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1、常用大学课程中英文对照会计专业课程汉英对照表会计学Acco unting Prin ciples成本会计Cost Acco unting管理会计Man agerial Acco un ti ng审计学Audit ing Prin ciples会计信息系统Acco unting In formati onSystems投资学In vestme nt Prin ciples财务管理Finan cial Man ageme nt货币银行学Money and Banking财务报告分析An alysis of Finan cialStateme nt国际金融Intern atio nal Financ

2、e国际会计Intern ati onal Acco unting财税法规与税务会计Laws and Regulati ons ofFinance and Taxes预算会计Budget Acco unting内部审计与政府审计Internal Audit ing andGovernment Audit ing会计审计实务Acco un ti ng and Audit ingEcono mic MetrologyPractice经济计量学会计职业道德Acco unting Ethics and会计研究方法Acco un ti ng Research与责任Resp on sibilitiesMet

3、hods国际会计专题Intern ati onal Acco untingSpecial Subject微观经济学Microec ono mics微积分Calculus统计学Prin ciple of Statistics财务学专业课程汉英对照表货币银行学Money and Banking证券投资学Security An alysis andIn vestme nt财务报告分析An alysis of Finan cialStateme nt国际金融Intern atio nal Finance保险学In sura nee财务案例分析Case An alysis of FinanceMan a

4、geme nt国际财务管理Intern ati onal Finan cialMan ageme nt资产评估Assets Appraisal项目评估Projects Appraisal宏观经济学Macroec onomics财务管理Finan cial Man ageme nt管理信息系统Systems of Man ageme ntIn formatio n运筹学Operatio nal Research策略管理Strategic Man ageme nt管理会计Man agerial Acco un ti ng微观经济学Microec ono mics管理学Prin ciples of

5、Man ageme nt微积分Calculus统计学Prin ciples of Statistics物理专业课程汉英对照表执学八、4Thermody namics力学Mecha nics光学Optics电磁学Electromag netism计算概论Comput ing Gen erality固体磁性及应用基础Magn etism of the SolidStatea nd its Applicati on衍射物理(固Diffractio n Physics (Structure科研实用软件Utility Software for体结构分析)of Solid An alysis)Scien

6、tific Research计算机模拟方法Computer Simulatio n Methods激光原理、技术与应用The Prin ciple, Tech nique and Applicati on of Laser材料物理Materials Physics近代光学和光电子学Moder n Optics andOptoelectro nics现代固体物理Modern Solid State Physics粒子物理Particle Physics物理宇宙学基础Eleme nts of CosmologyPhysics固体物理Solid State Physics原子物理Atomic Phy

7、sics量子力学Quan tum Mecha nics理论力学Theoretical Mecha nics电动力学Electrody namics普通物理综合实验Synthetical Experiments ofGen eral Physics普通物理实验Gen eral PhysicsLaboratory货币银行学专业课程汉英对照表货币银行学Money and Banking管理信息系统System of Man ageme ntIn formatio n宏观经济学Macroec onomics运筹学Operatio nal Research策略管理Strategic Man ageme

8、nt保险学In sura nee银行会计Bank Acco unting管理会计Man agerial Acco un ti ng运筹学Operatio nal Research国际贸易Intern ati onal Trade财务管理Finan cial Man ageme nt国际金融Intern atio nal Finance租赁与信托Hiring and Affiancing证券投资学Security An alysis andIn vestme nt商业银行实务Practice of Bus in ess Bank国际结算Intern ati onal Bala nee项目评估Pr

9、ojects Appraisal金融市场学Finan cial Market ing人力资源管理Huma n ResourceMan ageme nt财务报告分析An alysis of Finan cialStateme nt财务案例分析Case An alysis of Finan cialMan ageme nt信息管理专业课程汉英对照表高等数学Higher Mathematics信息存储与检索Information Retrieval andStorage数据库系统Database信息服务与用户n formati on Service andUser Study信息管理概论In tro

