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1、Unit 5 Writing Three Thank-You LettersWhen you find the answer, ask me to .Factfile on Thanksgivingthe Mayflowertraditional feast American Indianssaying gracefootballMacys paradeListen and fill in the missing gapsThanksgiving is _1_ in the US on the fourth Thursday in November. For many Americans it

2、 is the most important holiday apart from Christmas. Schools, offices and most businesses _2_ for Thanksgiving, and many people make the whole weekend a vacation. Thanksgiving is associated with the time when Europeans first came to North America. In _3_ the ship the Mayflower arrived, bringing abou

3、t 150 people Thanksgiving Day1. celebrated 2. close 3. 1620 4. Pilgrims 5. died 6. survived 7. turkey 8. recipe 9. costumes 10. imaginaryDo we usually express our gratitude towards those to whom we owe so much? Dont we tend to take other peoples love and help for granted? Part ParasMain ideasI1-9II1

4、0-16III17-23IV24-26On Thanksgiving, the author came up with the idea of expressing his gratitude to people who had helped him before.The author wrote three thank-you letters to his father, his grammar school principal and his grandma.The author got three letters in reply. The author wishes everyone

5、to find the good and praise it. Text Organization It was 1943, during World War II, and I was a young U.S. coastguardsman. My ship, the USS Murzim, had been under way for several days. Most of her holds contained thousands of cartons of canned or dried foods. The other holds were loaded with five-hu

6、ndred-pound bombs packed delicately in padded racks. Our Read Part I, and answer the following questions.1.When and where did the author write the three thank-you letters?2.What was the author by profession?3.What kept the author extremely busy on this day when his ship was sailing to Tulagi Island?

7、4.What was he thinking about on the deck after the days hard work?Vocabularyunder way: to start or to be in progress1. Plans are under way for a new link road.2. Ill wait till the campaign gets under way properly. 3. An investigation is well under way to find out how the disaster happened.see: vt. w

8、itness, experience (Cf p.173-2)1. The 5th century saw the end of the Roman Empire in the West.2. This year has seen a big increase in road accidents.put sth away: to put sth in the place where it is usually kept1. You wash the dishes and Ill put them away in the cupboard.2. The kids are asked to put

9、 all the toys away before they leave.in quest of: in search of; seeking1. I went to the school library in quest of Mark Twains novels. 2. The tale recounts the sixteen-year pilgrimage of Hsuan-tsang, who journeyed to India with four animal disciples in quest of Buddhist scriptures.apply to:1.to have

10、 to do with; to have a bearing on: What Ive said doesnt apply to you.2.to make a formal request to an authority: apply to the Consul for a visa3.to lay one thing on another: apply a plaster to a cut4.to give all ones attention and energy to: We must apply (our mind/ ourselves) to our work.5.to make

11、practical use of sth on sth else: apply theories to real worktake for granted: 1. If you take sb for granted, you expect he will always be there when you need him and never show him any special attention or thank him: Im sick and tired of my husband taking me for granted!2. If you take sth for grant

12、ed, you think it is true or accept it as normal without thinking about it: Many people still take it for granted that fresh water is inexhaustible.Read Part II, and answer the questions on the right.1.Why did he feel ashamed when he thought about the people to whom he wanted to express thanks?2.Who

13、did he finally decide to write to?3.What did his father do that left a lasting impression on the author?4.What did he remember about the Rev. Nelson?5.What did he write in his letter to his grandma? At least seven people had been particularly and lastingly helpful to me. I realized, swallowing hard,

14、 that about half of them had since died so they were forever beyond any possible expression of gratitude from me. The more I thought about it, the more ashamed I became. Then I pictured the three the more , the more Vocabularyused before each of two comparative adjectives or adverbs when you want to

15、 show how one amount gets bigger or smaller in relation to the other1. The more he reads the less he understands. 2. The more the better.3. Was it possible to find love in high school? The more she looked at him, the more she studied him, the more she was able to say confidently: Yes. on / in ones b

16、ehalfVocabularyin sbs interests or as sbs representative 1.Oh, dont go to any trouble on my behalf.2.My friend John cant be here today, but I want to thank you on/in his behalf.3.He delivered a speech in/on behalf of all the graduates on the commencement ceremony.impressVocabularyimpress on sb sth/t

17、hat: to make the importance of sth clear to sb1.The teacher always tries to impress on his students that its necessary to work hard.If sth or sb impresses you, you admire them because you notice how good, clever, successful etc they are: 2.What impressed us most about the book was its vivid language

18、. 3.Steve borrowed his dads sports car to impress his girlfriend.immerseVocabularyvt. to put sb/sth deep into a liquid so that it is completely covered; (fig.) to become completely involved in an activity1. Immerse your foot in ice cold water to reduce the swelling.2. The professor was so immersed i

19、n her work that she didnt notice me. 3. The whole town was immersed in a festival atmosphere. assembleVocabularyvi. to come together in a group, usu for a particular purpose; to gather or muster: 1. He has assembled a team of experts to tackle this difficult problem.vt. to collect sth together or to

20、 put all the parts of it together: 2. Over the years weve assembled a huge collection of old books.3. When you buy furniture from IKEA you must assemble it yourself. 1. _ energy under the earth must be released in one form or another, for example, an earthquake.A) GatheredB) AccumulatedC) CollectedD

21、) Assembled 2. Everybody _in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.A) assembledB) accumulatedC) piledD) joinedBARead Part III, and tell me how the author felt about the replies from his father, the Rev. Nelson and his grandma? Why? We unloaded cargo, reloaded with something else, then a

22、gain we put to sea in the routine familiar to us, and as the days became weeks, my little personal experience receded. Sometimes, when we were at sea, a mail ship would rendezvous and bring us mail from home, which, of course, we accorded topmost priority.Fill in the table with the main contents of

23、the letters. CorrespondentsLetters SentLetters ReceivedFatherThe Rev. NelsonGrandmaThanks for teaching the writer how to tell the truth, to share and to be forgiving, and for her good cooking and her sprinkling the writers life with stardust.Expresses her loving gratefulness for her grandson.Thanks

24、for teaching the writer from boyhood to love books and reading.Thanks for his morning school prayers. Tells the writer how he, as a teacher and a father as well, felt proud of his own son. Tells the writer that his letter has brought him much-needed the reassurance. Vocabularyaccordvt. to give sb/st

25、h special attention or treatment; to grant: 1.We accorded him a hearty welcome. 2.The government accorded him the rank of Colonel.vi. to match or agree with sth:3.His behaviour doesnt accord with his principles.4.The two companies finally accord/accorded with each other.Vocabularyin turn1.as a resul

26、t of sth: Interest rates were cut, and in turn, share prices rose.2.one after the other, esp. in a particular order: The witnesses were summoned in turn to testify under oath.by turns: if sb shows different feelings or qualities by turns, he changes from one to anotherlThey laughed and cried by turn

27、s when they heard their team won the competition.lShe went hot and cold by turns.Vocabularyrather than1. Young adults rather than older people are more likely to prefer pop songs. 2. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people rather than harm them. 3. Rather than squeezing your own or

28、anges, have you tried buying packs of orange juice?Cf p.172 III: instead of; in preference toVocabularybring back1. The old photos brought back many pleasant memories of my college life.2. The songs brought me back to my childhood.: to cause to return to mindWe have to try every means to _ the costs of the construction project.A) bring offB) bring forthC) bring downD) bring backCRead Part IV and answer the following questions:1. What did the author learn from the writing of the three thank-you letters?2. Wh


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