。cease fire (2) n. fml stopping 停止 e.g. It rained all day without cease (=continuously, without stopping). *ceaseless a. not stopping, without and, continuous 不停的,不断的,不绝的 e.g. Her ceaseless

50、chatter began to annoy me. *ceasefire n. an agreement to stop fighting for a period of time 停火,休战 e.g. They are negotiating a ceasefire.L41. distinguished a. having excellent quality or great fame and respect 卓越的,出色的,令人敬佩的卓越的,出色的,令人敬佩的 e.g. The actor gave a distinguished performance on the stage las

51、t night. He has become a distinguished man for his scientific achievements. She is a distinguished poet and a gifted painter. 她是个出色的诗人,有才华的画家。她是个出色的诗人,有才华的画家。*distinguish v. to recognize differences (between) 辨别,辨别,分清,把分清,把(与(与)加以区别;)加以区别;to be the thing that makes sb. or sth. different from other p

52、eople or things 使使有别于,使有特色;有别于,使有特色;to do sth. so well that people notice you and remember you 表现突出,受人注目表现突出,受人注目 e.g. Small children cant distinguish right from wrong / between right and wrong. Speech distinguishes human beings from animals. She distinguished herself by her coolness and bravery.*di

53、stinguishable a. easily recognized as being different from other things or people 易分辨出来的,区分得开的 e.g. The coast was barely distinguishable in the mist. The copy was barely distinguishable from the original painting. L45. on location being filmed in suitable surroundings instead of in a film studio 外景拍

54、摄 e.g. Most of the movie was shot on location in Africa. L46. lease (1) v. to use or let sb. use a building or piece of land for a certain time in return for rent 出租,租借(土地、房屋)出租,租借(土地、房屋) e.g. We will lease you the house for a year. They decided to lease the building to another company. This company

55、 leases out property. The firm has leased an office with views over the river. 公司租了一个带临河风景的办公室。公司租了一个带临河风景的办公室。 (2) n. a written legal agreement by which the use of a building or piece of land is given by its owner for a certain time in return for rent (房地产的)租约,租房地产的)租约,租契契 e.g. She bought the house

56、 on a 99-year lease. Weve taken a lease on an office building. The lease expires next month. L54. audience n. the people listening to or watching a performance, speech, television show, etc. 听众,观众听众,观众 e.g. Im not sure that this film will appeal to Asian audiences. The audience was/were enthusiastic

57、 on the opening night of the play. The show attracts a regular audience of about 20 million. L1-2. Hollywood suggests glamour, a place where the young star-struck teenagers could, with a bit of luck, fulfill their dreams.L15-17. In those days Hollywood was like a magnet, drawing ambitious young men

58、and women from all over the world. Most of them had only their good looks to recommend them and had no acting experience or ability whatsoever.L24-25. As for the stars themselves, they were held on a tight rein by the studios chiefs who could make or break all but the stars with really big appeal.L2

59、9-30. No country in the world has developed so expertly the skill of advertising as the Americans.L31-33. Many studios chiefs were tyrants, determined to get their own way at all costs, no matter how unscrupulous the means. L1-2. Hollywood suggests glamour, a place where the young star-struck teenag

60、ers could, with a bit of luck, fulfill their dreams. suggest: put into sb.s mind star-struck teenagers: teenagers greatly attracted and influenced by stars Hollywood reminds you of the exciting and charming quality of sth. unusual or special, with a magical power of attraction, a place where the you


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