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1、创新与品质并重ursue innovation and quality环保与效益同行Care environme nt and ben efit青岛华世洁环保科技有限公司 Http:/ E mail:saleshuashijie com cn 通讯地址:青岛市经济技术开发区六盘山路16号 邮编:266510电话:86页:86保工程新能源新材料 化工设备为您提供最佳解决方案Provide the best solution for von帮助您不断成功Assist you to continuously win05 /Environme

2、ntal Protection EquipmentsP环保设备04Structure of Productionfl产端构03PartncrsRescarch & Manufacturing Strength我们的合作伙伴研发.制造能力Introduction公司简介01Content环保设备Environmental Protection Equipments吸附回收(还原性处理方式)Adsorption Recovery吸附概述Introduction to Adsorption活性炭纤维吸附回收设备ACF Adsorption Recovery Equipments活性炭吸附回收设备AC

3、 Adsorption Recovery Equipments油气回收设备Oil Gas Recovery Equipments吸附浓缩Adsorption Condensation热氧化处理魚Thermal Oxidation TreatmentTO&CTOT0&CTORTO(RCO)设备RTO Equipments两床RTOTwo-bed RTO三床RTOThree-bed RTO旋转式RTORotary RTOPE设备PE Equipments煤多联产Coal Poly-generation化工设备压力容器Chemical Equipment-Pressure Vessel公司简介Qin

4、gdaoHuashij ie =4岛华世洁坏保科技有限公司创建于2001年,是傢依靠自I:研发、技术创新发展起來 自 的高新技术企业。公司经过名年的发展逐步形成以环保设备为龙头,新材料、新能源为两翼,化工设备为后盾的产业结构组建了一支从研发到制作、施工的专业团队。专业有索的队伍、认其负责的态度、粘益求粘的品丿贞得到了客户的认可,也帮助了我们的发展。同时多次获得国家、当地政府的扶持与奖励.我们秉信“创新与品质并重,坏保与效益同行”的理念,从客户的角度出发,不断创新、改进我们的设备,不断满足客户的蛊求,不断帮助客户成功。愿携手各方有志之士共同努力,让中华、出界更加淸洁,让生活更加美好!公司发展里程

5、碑2004年9月:公司注册成立2005年11月:公司产值超过1000万2006年3刀:公司逬入:尾“回收项目,并从此占领了R0%的山场份额2007年2月:公祠建立独立的研发中心2007年12月:公司当年产值突破1亿元2008年6月:公司完成广东信达化纤公司年产1000吨高强奇模聚乙烯纤维生产线建设2008年77J:公司启动用于煤矿乏气瓦斯节能减排的RTO的研发项目2009年3月:公诃启动煤多联产中试项目,并在同年11月取得成功2009年II月:公司为|:|东国际电工捉供锂电池PE隔膜生产配套设备调试成功COMPANYi: IntroductionQ July 20083 March 2009

6、November 2009Qingdao Huashijic Environmental Protection Technology CO., I.TD(HSJ), founded in 2004, is a high-tech company relying on its own R&D and technical innovalion. HSJ is now engaged in manufacturing of environmental protcction equipments, chemical equipments, as well as new materials and ne

7、w energy. We have very professional teams that specialize in R&D, manufacturing and projects construction , whose outstanding service, professional skills and high sense of responsibility have won wide recognition from the customers, which in turn facilitate the development of HSJ. HSJ has received

8、grantsand awards from the national and local government for many timesHSJ sticks to the idea of Pursuing Innovation and Quality, Caring Environmental Protection and Economic Returns. We have always, and will continue to make unrelenting eftorts to pursue technical innovation and improve quality of o

9、ur products io meet demands or our customers for their further successHSJ would be happy to work closely with you to make a cleaner world and a better life.DevelopmentQ Feb0 December 2007Q June 2008Q Officially founded by registrationOverall production output exceeded RMB 10 millionEngaged in waste

10、gas recovery in PE industry and took up 80% of themarket share ever since Set up independent R&D centerOverall production output exceeded RMB 100 million Built the production line of high strength and high modulus PE Fiber withan annual output of L000 tons for Guangdong Shinda UHMWPE FiberStarted lh

11、e RTO project for treatment oTcoal-mine gas Started the Coal Poly-generation pilot-scale project and achieved successin November 2009Made and successfully installed the production supporting equipments ofLithium battery PE diaphragm for NITTO DENKO我们的合作伙伴研发、制造能力中国科学院山西烘炭化学研究所 iwn cr om we c*wwamcftP

