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1、 英语五年级下册单元练习题(1-2)一、按要求填空。 10分sandwich - three _ (三个三明治)apple pie - _ _ (一个苹果派)orange juice - _ _ (两个橘子汁) artist - _ _ (一个画家)French fries- _ _(四份薯条)二、选择合适的短语填入句子,使句子完整通顺, 注意书写。5分takes, visit, explore, stay, flies, have, hear, works, lives, feed practicing the violin wonderful fooddesign spaceshipsEn

2、joyan engineer 1、I want to _ . 2、I want to be _ .3、She is _ .4、_ your dinner .5、They cook _ .三、连线,并仿照例子写出句子。 10分1、thirsty go to see a doctor2、tired have lunch3、sleepy get some sleep4、bored take a rest5、hungry go out to play 6、a bad cold drink some water例: 1、 Whats wrong with you?Im (very)thirsty.(Le

3、ts)Drink some water.2、_ _3、_4、_5、_6、_四、选择正确的序号填写在题前的括号内 10分( )1. What do you usually do on the weekend? I usually the violin. A:fly B: help C:practice ( ) 2. What do you want to be? I want to be engineer. A:a B: the C:an ( ) 3. violin is this? Its Codys.A:Who B: Whose C:What ( ) 4. How is it ? _. A:

4、 Just great. B: Ok , lets. C: Me, too. ( ) 5. She is a . She plays the . A: pilot violin B: doctor violin C: violinist violin ( ) 6. I want to be an artist. _ A:Thats too bad. B: Dont be so sad. C: That sounds great. ( ) 7. How this coat? A: about B:do C:long ( ) 8. Do you want to be a _ ? A:swim B:

5、swimming C:swimmer ( ) 9. Whats wrong with him?He _ a bad cold. A: is B: have C: has ( ) 10. How making a birthday cake ? A: is B: do C: about 五、句型转换: 10分1. Thats Okay with me . (译成中文) 2. go Lets to out play ? (连词成句) 3. I want to be a pilot. (对划线部分提问) 4. Does he wear glasses? (作否定回答) 5. Do you want

6、to be a cook? (做否定回答) 六、阅读理解 8分 In the RestaurantWaitress Can I help you ?May Yes, please. Wed like .Tom Id like a hamburger, some chicken and a strawberry milkshakes. How abut you, May?May Thats Okay with me.Waitress Anything else? What would you like to drink?May A Coke.Tom And Id like a glass of

7、orange juice.May OK. Wait a minute, please. Id also like an ice cream.Waitress For here or to go?Tom For here, please.I 在下列句子前标上T或F。 ( )1 Tom and May are in the restaurant.( )2 May wants a Coke( )3 Tom likes a hamburger and chicken.( )4 They want to eat at homeII 回答问题。 1 What food does Tom want ? _2

8、 What food does May want? _3 Where do they eat? _4 Is there any ice cream in the restaurant? _七、小练笔 5分用你学过的单词、句型写一写关于职业的句子吧,看谁写的多,写的对。 _英语五年级下册单元练习题(3-4)一、按要求写单词。(5分)1、do (第三人称单数) _ 2、go (现在分词) _ 3、umbrella (复数)_4、buy (过去式) _ 5、I will ( 缩略式) _二、选择填空。 (10分)( ) 1. - What are you going to do ? - Im _ t

9、o go to Australia. A. go B. to go C. going D. goes( ) 2. My good friend lives _ Australia. A. on B. in C. at D. to( ) 3. Are you ready _ go? A. about B. in C. with D. to ( ) 4. Tom will stay there _ the winter. A. to B. of C. during D. about( ) 5. Today is the first day _ this week. A. about B. of C

10、. in D. to ( ) 6. _ I see your ticket, please. A. Am B. When C. May D. Could( ) 7. Who _ the ticket? A. have B. has C.had D. haves( ) 8. - Are you ready _ ? - _ yet. A. to go, Not B. to go, No C. go, Not D. go, No( ) 9. Let _ take your raincoat. A. I B. my C. me D. mine( ) 10. Can I _ your tickets,

11、please? A.look B watch C. see D. read三、选词填空。( 10分)1 I want to _ your plans.2. He is going to _ his uncle.3. You all _ good plan.4. Tony is going to _ home.5. Mary will _ the animals.6. The astronaut is going to _ the moon.7. He _ care of animals.8. My father _ at the police station.9. My brother _ i

