1、第一部分 通用英语UNIT 1 How to be Happy如何获得幸福 In the past Step 1: Peace and quiet Jonathon Haidt Step 2: Relationships This is the most Step 3: Share If you haveExercises A. Translate the following sentences into English. 1吵闹的邻居的确对我们家庭不和(domestic upset)有很大影响。 2在职场上,如果一个同事对我们表示威吓的话,会造成难以言表的抑郁情绪(unwretchednes
2、s)。 3我们不可能适应这种敌对关系,这种不良的人际关系会损害身心健康。 4如果这种坏情绪长时间留在人们的心里,会让人陷入无法解决的恶性心理困境。 5我们不应当回避这些问题,而是要正确面对它们。 B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese.There are manyAccording to Similar effectsSo, why is UNIT 2 City Design城市设计When Im beingIn response to Now governmentBased on A. Translate the following se
3、ntences into English. 1随着大量市民被迫迁到遥远的郊外,汽车的需求量正在飞涨。 2生态城市(eco-city)将把传统设计要素同最先进的绿色技术相结合。 3预计到2010年将有一千辆燃料电池车(fuel-cell vehicles)投入使用,而到2012年将增至一万辆。 4如今,各地方政府几乎无一不在探讨有关生态农村、生态城镇或生态城市计划的话题。 5全世界大约一半的人口居住在城市,所以研究能缓解城市对环境影响的途径势在必行。B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese.Once at aUNIT 3 Population人
4、口A very importantSo why If weObviously, ExercisesA. Translate the following sentences into English1亚洲大陆面积占世界陆地面积的29%。2人口的增加使土地必须生产更多的粮食。3我们应该先进行抽样调查再写报告。4我承认我在工作中因缺乏经验犯过这样那样的错误。5中国的现代化工业和商品经济的发展,促进了职业流动和人口流动。B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese. A report, MovingUNIT 4 Earthquake地震 Earthqua
5、kes The great This element It is doubtful Exercises A. Translate the following sentences into English.1会议的准备工作正在顺利地进行着。 2科技发展在解决老问题的同时也带来了一些新问题。 3. 1976年唐山大地震是历史上最严重的自然灾害之一。 4近几年来,中国、日本和美国对地震发生的时间、地点的预测取得了一定的进步。 5地震能造成惨重的人员伤亡,毁坏建筑物,如大楼、桥梁、大坝等设施。 B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese. Our we
6、atherUNIT 5 The Aftermath of BP Gulf Oil Spill英国石油公司墨西哥湾原油泄漏 In the aftermathThe oil spill Even worse Fully 98 percentThe waters Exercises A. Translate the following sentences into English. 1如何尽快处理墨西哥湾的原油泄漏是BP公司最为关注的问题。 2这起事故使环保人士对生态环境有了不小的担忧。 3原油泄漏不仅会污染海洋环境,更糟糕的是它还会给多种海洋生物带来很大的威胁。4所有小动物都要依靠妈妈给它们提供食
7、物和保护。5南极洲是多种企鹅的家。 B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese.An oil spill Public concernUNIT 6 Green Computers“绿色”电脑Computer Several factors The computer Experts say Exercises A. Translate the following sentences into English.1许多政府机构继续执行鼓励使用绿色电脑的标准和规定。2绿色设计是指设计节能和对环境无害的零件。3今年该公司将实行(carry out)公司范
8、围内的成本削减计划。 4环保、慈善(philanthropy)和良好的员工关系是该公司成长壮大的重要因素。 5绿色使用是指减少计算机和其它信息系统韵能源消耗,并尽量以环保的(environmentally sound)方式来使用。 B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese. Over the lastUNIT 7 Cell Phones手机 What would Manufacturers A. Translate the following sentences into English.1如今不管男女老少几乎都拥有手机。 2这种新的网络连接
9、形式能使大量的数据得以快速地传输。 3电子邮件正在取代(edge out)传真、电话、快速邮递。它缩短了科学合作者(scientific collaborators)之间的距离。 4手机从发明到现在已有很长的历史,而且在技术方面有了长足的(by leaps and bounds)进步。 5快速的数据传输速度可以帮助解决网络传输量巨大增长的问题。 B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese. A group of The hands-free UNIT 8 Touch Tech触屏技术For mobileDevelopers Software H
10、aptic technology For now,Exercises A. Translate the following sentences into English. 1这项技术使移动通讯行业产生了突破性变革。 2多触摸功能是其最大的卖点之一(eye-catching feature)。 3戴尔是一家跨国技术公司,总部设在德克萨斯州。 4制造商经常在用户购买新电脑的时候提供免费更换服务。 5很多多点触控界面(interfaces)的产品已经出现,而且正在广泛地应用。 B. Read the paragraph and translate it into Chinese. The keybo
11、ard, UNIT 9 Fossil Fuels and Our Life化石燃料与我们的生活 Oil and In the United Auto manufacturers In areas of World populationExercises A. Translate the following sentences into English. 1大多数替代能源不仅可以给我们带来清洁空气,它们还是可再生的。 2许多生活日用品都是由石油制成的。 3尽管许多国家在研发并开始使用不同的替代能源,在未来很长的一段时间化石燃料仍将是占据主导地位的能源。 4专家预计北京的汽车占有量将超过每千人20
12、0辆。 5在未来几十年,世界人口仍将持续增长。这意味着能源需求将进一步增加。 B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese. EnergyOther formsUNIT 10 Carbon Emissions碳排放 The taskUnder optimalWithout There areThe EuropeanThen there Exercises A. Translate the following sentences into English. 1在很多以煤为主要能源的发展中国家,减少碳排放是一件极具挑战的工作。 2. 20世纪末的世界
13、人口是20世纪六十年代的两倍。 3如果没有先进的技术,环境污染无法得以改善。 4过量饮食对人体带来的危害与过量饮酒带给人体的伤害一样严重。 5该公司正在就如何有效减少二氧化碳排放做一项实验性研究。 B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese.Many chemicalMany gases Levels ofWorld UNIT 11 Marine Pollution海洋污染 By the year One significantDespite NutrientRadioactiveTrace metalExercisesA. Translate