12、artnersResearch & Manufacturing Strength中国解放军防化院2HGNCGUOANMTNHEFAN61UNrANGHUAYUAl共同研发大风暈、低浓度有机 废气处理设备 冇毒冇古气体防护共同研发耐水性蜂窝活性炭共同研发煤多联工艺装置顺酊废气处理装逬液体分离装亘超為分子届聚乙烯纤维改性聚乙烯锂电池隔膜Joint DevelopmentJoint DevelopmentLarge volume and low concentration exhaust organic gas equipment Toxic and harmful gasJoint Develop

13、mentU1 IMWPE fiber modificationPE diaphragm of Lithium batteryWaterproof and honeycomb activated carbon Maleic anhydride exhaust gas process equipment Joint DevelopmentCoal poly-generation lechnology equipmentLiquids separation tcchnology/cqu iprneni研发团队博士3人,硕士7人Development team 3 doctors and 7 mast

14、ers实验室仪器价值超过1000万元Laboratorr instruments cost RMB 10 million实验室面积超过2000 E.多个项目获国家、省、市科技专项支持对外承担孑种气相、液相、固相分析我们的研发团队Manufacturing StrengthLaboratory covers over 2000 nrMultiple projects gain the support from suncx province and cityUndertaking the external analysis of gas、liquid, solid productQ3产 业结构 S

15、tructure of ProductionCDM工程CDM project煤矿羽闌緒Vcniilatc methane oxidation of coal mine新材料New materials超过分子量聚乙烯纤维UHMWPE ,聚乙烯锂电池隔膜UHMWPE, PE Lithium battery diaphragm新能源 N ew energy 1 煤多联产项目Coal poly-generation project工业废气治理Industrial waste gas treatment化工设备Chemical equipment 压力容器、化工工程Pressure vessel, ch

16、emical projects环保设备Environmental protection equipmentsACF/GAC吸附回收设备,RTO设备ACI-7GAC adsorption recovery equipments,RTO equipments Care environment and benefit环保与效益同行环保工程Environment protection engineering吸附回收(还原性处理方式)吸附概述活性炭纤维吸附回收设备 活性炭吸附回收设备油气回收设备吸附浓缩热氧化处理方式TO&CTORTO(RCO)设备两床RTO三床RTO旋转式RTOAdsoqlion Re

17、coveryIntroduction to AdsorptionACF Adsorption Recovery EquipmentsAC Adsorption Recovery EquipmentsOil Gas Recovery EquipmentsAdsoqilion CondensationThermal Oxidation TreatmentRTO EquipmentsTwo-bcd RTOThrcc-bcd RTORotary RTOEnvironmental Protection Equipments挥发性有机 化合物介绍 VOCs1989年WHO定义VOCs是一组沸点从50C至2

18、60C、來温卜饱和蒸三压超过133. 322Ps的易挥发性化 合物英主要成分为炖类.氣烧类.含卤炖类、氮炖及硫炷类.低沸点的多环芳炖类邨。Tlie World Health Organization definition of VOCs in 1989 includes all volatile organic compounds吴宛酣淋宴F8D ncng一 psurenon Equipmcwith boiling temperatures in the range of 50-260C which have a saturated vapor pressure of 133.322 Paor

19、 more in normal ambient temperatures and which is made up of predominantly hydrocarbons, oxygenated h ydroc arbons .halogenated hydrocarbons. niirogcnous hydrocarbon, suit united hydrocarbons and polyaromatic hydrocarbon etcVOCs危害 Environmental&Health Effects含VOCs废气未经处理排入大气.在-定条件F会形成光化学污染.形响动植物生长和人类

20、的健 康.某些有毒YOC废气冇致残.致畸、致癌作用.对长期暴舉其中的人体造成严啦伤密eVOCs, mostly emitted into the atmosphere as waste gases without treatment, could affect air quality through the fonnation of photochemical pollution. In addition, (hey have negative imp acts on human healih and growth of plantsand animals Some toxic VOCs co

21、uld even induce deformity, disability andPE盈PE EqE.pmHscancer in human population.处理方;去还原法:冷凝.吸收、吸附、膜分离等TreatmentMethods破坏法:接焚饶、盏热焚烧、催化燃饶.生物分析、光催化等 VOCs recovery: condensation, absorption, adsorption, membrane separation, etc.VOCs conversion: direct incineration, thermal incineration, catalytic comb

22、ustion.biologic analysis, photochemical catalysis, etc.coa- po】y-generc-n处理方法选择图Chart for Selection of Treatment MethodsVOCs低浓度屮浓度髙浓度10000ppm不八回枚价值No recovery “luc不其阿收价值No recovery value具何收价值Recovery value水洛性低水諧性髙Lou water solubility High water solubility酒性厳吸附AC adsorption牛物遞床Bio-filler生物洗涤塔Biodwncr