10、duct ion to In formatio nMan ageme nt信息经济学In formati on Economics社会实践Practical Work信息分析与决策In formatio n An alysis andPolicy Mak ing管理学原理Prin ciples of Man ageme nt信息政策与法规In formatio n Policy andLaw信息组织Information Organization计算机网络Computer Networks管理信息系统Man ageme nt In formatio nSystem线性代数Lin ear Alg

11、ebra决策分析Policy Mak ing离散数学Discrete Mathematics概率统计Statistics and ProbabilityTheory生产与运作管理Productio n Man ageme nt电子商务Electro nic Commerce信息系统安全与保密In formatio n System Security政府信息化工程GovernmentIn formatio nalizatio n企业信息化工程En terpriseIn formatio nalizatio n广告实务Practice of Advertiseme nt多媒体技术Multimedi

12、a操作系统Operati ng System信息科学基础Foun dati ons ofIn formati on Science经济信息管理Econo mic In formati onMan ageme nt微机基础Prin ciples ofMicrocomputers电子出版技术Electro nic Publish ing广告概论In troduct ion toAdvertiseme nt信息环境论In formatio n En viro nments传播学原理Prin ciples ofCommuni cati on Theory知识产权法学Law of In tellige

13、neeProperty组织行为学Studies of Orga ni zati on专业英语Specialty En glish文献计量学Bibliometrics企业管理专业课程汉英对照表管理学Prin ciples of Man ageme nt微观经济学Microec ono mics宏观经济学Macroec onomics管理信息系统Systems of Man ageme ntIn formatio n产业经济学In dustrial Economics财务管理Finan cial Man ageme nt项目评估Projects Appraisal战略管理Strategic Man

14、 ageme nt管理沟通Man ageme nt Negotiati on国际商务谈判Negotiati on on Busin essAffairs跨国公司专题研究Special Research ofTransn ati onal Corporati on国际贸易Intern ati onal Trade公司组织与管理Orga ni zati on andMan ageme nt of Corporate国际营销研究Intern ati onal Marketi ngResearch战略管理Strategic Man ageme nt生产管理研究Operati on Man ageme

15、nt企业伦理En terprise Ethics组织行为学Orga ni zatio nal Behavior运筹学Operatio nal Research人力资源管理Huma n ResourceMan ageme nt力学专业课程汉英对照表数学分析Mathematical An alysis高等代数与几何Adva need Algebra andGeometry常微分方程Ordi nary Differe ntialEquati on数学物理方法Methods in MathematicalPhysics计算方法Numerical Methods理论力学Theoretical Mecha

16、 nics材料力学Mecha nics of Materials弹性力学Elasticity流体力学Fluid Mecha nics力学实验Experiments in SolidMecha nics机械制图Mach ining Drawi ng力学概论In troduct ion to Mecha nics气体力学Gas Dyn amics计算流体力学Computati onal FluidMecha nics弹性板理论Theory of Elastic Plates粘性流体力学Viscous Fluid Flow弹性力学变分原理Variational Principles inElasti

17、city有限元法Finite Eleme nt Method塑性力学In troducti on of Plasticity经典力学中的数学方法Mathematical Methods ofClassical Mecha nics机器人动力学Dyn amics of Robots自动控制原理Prin ciples of AutomaticCo ntrol优化计算与最化控制Optimizati on and OptimalCo ntrol计算机图象处理Image Process ing计算机图形学Computer Graphics概率与统计Probability and Statistics专业

18、英语En glish for Mecha nics振动理论Theory of Vibrati on程序设计方法(C 和 Fortran)Programmi ng in C &Fortra n水动力学Hydrod yn amics光测力学Photo Mecha nics断裂力学Fracture Mecha nics高等动力学Adva need Dyn amics摄动方法Perturbati on Methods机械设计与Mach inery Desig ning and信息显示(可视化)Visualizati onAuto CADAutoCAD微机原理Prin ciples of Pers on

19、al复变函数Complex FunctionComputer生物及医学专业课程汉英对照表应用生物学Applied Biology医学技术Medical Tech no logy细胞生物学Cell Biology医学Medici ne生物学Biology护理麻醉学Nurse An esthesia进化生物学Evoluti onary Biology口腔外科学Oral Surgery海洋生物学Marine Biology口腔/牙科科学Oral/De ntal Sciences微生物学Microbiology骨科医学Osteopathic Medic ine分子生物学Molecular Biolog

