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1、 Lets Talk Book 1Lets Talk Book 1Unit 1-2 Getting to Know Each other !Unit 1-2 Getting to Know Each other !Unit 1 A Lets get to know each other (p4-p5)Focus: How to introduce oneself and introduce people to one another. I.Useful InformationJilin University of Finance and Economics 吉林财经大学吉林财经大学School

2、 of Accounting会计学院会计学院II SentencesSelf-introduction (informal)Hello/How do you do? / Nice to meet you. My name is/Im您好您好,我,我是是May I introduce myself? Peter Cheng, a new student in School of ?可以可以自我介绍一下吗?我是彼得陈自我介绍一下吗?我是彼得陈, 学院学院新生。新生。Let me introduce myself. Im让让我自我介绍一下我自我介绍一下, 我我是是Do you mind if I i

3、ntroduce myself? My name is 让让我自我介绍一下好吗?我我自我介绍一下好吗?我是是Introduce others formally1. Ms. Smith, this is Mr. Jones, my boss. Ms. Smith, I would like to introduce my boss, Mr. Jones, to you. Ms. Smith, let me introduce my boss, Mr. Jones, to you. 史密斯史密斯女士,这位是我的上司琼斯先生。女士,这位是我的上司琼斯先生。2. May I introduce Mr.

4、 Smith? Allow me to introduce Mr. Smith. Please let me introduce Mr. Smith. Perhaps I could introduce Mr. Smith. 请请允许我介绍史密斯先生。允许我介绍史密斯先生。3. This is Mr. Jones, manager of our company. 这位是琼斯先生,我们公司的经理。这位是琼斯先生,我们公司的经理。4. Im honored / very pleased to present Mr. Gilmour. 很很荣幸向您介绍吉尔莫先生。荣幸向您介绍吉尔莫先生。Respon

5、se to formal introduction1. Hello! / How do you do? 2. Im happy/pleased/delighted/glad to meet you. 3. Ive heard so much about you. 久仰大名久仰大名4. Ive been looking forward to meeting you. 我我一直想见您。一直想见您。Activity 1A Listening task (P4.)Procedures: 1. Look at the two pictures on P4, and guess where these p

6、eople are and what they might say to each other. 2. Listen to the recording and number the sentences in each conversation from 1 to 5. III. Class activities New Wordsfashion designer时尚设计师host主持人studio工作室、舞蹈室、录音棚collection作品Activity 2B Listening task (P5.)Keys: Activity 2B Listening task (P5.)1. Kim2

7、. Toronto3. Paris4. France5. travel and reading6. all kinds, but classical is favorite E.g. Do you have a nickname? Whats your major?Do you have a large family? How many brothers and sisters do you have?What sports do you play? Whos your favorite singer? What kinds of movies do you like?Activity 3 R

8、ole PlayMaking an Interview Activity 4 Video Clip Watching Procedures: a collection of different movies all the clips focus on introduction / self-introduction how many useful sentences or tips you can grasp Unit 1 B Personal Information (P6-7)Focus: learn to say ones personal information in English

9、 Activity 2A (P6): Numbers birthday Telephone number QQ Email Special signs =at,.=dot, -=dash, _ underscore contract 合同合同; 契约契约; 协议协议; tag标签标签cute娇小可爱的娇小可爱的; 机灵机灵的的tiny极小的,微小的极小的,微小的fill out填写(表格等)填写(表格等)sign符号符号; 手势手势; 指示指示牌牌Activity 2 B listening task (P7)New WordsKeys: Activity 2 B listening task

10、 (P7)1. 845-555-87202. 845-555-34593. 1. Edwin2. Horowitz3. TinyUnit 2 A What Do They Look Like? (P8-P9)Focus: Learn to describe peoples physical appearanceI. Words and phrasessmartly dressed穿着得体穿着得体look dignified仪表堂堂仪表堂堂well-built身材魁梧身材魁梧middle-sized 身高中等的身高中等的 watery eyes 水汪汪的眼水汪汪的眼睛睛blond hair金黄的

11、头发金黄的头发pointed nose 鹰钩鼻子鹰钩鼻子decayed tooth 蛀牙蛀牙Bushy beard浓密的胡须浓密的胡须long-lobed耳垂很长的耳垂很长的lbd II Sentences1. He was tall and stoutly built. 他他长的五大三粗的。长的五大三粗的。2. He was a man in his late thirties, with fine, dark hair and a pale oval face. 他年他年近四十,头发乌黑亮泽,长着一张苍白的鹅蛋脸。近四十,头发乌黑亮泽,长着一张苍白的鹅蛋脸。3. She wore her

12、hair in pigtails. 她她梳着两条辫子。梳着两条辫子。4. His shaggy grey hair fell loosely across his brow. 他他凌乱的白发蓬松地搭在额头。凌乱的白发蓬松地搭在额头。5. Do you divide your hair at the side or in the middle? =Do you want a part dividing or a center dividing? 你的你的头发是偏分还是中间分头发是偏分还是中间分?6. His eyes were red and watery. 他他两眼发红,泪水汪汪。两眼发红,泪