23、生物漁滤堪Bio-trickling filter浓缩后再处理Concentration八回收价值 Recovery value水洱性低水落性高Low water solubility High water solubility焚化炉Ilcai regenerative烛煤焚化CaUlylic点式洗浸塔燃烧塔冷凝何牧ScrubberConbustiunCondensate話性AC tJsorptionchcmjcaEQUipfncnTprcssurc vessel| 吸附概述Introduction to Adsorption*GMa ar c*rvcai|Crbe吸附,十流体与多孔同体接触吋

24、,流体中菜组分或多个组分在固体茨而处产生积春 此现彖称为吸附根据此特点,可以根据实际惜况选用适、勺的吸附剂.回收处理废气 中的污染物(VOCs) 达到循环利用,保护环境的冃的。Adsorption: Adsorption is a separation process in which certain components arc concentrated from a gas onto the surface of a porous solid when the gas comes in contact with the solid. Therefore, certain adsorbent

25、s are selected to treat pollutants (VOCs) in the waste gases for recycle and environmental protection.|变温吸附工作流程(循环单元)|Temperature Swing Adsorption Process(Recycling Part)尾r (VOCs )十低混吸附 HiH (水蒸气、情性气体)脫附一干燥降温T*洁净空气擔放冷礙回收利用聒环话行Exhaux)wvapour.Inert Gi1 A Coudens*tioo RecoveryDryin掘I活性炭吸附器的穿透曲线I Breakth

26、rough curve of AC adsorption希色爰!S旨器的穿诗曲纯f AC *4rT尺0住有札化&忱療祭总 Heit of Vocs cccbustionHeat supply hy combuUorchcmjcaEclE.pmcnTprcssurc vesselClean Exhaust Air进气Solvent Laden Air燃烧器BurnerTubular Heat Exchanger 换热区燃烧室Primary Combustion Chiinibcr燃烧器Burner薔热式热力焚化炉英文名为“RoFjenomti vo ThermalOxidizer故简称为“RTO

27、” 直燃式焚烧炉TO&CTO直燃式焚烧炉(Thermal Oxidizer简称TO通过燃烧來分解有机废所有碳氮化合物经由适当的温度滞留时间及充分的扰流帑因花而破分解为二氧化嫌及水气=Direct bum type thennal oxidizer oven decompose organic waste gas by combusiion. All the hydrocarbon experience proper temperature, residence time and sufficient turbulent flow. and convert into CO: and H2O.催化

28、和CatalyzerRTO设备RTO quipments原理是把冇机废气加热到76(TC以上.使废气中的VGC氣化分解成氣化碳和水氣化产 生的高但气体流经特制的陶瓷蕃热休.使陶瓷体升温而女蓄热此“蓄热”用丁预热 后续进入的有机废气从而节省废气升温的燃料消耗。曲瓷離热体分成两个(含两个) 以上的IX或室.毎个薔热室依次经历岳热放热清扫等程序,网而复始.连续工作。VOCs destmetion in an RTO is achieved by heating the organic waste gas to a temperature, typically over 760 C, where th

29、e VOCs arc oxidized and decomposed into CO: and H:!). The ceramic heat regenerator absorbs and stores heat from the outgoing clean hot gas generated from the oxidation process and delivers the stored heat to the incoming organic waste gas to save use of fuels R)r heating waste gas. Ceramic regerator

30、s are arranged in two sections, where the processes of heat storage heat release and purge occur in sequence repeatedly.两床RTO设条的蓄热材料分为两个区域Heat storage materials in two sections个證热区.一个放热区Heat storage section and heat release section投资小.占地面积小Small investment and small space occupation 阀门切换时.系统压力有波动,有废

31、气残留Pressure fluctuate when valve switches and untreated waste gas emitsVOCs净化效率和热能|叫收效率均达95%以上Both VOCs removal and heat recovery efficiency over 95%三床RTO TMd; RTO设备的蒔热材料分为v个区域Heat storage materials in three sections一个裕热区,一个放热区,一个吹扫区Heal storage section, heat release section and purging section 投资较人

32、,宵地面积较大High investment and large area occupation阀门切换时.系统压力仃波动Pressure fluctuate when valve switches处理效率9%以上.热能回收效率95$以上Removal efficiency of VOCs over 99%. heat efficiency over 95%旋转式RTO3_r ro设备的器热材料分为12个区域Heat storage materials in twelve sections5个菩热区.5个放热区,2个吹扌1区Five heat storage sections, heat re

