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1、“121”学导式高效课堂教学模式解读学导式高效课堂教学模式解读 (小学英语)(小学英语)垫江教师进修校 谢晓燕“121”学导式高效课堂教学模式是建设卓越课堂的学导式高效课堂教学模式是建设卓越课堂的具体体现具体体现 什么是什么是“卓越课堂卓越课堂”?“卓越课堂卓越课堂”是指按照新课程改革的要求,坚持德育是指按照新课程改革的要求,坚持德育为先、全面发展、能力为重、以人为本、与时俱进,为先、全面发展、能力为重、以人为本、与时俱进,突出突出“一切为了每一位学生的发展一切为了每一位学生的发展”的核心理念,的核心理念,转变教师教学方式和学生学习方式,建立师生转变教师教学方式和学生学习方式,建立师生学习共同

2、体,彰显多元、开放、包容的课堂教学文化,学习共同体,彰显多元、开放、包容的课堂教学文化,最大程度地优化教学环境、教学内容、教学方法与手最大程度地优化教学环境、教学内容、教学方法与手段,形成最优化的课堂形态,全面提高课堂教学效率段,形成最优化的课堂形态,全面提高课堂教学效率和育人质量。和育人质量。影响高效课堂的因素:影响高效课堂的因素:1教师教师- 引导式教学引导式教学2 学生学生- 主体式学习主体式学习3 课堂课堂-当堂自学、同伴助学、活动展学、当堂自学、同伴助学、活动展学、互动评学、教师导学、检测达标互动评学、教师导学、检测达标一一 教师教师- Learning teaching首先看个公式

3、:首先看个公式:教学质量教学质量=学生学生1分分+教材教材2分分+环环境境4分分+教法教法3分分教师素质(?)教师素质(?)1 What is learning teaching? There is a kind of teaching that is also a kind of learning - a learning teaching.1) A step towards being a learning teacher Be uncertain !2) Teacher development - read new ideas in magazines and try them out.

4、- write an article for a magazine - go to a conference or a seminar.-go to a confernce and give a talk about what you have been working on in class.- learn about a completely different approach.- discuss what you are doing with other teachers.-make an agreement with a colleague to observe each other

5、s lessons.-find a way to get involved in some in-service teacher training.-specialise( e.g. computers business, self-access centres, music, etc.3) Teacher development groups and assosiations The quality of the progress you make in teaching is partly to do with other people.4) How can I change ? In o

6、rder to grow ,We need to remain open to the possibilityof change . That may be difficult, for change is risky and potentially threatening. It can feel safer to stay fixed ,unmoving .But this means ,week by week , hour by hour ,We grow staleand our lessons grow tired -recreations of old .dead lessons

7、 ,rather than new , living ones.2 Observe lessons Observation is a common feature of teacher-training courses and is a part of in-service teacher support in many schools. Observation Tasks:(见资料)(见资料) 1) Classroom snapshot 2) Teachers and learners 3) Classromm interaction 4) Thoughts and questions 5)

8、 Stolen goods3 Studying your own teaching :feedback, reflection and action research4 Language and people remember:1) As a teacher ,Dont lose touch with the fact that people need language to communicate with other people. 2) As teachers ,our major contribution to life and toeducation is to help other

9、s find their own way towardstheir own solutions within their own lives.二 学生:“121”学导式高效课堂教学模式 基本内涵基本内涵基本方式基本方式 独学、对学、群学、导学、评学独学、对学、群学、导学、评学基本过程基本过程 “当堂自学、同伴助学、活动展学、当堂自学、同伴助学、活动展学、互动评学、教师导学、检测达标互动评学、教师导学、检测达标” 如何实现学生的学习:如何实现学生的学习: (一) 有效地选择和使用教学策略 选择和使用教学策略应遵循以下原则: (1)策略和方法要与学习目标学习目标相一致 (2)策略和方法要与教学对象

10、的规模规模相适应(一人、两人 还是小组) (3)策略和方法要与学生的认知认知风格相适应 表表1-1 教学策略与不同学习领域的学习效果教学策略与不同学习领域的学习效果学习学习领域领域教学策略认认知知情情感技技能低水平低水平高水高水平平低水平低水平高水平高水平低水平低水平高水平高水平讲授演示讨论讨论辩论辩论问答问答看录像看录像专题讨论专题讨论操作实验操作实验游戏游戏头脑风暴头脑风暴角色扮演角色扮演模仿模仿表表1-2 不同教学策略与学生的参与水平不同教学策略与学生的参与水平教学策略教学策略参与程度参与程度教学策略教学策略参与程度参与程度讲授低游戏游戏高演示低或高头脑风暴头脑风暴高讨论低角色扮演角色扮

