1、Book 1-Words to Learn-Unit 4 (Teacher Use)Unit 4 In-depth Reading The Gift of GivingVocabulary Preparation 1. glow v. 色彩强烈,绚丽夺目;发红,发热 glow with sth. 色彩强烈,绚丽夺目;发红,发热(因运动后或情绪激动)* 郊野焕发出斑斓的秋色。 The countryside glowed with autumn colors.* She gazed at him, glowing with pride and joy. Chinese meaning: 她看着他
2、,感到骄傲而又快乐。 2. special adj. 特殊的,特别的;重要的 * 没人受到特殊待遇。 Nobody received special treatment. * His second daughter has a special place in his heart. Chinese meaning: 他的二女儿在他心目中的很重要。 specially adv. 特别地;专门地specialty n. 专业,专长;特产;特性specialize v. 专门从事,使专门化 3. survive v. 经历(某事物)幸存* 这次飞机失事只有两名乘客幸免于难。Only two pass
3、engers survived the air-crash. v. 继续存在* Many strange customs have survived from earlier times. Chinese meaning: 许多古老的习俗源远流长。v. 比活得长* She survived her husband by 10 years.Chinese meaning: 她比她丈夫多活了10年。survival n.幸存;遗老,旧风俗survivor n. 幸存者,生还者 4. afford v. 买得起,负担得起 (can/ could/be able to)afford sth./ aff
4、ord to do sth. 有时间、空间或钱等去做 * 他们走着去的,因为坐不起出租车。They walked because they couldnt afford (to take) a taxi. * I mustnt annoy my boss because I cant afford to lose my job. Chinese meaning: 我可不敢得罪老板因为我丢不起这份工作。v. 给予,提供 afford (sb.) an opportunity/ chance (to do) (给某人)提供机会affordable adj. 负担得起的 affordable hou
5、sing5. rent n. 租金 high/low/reasonable etc rent高/低/价格合理的租金* 我每月初交房租。 I pay the rent at the beginning of every month.v. 租借,租用;出租rent sth. from sb. 向某人租 rent sth. (out) to sb.把租给 rent at/ for sth. 以一定租金出租* She rents two rooms (out) to students. Chinese meaning: 她把两个房间出租给学生了。* 这儿的房子月租至少3000元。 Houses her
6、e rent for at least RMB 3000 a month.6. expense n. 花费,支出,代价at the expense of ab./sth.在有损的情况下 at sb.s expense 由付费* Julies parents had spared no expense for her wedding. Chinese meaning: 朱利的父母为了她的婚礼不惜一切费用。* 他创建的企业很成功,但这一切却损害了他的健康。He built up a successful business but it was all done at the expense of
7、his health.* 编辑出钱款待了我们。We were entertained at the editors expense.7. barely adv. 几乎不;仅仅,勉强* 我们几乎来不及赶火车。 We barely had time to catch the train. * She had barely finished his coffee when Henry returned.Chinese meaning: 她刚刚喝完咖啡,亨利就回来了。8. cover v. 代替某人工作、履行职责等* 简休假时我替补她工作。Ill cover for Jane while shes o
8、n holiday.v. 覆盖;掩饰;掩护* She laughed to cover her anxiety. Chinese meaning: 她试图以笑来掩饰她的焦虑。* 我前进时,你来掩护!Cover me while I move forward!v.(钱)够用;走(一段路程)* 奖金应该足以支付她的学费。The award should be enough to cover her tuition fees.n. 覆盖物;盖子;封面;庇护所* 一个塑料盖子 a plastic cover* 杂志封面上画着一匹马。 The magazine had a picture of a ho
9、rse on its cover. * There was nowhere we could take cover from the storm.Chinese meaning: 我们没有地方躲避这场风暴。9. plain adj. 清楚的;率直的;朴素的,普通的;相貌平平的 make oneself plain表达清楚* 你已经把你的感受表达的很清楚了。 Youve made your feelings plain enough. * 你要再这样做,就会受到重罚。听明白了吗? If you do that again you will be severely punished. Do I m
10、ake myself plain?* 这是一件普通但很雅致的裙子。 This is a plain but elegant dress. * She is a shy, rather plain girl with a pale complexion.Chinese meaning: 她是一个害羞,相貌平平,脸色苍白的女孩儿。n. 大平原,草原* Little mountain stream is dashing down to the plain. Chinese meaning: 小山涧奔腾而下,流向平原。10. sink v. 下沉,沉没;低落 ones heart sinks/ one
11、s spirits sink情绪低落* 孩子们看着硬币沉到池子底下。The kids watched as the coin sank to the bottom of the pool.* 她觉得极其疲惫,情绪也低落下来。She felt desperately tired, and her spirits sank.n. 洗涤槽;(AmE)洗脸盆;污水坑* Dirty plates were piled high in the sink.Chinese meaning: 洗涤槽里堆满了脏盘子。11. slide (pt, pp slid)v. 使滑动;悄悄移动;逐渐降低 slide alo
12、ng/across/down etc 滑过slide into/out of etc.悄悄溜进/出 * 露丝从冰上滑过。 Lucy slid across the ice. * The thief slid out of the door while no one was looking. Chinese meaning: 小偷乘没人注意时溜了出去。 n. 滑行;滑梯;幻灯片 * a slide showChinese meaning: 幻灯片放映 12. nowhere adv.任何地方都不,无处 nowhere to go/live/sit etc. 无处可去、可住、可坐 go/ get