12、n Australia.10. He _ in a spaceship.四、情景交际。(5分)1、当你想问对方将要在这里呆多长时间,应该说: A. How much is it? B. How long will you stay here?2、你生病了,但是你想告诉你的朋友不要让他担心,应说: A. Dont worry. B. Dont forget.3、当你要递给别人东西时,应说: A. Here you are. B. Its your thing.4、今天下雨了,你想问你的朋友带雨伞没有,应说: A. Did you buy the umbrella? B. Did you take

13、 the umbrella?5、你要告诉你的朋友,你在海南待了一个暑假,应说: A. I stay in Hainan during summer holiday. B. I stay in Hainan during winter holiday.五、从下列A、B、C、D、E 中选出合适的答语。(5分) 1. What are you going to do tomorrow? 2. How long will you stay in China? 3. Where are you from? 4. Who is going to go with you? 5. When are you g

14、oing to go there? A. For 6 months. B. Im from London. C. Mei Ling. D. Im going to buy a book. E. At 6 oclock.六、按要求完成句子。(10分) 1. Did you learn English? (做肯定回答)_ 2. My uncle lives in Australia. (划线提问)_ 3. long, will, stay, how, there, you (连词组句)_ 4. Are these three pieces your luggage? (翻译成汉语)_5. Shes

15、 a vet. (变成否定句)_七、阅读理解 A 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(10分) Im a student. I am from Nanning. My name is Liu Ming. Im in Class Three, Grade One. There are forty students in our class. There are two American girls. They are Lucy and Lily. They come from New York. We go to school five days a week. We stay home on Sat

16、urdays and Sundays. On Sundays I often my homework and help my mother do some housework. Sometimes I go to the park with my good friend. We play games in the park. ( ) 1. Where is Liu Ming from? A. Hes from Shanghai. B. Hes from Nanning.C. Hes from American. ( ) 2. How many American girls are there

17、in Liu Mings class? A. There are many. B. Theres only one.C. There are two. ( ) 3. Where do the twins come from? A. They come from London. B. They come from Australia.C. They come from New York. ( ) 4. What does Liu Ming often do on Sundays?A. He often goes to the park. B. He often does his homework

18、.C. He often watches TV. ( ) 5. What do they do in the park? A. They play games. B. They play basketball.C. They play football. B 读短文并补全句子。(5分) Im Mable. On my vocation, Im going to go the bookstore. Im going to buy some storybooks and a Chinese-English and English-Chinese dictionary. I like reading

19、 storybooks. I find them very interesting. Im going to play the piano. Playing the piano is my hobby. Im going to do my homework. I must study hard. Im going to go shopping with my parents and my little brother. I love going shopping. I think all of the girls like going shopping. 1. Mable is going t

20、o the _, she likes reading. 2. The storybooks are very _. 3. Mables hobby is _. 4. Mable is going to _, she must study hard. 5. Mable will _ with her parents and her brother.八、作文。(6分)给同学们介绍一下你假期的计划是什么。要求:语言通顺,书写规范,注意大小写及标点。_五年级英语期中检测练习 班级 _ 姓名 _听力部分 (30分)一、听录音,将人物与他所要去的国家连线。(10分) Peter Billy Betty A

21、ndy Sandy Lucy Tom Robo Nancy White 二、听音,为你听到的单词或短语选择正确的汉语意思。(5分)( ) 1. A. 柠檬汁 B. 苹果派 C. 桔汁( ) 2. A. 锻炼 B. 练习 C. 学习( ) 3. A. 古怪的 B. 有趣的 C. 神奇的( ) 4. A. 参观 B. 参加 C. 逗留( ) 5. A. 动物 B. 植物 C. 人类三、听句子,选择正确答案。(5分)1. I would like to eat _. A. food B. drinks C. cakes2. There is a snack _ on the corner. A. c

22、ar B. bar C. bus3. I want to be _ . A. an engineer B. a farmer C. a pilot4. Who takes care of the _ ? A. people B. sick people C. animals5. I will stay in Shanghai for _ weeks. A. two B. three C. four 四、听录音,补出空缺的单词。(5分)1The Wonder Land is a _.2. Stand _ to Winky and Tino.3. Ill _ a picture of you.4.

23、 Are these three pieces your_?5. Did you take your _ and umbrellas? 五、听录音,填空。(5分) 1. - What are you going to do there? - Ill _ the animals and go to the _. 2. - Who lives in Australia? - M y _ lives there. 3. Do you have a good _ for the _.笔试部分(70分)一、重新排列字母,组成单词,并写出其汉语意思。(10分)i o r r a p t _ ( )m a

24、a c r e _ ( )g g g l u a e _ ( )r o t a c a i n _ ( )k t i c t e _ ( )二、按要求写单词。(10分)原形汉语第三人称单数过去式去goes忘记forgetbeishavehadthinksthought三、 选择填空(10分)1. What would you like to eat? _ like a hamburger.A. Im B. Id C. Youre D. Youd 2. Im very _. Lets go out to play.A. hungry B. thirsty C. tired D. bored3.

