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1、Commonlysed Sentences on Enquiries(询价常用句型)!)We have seen your advertisement in “The Overseas Journal” and should be glad to have price list and details of your terms.我们看过你方在“海外杂志”的广告,请惠寄你方价目表和条款的详细情况。2)We understand that you are manufacturers ofand should like to know whether you can supply.我们获悉你方是。

2、的生产厂家,请问你方是否能供。3)Please send us samples and quote us your lowest prices for.请惠寄样品并报你方。的最低价。4)One of our customers is interested in the Model123,and we like to receive a sample and quotation.我方一客户想买123型,希望你方寄一样品和报价单来。5)One of our clients takes interest in your products and wishes to have your quotati

3、ons for the items sqecified below:我方一客户对你方产品感兴趣,并希望你方寄如下所列商品的报价单来:6)We are in the market for the Menshirts illustrated in your catalogue No.4.Please quote us your lowest price with the best discount and the date of delivery.我们想买在你方4号目录表上所列的男式衬衫。请报你方最低价,最好折扣以及交货期。7)Please quote your lowest price C.I.

4、F. Singapore for each of the following items,inclusive of our 3%commission.报请下列各种商品的新加坡到岸价,包括我方3%的佣金。8)Enclosed please find samples of our Nylon Socks.If you are able to supply us with 5,000 dozen ,we would be pleased to hace you quote the favourable price C.I.F. Hong Kong .随函附寄我方尼纶袜样品,请查收。如你方能供货500

5、0打,请报最优惠的香港到岸价。9)The articles we require are listed on the attached sheet.If you have them in stock,please tell us the quantity and also the lowest C.I.F. Hong Kong price .我们所需的商品列在附寄单上。如你方有存货,请告知数量以及最低的香港到岸价。10)Some of our customers are interested in your Canned Goods and we wish to have your CIFqu

6、otations with samples and full particulars.我方一些客户对你方的罐头食品有兴趣,请报到岸价以及惠寄样品和全部细节。11)Please send us your best offer by cable indicating packing,specifications,quantity available,discount and the earliest date of delivery.请电报盘,并注明包装、规格、可供数量、折扣和最早交货期。12)We have pleasure in enclosing our Enquiry No.345-9 a

7、gainst which you are requested to make us an offer on FOB basis .很高兴附寄我方345-9号询盘,请你方报离岸价。13)If you can supply goods of the type and quality required ,we may place regular orders for large quantities.如你方可供所需型号及质量的货物,我们将定期向你方大量订购。14)We hope that your prices will be workable and that business will resu

8、lt to our mutual advabtage.我们希望你方价格可行,达成交易,双方受益。15)We are interested in hand-made gloves in variety of genuine leather,will you send us a copy of your latest catalogue with details of your prices and terms of payment.我们想买各种式样的真皮手制皮套,请寄你方最新商品目录 启3 Commonly Used Sentences on Offer and Bid (报盘与递盘常用句型)(

9、1) Your enquiry is having our immediate attention and we hope to make you an acceptable offer in a few days。正在研究你方询价,几天便可给你合适的报盘。(2) We thank you for you enquiry of July 6 and we are sending you ,under separate cover,a specimen of 、together with our price list。感谢你方7月6日询盘,现另寄上、样品及价格回单。(3) Thank you f

10、or your recent enquiry。We have a large quantity of 、in stock,and ware pleased to offer them as follows。 谢谢你方最近询价。我们有大量的、现货,欣然报盘如下:(4) With reference to your letter of、,enquiring for、,we enclose our Quotation No、for your consideration and trust you will find our prices acceptable。关于你、来函询购、,兹附去第、号报价单给

11、你考虑。相信你会认为我们的价格是可以接受的。(5) This offer is given to the goods being unsold on receipt of your reply。本报盘以你方复到时,货上尚未售出的有效。(6) Our best offer is given below subject to our final confirmation。现报最低价如下,须经我方确认为有效。(7) We must stress that this offer is for two days only because of the heavy demand for the limit

12、ed supplies of this 、in stock。我们必须强调此报价仅在两天内有效,因为、的需求量极大而存货有限。(8) This offer must be withdraw if not accepted within three days。此盘三天内不接受,就作撤销论。(9) This offer is open for three days only。此盘有效期仅三天。(10) This offer expires on August 20。Your immediate reply by cable will be appreciated。本盘8月20日失效,请即回电。(11

