



1、精品文档2019 CORPORATE RATE AGREEMENT2019 年公司协议价格合同Company Name:公司名称:Address:Contract:地址:联系人:TEL:FAX:电话:传真:Email:电子邮件:Dear Mr/Ms,尊敬的 _ 先生 /女士:Thank you for your interest and support Innside Greenland Zhengzhou. It is our pleasure to welcome you as one of our most valued customers. By way of this letter,

2、 we are pleased to offer you our corporate rates as follow:感谢贵公司对_ 的支持。在此,我们非常荣幸地为贵公司提供年度的公司协议价如下:Validity: _/_/_- _/_/_有效期 : _ 年 _ 月 _ 日 至 _ 年 _ 月 _ 日Room CategoryRack Rate RMBCorporate RateCorporate Rate房型门市价RMBRMB协议价格(单早)协议价格(双早)大床房_RMB元_RMB元_RMB元双床房_RMB元_RMB元_RMB元豪华房_RMB元_RMB元_RMB元豪华套房_RMB元_RMB元

3、_RMB元The corporate rates are including one pax or two pax buffet breakfast and 10% servicecharge & 6% tax per room per night;以上协议价格包含_ 早餐,及全部服务费及税费;Basic Benefits基本优惠Free tea or coffee in room;房间内包含茶或咖啡;Free for wireless network in room and public area;酒店公共区域及客房提供无线网络使用权;Express check-in supplied wh

4、en required if the chosen room is available;.精品文档根据客户方要求,在所选房间可提供的情况下,酒店可提供快速入住登记服务;Free access to Health Club facilities ;包含健身设施的使用权;Priority for irregular seasonal special rates.住店客人可优先享用酒店不定期推出的季节优惠价。Reservation Confirmation and Guarantee预订确认及担保If Express Reservation is needed, please call Reserv

5、ation Dept. at Ext. Reservation, or send a fax to Reservation Dept. at如需快速预订,可直接同酒店预订部联系,酒店直线:转预订部,预订部传真Our ReservationsDepartment opens everyday and the operation houris as follows:_ alternatively, you may also make your booking via our Email:我们预订部的工作时间为:_您也可以发电子邮件至订房。All reservationsmustbe guarant

6、eedby one night room ratedeposit ora major creditcard. For creditcardguarantees, the hotelrequires writteninformationto includethename of the cardholder as it appears on the card, the card number and expiry date.酒店有权于特定日期要求“担保预订 ”,担保预订在预订时需交付一晚房费或以信用卡作为担保。所有信用卡担保之预订,须提供持卡人姓名,卡号和有效期。Please be advised

7、 thatall reservations will be held until _ p.m.on the dayofarrival unless guaranteed reservation is made.未提供担保之预订,酒店将订房保留至当日下午_ 时。此时间后到达客人之住宿安排,酒店将视当日住房状况而定;Please also note the hotel check-in time is after 2:00 p.m. and check out time is before 12:00 noon.入店时间在下午_ 以后,离店时间在中午_ 以前。All companies that

8、are subsidiaries or affiliated with ZHONGYUAN BANK CO.,LTDwill be entitled to the same corporate rates. Prior advice of those company names is requested before the rates will be honored.所有中原银行股份有限公司的子公司或附属公司都可享有此优惠价格,但务必请提前告知这些公司的名称,以避免使用门市价These corporate rates are extended for your individual trav

9、elers only and cannot be usedfor group bookings of more than 10 rooms. Should you require group rates for your meetings, we will be delighted to discuss with you further.本协议价适用于贵公司的散客,不适用于_ 间客房以上的会展、会务或奖励团队的预订。如您需要团队价格,我们很高兴为您提供更多帮助。Cancellation Policy.精品文档取消Cancel the guaranteed reservation shall b

10、e handled in the day before guest check in before 16:00, such as cancel booking after this time, the hotel will charge one night room charge.取消已经担保的预订应于客人入住前一天_ 前办理,如在此时间后取消预订,酒店将收取_ 作为补偿金。No Show Policy未抵达Should your guest with a guaranteed reservation not arrive on the scheduled date of arrival, a

11、 one-night room charge will be levied as no-show charge. Space for subsequent nights will be released for resale. Because of natural disasters or other force majeure factors to cancel or change the booking, the hotel will not charge any fees.已经担保的预订如果未能在入住当日 24 时之前取消或当晚客人未到,酒店将收取一晚房费,其余几日之订房将不予保留;因自

12、然灾害等不可抗因素取消或变更预订,酒店将不收取任何损失费。Terms of Payment付款方式All guest rooms charges including Food & Beverage expensesand other miscellaneousexpenseswillbesettledbytheindividualguestupondeparture,unlessalternatearr angement has been made with the Hotel s Credit Department.客人下榻期间所有费用须在离店时全部付清,包括客房,餐饮及其他杂费。(经酒店信

13、贷部门另作付款安排之预订除外)。帐户:开户行:开户行帐号:Company Accounts公司帐户Written confirmation / request is required for all guests whose accounts are being settled by the company. Please submit a written confirmation with the authorized signature on companyletterhead no less than 72 hours prior to guest s arrival. The conf

14、irmation should state the guest s name and the period of his/her stay.如客人下榻期间所有费用由公司承担,则请至少于客人抵店前72 小时提供书面预订文件,文件中需包含客人的姓名以及住店时间。Other Commitments其它约定.本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,并在执壹份。精品文档These room rates and benefits are permanently confidential and are not to be disclosed to other parties.本协议价格及其他优惠信息具有永久的保密

15、性。Hotel governs room rates during special days or its large-scale activities.遇特殊日期或大型活动期间,房价以酒店确认为准。Any dispute arise out of this contract shall is settled through friendly negotiation, and thefinal right to construe the contract belongs to Hotel.本协议执行中如发生争议,双方友好协商解决(本协议最终解释权归酒店所有)。协商不成,任何一方均有权提交酒店所

16、在地有管辖权的人民法院诉讼解决。Please confirm your acceptance by returning a signed copy of this agreement to validate the offer by _/_/2018Please note that these rates will not be activated until we receive this signed contract.2018年 _ 月 _ 日前签字回传,一式贰份,双方各We value our long-term partnership with our customers and we know you do likewise. We look f


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