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1、Unit 7Can I speak to Wang Yang?教学内容:Unit 7: Lead in; Listening and Speaking; Reading and Writing; Language in use语言知识目标:学生能够理解并运用正确的打电话用语,并正确使用现在进行时态表达正在进行的动作,了解部分与体育相关的词汇。语言技能目标:听学生能够听懂打电话用语。说学生能够使用正确的方式打电话。读学生能够读懂介绍正在进行的动作或行为的与体育相关的文章。写学生能够运用正在进行时态写出正确的句子。学习策略:学生能够将动词词组与名词词组进行正确的搭配。文化意识:学生能够了解英语中打

2、电话的习惯用语与汉语的打电话用语的区别。情感态度:学生能够了解和正确运用英语与他人通电话。单元任务:学生就最喜欢的体育明星作报告。Lesson One教学内容:Lead in; Listen and Speaking Dialogue A教学目标:1知识目标:words and expressions; Making and answering a phone call2能力目标:Understand talks about sports.Describe actions教学重点:Understand an e-mail on sports games; Write a report on a

3、 famous player教学难点:Four-skill words and expressions教学方法:启发式,互动式1教学工具:教科书,收音机德育要点:学生能够了解和正确运用英语与他人通电话。教学步骤:Step One:Presentation教师活动:Look and match.看图,将下列北京奥运会的运动项目图标与项目名称搭配。volleyballbaseballStep 2Lead in学生活动:Read and tick.选出每组中更适合用于打电话的语句。(1)() A. Hello!() B. How do you do?(2)()A. Can I speak Ben B

4、ush?() B. I want to talk to Ben Bush.(3) () A. Who are you?() B. Who is that?(4) () A. I am Ben Bush.() B. This is Ben Bush speaking.(5) () A. Is that Ben Bush?() B. Are you Ben Bush?Step 3listening and speaking教师活动:Can I speak to Wang Yang?学生活动: Listen and choose.听录音,选择正确答案。They will go to _ restau

5、rant.AYueguangListen and tick.再听录音,选择正确的表述。The phone call is between _.a. Tang Hua and her fatherb. Tang Hua and Wang Yangc. Tang Hua and Wang Yangs fatherListen and tick.再听录音,勾出正确的便条。BMeiweibadmintonfootball table tennisbasketballswimming2From: Tang HuaCome to school this afternoon to play basketba

6、ll.From: Tang HuaCome to school this afternoon to play football.From: Tang HuaCome to school tomorrow to play football.Read and underline.阅读对话,用下画线标出打电话和接听电话的语句。Wang Yangs mother: Hello!Ben: Hello! This is Ben. Can I speak to Wang Yang?WangYangsmother:Thisishismotherspeaking.WangYangisntinatthemomen

7、t. May I take a message?Ben:OK,thanks.Pleasetellhimtocometoschoolthisafternoon. I want to play basketball with him.Wang Yangs mother: All right. Ill tell him.Ben: Thank you. Good-bye!Wang Yangs mother: Youre welcome. Bye!师生活动:Explain the language points:重点词汇和句型This is Ben.我是Ben。英语中打电话用this和that来表示“我

8、是”和“你是”。Eg:Whos that?你是谁?Is that Wang Yang?你是王洋吗?This is his mother speaking.直译为“这是他的妈妈在说话。”在打电话时意为“我是他的妈妈。”Heisnt in at the moment.他现在不在家。in在这里意为“在家”。May I take a message?可以捎个口信吗?take a message “捎口信”学生活动: Listen and repeat.跟读对话,学说选出的语句。Step 5Sum(小结)板书设计:Unit 7 Can I speak to Wang Yang?3Wang Yangs m

9、other: Hello!Ben: Hello! This is Ben. Can I speak to Wang Yang?WangYangsmother:Thisishismotherspeaking.WangYangisntinatthemoment. May I take a message?Ben:OK,thanks.Pleasetellhimtocometoschoolthisafternoon. I want to play basketball with him.Wang Yangs mother: All right. Ill tell him.Ben: Thank you.

