1、 江苏省南京市2010届高三第二次模拟考试 语 2010. 03 本试卷分第一卷(选择题 )和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。共120分,考试用时120分 钟。 注意事项: 答题前考生必将自己的学校、姓名、考试号写存答题纸上。考试结束后,请交回答题纸。 第一卷(三部分,共85分) 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案表在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上答案转涂到答题纸上。 第一节(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对活。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 遍。 例: How much is the shirt? A.
2、 l 9. 1 5. 答案是Bo What does the man want to drink? A. Coffee.B. B. A、B、C三个选项选出最佳选项,并标在试 10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一 C. 9. 18. Tea C. Juice. When is the meet ing supposed to be over that afternoon? A. Before 5 : 00.B. After 5 : 00 . C. At 5 : 00. Where are the two speakers most probably talki ng? A.
3、In a cotton field.B. On a farm. What is the most probable relati on ship betwee n the two speakers? A. Teacher and student.B. Classmates.C. How did the woma n read the book? A. She chose some chapters to read. B. She read it slowly . C . She went over it chapter by chapter . 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分.满分15分) 听
4、下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项.并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6 . What has Linda done recen tly? A . Shesjust rented a new flat . B . Shesjust bought a flew flat . C . Shesjust sold a new flat. 7 . What will the man do to help
5、 Lin da? A . Hetreat Linda to a meal . B . Hellsay something to his sister . C . Hetalk with the owner . C. On n train . Colleagues. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. What is wrong with the woman? A. She has a stomach ache. B. She can sleep well. C. She has a headache. 9. Why didn the woman come to see the doctor
6、 earlier? A. Because she was busy with her work . B. Because she took some sleeping pills . C. Because she ate some effective food . 10. What suggestion does the doctor give? A. She should take more sleeping pills . B. She should stay in hospital for a week . C. She should stop working for a week .
7、听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 11. Where are the speakers? C . In a theater. C . 3. 75. A. In a library .B . In a shop . 12 . How much are the tickets for two adults and a child un der ten? A. 3 .B. 2 . 25 . 13 . What gift can a child most probably get from the library this year? A . A penB . A book .C . A schoo
8、lbag 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。 14 . Why does May come to Oliver house? A . To look after Joe . C . To see if Oliver is well 15 . Who is Joe? A . HeOlivers on. C . HeOliver nephew . 16 . What does Oliver think of Joe? A . En ergetic 听第10材料,回答第17至20题。 B . To give Oliver someth ing B . He Oliverscousin B . Tro
9、ublesome .C . Lovely . 17 . Why is the bird called the tailor bird? A . Because it can sew .B . Because it can use a n eedle . C . Because it can put straw in its nest . 18 . What is the n ame of the bird that can make its n est very solid? A . The tailor bird . B . The weaver bird . C . The oven bi
10、rd 19 . Why is there a hole in the weaver bird nest? A . To let in the sunshine.B . To serve as its door . C . For the bird to lay eggs . 20 . What can we know from the speech? A . There are mainly three kinds of birds in the world B . Not all birds build nests . C . You can easily find birds nests
11、. 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节.满分35分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。 21 . We work together to achieve our com mon purpose : world that is safer clea ner and healthier thanone we found . A. the; theB. a;不填C. a; theD. the;不填 22 . After running for a mile yesterday , I wa
12、s almost, not feeling bad , though . A. out of shapeB. out of breath C. out of controlD. out of order 23. Following the successful Beijing Olympic shanghai70 million people for the 2010 World Expo. A. expectsB. is expectedC.is expectingD. has expected 24. I admire my English teacher . I can remember
13、 very few occasions she stopped working because of ill health . A. thatB. whenC. whereD. which 25. If water becomes increasingly scarce in decades, water shortage will become a hot issue all over the world . A . comingB . havi ng comeC. to comeD . to be coming 26. Before selecting the curtain for yo