14、 the following sentences into English.1一些污染源已经通过立法得到控制。2用电动车来取代汽油和柴油车可减少城市污染。3要从源头(at source)来规范危险化学品的生产和使用。 4最近所发生的一切除了会造成明显可见的短期影响外,也会导致严重的长期问题。 5污染的海岸水域引发的死亡和疾病每年要耗费全球经济128亿美元。 B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese. In addition toUNIT 12 Chinas Growth and the Clean Energy Tech中国的经济增长与清洁能
15、源技术Chinas unprecedentedThe immensity UnderstandingExercises A. Translate the following sentences into English. 1环境污染和自然灾害是经济发展应付出的代价。 2化石能源的紧缺促使很多能源公司去开发替代能源。 3丰田汽车公司已经开始大规模生产其混合动力车Prius,这在很大程度上超过了其它汽车制造大企业。 4政府通过政策激励来促使国有企业节能减排。 5随着人口的成倍增长(multiply),世界将会对能源有如饥似渴般的需求。 B. Read the text and translate
16、it into Chinese.Chinas investmentsChina is emerging UNIT 13 Market Economy市场经济 There are Lets look at Now lets look at With a commandExercises A. Translate the following paragraph into English.当今,经济学在商业方面起着越来越大的作用。B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese.GlobalizationThe industrialized UNIT 14
17、 CPI消费者物价指数 If the CPI, When theI mentionedExercises A. Translate the following paragraph into English.20世纪30年代的大萧条 B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese. Social assistance Many of theseUNIT 15 The Internet互联网 The Internet is The most commonly Before you Worldwide As more So weExercises A.
18、Translate the following paragraph into English.近几年来,计算机不仅被越来越多的人运用于B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese. The Internet The goal of Although all UNIT 16 Apple Expands its Touchy-Feely Vision 苹果公司用iPad延续梦想The launchTo focus onBetween them,Exercises A. Translate the following paragraph into En
19、glish.最初,iPad主要被当作一款媒体消费设备B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese. In the past There are The second So whereUNIT 17 3G Technology 3G技术 Cellular technology3G technology,However, The developmentsExercises A. Translate the following paragraph into English. 3G的全称为第三代数字通信。 B. Read the text and tra
20、nslate it into Chinese.TelecommunicationsWirelessUNIT 18 Carbon Capture and Storage碳捕获和储存 Carbon capture The termCCS appliedCapturing Storage ofExercises A. Translate the following paragraphs into English. 1目前,碳捕获和存储设施已经安装到其它应用程序设计的部件上。2一个普遍存在的问题是关于海底或地下储存安全的长期预测 B. Read the text and translate it in
21、to Chinese.GovernmentsThe analysis,The McKinseyFor lighting the saving is 50 and 44 for buildings. Carbon capture US companiesUNIT19 Global Warming全球变暖 Global warming Al Gore, From 2003 No government The practicalExercises A. Translate the following paragraph into English.全球气候变暖主要是由于人们焚烧化石矿物B. Read
22、the text and translate it into Chinese.As the biggestWhile political Copenhagen has to UNIT 20 Alternate Energies替代能源There is One of these Exercises A. Translate the following sentences into English.清洁能源是不排放污染物的能源,B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese. The term biomassThere are two UNIT 21
23、Biofuels生物燃料In order toCrude oil isBiofuels areSo biofuels That thereforeExercises A. Translate the following sentences into English.生物燃料必须有四个特性。B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese.The power sectorWind farms Wind energyOver 140,000 UNIT 22 Coal Chemical lndustry煤化学工业Coal chemical industry
24、Coal gasification is aCoal gasification hasThe modern Exercises A. Translate the following sentences into English.煤的气化在煤化工中占有重要地位, B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese. The coal chemical industry in ChinaThe products ofIn recent years, UNIT 23 Resource Curse资源诅咒Many AfricanThere are numero
25、usResource curseTheoretically the The result isThe resourceGovernment forcesBloody conflicts As well asExercises A. Translate the following sentences into English. 资源诅咒是一个经济学理论, B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese.Take a lookThe harms UNIT 24 Company Management公司管理Management inAs an organ
26、ization The overall directionExercises A. Translate the following paragraph into English. 每个企业都倾尽其力来对付如何组织企业这一问题。 B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese.There are many types of managersFunctional managers General managers UNIT 25 Recruitment Drives Take Talent from Wide Pool人才库Widening the p