13、nowhere 没有进展或未取得成功 nowhere to be found/ seen 找不到,看不见* 我没有工作,也无处可住。I have no job and nowhere to live.* He was getting nowhere with his homework until his sister helped him. Chinese meaning: 他在姐姐的帮助之下作业才了些进步。13. sight n. 视野,视界;视力 at first sight 乍一看,初看之下 at the sight of sth. 一看见就 sb./ sth. within/ in s
14、ight看得见得人或物 within/ in sight of sth.能看见,在视线内 out of sight 看不见,在视野之外 the sights of 名胜 near-sighted近视的,目光短浅的* 男孩儿们回到家,把看得见的东西都吃了。 The boys get home and eat everything in sight. * We camped within sight of the lake. Chinese meaning: 我们在看得见湖的地方搭起了帐篷。* At first sight the twins look identical. Chinese mea
15、ning: 乍一看这对双胞胎长得一模一样。 * 她一见到血就会晕倒。 She will faint at the first sight of blood. * Annes sight is very good for someone of her age. Chinese meaning: 就她这个年龄段的人而言,安妮的视力很不错。 * 来看看伦敦的名胜。 Come and see the sights of London.14. announce v. 宣布,宣告 announce that 宣布announce a decision/ intension/ plan 宣布一项决定/目的/
16、计划 announce sth. to sb. 向某人宣布某事 announce sb. yourself 正式宣布某人的出席或到来* At the end of their meeting, it was announced that an agreement had been reached. Chinese meaning: 会议结束时,他们宣布已经达成了一项协议。 * 他们向家人宣布他们已经结婚了。 They announced their marriage to their families.* Would you announce the guests as they come i
17、n? Chinese meaning: 客人进来时你宣布一下好吗? announcement n. 宣布,宣告,通告15. fare n.(车,船等的)票价 bus/train/air/cab fare 公交车/火车/飞机/计程车票价half-fare/ full fare/reduced fare 半价票/全价票/减价票 economy fares 经济舱票价* 到伦敦的火车票价是多少?What is the train fare to London?16. commercialn. 广告* commercial breakChinese meaning: (广播,电视中插播的)商业广告*
18、a soap powder commercial Chinese meaning: 肥皂剧广告 * The TV show was interrupted by too many commercials.Chinese meaning: 那档电视节目插进的商业广告太多了,不断被打断。adj. 商业的,贸易的;从营利角度出发的 * commercial success/failure/ radio/ TV/ channel etc. Chinese meaning: 商业成功/商业失败/商业广播电台/商业广播电视/商业频道17. flash v. 闪现,掠过;闪光 flash through o
19、nes mind/head/brain 在某人的头脑中闪现 flash back 回想,回顾,回溯* 闪电在头顶掠过。 Lightening flashed overhead. * 他可能在撒谎,这个想法在我的心中一闪而过。The possibility that he was lying flashed through my mind/ head/ brain. * My mind flashed back to our previous meeting.Chinese meaning: 我又想起了我们上次会面的情景。18. major adj. 主要的,(较)重要的,(较)大的 major
20、 role/part/factor etc主要作用、因素* 在伦敦,停车方面存在着重大的问题。 There is a major problem with parking in London. * Mike plays a major role in the party. Chinese meaning: 聚会上麦克起着重要的作用。 n. 主修课程,专业* 你学什么专业?What is your major? v. 主修,以为专业 major in sth* She majored in math and physics at university.Chinese meaning: 在大学,她
21、主修数学和物理。19. discount n. 折扣 10% discount/ discount of 10% etc. 百分之十的折扣 at a discount 打折,减价 offer/give sb. a discount 给某人打折 discount price/fare 折扣价/票价 discount store/shop/warehouse 廉价商店* 员工可以以折扣价购书。 Employees can buy books at a discount price.20. spirit n. 志气;勇气;活力; 精神,心灵;精灵,仙子,鬼魂 in spirit 在内心,在精神上 b
22、e in good/high/low/poor spirits 情绪高/低* Although they lost, the team played with tremendous spirit.Chinese meaning: 尽管他们输了,但是队伍却表现出了极其顽强的精神。* He answered with spirit.Chinese meaning: 他回答的很带劲儿。* 我的心和你在一起。 I shall be with you in spirit.spiritual adj. 精神的,心灵的21. determination n. 决心,决定性;决定 determination
23、of 做决议,确定 determination to do 决心做 * Tom shows great determination to learn English.Chinese meaning: 汤姆对学习英语表现出极大的决心。* 未来政策的确定 the determination of future policydetermine v. 决定,下决心;判决,裁决22. purchase v. 购买 purchase sth. from 从购买* 可以从售票处提前买票。 Tickets may be purchased in advance from the box office. n.