20、y耳科学Otology医学微生物学Medical Microbiology理疗学Physical Therapy口腔生物学Oral Biology足病医学Podiatric Medici ne寄生物学Parasutology眼科学Ophthalmology植物生物学Pla nt Physiology预防医学Preven tive Medici ne心理牛物学Psychobiology放射学Radiology放射生物学Radiati on Biology康复咨询学Rehabilitati on Coun seli ng理论生物学Theoretical Biology康复护理学Rehabilita

21、ti on Nursing野牛牛物学Wildlife Biology外科护理学Surgical Nursing环境生物学Environmen tal Biology治疗学Therapeutics运动生物学Exercise Physiology畸形学Teratology有机体生物学Orga ni smal Biology兽医学Veteri nary Scie nces欢迎下载6生物统计学Biometrics牙科卫生学Den tal Sciences生物物理学Biophysics牙科科学Den tistry生物心理学Biopsychology皮肤学Dermatology生物统计学Biostatis

22、tics内分泌学En docri no logy生物工艺学Biotech no logy遗传学Gen etics生物化学Biological Chemistry解剖学An atomy生物工程学Biological Engin eeri ng麻醉学An esthesia生物数学Biomathematics临床科学Cli nical Scie nee生物医学科学Biomedical Science临床心理学Cli ni cal Psychology细胞生物学和分子生物学Celluar and MolecularBiology精神病护理学Psychiatric Nursing大学课程中英文对照大汇集

23、英文字母开头的课程ALGOL 语言 ALGOL LanguageBASIC & FORTRAN 语言 BASIC Language & FORTRAN LanguageBASIC 语言 BASIC LanguageBASIC 语言及应用 BASIC Language & ApplicationC 语言 C LanguageC+ 程序设计 C+ Program Desig ningCAD 概论 Introduction to CADCAD/CAM CAD/CAMCET-4 College En glish Test (Ba nd 4)CET-6 College En glish Test (Ba

24、 nd 6)COBOL 语言 COBOL LanguageCOBOL 语言程序设计 COBOL Language Program DesigningC 与 UNIX 环境 C Language & Unix EnvironmentC 语言科学计算方法Scientific Computation Method in CC 语言与生物医学信息处理C Lan guage & Biomedical In formation Process ingdBASE 川 课程设计 Course Exercise in dBASE 川FORTRAN 77 语言 FORTRAN 77 LanguageFORTRAN

25、 语言 FORTRAN LanguageFoxBase 程序设计 FoxBase ProgrammingHopf 代数 Hopf Algebra欢迎下载Hopf 代数与代数群量子群Hopf Algebra , Algebraic Group and Qua ntum GroupIBM-PC/XT Fu ndame ntals of Microcomputer IBM-PC/XTIBM-PC 微机原理 Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PCIBM 汇编及高级语言的接口IBM Assembly & its In terfaces with Adva need Pr

26、ogrammi ng Lan guagesInternet 与 Intranet 技术 Internet and Intranet Tech no logyLSI 设计基础 Basic of LSI DesigningOS/2 操作系统 OS/2 Operation SystemPASCAL 大型作业 PASCAL Wide Range WorkingPASCAL 课程设计 Course Exercise in PASCALPASCAL 语言 PASCAL LanguagePC 机原理 Principle of PCUnix 编程环境 Unix Programming EnvironmentU

27、nix 操作系统分析Analysis of Unix SystemVLSI 的 EDA 技术 EDA Techniques for VLSIVLSI 技术与检测方法VLSI Techniques & Its ExaminationVLSI 设计基础 Basis of VLSI DesignWindows 系统 Windows Operation SystemX 光分析 X-ray AnalysisX 射线金属学 X-Ray & MetallographyX 射线与电镜 X-ray & Electric MicroscopeZ-80 汇编语言程序设计Z-80 Pragramming in Ass