33、lease seclions and purge sections 投资适中,占地而积小Moderate investment and small space occupation无阀门切换,系统压力稳定No pressure fluctuation and no valve switch处理效率99%以上.热能【叫收效率95%以上Removal efficiency of VOCs over 99%. heal efficiency over 95% UHMWPE高强高模聚乙烯纤维新材料New material我们提供的服务Our services捉供整体解决方案Provide overal

34、l resolvemcnt 项目前期规划.设计Provide design and plan for project in earlier sxageCl工艺路线选择:冻胶丝断点、干燥后斯点.干法前纺等Provide various technologies such cis cold col lodion silk breakpoint,dry breakpoini. and dry method for fore-spinning etcCl杠牛产线:前纺系统.冷伸系统(町选杼纟种睪取剂Provide main production line: fore-spinning system,

35、stretching system (various extractants choice)Q_ 配套系统:白油分离系统、尾气回收系统、十氢筑回收系统Provide assorted system: mineral oil separate system, exhaust gas recovery system, decal in recovery system_ UHMWPE纤维后续UD布力I匸设备LD cloth process equipment租货融资服务Provide renting and financing servicesH PE EquipmentsPE纤维简介Introdu

36、ction toPE Fiber201比纪七I年代后期.以粉末状超高分了虽聚乙烯为原料,采用个新的冻胶纺线及超拉伸技术. 制得了超高强奇模的聚乙烯纤维使化学纤维利化学纤维I:业开始了蔚的飞跃。超岛分子晴聚 乙烯纤维具有优异的物理机械性能,成为继碳纤维和芳纶之后出现的第二代髙性能纤维。国附; 上只有荷兰DSM公司,美国Allied公司,日本东洋纺公司和三井公司.中国的几家公司形成工业化规模的生产。In the late 丨 970s, with the use of powder UHMWPE as the raw material and by adopting the brand new g

37、el spinning and ultrahigh-drawing technology, the ultra high intensity and modulus PE fiber was produced, which has promoted new development in both chemical fiber and chemical fiberindustry. UHMWPE fiber, with its extraordinary physical and mechanical properties, is the third generation highpcribmu

38、mcc fiber after carbon fiber and aramid fiber. Al present, the UHMWPE is only produced in industry by DSM of Netherlands, Allied of US, Toyobo and Mitsui of Japan,and several Chinese companies 主要性能对照表Contrast of MainCharacteristicsItemUHMWPEKevlar29Kevlar49Carbon HSCarbonHMAbrasive Resistance (Fract

39、ure Cycles) 耐廉性MIOxlO395xld5.7x1020120Bending life (Fracture Cycles) 疲劳寿命240x1037x|(f43x10352Knot Strength (d/den) 结节强度10-156-76-700Loop Tenacity (d/den) 钩接强度12-1810 1210120.70工艺路线Technical Process艸片仲列尾气何收系统 TailGts R&scry Syarmi干嫌空气冷仲热鉅 Art I Vdlins H萃取楕 ”七統牽伸机 fiialkr IkAhiia Mtkhiii?口洎阿收系统To Mirw

40、r* OilEnvironmental Prolection EquipmentsPE Equipments滿Chemical fcquipmenL-Prcssurc Vessel i1416WWW.HUASHLnE.COM.(/ 0 牵伸机Sachi /强度好楕度高无噪音跳动小萃取槽High strengthHigh accuracyNo noiseWeak shakeExtraction Tank /密幷性能好,没右溶剂逸散Excellent soalabi1ity wi th no solvent loss 浓度梯度可实现幣密控制Fine control of the concentra

41、t ion gradient 可实现温度阶梯、梢确控制Fine control of the temperature gradient牵伸热箱/双风道送风Double intakes温度误杲可控制任以内Temperature tolerance within 2X2 保温效果好.噪音小Good heat preservation and low noise干燥箱三点支撑.齿轮传动Three point support cind gear drive、二级循环送风.降低能耗First and secondary circulating ventilation and lower energy c

42、onsumption 折叠开启大门,提商安全性Folding door with excel lent security除祁电装逍.减少安全隐患Static control Iing system reduces potent ial safety hazards主要关键设备Key Equipments设备特点Properties处理效果好High treatment efficiency市场占有率85%以hMarket share of more than 85%运行费用低Low operat ion cost白油回收设备Mineral Oil Recovery Equipments设备特点Properties/High automation能够适应握合液浓度波动Adaptable to fluctuation of concent mt ion of mixed 1iquids白油处理效果好EffecLive treatment of mineral oi1PE霜PE EquipmentsCO2.pow-gcnerc-nchcmjcaEquipmenTprcssurc vessel绢宛盘淋湮FSD gnH一 pro-ecnosEqummGn16HU 我们提供的服务Our services Heat,power,tar,gas npoly-generationH in


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