24、购买 day/date/time of purchase 购买日期 (make) purchase of sth from 买* 他们开始后悔不该买这么大的房子。 They began to regret the purchase of such a large house.23. reside v. 定居(于某处);居住;(权力,权利等)属于,归于;(性质等)存在于* 我们的客人住在北京友谊饭店。 Our guests reside at the Beijing Friendship Hotel. * Joes talent resides in his storytelling abili
25、ties. Chinese meaning: 乔的天赋在于他讲故事的能力。 * The power to declare war resides in Congress. Chinese meaning: 宣战的权力在与国会。 resident n. 居民 residence n. 居住,住宅,住处24. gather v. 聚集,集合 gather (sth./sb.) round/around (sth./sb.) 围住,使聚集 gather sth. (together/up) 使聚在一起,收拢* 数千人围住了学校。 Thousands of people gathered around
26、/round the school.* 丹把衣服收了。 Dan gathered up the clothes. 25. wrap v. 包,裹 wrap sth in sth. 用把包起来 wrap sth around sb./sth. 围上wrap up (warm/well) 穿上暖和的衣服 wrap up sth. 完成(工作,会议等)be wrapped up in sth. 埋头于,醉心于* The present was beautifully wrapped in gold paper.Chinese meaning: 礼物被用金色的纸很漂亮地包了起来。* 他伸出双臂搂住了她
27、的腰。 He wrapped his arms around her waist.* 她埋头学习。She is wrapped up in her studies.n. 包裹物;外衣,围巾,披肩 keep sth. under wraps 保密26. mysterious adj. 神秘的 * 我决定进一步了解我那位神秘的邻居。 I decided to find out more about my mysterious neighbor. * Helens being mysterious about her plans. Chinese meaning: 海伦对她的计划显得十分诡秘。 my
28、stery n. 神秘的事物,神秘Unit 4 Real World Reading The Spending Diaries Vocabulary Preparation 1. debt n. 债务,欠款 pay (off)/repay/clear/settle etc. a debt 还(清)贷款 be (heavily/deeply) in debt (to sb.)欠(某人)(巨)债 get/run/fall/sink into debt 陷入债务 owe a debt of gratitude/thanks to sb. 感激某人* He had enough money to pa
29、y off his outstanding debts. Chinese meaning: 他有足够的钱偿还外债。 * 近一半学生说他们身陷债务。Nearly half the students said they were in debt.* 我感激我的导师们。I owe a debt of gratitude to my tutors.2. aid n. 帮助;援助 with /without the aid of sth/sb. 在的帮助下 be in aid of sth. 用以援助(慈善) come/go to sb.s aid 帮助某人 legal aid 法律援助 foreign
30、 aid 国外援助 aid program援助项目 humanitarian aid人道主义援助* 我的父亲在拐棍的帮助下,痛苦地走着。My father walked painfully, with the aid of a stick.v. 帮助,援助 aid somebody in/with (doing) something 帮助某人做某事* 史密斯夫人在她侄女的帮助下一起照看孩子。Mrs. Smith was aided in looking after the children by her niece.3. loan n. 借出物;(尤指)借款 take out a loan 借
31、贷 repay/pay off/ pay back a loan还贷 on loan 借贷,借出,借调* 我不得不贷款买车。I had to take out a loan to buy my car.* The book I wanted was out on loan. Chinese meaning: 我想要的书被借走了。 4. despite prep. 尽管;不管,不顾 despite the fact (that) 尽管,不管不顾 * 尽管我们尽了全力挽救学校,政府还是决定关闭它。 Despite all our efforts to save the school, the go
32、vernment decided to close it. * 尽管医生让他休息,他还是去了西班牙。 He went to Spain despite the fact that his doctor had told him to rest. 5. senior adj. 高级的;资深的;年长的 senior to 比年长* 他父亲是那家银行的高级职员。His father was a senior officer at the bank. * 鲍勃比我大两岁。 Bob is two years senior to me.6. adhere v. 依照,遵循 adhere to 拥护,支持;
33、粘附;坚持* Mud adhered to our shoes. Chinese meaning: 我们的鞋上沾着泥。* 我们决定支持这个方案。 We decided to adhere to the program. adherence n. 坚持,严守;依附,忠诚;粘附7. communication n. 通讯;联络;传递;传播;交流;传达;表达;消息;信息 * The satellite has become an important means of communication. Chinese meaning: 卫星已成为一个重要的通讯工具。* 青老年之间的思想交流没有你想的那样困难。 Communication between old and young people is not so difficult as you think. communicate v. 传达,传递,传播;传染,使感染8. roll n. 小圆面包;卷,卷形物;名单;摇晃 roll of卷 be on a roll 运气好,超常发挥 call/take the roll 点名* bread rolls with butter Chinese meaning: 黄油面包* I used up three rolls
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