14、ur newly-decorated house , it important to know what colors look great the wall paper . A. onB. withC. inD. against 27. Don you think it esse ntial that every reside nt of Nanjingspare no effort to make con tributi ons to Nanji ng 2014 Youth Olympic Games? A. shouldB. willC. shallD. would 28. Now so
15、me parents denyto their children , and have become their slaves . But this problem does not cause concern of the whole society . A . nothingB . everyth ingC. someth ingD . any thi ng 29 . The young man , who by thenadmission to university , decided to do some part-time jobs to gain more practical ex
16、perienee . A . gainedB . was gainingC. has gainedD . had gained 30 . They can afford to buy the latest equipme nt at prese nt. , they keep trying new ways to improve efficiency. A . On the con traryB . In con trast C . NeverthelessD . Furthermore 31 . My son is addicted to drugs . He isnhopeless, is
17、 he? Yes he mends his ways and starts all over. A . ifB . whe nC. even ifD . uni ess 32 . Misun dersta ndingsfrom lack of social com muni catio n , unlessproperly , may lead to serious problems . A . arisen; handlingB . arising; handled C . rising; handledD . risen; handling 33 . A big earthquake st
18、ruck southern Haiti , knocking down buildings and power lines and causing Its ambassador to the United States called a catastrophe . A . whatB . whichC. whatD . why 34 . During the 2008 finan cial crisis , the French preside nt Nicolas Sarkozy agreed to provide ( Millio ns of emergency fund aid to h
19、elp unemployment . A. releaseB. resembleC. relieveD. recommend 35. She might complain about you to your manager . ? I know I am in the right . A. What forB. Why notC. What upD. So what 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上 将该项涂黑。 After winning a big game,athletes
20、are often asked how they feel . Usually athletes say how 36 it is to win this big game . On the contrary , the fact is that losing a big game , or in my case, all the games, can be even harder. From the spectators po int of view , last year basketball 37 for my high school team was nothing _38 of an
21、 embarrassme nt . An d 39 0 and 20 is certa inly nothing to be proud of , that seas on had a bigger impact on me than any other . As a team captain, I knew it probably wouldn be the 40 year, but did I ever think we would lose every game ? Of course not. Since six of our top players had graduated , i
22、t was clear that we were a (n) 41_team who would struggle . The struggle began earlier than expected ,42, as our team center was suspe nded (禁赛)for the seas on, and two key members decided to 43 for some reason. At this point, dropping out probably passed through every player smind , but in the end
23、, we all stuck if out ,44 to work still harder. Then there came a time whe n eve n our 45 a nd give n up on us. Pers on ally, I felt like it was 46 worthwhile giving my all . I thought , if even the coach doesn believe in us , whyshould I ? But just as my hope began to 47, a teammate called a meetin
24、g . He said, “ Nobody thinks we are going to win , but , as teammates and friends , we 48 it to each other to go all out every game . ” It was that moment that 49 me how to be a leader . It hit me that I certainly didn 50 the role . As a leader you can never quit51 the team who looks up to you . It
25、is one 52 to be named captain , feel great and go through the moti ons , but it is quite ano ther to be a real capta in and make sure every one realizes their full 53 all the time . I am sure it is great to go through without losing and bringing home awards . But in all honesty , I_54 the fact that
26、my team lost every game last year . It may not help me to become a better basketball player , but it already has made me a better leader , and 55. 36. A. exciting B. pleasa nt C. toughD. significant 37. A. game B. event C. league D. season 38. A. short B. full C. lacking D. sufficie nt 39. A. as B.
27、while C. since D. now that 40. A. most interesting B. dullest C. most difficult D. easiest 41 . A. unique B. adve nturous C. young D. untrained 42. A. meanwhile B. though C. in stead D. somehow 43. A. quit B. stay C. resign D. rest 44. A. hoping B. sweari ng C. claiming D. wish ing 45. A. fans B. cl
28、assmates C. sponsor D. coach 46. A. only too B. more tha n C. not a little D. no Ion ger 47. A. fade B. gain C. destroy D. grow 48. A. owe B. thi nk C. dema nd D. recomme nd 49. A. reminded B. told C. taught D. guided 50 . A . act B . deserve C . play D . take 51 . A . with B . alon gside C . on D .