25、My aunt is a vet. She takes care of _.A. animals B. food C. people D. animal4. What do you _ do after school?A. usually B. weekend C. already D. before5. Do you want to _ a swimmer?A. is B. be C. am D. are6. She always _ the violin on the weekend.A. exercise B. practice C. exercises D. practices7. I

26、 want _ fly planes.A. X B. to C. at D. in8. Whats wrong with you? Im _.A. sleep B. go out to play C. sleepy D. bore9. How long will you _ in Beijing.A. stay B. take C. live D. be10. I want to make _ food.A. delicious B. nice C. wonderful D. beautiful四、按要求完成下列各题。(15分)1. There is a snack bar on the co

27、rner. (改为否定句)_2. Can I help you? (做肯定回答)_3. get go to bed sleep and some (连词组句)_4. Id like a Coke. (划线提问)_5. She is a doctor. (划线提问)_五、阅读理解。 (15分)Kens FamilyThere are three people in Kens family, they are his father, his mother and he. Kens father is an engineer. He likes reading very much. His moth

28、er is a teacher. She teaches in No.14 Middle School. Ken is a student. He studies very hard(刻苦). He likes playing computer games very much. On the weekend, they usually go for a walk in the park. Ken loves his mother and his father, he loves his family, too.( ) 1. What does Kens father do? Hes _. A.

29、 an engineer B. a teacher C. a driver D. a vet( ) 2. What does Kens mother do? Shes _.A. an engineer B. a teacher C. a driver D. a vet( ) 3. Where does Kens mother work? She works at _.A. a park B. a shop C. a school D. a farm( ) 4. What does Ken like? He likes _. A. playing computer games B. readin

30、g www. Xkb C. singing D. swimming( ) 5. What do they do on the weekend? They usually _. A. play games B. go for a walk C. feed the animals D. do exercises六、小练笔。( 10分) 提示:要求以“My Holiday”为题,写一篇小作文。 要求:1、条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范。 2、 介绍清楚你假期的行程。 _英语五年级下册单元练习题(5-7) Class Name Mark 听力部分(30分)一、 选择你听到的单词

31、。(5)1. ( ) A. awesome B. surprise C. building D. Egypt2. ( ) A. wonderful B. beautiful C. fantastic D. interesting3. ( ) A. straight B. street C. tree D. three4.( )A. fever B. planet C. museum D. pyramid5. ( )A. model B. slight C. bad D. highxk b1 .c om二、听录音并根据图来判断对错,对用T,错用F。(6)1 2 3 ( ) ( ) ( ) 4 5

32、 6 ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音选择正确的答案。(5)( )1 The laundry is next to the .A. building B. cafeteria C. library D. restaurant( )2. Where is the library?A. Go straight two blocks.B. Go straight two blocks and turn left.C. Go straight three blocks and turn right.D. Go straight two blocks and turn right.( )3.His h

33、ome is from school.A. far B. far from C. not far away D. far away( )4.Whats your favorite ?A. food B. color C. season D. fruit5.How are you feeling now?A. I have a fever. B. I have a runny nose.C. I have a sore throat. D. I have a bad cough.四、听录音,选择正确的答语。(5)( )1、A. I dont feel well. B、 Im fine, than

34、k you. ( ) 2. A It was fantastic. B. Take care of yourself. ( ) 3.A. Its Sunday today. B. Its sunny today. ( ) 4. A. yesterday B. tomorrow ( ) 5. A. I can swim. B. I can go on a picnic.五、听录音,填空。(9) Last Sunday, we back here to Ellia. It a planet. Winck us all around the land. We to the in the land.

35、It was .We the museum. Tomorrow Ill tell the class about my trip.二、笔试部分(70)一、看图写单词。1. 2 3 4 5 6 二、 将词组补充完整,并写出中文。1. in 2. warm and 3. out 4.make a 5.have a 6 picture 三、 根据句意,补充单词使句子完整,首字母已给出。1. I felt a d of rain. ww w .xk b1.c om2. Hows the w in Ellia.3. Which s do you like best?4.Can you see that w building.5.How was your v ?四、 按照要求写出下面的单词。1. get(过去式) 2.hike( 现在分词 ) 3.wet(反义词 ) 4.pour(现在分词 ) 5. fly (过去式) 6. cloud(形容词) 7. close to ( 近义词) 8. 8cool (改一个字母变新词) 五、


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