1、U11. conscience良知We have undertaken to get the poor off our conscience.2. republic 共和3. Aliment 疾病An imbalance between the rich and the poor is the oldest and most fatal aliments of republics.4. Intellectual有思想的5. Preoccupation孜孜不倦And the problems that arise from the continuing coexistence of afflue
2、nce and poverty have been an intellectual preoccupation for centuries.6. Virtue 美德Virtue is,indeed must be,self-centered.7. to repair to 到.去(成群或经常去)Couples in love should repair to R.H. Macys.8. Design解决方法Of our current designs we have to get the poor off.,the first is.9. Case情况,做法Still,the case is
3、made that there is something gravely damaging about aid to the unfortunate.10. belief 信念11. Convenience 便利Belief can be the servant of truth-but even more convenience.12. High circle 高层He is enjoying,as indicted,unparalleled popularity in high Washington circles.13. To augment增加,增大It appears to argu
4、ment or diminish the happiness.14. Fecundity生育It was a product of their excessive fecundity.15. Amelioration解决The rich was not responsible for either its creation or its amelioration.16. Undue过度The marriage ceremony contains a warning against undue.17. overriding 最重要的The overriding rule was survival
5、 of the fittest.18. Extrude灭亡The weak and unfortunate being extruded.19. amorphous 无定形的,无组织的We passed on to the more amorphous denial of poverty.20. Enterprise行业it has become an economically not unrewarding enterprise.21. Succor援助22. Louse up把.弄糟It must not be asked to succor the poor; it will only
6、louse things up or make things worse.23. Allegation指责The allegation of government incompetence is associated with.24. Replete庞大的We have great corporate bureaucracies replete with corporate bureaucrats.25. Aberration失常When these aberrations have occurred.26. Seduce诱惑27. Gainful赚钱的It seduces people aw
7、ay from gainful employment.28. Feckless无能的,不负责任的They transfer income to idle and feckless.29. Celebrated聚集So are the philosophers now celebrated in Washington30. SpurThe poor must have the cruel spur of their own.31. Triage分类,救济的先后原则By a triage,the worth would be selected to survive.Unit21. stake a
8、claim安家落户My father stake a claim on an offshore island.2. Brittle脆Papa liked his corn bread made campfire style and flatted out into a brittle cracker.3. Academy初中4. Ranch农场When papa finished school at the academy there,he worked as a cowboy on a ranch5. Mean不重要的By age 30,no mean job in those days.6
9、. gentle folk家族We had made our home for a year where my mothers gentle folks had settled.7. Roost鸡舍.and provide a roost for the chickens.8. key up兴奋We had been keyed up for this adventure.9. Cutlery餐具There were dutch ovens,tin cups and cutlery.10. strike camp 收起帐篷Sometimes we strike camp early enoug
10、h for papa.11. what with因为Papa had given each of us a pole,and what with six of us fishing.12. Lush繁茂的13. Hammock硬木群落14. Burly结实的These lush hammocks were green with ferns.The burly arms of the oak .15. Invalid生病的This merciless man had an invalid wife whom he adored.16. Trepidation恐惧,忧虑Not without tr
11、epidation,papa.17. Stranglehold恶霸行为18. Crook骗子The stranglehold Watson had over this section of Florida was not dissimilar to the unscrupulous activities of certain lawmen,other legal crooks.19. Blind隐蔽处所Papa fired the shotgun several times from behind the blind he had built.20. UnrelentingDespite th
12、e unrelenting heat.无情的Papa was unrelenting.不屈不挠的21. Mite微小的东西22. Wig假发When papa brought the tiny mite into the kitchen,I thought it was a doll with a curly wig.23. to draw a bead on瞄准Two boys.capable hands and a bead drawn down on the man24.nonchalant若无其事的All he saw were two nonchalant little boys.2
13、5. Strident刺耳的Watson became more and more strident.Lesson 3A 1.blanket 以厚层覆盖Noxious flames of smog blanket over major cities;2. niche 生态位Great forests have been cut down, destroying ecological niches and their resident species.3. elaborate adj 复杂的,详尽的,精心制作的This expresses the fact that the ecosphere
14、is an elaborate network, in which each component part is linked to many others.4. property 性质,性能Defined so narrowly, it is no surprise that cars have properties that are hostile to their environment.5. progressively 持续稳定地,逐步地Year by year, less and less of the applied fertilizer was taken up by the c