27、oolThe program AdvocatesLeading LondonSupportersHow can Exercises A. Translate the following sentences into English.1企业像拧水龙头一样启动和停止项目,这种做法是错误的,2她的公司最近就发起了一项开放周(access week)活动,3一个23岁的学生16岁初到英国时,B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese.HR policyHead of Graduate recruitmentSponsors for “An intern
28、shipLast year, EmployersProfessor of The law firm UNIT 26 Tips for Job Seekers找工作的秘诀Youre in-between jobs and Get a short-term Freelance.Learn a new skill. Keep upExercises A. Translate the following paragraph into English.要想在众多应聘者中取胜,要想让你中意的企业也中意你,B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese.The
29、first step UNIT 27 Chinese Oil Market中国石油市场The wholesaleAccording toApart from BP,As a matter Exercises A. Translate the following paragraph into English.埃克森美孚、壳牌和英国石油B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese. As a part of UNIT 28 Oil Trade石油贸易As one might expect,The Middle EastThere is moreGen
30、erally, Exercises A. Translate the following paragraph into English. 经济复苏将大幅刺激中国这个第二大能源消耗国的燃料需求。 B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese. The total monetary UNIT 29 How I Lost My Head in the Volcanic Ash Cloud令人发疯的火山灰Marooned in HelsinkiAt that point, Even if theOr would we? Exercises A. Tran
31、slate the following paragraph into English.我开始给我在伦敦的同事撰写电子邮件,B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese.Economic disruptionAn automobileThe carmakersEurocontrol, But BritishUNIT 30 Project Management项目管理Project managementManaging Project managersIt is importantExercisesA. Translate the following
32、 paragraph into English.随着项目的进展,预料不到的问题一定会出现。B. Read the text and translate it into Chinese;All projectsThe team needs Some team members,If the project 第二部分 油气工程UNIT l Origin of Oil and Gas石油和天然气的成因 Oil and gas Plate tectonicsThe sameExercise Translate the following paragraph into English. 全球消耗的能源约8
33、6%都属于化石燃料,UNIT 2 Evolution of Petroleum Exploration Concepts and Techniques石油勘探概念和技术的演变 From the daysExperience soon proved,Through the latter Pure geologicalThe 1970sIn the 1980s Translate the following paragraph into English.根据最早期的科学研究调查, UNIT 3 Exploration Methods勘探方法 In the early Geophysicists u
34、se Translate the following paragraph into English.原油储量是指从已知油田石油是不可再生的资源。UNIT 4 Relationship of Petroleum Geology to Petroleum Exploration and Production石油地质学和石油勘探、开发之间的关系 Geologists,Some petroleumPetroleum geology Translate the following paragraph into English. 石油水平运移的距离一直以来都是人们争论的话题。UNIT 5 Geophysi
35、cal Methods of Exploration地球物理勘探方法 Petroleum The followingThree mainTranslate the following paragraph into English.第三种开采机理被称为溶解气驱。UNIT 6 Shale Gas页岩气Shale gas production,Extensive researchFracture systemsConventional drilling Exercise Translate the following paragraph into English.远离井口的页岩气的运输基本上是不可行
36、的。UNIT 7 Petroleum System含油气系统A petroleum systemThe essential elements Translate the following paragraph into English.含油气系统的保存时间是指发生在油气生成一运移一聚集过程之后, UNIT 8 Offshore Development海上开发 Onshore development Offshore petroleum Translate the following paragraph into English.煤层中甲烷气的出现是众所周知的,UNIT 9 Pressure o
37、f the Reservoir油藏的压力 For oil As oil is Translate the following paragraph into English.当油田开采到一定时候, UNIT 10 Oil Extraction采油 In most At the well If theExerciseTranslate the following paragraph into English. 许多国家提供石油勘探开发的机会, UNIT 11 Artificial Lift and Enhanced Recovery人工举升和提高采收率Not all fieldsA well wi
38、ll Once a fieldOne of the main Translate the following paragraph into English.与页岩气不同,大部分煤层只产生干气,即甲烷。UNIT 12 Reservoir Simulation of Incised Valley Fill深切谷充填的油藏模拟 The principal aim Petrophysical properties Translate the following paragraph into English. 虽然储油层被描述为具有一定孔隙度和渗透率的多孔介质, UNIT 13 Outline of Natural Gas Gathering and Transmission天然气集输概述 Gathering and transrmssion Pipelines used to transmit Stations for gathering Translate the following paragraph into English.在气田开发的初期和中期,井口压力一般都高于集气管网内的压力。UNIT
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