11、演高辩论辩论高模仿模仿高问答中案例学习中看录像中作业、任务作业、任务高操作实验中案例案例 1 1 让学生尽快熟悉彼此的姓名让学生尽快熟悉彼此的姓名三年级第一节英语课上学了My name is. Your name is .可分组练习步骤1,S1将荷包扔给S2说My name is. S2-S3同样说My name is.,.步骤2 S1-S2S时说Your name is .,S2-S3.步骤3 请一个volunteer将荷包分别扔给小组内所有成员同时说Your name is .,然后换volunteer重复这个活动。如果老师接到荷包也参与其中。案例2: 通过“分享”活动练习听、说、读、写(

12、即语言技能也就是“学以致用”)如:学了自我介绍”,教师可以设计“分享”活动1,将学生分成4人小组,每组成员分别用5个句子介绍自己,内容包括:姓名、性别、年龄、年级、爱好;2 每个学生开始写自我介绍,时间3M;3 S A读给SB听、写,SC读给SD听、写;4 SB读给SC听、写,SD读给SA听、写;5 SA用第三人称向SB复述SD的内容,SC用第三人称向SD复述SB的内容;6 .(如果是低年级就只是复述 不写)(二(二 )班级活动()班级活动(Classroom activities)1 Running an activity (活动设计) Activity route map1) Before

13、 the lesson:familiarise yourself with the material and activity; prepare any materials or texts you need.2) In class: lead -in / prepare for the activity.3) Set up the activity (or section of activity),i.e. give instructions, make groupings,etc.4) Run the activity (or section): students do the activ

14、ity,maybe in pairs or small groups while you monitor and help.5) Close the activity(or section)and invite feedback from the students.6) Post activity : do any appropriate follow-on work.看一看每一步可以怎么做看一看每一步可以怎么做(1 1) Before the lesson(Before the lesson(略)略)(2 2) Lead-in /Preparation Lead-in /Preparatio

15、n This may be to help raise motivation or interest This may be to help raise motivation or interest (e.g. discussion of a picture related to the topic), (e.g. discussion of a picture related to the topic), or perhaps to focus on language items (e.g. items of or perhaps to focus on language items (e.

16、g. items of vocabulary vocabulary ) that might be useful in the activity.) that might be useful in the activity. Typical lead-ins are: Typical lead-ins are:Show /draw a picture connected to the topic.Show /draw a picture connected to the topic. Ask questions. Ask questions. Write up /read out a sent

17、ence stating a viewpornt. Write up /read out a sentence stating a viewpornt. Elicit reactions. Elicit reactions. Tell a short personal anecdote related to the subject. Tell a short personal anecdote related to the subject. Ask students if they have ever been /seen/done/etc. Ask students if they have

18、 ever been /seen/done/etc. Hand out a short text related to the topic. Students read the text and comment. Play devils advocate and make a strong /controversial statement (e.g. I think smoking is very good for people) that students will be motivated to challenge/argue about. Write a key word (maybe

19、the topic name) in the centre of a word-cloud on the board and elicit vocabulary from students which is added to board.3) Setting up the activity Organise the studends so that they can do the activity or section.(This may involve making pairs or groups,moving the seating,etc.). Give clear instructio

20、ns for the activity .A demonstration or example is usually much more effective than a long explanation. You may wish to check back that the instructions have been understood . In some activities ,it may be useful to allow some individual work (e.g. thinking through a problem, listing answers, etc.)

21、before the students get together with others. 4) Running the activity Monitor . .without too much further interference. Dont rush in to save them too quickly or too eagerly.5) Closing the activity To close properly To judge when to close the activity to give a time warning if you want to close the a

22、ctivity6) Post-activity (三(三 ) 展学、展学、 评学、评学、 导学导学-形式形式 Compare answers / opinions. Anticipate(预测)- Before class, you anticipate what the main language problems will be and prepare a mini-presentation on these areas. To appoint a spokesperson. To exchange and compare their answers . To get a student

23、to come up front and manage the answer-checking To collect in all answer sheets then redistribute them for collecting Collect ones answer ,then the student collect others Divide the board up into spaces for answers and throw pens to different students to write their answers on 三三 课堂课堂-当堂自学、同伴助学、活动展学

