使用加固纤维聚合物增强混凝土梁的延性(适用于毕业论文 中英文对照)_第1页
使用加固纤维聚合物增强混凝土梁的延性(适用于毕业论文 中英文对照)_第2页
使用加固纤维聚合物增强混凝土梁的延性(适用于毕业论文 中英文对照)_第3页
使用加固纤维聚合物增强混凝土梁的延性(适用于毕业论文 中英文对照)_第4页
使用加固纤维聚合物增强混凝土梁的延性(适用于毕业论文 中英文对照)_第5页
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1、 使用加固纤维聚合物增强混凝土梁的延性作者Nabil F Grace George Abel-Sayed Wael F Ragheb摘要一种为加强结构延性的新型单轴柔软加强质地的聚合物 FRP 已在被研究开发和生产 在结构测试的中心在劳伦斯技术大学 这种织物是两种碳纤维和一种玻璃纤维的混合物而且经过设计它们在受拉屈服时应变值较低从而体现出伪延性的性能通过对八根混凝土梁在弯曲荷载作用下的加固和检测对研制中的织物的效果和延性进行了研究用现在常用的单向碳纤维薄片织物和板进行加固的相似梁也进行了检测以便同用研制中的织物加固梁进行性能上的比较这种织物经过设计具有和加固梁中的钢筋同时屈服的潜力从而和未加固

2、梁一样它也能得到屈服台阶相对于那些用现在常用的碳纤维加固体系进行加固的梁这种研制中的织物加固的梁承受更高的屈服荷载并且有更高的延性指标这种研制中的织物对加固机制体现出更大的贡献关键词混凝土延性纤维加固变形介绍外贴粘合纤维增强聚合物FRP片和条带近来已经被确定是一种对钢筋混凝土结构进行修复和加固的有效手段关于应用外贴粘合FRP板薄片和织物对混凝土梁进行变形加固的钢筋混凝土梁的性能一些试验研究调查已经进行过报告Saadatmanesh和Ehsani1991检测了应用玻璃纤维增强聚合物 GFRP 板进行变形加固的钢筋混凝土梁的性能Ritchie等人1991检测了应用GFRP碳纤维增强聚合物CFRP和









11、0等级屈服强度415MPa800psi加固材料研制中的混合织物用于加固8根梁使用了两种不同厚度的织物第一种H体系t 10mm厚度10mm004in第二种H-体系t 15mm厚度15mm006in其他四根梁使用现在常用的碳纤维加固材料进行加固1一层单向碳纤维薄片极限荷载034kNmm195kipsin2两层单向碳纤维织物极限荷载131kNmm75kipsin3一层固体玻璃谈碳纤维板极限荷载为28kNmm16kipsin对这些材料测试得到的荷载-应变图见图5表2给出了包括研制中的织物在内的加固材料的特性粘结材料对这种混合织物使用一种环氧树脂环氧A注入纤维并做为织物和混凝土表面的粘结材料这种环氧材料









20、坏或着是屈服荷载增加很不明显或者是二者兼有2选择的几种类型的纤维的混杂被用于研制伪延性的织物它在屈服时的应变低035经过设计这种织物具有同加固梁中的钢筋同时屈服的潜力3同那些应用碳纤维进行加固体系相比使用研制中的混合织物进行加固的梁通常会显示出在屈服荷载上有更高的增长有些用混合织物进行加固的梁会显示出类似未加固梁的屈服台阶这在结构破坏之前保证足够的警示作用是特别重要的4使用研制中的混合织物体系进行加固的梁并没有显示出明显的延性损失使用碳纤维加固的梁也没有明显的延性损失但是屈服荷载较低参考文献ASTM D 3039 2000 Standard Test Method for Tensile Pr

21、operties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials Annual Book of ASTM Standards V 1503 pp 106-118Bunsell A R and Harris B 1974 Hybrid Carbon and Glass Fibre Composites Composites V 5 pp 157-164Chow T W and Kelly A 1980 Mechanical Properties of Composites Annual Review of Composite Science V 10 pp 229-2

22、59Fukuda H and Chow T W 1981 Monte Carlo Simulation of Strength of Hybrid Composites Journal of Composite Materials V 16 pp 371-385Grace N F Soliman K Abdel-Sayed G and Saleh K 1999Strengthening Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Fiber Reinforced Polymer CFRP Laminates Journal of Composites for Constru

23、ction ASCE V 2 No 4Harris H G Somboonsong W and Frank K K 1998 New Ductile Hybrid FRP Reinforcement Bar for Concrete Structures Journal of Composites for Construction ASCE V 2 No 1 pp 28-37Manders P W and Bader M G 1981 The Strength of Hybrid GlassCarbon Fibre Composites Part 1Failure Strain Enhance

24、ment and Failure Mode Journal of Materials Science V 16 pp 2233-2245Nanni A Henneke M J and Okamoto T 1994 Tensile Properties of Hybrid Rods for Concrete Reinforcement Construction and Building Materials V 8 No 1 pp 27-34Norris T Saadatmanesh H and Ehsani M R 1997 Shear and Flexure Strengthening of

