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1、会计学1communicationworkshop实用实用第1页/共45页第2页/共45页第3页/共45页第4页/共45页A Discursive Essay第5页/共45页Terri had fallen into a coma in 1990 when a heart attack robbed her brain of oxygen causing permanent harm.第6页/共45页Terri Schiavos parents, have fought for eight years to keep their daughter alive.Terri Schiavos pa

2、rents asked a judge Monday to allow the severely brain-damaged woman to divorce her husband.(February 28, 2005)第7页/共45页WASHINGTON (CNN) - Terri Schiavo, the 41-year-old brain-damaged woman who became the centerpiece of a national right-to-die battle, died Thursday (March 31,2005) morning, nearly two

3、 weeks after doctors removed the feeding tube that had sustained her for more than a decade.Schiavos feeding tube was removed on March 18,2005第8页/共45页Exercise 2Read the article. Match these headings with the paragraph A-D 1.conclusion ( D )2.what doctors know and dont know about comas ( B )3.introdu

4、ction of the topic ( A )4.chances of recovery ( C )第9页/共45页Complete the text with these linking words and phrases.although, even though(2) however, therefore, whileAnswer:1. Even though 2. Even though 3. Although 4. Therefore 5. while 6. However第10页/共45页Now complete the Now complete the sentences wi

5、th the sentences with the correct words from correct words from the brackets. the brackets.第11页/共45页1. Even though he has taken lots of vitamin C,his cold hasnt gone away.2. Although my dad rarely gets sick, he sometimes gets headaches.3. People dont like the taste of the medicine. Therefore we give

6、 it to them by needle.4. Ive broken bones before, however, this is the first time Ive broken my leg.5. The older patients like to read in bed while the younger ones like to play with toys.6. You cant take this medicine with meals or in the morning. Therefore you must take it before you eat dinner at

7、 night.第12页/共45页Exercise1 Rewrite the information below using these words and expressions to join the two sentences.although, even though, however, on the other hand, thereforeExample:Although some people find the idea of taking people off life support machines terrible, others dont mind doing this

8、if the patient doesnt improve after many years.第13页/共45页Answers:1. Even though some people find the idea of taking people off life support machines terrible, others dont mind doing this if the patient doesnt improve after many years. 2. Some people find the idea of taking people off life support mac

9、hines terrible. However, others dont mind doing this if the patient doesnt improve after many years. 第14页/共45页Answers:3. Some people find the idea of taking people off life support machines terrible, on the other hand, others dont mind doing this if the patient doesnt improve after many years. 4. So

10、me people find the idea of taking people off life support machines terrible, therefore they would resist the idea even if the patient doesnt improve after many years. 第15页/共45页第16页/共45页Reasons against for it1. A patients chances of recovery decline the longer they stay in a coma. Therefore, after 15

11、 years, it was unlikely that Terri would ever recover.2. Terri wouldnt have wanted to live on in this state.第17页/共45页第18页/共45页第19页/共45页第20页/共45页第21页/共45页全国烟草行业现有包括深圳全国烟草行业现有包括深圳、大连在内的、大连在内的33家省级烟草家省级烟草专卖局和烟草公司,专卖局和烟草公司,16家工家工业公司,业公司,57家卷烟工业企业家卷烟工业企业,1000多家商业企业,以及多家商业企业,以及烟叶、卷烟销售、烟机、物烟叶、卷烟销售、烟机、物资、进出

12、口等全国性专业公资、进出口等全国性专业公司和其他一些企事业单位,司和其他一些企事业单位,全行业职工全行业职工51万人。万人。 (2004 年年)2004年,累计实现工商税利超过年,累计实现工商税利超过2100亿元,其中实亿元,其中实现工商税金现工商税金1414亿元。亿元。 为增加国家财政积累、满足市场消费做出了积极为增加国家财政积累、满足市场消费做出了积极贡献。贡献。第22页/共45页第23页/共45页A Discursive Essay1. introductionA short paragraph to introduce the topic. Give some background.2

13、. A list of arguments “for”Choose two or three main points. Give examples where possible.3. A list of arguments “against”Choose two or three main points. Back up your arguments with examples.4. conclusionGive your personal opinion about the topic.第24页/共45页take第25页/共45页their brain remains unconscious

14、 and cannot be woken up.causeconsciousnesswake第26页/共45页fullagreelongmemorize第27页/共45页allowlove第28页/共45页第29页/共45页 Exercise 1Look at the picture. What kind of programme do you think it is ? a chat show a documentary a panel discussion a game show第30页/共45页Exercise 2Listen and check your answer to Exerc

15、ise 1. Then put these topics in the order they are mentioned.Freezing dead bodies,Knowledge of the human brain, Long lifeOrder:1.knowledge of the human brain2.freezing dead bodies3.long life第31页/共45页1.Our knowledge of the human brain will change medicine in the next five years or so . 2.Theres no do

16、ubt that it will help us to cure all sorts of illnesses. 3.This is very important because we could cure diseases.4.We will be able to cure many common diseases, like certain kinds of cancer and heart disease.5.We can change processes, but we cant reverse them.6.By the year 2020,over 20 percent of th

17、e population in developed countries will be over 80.Listen again. Complete each statement from Dr. Cartwright with a few words.Exercise 312234567第32页/共45页第33页/共45页Listen to the dialogues and circle the correct answers.1. How is the Professor in the first dialogue feeling? a) angry b) impressed c) re

18、laxed2. The student thinks his low mark is_. a) deserved b) unfair c) due to his professors mistake3. How does the farmer feel about his new tractor? a) proud b) jealous c) unhappy4. The farmer is _ that his friend knew the tractor was new. a) happy b) angry c) surprised第34页/共45页5. How does the farm

19、ers friend feel? a) happy b) angry c) surprised6. The owner of the spade is _ that his spade is made of aluminium. a) pleased b) doubtful c) surprised第35页/共45页第36页/共45页Exercise 1 Exercise 1 Listen to two people discussing genetic engineering. Listen to two people discussing genetic engineering. How

20、would you describe Tom and Jans opinions on How would you describe Tom and Jans opinions on the subject:the subject:Strongly in favour?Strongly against?In favour but with some concerns?TomJan第37页/共45页Exercise 2Listen again and match these words with the colloquial expressions. look at the facts, I disagree, am sure, not in any circumstances completely unacceptable or absurd,from the beginni


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