1、写作讲评课书信类应用文书信类应用文其他类应用文其他类应用文介绍信感谢信道歉信求助信咨询信投诉信祝贺信申请信邀请信建议信告知信演讲致辞通知新闻报道广告海报倡议书留言/请假条征文稿。启示:启示:1. 不要只会写信,还要会写非书信类应用文体不要只会写信,还要会写非书信类应用文体2. 审题构思是关键,一定要看清是什么文体。审题构思是关键,一定要看清是什么文体。给阅卷人以好的第一直观印象给阅卷人以好的第一直观印象整体三部分整体三部分1.Heading点题;两三个句子;概括性;二行到三行为宜2. Body 中心记述部分;层次分明;使用衔接;不要太多太啰嗦3. Ending 小结;呼应主题;两行为宜高考作文
2、高分卷的特点高考作文高分卷的特点n外在美外在美:第一印象很重要!书写清:第一印象很重要!书写清楚,字母匀称,词、行间距适当,楚,字母匀称,词、行间距适当,卷面整洁。卷面整洁。n结构美结构美:有合理的段落层次,多为:有合理的段落层次,多为3段式,条理清晰;每段有每段的段式,条理清晰;每段有每段的主题。主题。n词汇美词汇美:词汇反映你知识贮存量的多少,词汇反映你知识贮存量的多少,也是衡量英语水平的一个重要标志。也是衡量英语水平的一个重要标志。likebe fond of,be addicted to/ helpdo sb a favor n句式美句式美:运用得当的运用得当的高级句式结构高级句式结构
3、可以可以给文章增色不少,从而使整篇文章因此给文章增色不少,从而使整篇文章因此而生辉而生辉 。n衔接美衔接美:使用恰当的使用恰当的连接词连接词,对写一篇,对写一篇有有“英语味英语味”的文章很重要,能使文章的文章很重要,能使文章上下衔接自然、条理清晰。上下衔接自然、条理清晰。一、审题构思一、审题构思 文体:文体:致辞致辞(社会生活中经常使用的文体,是在较为隆重的仪式和公众场合发表的(社会生活中经常使用的文体,是在较为隆重的仪式和公众场合发表的文字稿件。主要是文字稿件。主要是欢迎,感谢,交代注意事项或者阐述介绍某些内容,对结果和意义欢迎,感谢,交代注意事项或者阐述介绍某些内容,对结果和意义有期待以及
4、发表个人的看法或者祝愿有期待以及发表个人的看法或者祝愿等)等) 二、时态二、时态 致辞,演讲都基本以现在和将来时态为主。三、基本布局三、基本布局 Boys and girls/Ladies and gentlemen Welcome to. It s a great honor for me to stand here. To begin with,.Secondly.Finally.(话题或现象列举) .What I want to stress is that(重申主题) .For one thing.For another,.Besides.因或重要性列举) . In a word,I
5、wish/hope. (总结) .Thankyou for your listening./Thankyou.五、五、赛事活动赛事活动写作思维导图写作思维导图 活动类型活动类型speech contest, running race, competition, picking activity, outdoor acivities(camping, fishing,.); indoor acitivities(singing, dancing.); a wide range/variety of; various kinds of; feature; feast .etc.五、五、赛事活动赛事
6、活动写作思维导图写作思维导图 活动组织活动组织开始与举办:主动语态:hold/organize/launch/initiate; 被动语态:be held/organized/launched/initiated报名与参与:go in for; sign up for; enroll in; be involved in; participate in; take an active part in; be engaged in;be scheduled to do; be due to do; attendee; participant;candidate;暂停与取消:put off; po
7、stpone; delay; cancel; suspend; call off五、五、赛事活动赛事活动写作思维导图写作思维导图 活动时间活动时间吸睛词块:be held from A to B; be scheduled for+时间;last (for) +时间段活动地点活动地点 lecture hall; playground; teaching building;活动目的活动目的with the aim/goal of; be aimed at doing; aim(ing) to do; intend(ed) to do; be intended to do; arouse/exci
8、te ones interest in sth /passion for sth; raise ones awareness of; provide a platform; 活动过程活动过程gather; set off; start off; reach the destination; on foot; by walking; by bus;take some pictures; be divided into several groups; enjoy a wonderful picnic; share sth with sb; .五、五、赛事活动赛事活动写作思维导图写作思维导图 活动意
9、义活动意义吸睛词块:attach great importance to; be of great significance; be of benefit=be beneficial to; do good to sb= do sb good; build up/boost ones confidence; broaden ones horizon; enrich ones knowledge; open ones mind; 吸睛词汇:promote; strengthen; enhance; meaningful; significant; remarkable; rewarding; a
10、ttractive; enchanting六、六、必备佳句必备佳句 1. A wide variety of activities are offered including singing, dancing and . to do sth.种类目的2. Earth Day, marked on April 22nd, is an annual event aiming to raise the public awareness of environment protection.目的3. It turned out to be a great success, which is not on
11、ly meaningful but also rewarding.意义4. Not only does it build up our body but it also strengthens our teamwork and cooperation.意义5.Taking physical exercise/Picking activity can be fun and beneficial for health, which may also be good for character building.意义6.If you have any other question, dont hes