10、 Good-bye!Wang Yangs mother: Youre welcome. Bye!Homework:(家庭作业)Recite the dialogue A.Feedback:(教学反馈)Lesson Two教学内容:Listen and Speaking Dialogue B教学目标:1知识目标:words and expressions; Making and answering a phone call2能力目标:Understand talks about sports.Describe actions教学重点:Understand an e-mail on sports

11、games; Write a report on a famous player教学难点:Four-skill words and expressions教学方法:启发式,互动式教学工具:教科书,收音机德育要点:学生能够了解和正确运用英语与他人通电话。4教学步骤:Step One: PresentationActivity 1:Ask students to Think and answer.思考并回答下列问题。Question 1:Im playing table tennis.Step 2Listen学生活动: Look and choose.看图,选择动词的适当形式填空。Ben _ a

12、phone call.A. makesB. is makingTang Hua _ housework.A. doingB. is doingLi Xiaonian and Zhang Qing _ badminton.A. are playingB. playListen and judge.听录音,判断下列图片和表述是否正确。() a. Ben is making a phone call with Sara.() b. Wang Yang is making a phone call with Sara.() c. Ben is doing housework.() d. Sara is

13、 doing housework.() e. Ben and Sara are playing table tennis.() f. Ben and Wang Yang are playing table tennis.Read and underline.阅读对话,用下画线标出打电话和接听电话的语句。Tang Hua: Hello! This is Tang Hua. May I speak to Sara?Saras roommate:Hold on, please.A moment later.Sara: Hello! This is Sara speaking.Tang Hua: Hi

14、, Sara. This is Tang Hua. What are you doing now?Sara: Im washing my clothes. Whats up?5Tang Hua: Im playing badminton with Xiaonian at school.Sara: Oh! I like playing badminton best.Tang Hua: Would you like to join us?Sara: Of course! Ill come soon!Tang Hua: Good! See you!教师活动:Explain some key poin

15、ts:May / Can I speak to Sara? Sara在吗?Hold on, please.请稍等。hold on表示“继续”,“不挂断”。Whats up?怎么了?Listen and repeat.跟读对话,学说选出的语句。Tang Hua: Hello! This is Tang Hua. May I speak to Sara?Saras roommate:Hold on, please.A moment later.Sara: Hello! This is Sara speaking.Tang Hua: Hi, Sara. This is Tang Hua. What

16、are you doing now?Sara: Im washing my clothes. Whats up?Tang Hua: Im playing badminton with Xiaonian at school.Sara: Oh! I like playing badminton best.Tang Hua: Would you like to join us?Sara: Of course! Ill come soon!Tang Hua: Good! See you!Act and practice.用下列句式与同伴练习打电话。A: Hello! This is . Can / M

17、ay I speak to .?B: Speaking. / Hold on, please. / This is . speaking. . isnt in at the moment.6Can / May I take a message?A: OK. .B: All right, Ill tell him / her.A: Thank you. Bye!.Act and practice.与同伴练习打电话,依据图片中的场景互相介绍正在进行的活动。Step 5Sum(小结)板书设计:Unit 7 Can I speak to Wang Yang?Everyday EnglishHello,

18、 this is Sally speaking.你好!我是Sally。Hi, Sally. Can I speak to John?你好,Sally。John在吗?He is not in at the moment. May I take a message?他不在,要留言吗?OK. Please tell him to call me later.好的,请他给我打电话。Homework:(家庭作业)Recite the dialogue BFeedback:(教学反馈)Lesson Three教学内容:Reading and Writing in Unit 71知识目标:words and

19、 expressions; Making and answering a phone call2能力目标:Understand talks about sports.Describe actions教学重点:Understand an e-mail on sports games; Write a report on a famous player教学难点:Four-skill words and expressions教学方法:启发式,互动式教学工具:教科书,收音机7德育要点:学生能够了解和正确运用英语与他人通电话。教学步骤:Step One: Preparation活动1:Look and

20、 match.看图,将下列图片与框中的句子搭配。a. She is selling goods.b. He is driving a car.d. He is handing out booklets.c. He is putting up posters.Look and tick.在活动13的图片中勾出与奥运志愿服务有关的工作。Read and circle.阅读王洋发给美国网友Mike的邮件,在活动13的图片中圈出王洋提到的奥运志愿服务工作。Dear Mike,Ive got good news to tell you. Ill be a volunteer for the 2008 B