29、 for 52 . A . matter B . aspect C . issue D . thi ng 53 . A . pote ntial B . goal C . en thusiasm D . con fide nee 54 . A . hate B . treasure C . admitD . recog nize 55 . A . character B . capta in C . pers on D . figure 第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸 上将该项涂
30、黑。 A Theodore,the manager of the Paradise Hotel, told a middle-aged couple that that would have to leave the hotel after just one night . The couple, visiting from Texas, had booked a room for eight nights . “ They wan ted a sterile (消毒了的)environment , ” Theodore said , “ They should have ren ted a
31、room in a hospital, maybe an operating room . This hotel is clean, hut it isnt that clean . Theodore said that , on the very first day , the couple brought all the sheets , pilloweases , and bedspreads down to the main hall and just dropped them next to the front desk . They stood there next to this
32、 pile of bedding while other guests looked , poin ted , and murmured . The hotel got three can cellati ons with in the hour from people who witnessed this strange , event. When Theodore asked the couple what the problem was , they said that their bedding was filthy and they wan ted it replaced . The
33、 couple could not ide ntify any specific “ filth ” on the beddi ng . The wife just said , “ we re paying good money to stay here . How dare you doubt us ? We know the filth is there . Thats all the proof you need , ” Theodore called room service , and the bedding was replaced immediately . Early the
34、 next evening , however, the couple marched to the front desk again and demanded seven cans of sterilizer, “ We need a can for each night. We have to spray the phone , the TV, all the door handles , the toilet handle , the shower stall , the faucet, the sink, and any hotel staff entering our room .”
35、 Worried , Theodore politely suggested that a hotel more suitable for them was just around the corner . He then called ahead to reserve a “ very clean ” room , and gave them free transportation in the hotel Rolls-Royce. Also, he told the couple that they wouldn t he charged for the second day The co
36、uple were surprised but they really liked the idea of free room for a night and that expensive car service. 56. The underlined word “ filthy ” meansin this article . A. cleanB. dirtyC. smellyD. old 57. Why was Theodore worried? A. The couple might have more dema nds the follow ing days . B. The hote
37、l was not clea n eno ugh . C. The hotel would run out of cleaning stuff . D. More guests would make the same requests . 58 . What word could best describe the couple? A . Narrow-mi nded.B . Expe nsiveC. Particular D . Easy-go ing The centerpiece of curling(冰壶)is the curling stone, which has been cal
38、led a geometrical masterpiece of tooled geology (地质).” Kays of Scotland has bee n making curli ng stones since 1851, whe n William Kay and his sons An drew and Thomas set up a workshop in Mauchli ne, Ayrshire , in southwest Scotla nd. Kays is still owned by the relatives of the founder, and today it
39、 is the only curling stone maker left in Scotla nd. Used in a highly competitive sport, the curling stones are made to exact sta ndards. First, stones are sliced and the n into roundcheeses” .Fin ally , the cheeses are shaped and polished into curl ing stones in a series of precise steps. Each stone
40、 must weigh 44 poun ds. Each must have a maximum diameter (直径)of 36 inches. Polishing is done by hand on a wheel using water, diamond-talcum power, and felt. Finishing the stones running edge” is done entirely by hand with a special kind of paper and a digital measure and magnifying glass (放大镜).Last
41、ly, a handle is fitted into holes on the top of the stone. Stones are computer-matched into pairs. Sixteen stones -8pairs-are needed for a game, and since curling game field usually have 6 Ian es, each game field n eeds 96 matched ston es! Kays is a small firm, employing than ten skilled workers. Ma
42、ster craftsman and co-owner James Wyllie is skilled at all phases of curling stone making and is also an enthusiastic curler, as well as active member of Mauchline Burns Club, which meets regularly to honor well-known Mauchline residents. 59. What IS true about Kays? A. It is a family bus in ess.B.