12、itate to ask me/ do let me know.结尾读后续写情节线情节线情感线情感线情节线情节线兄兄/姐姐 妹情怨妹情怨一、研读“背景段”-续写第一段前的这一段往往含有隐含提示信息二、品读“首句”勾画信息词-首句对续写有重要的隐含提示作用,务必认真品读体会。三、逻辑衔接 首句-A-B; B情节和第二段首句往往要有衔接-C-D; D情节往往总结和升华四、主题 -完整的文章,让人有所思,有所感,有所悟五:总之,读写一体,前后逻辑流畅,娓娓道来,浑然一体,而不能读和写完全脱离等一、研读“背景段”-捡起paper二、品读“首句”勾画信息词- 1. somthing on the pap
13、er; never forget (picture, birthday, artist,LOVE, 顺便道歉) 2. open, reach out, hug 三、逻辑衔接 A-what-B(心理描写到决定道歉); B情节和第二段首句往往要有衔接-决定道歉; C(如何道歉)-D(总结和升华)四、主题 -share; love情感线情感线兄兄/姐姐 妹情怨妹情怨 解读: 对人物情感的描写常常能使人物的形象显得生动鲜活。人的情感可以分很多种,如喜悦、喜悦、感动感动、失望、悲伤、憎恨、失望、悲伤、憎恨、愤怒、惊讶、恐惧、赞赏愤怒、惊讶、恐惧、赞赏等等。在英语中有很多不同的词和句式来表达这些不同的情感
14、。背景段:anger fell away; tears; 情感A(somthing on the paper; never forget) :惊讶;感动;懊悔情感B:心理的反思,懊悔,到坚定的决定去道歉情感C: 感动,温暖情感D:幸福,快乐情节线情节线情感线情感线细节描写细节描写 一、内容的丰富性不是指续写部分的随意发挥不是指续写部分的随意发挥,也不是简单概述情节的发展不是简单概述情节的发展,而是指续写部分要详细生动详细生动地描述与文本大意和叙述意图一致的情景、态度和感悟。二、细节描写也以结合情节,从以下几个方面描写: 人体与动作,表情与外貌,心理情感,性格与品质,环境; 手,眼,口,声音等。
15、情节A 1. somthing on the paper; never forget (picture, birthday, artist,LOVE, 顺便道歉) 情感A(somthing on the paper; never forget):惊讶;感动;懊悔感情词汇:shocked, surprised, amazed, astonished, moved, touched, regetful, ashamed; be frozen/glued/rooted the spot/ground.其他词汇:read, say, blame sb for sth, find fault with,
16、 go through, tremble句式:1. No amout of +n. could compare to the look in ones eyes when sb did sth. 2. Never did it occur to me that.3. It dawned on me that.4. A wave/ sense of/flood of seized/struck sb5. It struck sb as +adj. that.6. Jim was shocked, but the more he thought about it the more it made
17、sense. 情节B 心理描写到决定道歉); B情节和第二段首句往往要有衔接-决定道歉;) 情感B 心理的反思,懊悔,到坚定的决定去道歉感情词汇:moved, touched, regetful, ashamed, selfish, firm其他词汇:apologize to sb for sth, owe sb an apology, make an apology to sb for sth, top priority; without much thinking/without hesitaiton/then and there; make up ones mind to do sth;
18、 feel ashamed of; wipe off ones tears; tears rolling/pouring down; 句式:1. I shouldnt have done sth 2. the urge to do sth was stronger.3.Torn between wanting to help someone who needed help and not wanting to come home a different color, Sonia decided to be brave./sb faced a dilemma about whether to d
19、o sth or not.(高二B第5周周六完形)4.I kept thinking about whether I should ignore this moment and just mind my own business, or do something about my feelings.(高二B第11周周六完形)情节C (如何道歉)情感C 感动,温暖感情词汇:moved, touched, warmth, happiness, smile其他词汇:apologize to sb for sth, owe sb an apology, make an apology to sb fo
20、r sth, look sb directly/ straight in the eye; murmur sorry to sb; in a soft voice; light up; warm up with a huge smile; exchange smiles; fogive sb for doing sth句式:1. Sb threw/cast sb a look as an expression of +n.2. A happy smile flashed across ones face.3. Ones face melted in smiles/ smiled from ea
21、r to ear.4. be frozen/rooted/glued to the ground/spot.5. tears of happiness/gratitude flowed, so did our everlasting/eternal/permanent love.情节D(总结和升华) share; love情感D 感动,温暖词汇:treasure, cherish,precious, reminder, happiness, smile其他词汇:句式: 1. Tears of happiness/gratitude/warmth flowed, so did our everl
22、asting love. 2. That eighty-year-old angel reminded me of what is essential in our life: sharing our love. When we share our love we create joy not only in the hearts of those around us, but in our own hearts as well. When we share our love we find ourselves doing what we were always meant to do. When we share our love we make our souls lighter, our lives brighter, and the world better. (高二B第13周周三完形) 1. some people2. .直接引语道歉“ Im really s
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