25、RC Beams with Carbon Fiber Sheets Journa of Structural Engineering ASCE V 123 No 7 pp 903-911Philips L N 1976 The Hybrid EffectDoes it Exist Composites V 7 pp 7-8 Ritchie P A Thomas D A Lu L and Connelly G M 1991 External Reinforcement of Concrete Beams using Fiber Reinforced Plastics ACI Structural

26、 Journal V 88 No 4 July-Aug pp 490-500Saadatmanesh H and Ehsani M R 1991 RC Beams Strengthening with GFRP Plates I Experimental Study Journal of Structural Engineering ASCE V 117 No 11 pp 3417-3433Somboonsong W Frank K K and Harris H G 1998 Ductile Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Plastic Reinforcing ACI Mat

27、erials Journal V 95 No 6 Nov-Dec pp 655-666Tamuzs V and Tepfers R 1995 Ductility of Nonmetallic Hybrid Fiber Composite Reinforcement for Concrete Proceedings 2nd International RILEM Symposium FRPRCS-2 pp 18-25Triantafillou N P 1992 Strengthening of RC Beams with Epoxy-Bonded Fiber-Composite Material

28、s Materials and Structures V 25 pp 201-211附录表1 复合纤维的力学特性纤维材料描述弹性模量GPaMSi抗拉强度MPaksi表4 试验梁的汇总梁的组别梁的称号加固材料NA控制梁NAA组梁C-1碳纤维薄片C-2碳纤维板C-3碳纤维织物H-50-1H体系t 1mmH-50-2H-75-1H体系t 15mmH-75-2B组梁CS碳纤维薄片H-S50-1H体系t 1mmH-S50-2H-S75-1H体系t 15mmH-S75-2表5 试验结果汇总梁的名称加固体系屈服荷载kN kips屈服时的挠度mmin破坏时的荷载kNkips破坏时的挠度mmin 延性指数 第6

29、列第4列破坏时FRP的应变最终破坏类型控制梁NA823185140055957215495195355NA钢筋屈服后混凝土破坏C-1碳纤维薄片8591931320521019229284112215110钢筋屈服后FRP断裂C-2碳纤维板1326298160063100033剪切拉伸破坏C-3碳纤维织物10772421350531344302221087164067钢筋屈服后FRP剥落H-50-2H体系t 1mm979220152061148258356140233155钢筋和FRP屈服后FRP断裂H-75-2H体系t 15mm11392561370541308294292115213074钢

30、筋和FRP屈服后FRP剥落CS碳纤维薄片9922231420561233277ACI STRUCTURAL JOURNAL TECHNICAL PAPER Title no99-S71Strengthening of Concrete Beams Using Innovative Ductile Fiber-Reinforced Polymer FabricBy Nabil F Grace George Abel-Sayed Wael F RaghebabstractAn innovative uniaxial ductile fiber-reinforced polymer FRP fabr

31、ic has been researched developed and manufactured in the Structural Testing Center at Lawrence Technological University for strengthening structures The fabric is a hybrid of two types of carbon fibers and one type of glass fiber and has been designed to provide a pseudo-ductile behavior with a low

32、yield-equivalent strain value in tension The effectiveness and ductility of the developed fabric has been investigated by strengthening and testing eight concrete beams under flexural load Similar beams strengthened with currently available uniaxial carbon fiber sheets fabrics and plates were also t

33、ested to compare their behavior with those strengthened with the developed fabric The fabric has been designed so that it has the potential to yield simultaneously with the steel reinforcement of strengthened beams and hence a ductile plateau similar to that for the nonstrengthened beams can be achi

34、eved The beams strengthened with the developed fabric exhibited higher yield loads and achieved higher ductility indexes than those strengthened with the currently available carbon fiber strengthening systems The developed fabric shows a more effective contribution to the strengthening mechanismkeyw

35、ordConcrete ductility textile fiber reinforcement distortionINTRODUCTIONThe use of externally bonded fibcr-rcinforccd polymer FRP sheets and strips has recently been established as an effective tool for rehabilitating and strengthening reinforced concrete structures Several experimental investigatio

36、ns have been reported on the behavior of concrete beams strengthened for flexure using externally bonded FRP plates sheets or fabrics Saadatmancsh and Ehsani 1991 examined the behavior of concrete beams strengthened for flexure using glass fiber-reinforced polymer GFRP plates Ritchie ct al 1991 test

37、ed reinforced concrete beams strengthened for flexure using GFRP carbon fibcr-rcinforccd polymer CFRP and GCFRP plates Grace et al 1999 and Trian- tafillou 1992 studied the behavior of reinforced concrete beams strengthened for flexure using CFRP sheets Norris Saadatmancsh and Fhsani 1997 investigat

38、ed the behavior of concrete beams strengthened using CFRP unidirectional sheets and CFRP woven fabrics In all of these investigations the strengthened beams showed higher ultimate loads compared to the nonstrcngthcncd ones One of the drawbacks experienced by most of these strengthened beams was a co