15、rop and progressively more drained through the soil into groundwater, in the form of nitrates that contaminated river, lakes and water supplier.6. closed 封闭的,关着的,不公开的For example, the participating chemical elements move through closed cyclical process. B. 7.unwitting 不知情的,糊里糊涂的,无意的Even droughts, flo
16、ods, and heat waves may become unwitting acts of man.8. to portend 预兆,预示,预告(坏事)Like the creation, the portending global events are cosmic.9. Mundane 单调的,平凡的We have become accustomed to the now mundane image of the Earth as seen from the first expedition to the moon.10. Esoteric 秘传的,难懂的Even if the gl
17、obal warming catastrophe never materializes, and the ozone hole remains an esoteric, polar phenomenon, already human activity has profoundly altered global conditions in ways that may not register on the camera.11. carcinogenic 致癌的Carcinogenic synthetic pesticides have been detected in mothers milk
18、all over the world.12. Habitat 栖息地,产地 parasite 寄生物,寄生菌The habitat of parasites; the fish hawks prey.13. Existential = based on 存在的The fish is not only, Existentially, a fish, but also an element of this network, which defines its functions.14. To excrete 排泄The fish excrete nitrogen-containing organi
19、c compounds in their waste.15. to metabolize (使)产生新陈代谢When the waste is metabolized by aquatic bacteria and molds, the organic nitrogen is converted to nitrate.16. To ingest 摄入,食入,咽下These, ingested by the fish, contribute to their organic waste, and the cycle is complete.17. Innocuously 无害地,无毒地Synth
20、etic organic chemistry began innocuously enough about 150 years ago with the laboratory production of a common natural substance-urea-but soon departed from this imitative approach to produce a huge array of organic compounds never found in nature.18. biodegradable 能进行生物降解的Unlike a natural polymer s
21、uch as cellulose, is not biodegradable-that is, there is no enzyme in any known living organism that can break it down.19. parody 拙劣的模仿In a parody of the “free market”, to buy and sell these rights.20. Marauder 掠夺战利品的人,掠夺者Protect all other species from the human marauder by endowing them with “right
22、s”.21. Curator 监护人A woman who uses time saved by buying bread instead of baking it in order to work as a curator in an urban museum.Lesson 4 A tle 荨麻And what I thought were flowering nettles with pinkish-purple clusters, and wild asters.2. penned 围栏Our well was deeper than most, but we needed a good
23、 supply of water for our penned animals-my father raised silver foxes and mink.3. boarding house 旅馆,寄宿公寓Who lived with him in hotel rooms or boarding houses, wherever he was working, and who went to whatever school was at hand.4. Cab 出租车Mike and I climbed into the cab when it rained.5. To dress 包扎So
24、 that she could drag him away and dress his wounds as quickly as possible.6. Belly button 肚脐To his pale tender stomach, with its sweet and vulnerable belly button.7. To dovetail 与。吻合Our pregnancies had dovetailed, so that we had managed with one set of maternity clothes.8. Blowup 爆发At last a blowup.
25、9. Club 棍棒I had an idea that some of the clubs were called irons and that the course itself was called the links.10. To parcel about 定期到来Of course, the children, who were to be parcelled about.B.11. Crabby 脾气暴躁The maples friendly, the hawthorn old and crabby.12. Pit 凹坑Even the pits on the river flat
26、s had their distinct character.13. Scummy 长满浮渣的Slipping on the scummy rocks below the surface.14. To plow 犁,耕地And plowing through mats of flat-leafed water lilies.15. To zing 发尖啸声There was a keen alarm when the cry came, a wire zinging through your body,a fanatic feeling of devotion.16. Slimy 粘滑的He
27、lay limp and still while I pressed slimy large leaves to his forehead and throat.17. Resurrection 复活,复兴The game disintegrated, after a long while, in arguments and mass resurrection.18. Thump 砰砰声 howl 咆哮My heart was beating in big thumps, like howls happening in my chest.19. Newfangled 新奇And I had m