13、) We wish to state that our quotations are subject to alternation without notice and to our confirmation at the time of placing your order。我方报盘可以随时变动不先通知,你方定货时需以我方确认为有效。(12) Please select the items in which you are interested and let us have your enquiry or order promptly。请选择你有兴趣的品种,并请从速询盘、下单。(13) I

14、n case you are not interested ,we shall thank you if you will pass on this information to those who are engaged in this trade。如你不感兴趣,请转致从事此业的商号,不胜感激。(14) We regret to say that the goods required by you are unavailable for the time being ,and for this reason we refrain from making you an offer。很抱歉,你需

15、要的货品暂缺,因此不能想你发盘。(15) We very much regret that we are unable to supply you the small quantity you require。我们很抱歉不能供应你所需的小量货物。(16) We have taken due note of your requirement for、,but regret being undble to supply at present we will certainly cable you as soon as there is any stock available。我们已知你需要、,但抱

16、歉的是目前不能供应,待有货可供时,即电告。(17) While we thank you for your letter of 、inquiring for、,it is our regret that as we have no stock of this item at present,we are unable to be of assistance to you in this instance,we hope this will not preclude you from making inquiries any other materials。 谢谢你、来函询购、。但很抱歉,引诱于

17、我们目前没有该项商品的存货,对此我们无能为力。我们希望你们会就其他商品向我们询价。表一份以及详细的价格和支付条款。Sentence Commonly Used on Counter-offers and Counter-Counter-Offers (还盘与反还盘常用句型)1) This is our rock-bottom price ,we cant make any further concessions .这是我方的最低价格,不可能在让了2)your counter-offer is not in keeping with the current market 你方的还盘与现行市价不符

18、3)Our price is fixed at a reasonable level.我们的价格定的合理.4)We are unable to accept your offer as other supplies have offered us more favorable terms.我们不能接受你们的报价,因为其他供应商向我们提出更优惠的条件5)Our counter-offer is in line with the international market我们的还盘符合国际市场的行情6)The price we have given is a fair price 我们出的价格是公平

19、合理的7)Lets meet each other halfway.我们各让一半吧8)As a token of friendship ,we accept your counter-offer .作为友谊的表示,我们接受你方的还盘9)Well be waiting for your confirmation .我们等待你方的确认10)We hope that this will be the forerunner of other transaction in future.希望这笔交易将成为今后其他交易的先驱11)Weve come to an agreement on price.我们双

20、方在价格上达成了交易12)Well go on to the other terms and conditions at our next meeting 在下一次谈判中,我们再研究其他条款13)Considerable quantities have been sold at this price ,it is impossible to make any further reduction.按此价已售出很多,再降价是不可能的14)We are anxious to know about your counter-offer .我们很想知道你们还盘的情况15)As the market is

21、 weak at present ,your quotation is unworkable.眼前行市疲软,你方所报价格做不开Sentence Commonly Used on Order(订货常用句型)1) We may place considerable orders with you if your quality is satisfactory.如果你方质量令人满意,我们将向你方大量定货2) Enclose is our order for 300 sets of Transistor Radios T432 .随函附上我方所订台型晶体管收音机的定单3) Your terms are

22、 satisfactory and we enclose an order .你方条款令人满意,现随附定单一纸4) We believe that the high quality of our products will induce you to place a trial order with us .我们相信,我方产品质量之高将导致你方拟订5) Thank you very much for your letter of June 5with patterns and price list .We have made our choice and pleasure in enclosi

23、ng our Indent No.342.月日函及花式样品和价目单均收到,谢谢我们已选妥,并随附第号定单6) We enclose our revise order sheet No.888 for 150,000yards of printed cotton .We are looking forward to your confirmation of this order and also the sales note .随附第号修正定单,订购码印花棉布盼确认并寄来确认书和售货通知7) With reference to your letter of May 6,we please to

24、give an order and also the sales note .关于月日来函,我方乐意订购下列货物8) Thank you for your offer of June 5.Your price and quality are satisfactory and we are sending you an order as follows.谢谢你方月日报盘,你方价格和质量合意,现寄上定单一纸,订购下列商品9) Please supply 5,000 tons of coal in accordance with the details in our order No.114.请按我