43、It s a brand of curl ing stones . C. It a place in Scotla nd.D. It s the n ame of a curl ing stone dealer . 60. How many curling stones are needed for two games happening at the same time? A. 8.B. 16.C. 32.D. 96. 61 . Which of the following shows the right process of making a curling stone? A. Slici
44、ng shaping polishing . B. Weighing measuring polishing . C . Cutt ing running edgi ng computer match ing D . Cutti ng measuri ngshapingpolishi ng C We all know that certa in oils are healthier tha n others. but your oil health goes bey ond just the type . The health of your oil can be related to how
45、 you use it too . Each type of oil has what is called a “ smoke point. ” The smoke point is the specific temperature at which the oil starts to break down, or in more technical terms, its molecular structure begins to change. These molecular changes result in ; changes in flavor, as well as changes
46、in nutritional value , specifically , the nutritional value of the oil starts to reduce ; changing what once may have been considered an especially healthy oil , like Olive, into one that is unhealthy . The higher an oil smoke point is, the higher the temperature of the oil can be . As a result, eac
47、h type of oil should be used for the cook ing method that is most appropriate to its in dividual smoke point and heat tolera nee. Here is a quick guide for the next time you reach for your favorite oil . Heat During Cook ing Oil Best Use Low to Moderate Coconut Bak ing (low heat ) Light Saute ing Pr
48、essure Cook ing Corn Olive Salads Pea nut Sesame Wal nut Medium Heat Macadamia Nut Bak ing Saute ing Stir-Fryi ng Safflower High Heat Grape-seed Deep Brow ning Deep-Fry ing Sun flower Soybea n/Soy Note that the above table represents oils that are refined( 精炼的).Most oils we buy are refined . Refined
49、 oils tend to have much higher smoke points than when they are unrefined . They also differ in nutrition and flavor. Unrefined oils are more nutritious and they tend to be much richer in flavor . When it comes to extremely high heat cooking , always choose oils which are refined . 62. What determine
50、s whether an oil is healthy or not? A. Whether it refined or not .B.Its smoke point. C. Its molecular .D.How you use it. 63. Which of the follow ing might be a better choice to make a healthy salad? A . Refined walnut oil .B .Safflower oil. C. Unrefined olive oil .D .Sun flower oil . 64 . Healthy oi
51、l can become unhealthy if . according to the passage . A . you keep it for too long B . it is heated well bey ond its smoke point C. it is refined D . its flavor is cha nged 65 . The author wants to tell readers that . A . oils are related to health B . oils value depends on their smoke points C. “
52、certain oils are healthier ” is relative D . oils flavor and nutrition are connected D Even as Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda wrapped up a tired appearanee before Congress the head of the world s largest automaker wasn leaving his problems behind . Toyota faces a criminal investigation by federal lawyers in
53、 New York . The company is now being investigated . Its US dealerships in difficulty now are facing repairs to potentially millions of customer cars that have been recalled . The company is offering customers money back for rental cars and other expenses . Its lawyers are busy prepari ng to cope wit
54、h lawsuits . A new heari ng will be con ducted. And the cost to Toyota s reputation is only now starting . Despite back-to-back hearings this week, left to be said were a better explanation for slow actions to deal with the faults and believable promises that the problems that led to sudden , uninte
55、nded accelerations will be fixed . Toyoda said those changes were being made nearly around the clock , but during three hours of often tense questio ns and an swers he repeated that there was no link to the vehicle electro nic systems . Many drivers mak ing complai nts aga inst Toyota and the gover
56、nment say their accelerati on problems had nothing to do with floor mat interference(油门踏板故障)or sticky gas pedals(杀U车).Outside experts have suggested electr onic problems. House lawmakers expressed serious criticism on Toyoda , the grandson of the company s founder. The National Highway Traffic Safet
57、y Administration(NHTSA)is seeking records on Toyota recalls and is con duct ing its own review on whether electro nics were beh ind the car faults . NHTSA also con ti nues to look into steeri ng complai nts from drivers of the popular Corolla model . Toyota has recalled 8. 5 million cars , more than
58、 6 million of them in the United States . It may be a while before car buyers believe that Toyota really makes safe cars . Toyota sJa nuary sales already fell 16 perce nt even as most other automakers jumped back from last years bad results . Analyst Koji Endo of Advaneed Research Japan in Tokyo sai
59、d he expects February sales due out next week, to be down 30 percent to 40 . Toyota s sales problem could continue beyond that . It will take some time to feel the full effect of this , he said. 66. The best title for this passage is. A. Toyota is in troubleB. Toyota is under hearing C. Toyota is fi
60、nishedD. Toyota is still running 67. What is the purpose of the hearing? A. America hopes that Toyota apologizes to the US customers . B . America wants to get Toyota out of the US market . C . America wants to help Toyota out of difficulty . D . America hopes that Toyota admits their cars have elec
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