28、oved for the newfangled reason that was proved of only in some special circles.20. Deli 便利店I stopped cooking breakfast and went out every morning to get coffee and fresh rolls at the Italian deli.21. Sun porch 由玻璃围起的房子I would sit and write for hours at a wooden table under the windows of a former su
29、n porch.22. Veranda 走廊,阳台The bricks of the house showed a scar where a veranda had been torn away.23. Tromping 嬉闹Sunnys boys were tromping around in the yard.24. Beguiled 欺骗,欺诈The notion of being a wife beguiled me, just as if I had never been one.25. Clubhouse 俱乐部Soon after that we pulled into the
30、parking lot beside the clubhouse.26.splatter 噼噼啪啪的雨It was the real rain, coming at us behind the splatter we were getting.27. to squish 挤落Our lips slid against each other, slick and cool, and the pressure of the embrace made us slightly chilly, as fresh water was squished out of our clothing.28. wel
31、t 伤痕 blotch 污迹On an early weekend the boys had gone down into the weedy field behind the barn and come back covered with welts and blotches.Lesson five1. To approach 着手处理,对付Approachable 和蔼可亲的,能达到的What mattered equally was the spirit in which these settlers approached the economic and social challeng
32、es offered by the environment.2. Faith 信任,信念,信心Faithful 忠诚的,如实的,可信赖的Faithfully 准确地,如实地Faithless 不忠诚的,不可信任的One factor was the deep faith in education.4. To report 报道,公布,发表,宣布Reportage 新闻报道,报道风格,报道文体Reportedly 据说,据报道These words accurately report the American national experience.5. Intelligences 智力,才智I
33、ntelligent 有才智的,聪明的 intelligentlyIdeology has attracted some of the strongest intelligences mankind has produced6. To condition 对.具有重要影响Conditional 附带条件的 conditioning 训练,条件作用The American mind was conditioned by one of the noblest and most formidable structures of analysis ever devised.7. To translat
34、e (使)转变,变为Translation 转变,转化 Translator 译员To translate Americanism into a set of binding propositions.8. Temper 心情,情绪,心境Indeed,the whole ideological enterprise contradicted Jeffersons temper,which was basically flexible and experimental.9. Free 能随自己意愿的,随心所欲A universe where free ,men may find partial
35、truths,but where no mortal man will ever get an absolute grip on Absolute Truth.10. To betray 辜负,背叛,对.不忠Betrayal (被)背叛,出卖The history of the twentieth century is a record of the manifold ways in which humanity has been betrayed by ideology.1. epoch 时代,纪元,时期In an epoch dominated by the aspirations of
36、new states for national development.2. Underdevelopment 不发达It is instructive to recall that the United States itself began as an underdevelopment country.3. To attribute 把.归因于,认为.是由于Attribution 4. Productivity 生产率Economic historians attribute two-thirds of the growth in American output over the cent
37、uries of American development to increases in productivity.5. tangible 有形的TangiblyA rupee devoted to railways,dams,machine tools,or other tangible capital goods.7. Dogmatic 自以为是的,教条的,武断的 dogmatism 教条主义But fundamental to all of these,and perhaps the single most important explanation the comparative s
38、peed of American development,has been the national rejection of dogmatic preconceptions about the nature of the social and economic order.8. Dogma 教义,信条By ideology I mean a body of systematic and rigid dogma by which people seek to understand the world.9. Temptation 引诱,诱惑Nor can one suggest that Ame
39、ricans have been consistently immune to the ideological temptation.10. theology 神学,宗教学11. Intellect 智力高的人12. Secular 世俗的Calvinist theology ,and any intellect so shaped was bound to have certain vulnerability to secular ideology ever after.13. to endow 天生赋有Endowment 天赋,天资14. creed 信念,原则15. Americanis
40、m 美国特色16. To construe 理解,领会There have been hedgehogs throughout American history who have attempted to endow America with an all-inclusive creed,to translate Americanism into a set of binding propositions,and to construe the national tradition in terms of one of another ultimate law,17. spectrum 范围,
41、各层次,序列,幅度It has not permitted dogma to falsify reality,imprison experience,or narrow the spectrum of choice.18. Skepticism 怀疑论,怀疑的态度This skepticism about ideology has been a primary source of the social inventiveness which has marked so much of development.19. empirical 以实验为依据的,经验主义20. Pragmatic 实用的