21、eijing OlympicGames.Manyofmyclassmatesareworkingasvolunteers.Somearehandingoutinformation booklets in the streets. Some are providing translation and other servicesfor foreign visitors. Im placing flowers and putting up posters on the roads. Im veryglad to see that Beijing is becoming more and more

22、beautiful.Were all looking forward to the Olympic Games.Best regards,Wang YangStep 2Read and answer.教师活动:.(Language Points)Many of my classmates are working as volunteers.我的很多同学都在做志愿者。work as做工作。egShe is working as a nurse.她在做护士工作。Some are handing out information booklets in the streets.8有些人在街上分发xx。

23、hand out分发egPlease hand out the homework.请将作业发下去。. put up posters on the roads.在路上张贴海报。put up这里意为“张贴”Step3PresentationRead and judge.再读王洋的邮件,判断下列句子的正误。()1)WangYangisgladtobeavolunteerforthe2008BeijingOlympic Games.()2)WangYangsclassmatesareallvolunteersforthe2008BeijingOlympic Games.()3)WangYangisin

24、vitingMiketocometothe2008BeijingOlympicGames.Read and write.再读王洋的邮件,用适当语句描述下列图片并写在横线上。Homework:(家庭作业)Exercise BookFeedback:(教学反馈)Lesson Four教学内容:Language in use, Unit Task, Pronunciation practice, Life and culture教学目标:1知识目标:words and expressions; Making and answering a phone call2能力目标:Understand tal

25、ks about sports.Describe actions教学重点:Understand an e-mail on sports games; Write a report on a famous player9教学难点:Four-skill words and expressions教学方法:启发式,互动式教学工具:教科书,收音机德育要点:学生能够了解和正确运用英语与他人通电话。教学步骤:Step One: Revision教师活动:什么叫现在进行时态,它有何句法功能。学生活动:小组讨论,并回答问题。Step 2 Presentation教师活动:Ask the Ss to read

26、Grammar On p109 carefully.学生活动: Learn by themselves.Step3Practice教师活动:Ask students to do the exercises on P110.学生活动:Do the exercises.师生互动:The whole class check the answers学生活动:What am I / are you / is he / she / are they / is Wang Yang / are the students doing?I am / Im / You are / Youre / He / She

27、/ It is / They are / Theyre / Wang Yang is /The students playing basketball.Am I / Areyou / Is he / she /Are they / Is Wang Yang / Are the students playingbasketball? Yes, I am. / he / she / they are .No, I am not. / he isnt./ she isnt. / they arent .Look and write.观察班上的同学和老师,用现在进行时写出他们正在做的动作。Look a

28、nd complete.看图,仿照例子补全对话。Read and match.如例所示组词,一词可多次使用。10Give a presentation of your favorite sport star.1) Work in groups of 4, decide what your favorite sport is and who your favoritesportstar(s)is/are.Ourfavoritesportis_.Ourfavoritesportstar(s) is / are _.2) Think about the information you know ab

29、out the star(s), try to find some picturesand introductions of the sport star(s) from magazines, books or the Internet.3) Work in groups and put all your materials together. Select the most suitable onesfor your presentation.4) Work in groups and make a poster to introduce your favorite sport star(s

30、) to yourclassmates.5)Chooseonegroupmembertointroduceyourfavoritesportstar(s)tothewholeclass.Hello,Imin Group _. We all like _ (sport) and this is ourposter. _ is our favorite sport star. In this picture, he / she is_.6) Students vote to choose the best poster and presentation.Listen and repeat.听录音跟

31、读,并注意以下发音。All my friends are doing sports. Charles is jogging. George is shooting.Jane is swimming. But what am I doing? I am working in the garage (车库)!I learned: () badminton() foreign() station() information() message() volleyball() volunteer() service() place() translation() provide() baseball() tennis() housework() posterI can: () make phone calls in English.() talk about sports.() use present continu


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