13、水汪汪。7. Her eyes were bloodshot and weary. 她她的眼睛有血丝,很疲惫。的眼睛有血丝,很疲惫。8. She eats too much these days, so her face is getting round. 她她最近吃得太多了,所以她的脸变圆了。最近吃得太多了,所以她的脸变圆了。 9. Her hair is brown and curly. 她她有着一头棕色而卷曲的头发。有着一头棕色而卷曲的头发。10. His eyes are deep-set because he has worked till midnight for a long t

14、ime. 他他的眼睛深陷,因为他这段时间经常工作到深夜。的眼睛深陷,因为他这段时间经常工作到深夜。 11. He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. 她她有一双我从未见过的漂亮蓝眼睛。有一双我从未见过的漂亮蓝眼睛。12. He was born a hooked nose. 他他天生是鹰钩鼻。天生是鹰钩鼻。 13. When he laughs, we see his even teeth. 当当他笑的时候,我们看见他有一口整齐的牙齿。他笑的时候,我们看见他有一口整齐的牙齿。 14. She has a double chin.

15、她她有双下巴。有双下巴。III Class activitiesActivity 1A Pair work (P8.)Procedure: Describe each person on the book, using the words and sentences given above. Then describe your partners. The following example can be taken as the reference. E.g. In terms of appearance, my father is kind of average. He is medium

16、 build with black and curly hair. His eyes are small and not so bright. But he always wears a friendly smile on his face, which makes him pretty approachable. 说到我的爸爸的长相,他的长相很普通。中等身材,黑色的卷发。他的眼睛不大并且也不那么闪亮。但是他通常面带笑容,这让他看起来十分平易近人。blond hair金发金发dark eyebrow浓眉浓眉Activity 2A listening task (P9)New wordsmusc

17、ular健硕的,结实的健硕的,结实的security guard保安保安abrakeys: Activity 2A listening task (P9)1. Danny2. Helen3. Ben4. SylviaProcedures: 1. describe one picture of some famous people with your partner. 2. The other students may guess the famous persons name. Extended Activity: Group Workdescribe people on the pictur

18、eUnit 2B Your Personality (P10-P11)Focus: personality and astrological signs.adroit灵巧的,机敏灵巧的,机敏的的 audacious大胆的大胆的demanding苛刻的苛刻的conceited自以为是的自以为是的 frugal俭朴的俭朴的hospitable殷勤的殷勤的 impartial公正的公正的 original有独创性的有独创性的 I. Words II. Sentences1. Marias a terrible gossip. Shes always talking about everybody e

19、lse in the office. 玛玛利亚是个长舌妇利亚是个长舌妇.她总在办公室讲每个人的闲话。她总在办公室讲每个人的闲话。2. Jane is quite relaxed and easy-going about most things. 珍妮对大多数事情都很随和。珍妮对大多数事情都很随和。3. People often say the British are very reserved.人们通常认为英国人很冷淡矜持人们通常认为英国人很冷淡矜持。 4. When you get to know them they can be very emotional like anyone els

20、e. 深入深入接触之后你会发现他们也一样感情丰富。接触之后你会发现他们也一样感情丰富。5. Bob is such a big-head. He never stops telling people how wonderful he is. 鲍勃是鲍勃是个自大狂个自大狂.他总跟别人炫耀自己有多棒。他总跟别人炫耀自己有多棒。6. Roberts quite an extrovert. 罗伯特罗伯特是个外向开朗的人。是个外向开朗的人。7. Andrew is a terrific guy. Hes really generous with both his time and his money.

21、安安德鲁是个了不起的人德鲁是个了不起的人.无论是时间还是金钱他从不吝啬。无论是时间还是金钱他从不吝啬。8. Mikes girlfriend is a bit cold, a bit distant. 迈迈克的女朋友对人有点冷淡克的女朋友对人有点冷淡,有点疏远。有点疏远。9. He is quite a good man except for his quick temper. 他人他人挺好就是有点急脾气。挺好就是有点急脾气。10. I feel more cheerful and optimistic when its sunny. 天晴天晴的时候我会特别乐观开朗。的时候我会特别乐观开朗。1

22、1. She showed great sensitivity. 她她的反映非常敏锐。的反映非常敏锐。III. Classroom activitiesActivity 1B Listening task (P10) I .Words snowboarding n. 滑雪滑雪parachute /pru:t/n.降落伞降落伞 vi.跳伞跳伞Keys: Activity 1B Listening task (P10)1. Randy: adventurous2. Kelly: careless3. Chris: creative4. Megan: stubborn5. Sam: lazyActivity Extended: Describing peoples personality with different jobs. doctors salesman and saleswomanpolicem


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