39、nsiderable loss in beam ductility An examination of the load- deflection behavior of the beams however showed that the majority of the gained increase in load was experienced after the yield of the steel reinforcement In other words a significant increase in ultimate load was experienced without muc

40、h increase in yield load Hence a significant increase in service level loads could hardly be gainedApart from the condition of the concrete element before strengthening the steel reinforcement contributes significantly to the flcxural response of the strengthened beam Unfortunately available FRP str

41、engthening materials have a behavior that is different from steel Although FRP materials have high strengths most of them stretch to relatively high strain values before providing their full strength Because steel has a relatively low yield strain value when compared with the ultimate strains of mos

42、t of the FRP materials the contribution of both the steel and the strengthening FRP materials differ with the deformation of the strengthened element As a result steel reinforcement may yield before the strengthened element gains any measurable load increase Some designers place a greater FRP cross

43、section which generally increases the cost of the strengthening to provide a measurable contribution even when deformations arc limited before the yield of steel Debonding of the strengthening material from the surface of the concrete however is more likely to happen in these cases due to higher str

44、ess concentrations Debonding is one of the nondesired brittle failures involved with this technique of strengthening Although using some special low-strain fibers such as ultra-high-modulus carbon fibers may appear to be a solution it would result in brittle failures due to the failure of fibers The

45、 objective of this paper is to introduce a new pseudo-ductile FRP fabric that has a low strain at yield so that it has the potential to yield simultaneously with the steel reinforcement yet provide the desired strengthening levelRESEARCH SIGNIFICANCEFRPs have been increasingly used as materials for

46、rehabilitating and strengthening reinforced concrete structures Currently available FRP materials however lack the ductility and have dissimilar behaviors to steel reinforcement As a result the strengthened beams may exhibit a reduced ductility lack the desired strengthening level or both This study

47、 presents an innovative pseudo-ductile FRP strengthening fabric The fabric provides measurably higher yield loads for the strengthened beams and helps to avoid the loss of ductility that is common with the use of currently available FRPDEVELOPMENT OF HYBRID FABRICTo overcome the drawbacks mentioned

48、previously a ductile FRP material with low yield strain value is neededACI Structural Journal V 99 No 5 September-October 2002MS No 01-349 received October 23 2001 and reviewed under Institute publication policies Copyright ? 2002 American Concrete Institute All rights reserved including the making

49、of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors Pertinent discussion will be published in the July-August 2003 ACl Structural Journal if received by March 1 2003ACI StructuralJournalSeptember-October 2002ACI member Nabil F Grace is a professor and Chair of the Structural Testi

50、ng Center Department of Civil Engineering Lawrence Technological University Southfield Mich He is a member of ACI Committee 440 Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement and Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 343 Concrete Bridge Design His research interests include the use of fiber-reinforced polymer in reinfor

51、ced and pre stressed concrete structuresGeorge Abdel-Sayed is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Windsor Windsor Ontario Canada His research interests include soil-structure interactionWael F Ragheb is a research assistant in the Department of C

52、ivil Engineering at Lawrence Technological University He is a PhD candidate in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Windsor Windsor Ontario CanadaTable 1Mechanical properties of composite fibersFiber materialDescriptionModulus of elasticity GPa Msi Tensile strength MPa

53、 ksi Failure strain Carbon No IUllra-high-modulus carbon fibers379 55 1324 192 035Carbon No 2High-modulus carbon fibers231 335 2413 350 09 to 10GlassE-glass fibers48 7 1034 150 21 Composite properties are based on 60 fiber volume fractionLiterature review on hybridizationTo develop this material hyb

54、ridization for different fibers was considered Hybridization of more than one type of fibrous materials was the interest of many materials science researchers Most of their work was concerned with combining two types of fibers to enhance the mechanical properties of either type acting alone and to r

55、educe the cost This has been reported in several publications such as Bunsell and Harris 1974 Philips 1976 Manders and Bader 1981 Chow and Kelly 1980 and Fukuda and Chow 1981 Hybridization interested structural engineers as a tool to overcome the problem of a lack of ductility in FRF reinforcing bar

56、s Nanni Henneke and Okamoto 1994 studied bars of braided aramid fibers around a steel core Tamuzs and Tcpfcrs 1995 reported experimental investigations for hybrid fiber bars using different combinations of carbon and aramid fibers Somboonsong Frank and Harris 1998 developed a hybrid FRP reinforcing

57、bar using braided aramid fibers around a carbon fiber core Harris Somboonsong and Frank 1998 used these bars in reinforcing concrete beams to achieve the general load- deflection behavior of concrete beams reinforced with conventional steelDesign concept and materialsTo generate ductility a hybridiz

58、ation technique of different types of fibers has been implemented Three fibers have been selected with a different magnitude of elongations at failure Figure 1 shows the stress-strain curves in tension for the selected composite fibers and Table 1 shows their mechanical propertiesThe technique is based on combining these fibers together and controlling the mixture ratio so that when they arc loaded together in tension the fibers with the


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