42、,讲求实效的The most vital American social thought has been empirical,practical,pragmatic.21. freehold (房地产)自由保有That the small freehold system was the only foundation for freedom.22. Salient 最重要的,显著的,突出的It is a model derived from actuality,a model designed to isolate certain salient features of actuality
43、which the model builder,the ideologist,regards as of crucial importance.24. discourse 论文,演讲In fact,we could not conduct discourse without them.26. fatalistic 宿命论It commits those who believe in ideology to a fatalistic view of history.27. custody 监护,保管Custodial 监护权的 custodian 监护人28. Infallible 永无过失的,
44、一贯正确的29. Priesthood 牧师Whose principles are fixed,whose values and objectives are deducible from a central body of social dogma and often whose central dogma is confided to the custody of an infallible priesthood.30. Streaming 流动It is his belief that the world as a whole can be understood from a sing
45、le viewpoint that everything in the abundant and streaming life of man is reducible to a single abstract system of interpretation.31. Contingency 可能发生的事,偶发事件A universe marked by growth,variety,ambiguity,mystery,and contingency33. Instrumentality 手段,工具The world is coming to understand that the mixed
46、economy offered the instrumentalities through which one can unite social control with individual freedom.34. Predestined 命中注定的,上天安排的Along a single predestined line,toward a single predestined conclusion,and those who think that humanity in the future.35. Infirmity 体弱,生病They accept the limitations of
47、 the human intellect and the infirmity of the human spirit.Unit 61. prop n.道具Ifoundmyselfcastsuddenlyintheroleofpigsfriendandphysician-afarcicalcharacterwithanenemabagforaprop(vt.支撑,支持)2. even adv.甚至;更加;Iwantednointerruptionintheregularityoffeeding,thesteadinessofgrowth,theevensuccessionofdays.(vt.使
48、平坦;使相等;vi.变平;成为相等;)3. to upset vt.弄翻;使翻倒Mysonreacheddown,grabbedbothfrontlegs,upsethimquickly,andwhenheopenedhismouthtoscreamIturnedtheoilintohisthroat-apink,corrugatedareaIhadneverseenbefore.(n.翻倒,颠覆;心烦意乱;混乱;adj.混乱的;被推翻的,被弄翻的;心烦的,(肠胃)不舒服的; upsetting adj.令人心烦意乱的令人苦恼的;)4. spell n.一段时间;Wehadbeenhaving
49、anunseasonablespellofweather-hot,closedays,withthefogshuttingineverynight,scalingforafewhoursinmidday,thencreepingbackagainatdark,(vt.拼写;导致,意味着;组成(一个词)的字母是;vi.轮替;n.符咒,咒语;魅力;spelling n.拼写;拼法;spellbind vt.用符咒迷惑,迷住,使入迷;)5. scale v.消退Wehadbeenhavinganunseasonablespellofweather-hot,closedays,withthefogsh
50、uttingineverynight,scalingforafewhoursinmidday,thencreepingbackagainatdark,(n.规模; v.测量;攀登; 刮去的鳞片;scales n.缩放;天平;scalar adj.标量的,数量的;)6. earnest n.热心;诚挚;thestuffthatgoesintothetroughandisreceivedwithsuchenthusiasmisanearnestofsomelaterfeastofhisown,andwhenthissuddenlycomestoanendandthefoodliesstaleand
51、untouched,(adj.热心的;诚挚的,真挚的;重要的;earnest n.认真,真挚;坚定;急切;)7. irrigation n. 灌肠Whentheenemabagappeared,andthebucketofwarmsuds,hishappinesswascomplete,andhemanagedtosqueezehisenormousbodybetweenthetwolowestrailsoftheyardandthenassumedfullchargeoftheirrigation.(irrigate vt.灌溉;冲洗(伤口);使清新;irrigational 1. 灌溉的2
52、. 水利的)8. dispatch n.(使者等的)派遣;急件;迅速办理,快速处理; Butevenso,therewasadirectnessanddispatchaboutanimalburial,Ithought,thatmadeitamoredecentaffairthanhumanburial:(dispatching(迅速地)发出;迅速处理;)9. wake (a wake of 巨大的)throwingourweightintotheharnessandleavingawakeofcrushedgrassandsmoothedrubbleoverthedump,ourswasab
53、usinesslikeprocession,(waken v(使)觉醒;(使)振奋;激发;觉醒;鼓舞;醒来;awake adj.醒着的;警惕的;v唤醒;唤起;觉悟)10. vital adj.维持生命所必需的Inoticedthatalthoughheweighedfarlessthanthepig,hewashardertodrag,beingpossessedofthevitalspark.(vitality n.活力;生气;生命力;持久性;vitalize vt.赋予生命;给予生命;使有生气;激发;vitalization n.赋予生命)11. farcical adj.荒唐的,荒谬的,
54、可笑的;Ifoundmyselfcastsuddenlyintheroleofpigsfriendandphysician-afarcicalcharacterwithanenemabagforaprop.12. slapstick n.闹剧,趣剧;Thiswasslapstick-thesortofdramatictreatmentwhichinstantlyappealedtomyolddachshund,13. vigil n.守夜Fred,whojoinedthevigil,heldthebag,and,whenallwasover,presidedattheinterment.14. interment n.埋葬Fred,whojoinedthevigil,heldtheba
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