28、embly LanguagesB开头的课程板壳非线性力学Non li near Mecha nics of Plate and Shell板壳理论 Plate Theory , Theory of Plate and Shell板壳力学 Plate Mecha nics办公自动化 Office Automatizati on办公自动化系统毕业设计Office Automatizati on Thesis办公自动化系统设计Office Automatizatio n Desig n半波实验 Semiwave Experime nt半导体变流技术 Semic on ductor Convertin

29、g Tech no logy半导体材料 Semico nductor Materials半导体测量 Measureme nt of Semic on ductors半导体瓷敏元件 Semic on ductor Porcela in-Sen sitive Eleme nts半导体光电子学 Semico nductor Optic Electro nics半导体化学 Semic on ductor Chemistry半导体激光器 Semico nductor Laser Un it半导体集成电路 Semic on ductor In tegrated Circuitry半导体理论 Semi-c

30、on ductive Theory半导体器件 Semic on ductor Devices半导体器件工艺原理Tech no logical Fun dame ntals of Semic on ductor Device半导体器件课程设计Course Desig n of Semico nductor Devices半导体物理 Semico nductor Physics半导体专业 Semi-c onduction Specialty半导体专业实验 Specialty Experime nt of Semic on ductor半群理论 Semi-group Theory保健食品监督评价Ev

31、aluation and Supervision on Health Food s保险学 In sura nee保险学 In sura nee报告文学专题 Special Subject On Reportage 报刊编辑学 Newspaper & Magazi ne Edit ing 报干刊选读 Selected Readi ngs of Newspaper & Magaz ine 报纸编辑学 Newspaper Edit ing 泵与风机 Pumps and Fans泵与水机 Pumps & Water Turbi nes毕业论文 Graduation Thesis毕业设计 Graduat

32、i on Thesis毕业实习 Graduation Practice编译方法 Compilatio n Method编译方法 Methods of Compili ng编译技术 Tech nique of Compili ng编译原理 Fun dame ntals of Compili ng, Prin ciples of Compiler编译原理课程设计Course Design of Compi ling变电站的微机检测Computer Test ing in Tran sformer Substatio n变电站的微机检测与控制Computer Testi ng & Co ntrol

33、in Tran sformer Substatio n变分法与张量 Calculus of Variatio ns & Ten sor变分学 Calculus of Variations变流技术 Semic on ductor Con vert ing Tech no logy变质量系统热力学与新型回转压Variable Quality System Thermal Mecha nics & NeoRo表面活性剂化学及应用Chemistry and Applicatio n of Surfacta nt表面活性物质 Surface Reactive Materials并行处理 Parallel

34、 Processi ng并行处理与并行程序设计Parallel Process ing and Parallel Programmi ng并行算法 Parallel Algorithmic波谱学 Spectroscopy, Wave Spectrum波谱学实验 Spectroscopic Experime nt薄膜光学 Film Optics薄膜物理 Thin Film Physics不育症的病因学Etiology of In fertilityC开头的课程材料的力学性能测试Measureme nt of Material Mecha nical Performa nee材料化学 Materi

35、al Chemistry材料力学 Mecha nics of Materials财税法规与税务会计Laws and Regulati ons of Finance and Taxes财务案例分析 Case An alysis of Finance Man ageme nt财务案例分析 Case An alysis of Finan cial Man ageme nt财务报告分析 An alysis of Financial Stateme nt财务成本管理Fi nan cial Cost Man ageme nt财务管理 Finan cial Man ageme nt, Finan cial

36、Cost Man ageme nt财务管理与分析Finan cial Man ageme nt and An alysis财务会计 Finan cial Acco untancy财政学 Public Finance财政与金融 Finance & Banking财政与税收Finance & Reven ue财政与税收理论Theories on Public Finance and Tax Revenue财政与信贷Finance & Credit操作系统 Disk Operati ng System (DOS)操作系统课程设计Course Desig n in Disk Operat ing Sy