25、方号定单细节供煤吨10) This is a trail order ,Please send us 35 sets only so that we may tap the market .If successful ,we will give you larger orders in the future .此系试销定单,请先发来台,以便开发市场,随必有较大数量定单11) The quality of the order must be the same as that of our sample .所订货物质量须与我方样品相同12) It is very important that th

26、e design of our ordered goods be exactly the same as that of the sample we sent you.我方户需要此货供圣诞节用所定货物务须于月底前抵达13) Our customers require the goods for Christmas .It is imperative that the ordered goods reach us by the end of November我方客户需此货供圣诞节用。所定货物无须于月底前抵达14) This order must be filled within six week

27、s ,otherwise we will have to cancel the order .此定单必须在周内交货,否则我们将不得不撤消定单)We are pleased to confirm your order of July 11 for 1,000dozen silk handkerchiefs.现高兴地确认你方月Sentences Commonly Used on Acceptance and Contract (接受与签约常用句型)(1)We refer to the telegrams exchanged between us in the last few years,and

28、are pleased to confirm having finalized the following transaction with you 。查阅你我之间近几年来的来往电报,现很高兴确认与你方已达成了如下交易。(2)We are glad to have finalized/put though/closed/concluded this transaction/business with you 。我们很高兴与你方达成了这笔交易。(3)We have the pleasure of confirming the following trial order :我们很高兴确认如下试订订

29、单。(4)Although your price is below our level,we accept,as an exception,your order with a view to initiating business with you 。尽管你方价格低于我方报价,但是我门破例接受了你方订货是为了开始我们之间的业务。(5)In pursuance of our telegram of July 15 in which we confirmed our acceptance of your Order No、, we give you below for good order sak

30、e, full details of the goods ordered and prices as well as terms of payment. 继我方7月15日去电其中我们已接受你方xxx号订货,现寄送我方如下所订货物的详细情况以及价格和支付条款。(6)As a result of the recent exchange of cables between us,we confirm having booked your Order No。369 on the terms and conditions set forth in the enclosed S/C NO。939, in

31、duplicate,one copy of which please sign and return to us for our file。 由我们双方之间最近来往电报而的结果:我们确认按照39号销售确认书所规定的条款和要件,已接受你方69号订货。现随函附寄该书一式两份,其中一份请签署后退回予我方以便存档。(7)“No pains,no gains 。”If it had not been for the strenuous efforts from both sides ,we wound not have come to this happy ending。 “一份耕耘,一份收获。”如果不

32、是双方的加倍努力,则不会有我们这样愉快的结局。(8) .We are happy to have concluded the business with you .Our work was not wasted .The time-taking negotiations were worth our while.很高兴与你方达成这笔交易,我们的工作不会白费。长时间的谈判和协商十分有价值。(9) We are pleased to enclose our Contract No.589 in two originals, one copy of which please counter-sigh

33、 and return to us for our records.很高兴随函附寄589号合同一式两份,请会签后退回一份予我方以便存档。(10) We attach hereto our Purchase Contract No.2986 in duplicate with our signature .Please check and countersign .Then return one copy to us for our file as soon as possible.现随函 附寄我方已签署的2986号购买合同一式两份。请查收并会签。然后请尽快退回我方一份以便存档。(11) The

34、 conclusion of the dealing is certainly not the ending .It is only the beginning ,and a good one ,of the long and friendly business relations between us .这次交易的达成肯定不是 一个结束,它仅仅是一个开端,一个我们之间良好的、长期的、友好的贸易关系的开端。(11) Enclose please find our Sales Contract No.986 in duplicate .If you find everything in orde

35、r ,please sign and return one copy for our files .现随函附上我方986号销售合同一式两份,请查收。如你方认为一切尚可,请签署后退还一份以便存档。(13)”A good beginning makes a good ending ,”we hope that from now on we shall enjoy a business relation profitable to both of us.“良好的开端,意味着良好的结束。”我们希望从、现在起,我们将有一个对双方有意的贸易关系。“(14)Please accept our offer a

36、nd confirm the above mentioned terms immediately.请即接受我方报盘,并尽快确认以上条款。(15) Enclose we are sending you Contract No.HX361 in duplicate ,one of which please sign and return to us by airmail.随信附寄HX号合同一式三份,请签署其中一份并空邮我方。 日定单,订购打丝绸手帕commonly used sentences on packing (包装常用句型)1) Please cable us your confirmat