24、、当堂自学、同伴助学、活动展学、互动评学、教师导学、检测达标互动评学、教师导学、检测达标(一)(一) 课堂管理课堂管理- Classroom management- Classroom management1 What is classroom management? 即 创造学习条件 学习氛围 学习环境2 Classroom interaction e.g. 1) Students shoud get most conversationpractice in interacting with other learnersrather than with the teacher.(Ss-Ss

25、,s-s ,S-Ss) 2) Ss usually learn best by trying things out and finding out what works .(自己操作) 3) The teacher shoud speak as little as possible in classroom time.(教师少讲)建议建议多问少解释 留时间学生听,思考,做做到真正倾听增加学生说的机会(Students Talking Time)尽量用肢体语言代替教师不必要的说话允许学生完成自己的语句充分利用pairs ,small groups 给学生最大练习说的机会。鼓励学生之间的交流而不是

26、学生与老师之间3 Seating -根据需根据需-要调整座位要调整座位4 Giving instructions 怎样给出清晰的指令?怎样给出清晰的指令?1) 明白你自己的指令明白你自己的指令 2)尽量用简单、清晰的语言,简单的语句表达关键的信息尽量用简单、清晰的语言,简单的语句表达关键的信息 (少说废话(少说废话 e.g Im giving you a piece of paper) 3) 尽量用指令、眼神、肢体语言等把学生从闲谈尽量用指令、眼神、肢体语言等把学生从闲谈 打闹中吸引过来打闹中吸引过来4)尽可能示范而不是解释)尽可能示范而不是解释5)尽量检查学生是否明白你的意图而不是认为)尽量

27、检查学生是否明白你的意图而不是认为-(如(如 让一两个学生让一两个学生 告诉你要干什么)告诉你要干什么)6) 创建一套简单、固定、学生明白的指令(如、)创建一套简单、固定、学生明白的指令(如、)如何吸引学生的注意力如何吸引学生的注意力建议:和尽可能多的学生进行眼神交流建议:和尽可能多的学生进行眼神交流 固定一种你想要说话时的手势语言固定一种你想要说话时的手势语言 等待等待 不要看起来没有耐心或者很着急,要有耐心地不要看起来没有耐心或者很着急,要有耐心地扫视每个学生扫视每个学生 把聚焦学生的注意力当做一种享受,耐心等待把聚焦学生的注意力当做一种享受,耐心等待他们把目光和注意力放在你讲的内容上。他

28、们把目光和注意力放在你讲的内容上。 总之,教师需要树立自己的权威,控制你声音,总之,教师需要树立自己的权威,控制你声音,说而不是吼叫控制你说的数量和质量,尽可能用简单说而不是吼叫控制你说的数量和质量,尽可能用简单 清清晰语言晰语言。5 Participate , Monitor or Vanish6Gestures7 Using the board well8 Board drawing 9 Eliciting (引出)引出) -即从学生已有的知识、见闻等引出信息,即从学生已有的知识、见闻等引出信息,知识或想法。知识或想法。 引出的一般步骤:一,教师用图片、手势语、引出的一般步骤:一,教师用图

29、片、手势语、或者问题向学生或者问题向学生 表达想法或者主意。二,然后学生表达想法或者主意。二,然后学生给出他们的语言、信息、想法。给出他们的语言、信息、想法。 三三 教师给他们反馈教师给他们反馈 11 Intuition (直觉)直觉)12 How to prevent learning-some popular techniques Here some ways that teachers unintentionally hinder or prevent learning .(教师的一些无意识地教师的一些无意识地妨碍和阻碍学生学习的行为)妨碍和阻碍学生学习的行为)e.g 1)T T T (

30、Teacher Talking Time) 2) Echo (重复)(重复)- e.g S: I went to the cinema .T: You went to the cinema . Good. You went to the cinema. 3) Complicated and unclear instructions(复杂和不清楚的指令)复杂和不清楚的指令) 4) Not checking understanding of instructions(没检查学生对你的指令是否理解)没检查学生对你的指令是否理解) 5)Over helping/ over-organising “121”学导式高效课堂教学模式学导式高效课堂教学模式 操作流程操作流程课前准备精编学案精编学案引导自学引导自学预习课本完成学案课堂教学教师活动学生活动学生活动自主学习导入课题展示目标独立思考找出疑难合作探究合作探究视导讨论视导讨论布置展评布置展评合作交流讨论解疑成果交流成果交流展评设疑精讲点拨展示点评质疑升华巩固提升巩固提升评价激励评价激励达标检测达标检测“121”学导式高效课堂教学模式 导学案模板见word文档教学设计教学设计一 Planning is a thinking skill- It involves


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