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1、学习-好资料Language Form and Meaningdrop in for one of your hugs.更多精品文档(A) I feel how lucky I have you(B) I feel how lucky having you2. I want you to knowfor a mother. Even with our large family you always(C) how lucky I feel have you(D) how lucky I feel to have youhad time to listen to my concerns and h

2、elp me with my school problems. I even remember all the times you waited up for me whe n I was dati ng Jan e. I un dersta nd how much you cared for us all.(A) appreciate(B) evaluate(C) concentrate3. I especially(D) congratulatethe way you taught me to work. I wasnt always a willi ng worker,(A) that

3、I needed to learn(B) what I needed to learn4.but you knewI hope I can have the same kind of patie nee with my own childre n.(C) that I need learning(D) what I need learningmy Day!. With allI am very blessed to have you as my mother. Happy MotherQuestion 58 refer to the following announcement.(A) wil

4、l back(B) will be back5. Mark Lawrenee photographers(C) will be backedat RJ Grey on the morning of November 8 to(D) backed(A) whom had be missed(B) whom missed6. take pictures of stude ntspicture day back in September,7.(A) as a result(B) as far as(C) as well as(C) who have missed(D) who missedstude

5、 nts who wish to have a picture re-take n. If you have previously ordered a picture(D) as long aspackage and are looking for re-takes, you will need to bring the original package to the photographers.(A) Those students need their pictures taken (B) Those students who need their pictures taken(C) Tho

6、se students who need taken their pictures(D) Those students whose pictures taking8.will be called out of class on Friday morning.Picture order forms are available in the main office.Question 912 refer to the following announcement.(A) played9. On Monday, April 29, the Centralia golf team traveled to

7、 Wright City(B) playing(C) to play(D) will playin the district golf10. tour name nt. Four team members(A) qualified(B) quantifiedto play at the sect ional golf tourn ame nt n ext Mon day.(C) appropriated(D) appreciated(A) some(B) all11. Daymo nd Dolle ns, Tim Mixo n, Will Mustai n, and Dakota Waughn

8、dqualified. Daym ond tied for 2 place.12. with an overall score of 83.(C) any(D) othersyou see these people in the halls, please give them a pat onthe back.Question 13T6+ refer to the following part of a short story.(A) spilled(B) spoiled13. A man accidentallya woman(C) poureds coffee. The woma n go

9、t really angry and hit the man with her(D) roared(A) happened(B) was happened(C) had happened(D) happeningin a New York cafe.14. super natural powers in her han ds. Does it sound stra nge? ThisPeople saw it with their own eyes. The woman looked at her hands when she finished with the man. She used h

10、er15. powers to move the chairs and tables. Her screams threw books out of the shelves and pictures(A) when it is happening(B) that it is happening16. from the wall. The terrified customers had no ideai. But dont worry; it was just(C) that was happening(D) what was happeninga well-prepared trick by

11、a movie company. It was well done!Question 1724 refer to the following notice.17.playremember wheat our Doe High Class of 81 reunion next July, and the orga nizing(A) starting(B) preparing(C) started(D) prepared18. committee is in high gear! WeII getwith an in formal recepti on at the Doe House Frid

12、ay(A) those interested(B) those interestingmay sig n up for an after noon of19. evening, July 14, from 7:00 to 11:00 on Saturday;(C) those to interest(D) those interest(A) fill(B) filling20. golf or tennis before the dinner dance at the Doe Inn that evening at 7:00 p.m. Please help us by(C) filled(D

13、) fill without the en closed questio nn aire and returni ng it to Ja ne Doe at 1600 Main Street, Spri ngfield, KS 12345,(A) other21. by February 1. We would like to display photographs andmemorabilia.(A) with(B) so22.(C) byour school days at the dinner dance, so please plan to bring your favorites.(

14、D) from(A) When(B) Althoughsend(C) If23.ayou would like to adva nee your bus in ess in our reunionyearb(D) In spite(A) have followed(B) will follow(C) are following(D) followedin our n ext letter.24. bus in ess card or an ad desig n to Jane. More in formati onUn til the n we will appreciate your hel

15、p in locati ng address for the follow ing classmates25. Some came to mourn his death,Question 2532 refer to the following article.Joha nn esburg. South Africa - Hun dreds of people con ti nued to be draw n Sun day ni ght to the home where Nels onMandela died quietly with his family around him.to cel

16、ebrate his life. amid the glow of cook fires, can dles(A) built up(B) being built up(C) were built up26. and police lighting, people walked about to see the growing shrines(D) build upalong the streets ofs life, such asadult in Joha nn esburg.27. Houghton, an affluent district of Johannesburg. Peopl

17、e left messages and symbols of Mandela28. of boxing gloves and a rugby ball. Mandela took up boxingThe rugby ball was a refere nee to his 1995 embrace of the traditi on ally white Sprin gboks rugby team whe n they won the1995 World Cup champi on ship, in a gesture of recon ciliati on before the stad

18、ium crowd that did much to un ite the country after decades of racial strife.29. Some in the crowd danced to songs and chanted beforen ati onal an them .In a n ati on(A)(B) segregated once by(C)(C) was segregated once by(D) once segregated by(E) once was segregated bystill to sing the South Africala

19、w, whites and blacks and people of variousraces came together. Kallia Ass on itis, a white South Africa n woma n, said she was just 9 whe n Man dela was releasedfrom pris on. She and her mother, Bern adette Ass on itis, live in the Hought on n eighborhood and have known Man delahim over the years at

20、relatives atte nded. Many others in the crowd were South Africa ns of In dia n-long frien dshipwshdMtaaiodsa.heritages. Dindar, who runs a gas station, proudly described his familyHe brought with him a photocopy of a brief handwritten letter of good wishes to him.(A) which sig ns pers on ally by(B)

21、which sig ns pers on ally by(C) is sig ned pers on ally by学习-好资料(D) sig ned pers on ally by32.Mandela in 1990. He said his own great-uncle was a political prisoner with Man dela.Question 3342 refer to the following story.Some soldiers who have bee n servi ng in Iraq and Afgha ni sta n recen tly made

22、 special stops at schools around the Un ited States. They stopped by to share their experie nces and to tha nk(A) which sending by them(B) which have sent by them(C) they sent33. students for letters and packages(D) they have senti.更多精品文档学习-好资料更多精品文档34.Keep the cards and lettersi.Sgt. Allen Lenn tol

23、d students who have been writing all yearlong. “ We read some of the cards you guys are writing over and over again. Some of the solders donso your letters mea n a lot to them.35. are the last things they seeThe solders eve n hang the cards around their doors so the in spirati onal greet ingsthey he

24、ad off to work in Iraq .In Shelby Coun ty, Alabama,s army unit in Afgstude nts welcomed Sgt. Demir Lico to their school. They had written letters to Lico(A) represent (B) mea n36.the world to us.Lico said.We sit around our table, all of us readi ng. The37. letters put smiles on my troopLico the stud

25、e nts with an America n flag that flew(A) greatest(B) the greatest38. Afghanistan. He hopes the students see the flag as something special.(C) greater thaThis iscountry(D) are greater tha nin the world and the flag represe nts this country and freedom. Lico told a n ews reporter. Fourth graders in York,(A) writing(B) being writte n39. Pennsylvania.(C) have been writingletters to soldiers in Afgha ni sta n. Last mon t


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