37、stem操作系统与编译原理Disk Operati ng System & Fun dame ntals of Compili ng操作系统原理Fun dame ntals of Disk Operati ng System, Prin ciples of Operati ng System测量技术基础Foun datio n of Measureme nt Tech no logy测量原理与仪器设计Measureme nt Fun dame ntals & Meter Desig n测试技术 Test ing Tech no logy测试与信号变换处理Test ing & Sig nal T

38、ran sformati on Process ing策波测量技术Tech nique of Whip Wave Measureme nt策略管理 Strategic Ma nageme nt产品学 Production产业经济学In dustrial Economy产业组织 In dustrial Organi zatio n产业组织学In dustrial Organi zati on Tech no logy常微分方程 Ordi nary Differe ntial Equatio ns场论 Field Theory超导磁体及应用Superconductive Mag net & App

39、lication超导及应用 Superc on ductive & Applicatio n超高真空科学与技术Scie nee and Techn ology of Ultrahigh Vacuum 60超精密加工和微细加工Super-Precision & Min ute ness Processi ng超精微细加工Super-Precision & Min ute ness Processi ng超声及应用 Supers onics Applicati on 成本会计 Cost Accou nting成像原理与技术Prin ciples & Tech nique of Imagi ng成组

40、技术 Group ing Tech nique城市规划原理Fun dame ntals of City Pla nning城市社会学Urban Sociology程控数字交换Program Con trolli ng of Digital Excha nge程序设计 Program Desig ning程序设计方法学Methodology of Program ming. Methods of Program ming程序设计及算法语言Program Desig ning & Algorithmic Lan guage程序设计语言Program ming Lan guage齿轮啮合原理Prin

41、 ciples of Gear Co nn ecti on冲击测量及误差Pu nchi ng Measureme nt & Error冲压工艺 Sheet Metal Formi ng Techn ology抽象代数 Abstract Algebra初等数学 Primary Mathematics传坳概论 In troduction to Pass Col传动概论 In troducti on to Tran smissi on传感技术 Sen sor Tech nique传感技术及应用Sensor Tech nique & Applicati on传感器及应用Se nsors & Appli

42、cati on传感器与检测技术Se nsors & Testi ng Techn ology传感器原理 Fun dame ntals of Sensors传感器原理及应用Fu ndame ntals of Sen sors & Application传热学 Heat Tran sfer船舶操纵 Ship Co ntrolli ng船舶电力系统Ship Electrical Power System船舶电力系统课程设计Course Exercise in Ship Electrical Power System船舶电气传动自动化Ship Electrified Tran smissio n Au

43、tomatio n船舶电站 Ship Power Stati on船舶动力装置Ship Power Equipme nt船舶概论 In troduction to Ships船舶焊接与材料Weldi ng & Materials on Ship船舶机械控制技术Mecha nic Con trol Techno logy for Ships船舶机械拖动Ship Mecha nic Towage船舶建筑美学 Artistic Desig ning of Ships船舶结构 Ship Structure船舶结构力学Structural Mecha nics for Ships船舶结构与制图Ship

44、Structure & Graphi ng船舶静力学 Ship Statics船舶强度与结构设计Desig ning Ship Inten sity & Structure船舶设计原理Prin ciples of Ship Desig ning船舶推进 Ship Propelli ng船舶摇摆Ship Sway ing船舶摇摆与操纵Ship Swayi ng & Man ipulat ing船舶振动 Ship Vibrati on船舶阻力 Ship Resista nee船体建造工艺Ship-Buildi ng Techn ology船体结构 Ship Structure船体结构图 Ship

45、Structure Graphi ng船体结构与制图Ship Structure & Graphi ng船体振动学 Ship Vibratio n船体制图 Ship Graph ing船用电器设备Mari ne Electrical Equipme nt创造心理学 Creativity Psychology词汇学 Lexicology磁测量技术 Magn etic Measureme nt Tech no logy磁传感器 Mag netic Sen sor磁存储设备设计原理Fun dame ntal Desig n of Magn etic Memory Equipme nt磁记录 Magn