37、ion,so we can pack the goods immediately.请来电确认,以便我方及时进行货物包装.2) We can meet your special requirements for packing but the extra packing charges should be by you .我们能满足你方对包装的特殊要求,但包装费用由你方负责.3) As a rule ,the buyer ought to bear the charges of packing .通常,包装费用由买方负担.4) Packing in sturdy wooden cases is

38、essential .cases must be nailed,battedned and secured by overall metal strapping.必须用坚实的木箱包装,装箱必须用铁钉钉好,用木板钉住,用一根铁皮钉牢。5)The outer packing should be strong enough for transportation .as to the inner packing ,it must be attractive and helpful to the sales 外包装应当坚实牢固,适于运输。至于内包装,必须能吸引人,且有助于销售。6)Please use

39、normal export containers unless you receive special instructions from our agents. 如果没有收到我方代理的特别说明,请用正常的出口集装箱。7)You will note that our packing has been greatly improved with the result that all our recent shipments have turned out to the satisfaction of our clients. 你方将注意到我方包装大有改进,其结果,我们的近期装运使顾客满意。8)

40、Exquisitely designed ,our new packing will catch the eye of the buying public and will certainly help the sales. 由于设计精湛,我们的新包装将引起广大顾客的注目,肯定有助于销售。9)You may rest assured that the packing is strong enough to withstand rough handing. 你方可以放心,我们的包装结实,足以经的起粗鲁的搬运。10)The details concerning packing and markin

41、g must be strictly observed. 关于包装及标志的细节,必须严格遵守。 11)The clients are especially concerned about the danger of damage to these goods while they are being transported. 顾客特别关注货物在运输途中有被损坏的危险。12)Effective measures must be taken to protect this product ,as it is particularly subject to breakable goods. 必须采取

42、有效措施保护这种产品,因为它属于特别容易破碎的货物。13)We usually pack each piece of mens shirt in a polybag , half dozen to a box and ten dozen to a wooden case. 我们通常把每一件男衬衣装入塑料袋内,半打装一盒,10打装一箱。14) We trust that you will agree to our opinion and accept our manner of packing. 我们相信,你们将同意我们的观点,接受我们的包装方式。15) For dangerous and po

43、isonous cargo ,the nature and generally adopted symbol shall be marked conspicuously on each package.对危险品及有毒的货物,应在每件货物上明显标出有关标记及性质说明。 Commonly Used Sentences on Shipment:.(装运常用句型)1) We should be glad if you could manage to ship the goods by S/S East Wind sailing from July 1st.如果你方能尽量将货装东风轮并于月日起航,我方将

44、深感荣欣。)Please ship the first lot under Contract No.123by s/s Long March scheduled to sail on or about May 2nd.请将号合同下的第一批货装长征号轮,并安排于月日左右起航。)We shall appreciate it if you will effect shipment as soon as possible ,thus enabling our buyers to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season.如你方能尽快装船,则非常

45、感激,这样可以使我方客房在季节初赶上需求的高峰期。)We trust you will see to it that the order is shipped within the stipulated time ,as any delay would cause us no little inconvenience.我方相信,你方一定注意做到将定货于所规定的时间内装运,因为任何延期将给我方带来不便。) trust you will make all necessary arrangements to deliver the goods in time .我们相信,你们将作好一切必需的安排,按

46、时交货。) You will please do your very best to hasten shipment. We hope that by the time you receive the letter ,you will have the goods ready for shipment.请你方尽最大的努力加快装运。我们希望你方收到信用证时已将货物备妥待运。) It has to be stressed that shipment must be made within the prescribed time limit ,as a further extension will

47、not be considerd/我方不得不强调说明,装船必须在规定的期限内进行,因为不会再考虑任何展期问题。) It is stipulated that shipment should be made before .and ,if possible ,we should appreciate your arranging to ship the goods at an earlier date.按规定,装船应在。前进行,如有可能,你方能安排早日发货为感。) We greatly regret the delay ,which has been due to circumstance beyond our control.我方对出现了不可抗力的情况而引起的装船延迟深表歉意。)Please amend the covering letter of credit to


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