46、 etographic磁记录技术 Magn etographic Tech no logy磁记录物理 Magn etographic Physics磁路设计与场计算Mag netic Path Desig ning & Mag netic Field Calculati磁盘控制器 Mag netic Disk Con troler 磁性材料 Mag netic Materials 磁性测量 Mag netic Measureme nt磁性物理 Mag netophysics磁原理及应用Prin ciples of Catalyzation & Application催化原理 Prin cipl

47、es of CatalysisD开头的课程大电流测量 Super-Curre nt Measureme nt大电源测量 Super-Power Measureme nt大机组协调控制Coordi nation & Con trol of Gen erator Networks大跨度房屋结构Large-Spa n House structure大型锅炉概况Introduction to Large-V olume Boilers大型火电机组控制Control of Large Thermal Power Gen erator Networks大型数据库原理与高级开发技术Prin ciples o

48、f Large-Scale Data-Bas e and Adva need Developme nt Tech no logy大学德语 College Germa n大学俄语 College Russia n大学法语 College French大学日语 College Japa nese大学生心理学Psychology In troduction大学物理 College Physics大学物理实验 Experime nt of College Physics大学英语 College En glish大学语文 College Chi nese大众传播学 Mass Media代数几何 Alge

49、braic Geometry代数几何 Algebraic Geometry代数曲面 Algebraic Surfaces代数图论 Algebraic Graph Theory代数拓扌卜 Algebraic Topology代数学Algebra代用燃料 Substitute Fuel代用运放电路Simulated Tran smittal Circuit单片机与接口技术Mon o-Chip Computers & In terface Techni que单片机原理 Fu ndame ntals of Mon o-Chip Computers单片机原理及应用Fu ndame ntals of M

50、o no-Chip Computers & Applicatio ns弹塑性力学 Elastic-Plastic Mecha nics弹性波 Elastic Waves弹性力学 Elastic Mecha nics. Theory of Elastic Mecha nics弹性元件的理论及设计Theory and Desig n of Elastic Eleme nt蛋白质结构基础Prin ciple of Protein Structure蛋白质生物化学技术Biochemical Techno logy of Protein当代国际关系Con temporary Intern ati ona

51、l Relati on ship当代国外社会思维评价Evaluation of Con temporary Foreign Social Thought当代文学 Con temporary Literature当代文学专题Topics on Con temporary Literature当代西方哲学Con temporary Western Philosophy当代戏剧与电影Con temporary Drama & Films当代资本主义经济Con temporary Capitalist Economy党史 History of the Party 导波光学 Wave Guidi ng

52、Optics 德育 Moral Education等离子体工程 Plasma Engin eeri ng低频电子线路 Low Freque ncy Electric Circuit低温测试技术 Cryo Testi ng Techni que低温传热学 Cryo Co nduction 低温固体物理 Cryo Solid Physics 低温技术原理与装置Fun dame ntals of Cryo Tech no logy & Equipme nt低温技术中的微机原理Priciples of Microcomputer in Cryo Techn ology低温绝热 Cryo Heat In

53、 sulation低温气体制冷机Cryo Gas Refrigerator低温热管 Cryo Heat Tube彳氐温设备 Cryo Equipme nt低温生物冻干技术Biological Cryo Freez ing Drying Tech no logy低温生物学原理与应用Prin ciple & Applicatio n of Cryobiology低温实验技术 Cryo Experime ntatio n Tech no logy 低温物理导论 Cryo Physic Co ncepts 低温物理概论 Cryo Physic Co ncepts 低温仪表及测试Cryo Meters

54、& Measureme nt低温原理 Cryo Fun dame ntals低温原理与设备Cryo Fun dame ntals & Equipme nt低温制冷机 Cryo Refrigerator低温中的微机应用Applicatio n of Microcomputer in Cryo Tech nology低温装置 Cryo Equipme nt低噪声电子电路Low-Noise Electric Circuit低噪声电子设计Low-Noise Electro nic Desig ning低噪声放大与弱检Low-Noise In creas ing & Decreas ing低噪声与弱信号检测Detectio n of Low Noise & Weak Sig nals地基基础课程设计Course Design of Grou ndsill Basis地理 Geography第二次


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