1、家电产品通用缺陷整理包装缺陷:包装箱、装箱带:产品堆放户外,部分纸箱渗水Some cartons of products piled outdoors are in the case of water seepage包裝方式错误Incorrect packing method / Different packing from approved sample包装材料脏污、褶皱或破损Packing material with dirt, wrinkle and damage 金属带用于包装Metal strapping is used for packing as the sharp edges
2、are harmful to man纸箱/彩箱 破損/撕裂 The carton/color box is broken or split包装严重/轻微变形,且对产品造成/未造成损伤Serious/light deforming of packing with/without damage to product 外箱封箱纸松动 Carton glue tape looses封箱不良, 箱盖開口Poorly sealing with the cover opening包装箱实际尺寸与规格书不符The sizes of carton are different from spec包装箱上重要信息遗
3、漏、错误或者不清晰,诸如贴纸格式、产品型号、logo、包装箱尺寸、重量、原产地、批次等Missing, wrong or illegible of important information on packing such as the form of labeling, model #,logo, size of carton, weight, country of origin ,batch etc 包装箱内产品倒装The packing for product is upside-down彩箱褶皱 Color box crumples彩盒封口脱开 Breaking of the join
4、t on gift box包装箱内漏装泡沫或纸托Missing foam or paper holder for product protecting in the packing彩箱内少配件Missing accessories in the packing 生产批次号:包装内没有生产批次号Missing production patch number sealed in the packing包装内生产批号不清晰Seal/label of production patch number in the packing is not clear to read说明书、执行标准、对应单:产品漏装
5、说明书Missing production specification产品说明书皱折/破损 The product specification is folded/damaged包装内说明书与产品不一致 Specification does not cover the product in the packing执行标准错误Instruction sheet is wrong执行标准缺失Missing the instruction sheet包装箱内对应单错误Corresponding sheet of specification in the packing is wrong外观:产品材料
6、/尺寸/颜色/logo/外观与样板有差异Material/size/color/logo/appearance of product is different from approved sample 警告标贴粘贴不良:警告标贴有破损 The warning label is damaged产品缺少警告标贴Missing the warning label产品警告标贴翘边Warning label with flapping edge/lifting警告标贴脱落Warning label with peeling off警告标贴脏污 Warning label is dirty警示语/安全手册
7、遗漏 Missing caution/warning/safety instruction产品合格证粘贴不良:产品合格证贴偏Certificate of conformity of product is slanting产品合格证有破损 Certificate of conformity is damaged产品缺少产品合格证Missing the certificate of conformity产品合格证翘边Certificate of conformity with flapping edge/lifting产品合格证褶皱Certificate of conformity is fold
8、ed产品合格证脱落Certificate of conformity with peeling off产品合格证脏污 Certificate of conformity is dirty产品合格证上的制造商名称与铭牌不一致Name of manufacturer on certificate of conformity does not accord withthe nameplate产品铭牌粘贴不良:产品铭牌贴纸有明显气泡There are obvious bubbles on the nameplate of product产品上有重复粘贴的铭牌There are repeated sti
9、ckup nameplates on the product铭牌缺失 Missing nameplate铭牌翘边 Nameplate with flapping edge/lifting铭牌褶皱Nameplate is folded铭牌粘贴与指定位置有明显偏差 Nameplate is slight out of the designated position铭牌颠倒 Nameplate is upside-down 铭牌脏污 Nameplate is dirty能效标签粘贴不良:能效标签缺失Missing the Energy Rating Label能效标签破损/脏污/褶皱/翘边/颠倒En
10、ergy Rating Label is damaged/dirty/folded/lifting/upside-down条形码:条形码信息与铭牌/说明书信息不符Bar code Scanned number is not conform to the number printed on the label/spec条形码区域破损导致不可读Broken or tear damage of the bar cord area occurs the un-reading印刷、喷油不良:喷油擦花 Paint with abrading印刷不清晰,不可读 Un-clear printing could
11、 not be read 印刷脏污/褪色 Printing is smeared/off colored丝印不良:丝印刮花 Scratch on silk-screen丝印不清The silk-screen is not clear to read丝印内容有误The content of silk-screen is wrong外部螺钉:螺丝生锈 Screw with rusting螺丝打花 Screw with stripping螺丝断 Screw broken 螺钉翘起 Uneven screw covers螺孔刮花 Scratch on screw hole螺丝未锁紧 Screw isn
12、t locked tightly 固定螺柱断裂The bolt fixing the shell of product is broken漏装一颗固定螺钉Miss a screw for fixing the shell 铆钉未完全翻边 The rivet isnt rolled properly and tightly 漏打特殊螺钉Missing the special screw产品表面:外壳/附件破碎 Enclosure or parts is broken产品装配错位 Assembly with dislocation产品微晶板错位 The microcrystalline panel
13、 is dislocated产品表面变形 The surface of product deforms产品表面有凹痕,凹痕尺寸为* There is dent mark on the surface of product shell , the mark is between * to * square cm/mm . 产品表面有刮花,划痕尺寸为* There is scratched mark on the surface of product shell , the length is * cm/mm .产品表面有脏污,脏污点尺寸为* There is dirt mark on the s
14、urface of product shell , the spot is over * square cm/mm 产品表面有污垢,可擦掉的/不可擦掉的There is dirt on the surface of product shell, which is removable / irremovable 产品金属表面生锈There is corrosion mark on metal surface of product产品表面有溢胶There is glue water mark on the surface of product产品微晶板侧面崩缺The side face of mi
15、crocrystalline panel is collapsed微晶板破损Microcrystalline panel is broken产品微晶板溢胶There is uncleaned glue water mark in the gap of microcrystalline panel产品塑料部分(如手柄)成型不良There is peeling of chrome plating发热盘涂层表面划花There is scratch mark on the painting surface of heating plate产品内胆有污垢There is dirt mark on the
16、 internal bladder of product陶瓷表面有针眼There are pin holes on the surface of ceramic制陶不良,表面有凹线Ceramics is poor that there is concave line on the surface of product产品表面掉漆The painting on the surface of product peels off产品表面涂料不均匀The surface coating of product is uneven产品表面油漆涂层起浮点There are floating points o
17、n the surface of paint coating锅柄焊接不良The handle of pot is poor welding产品塑料部分有披锋/毛刺There is flashing/burrs mark on the plastic parts of product 产品手柄部分有锐边Plastic part (handle)of product is poorly molded 产品焊接锐边Welding- sharp edge of xproduct may cause injury 锅盖塑料部分有毛边 The plastic part of pot cover has b
18、urrs水壶基座有毛刺There are burrs on the base of product产品底部螺丝有锐边There are sharp edges of screws on the bottom of product产品结构缺陷:部件组装不正确 Parts of the product have not been assembled correctly间隙问题:产品金属件与塑料件间隙大于1.0 mmThe gap between metal and plastic parts is over 1.0 mm外壳装配不到位,间隙达到2mmEnclosure is not secured
19、 in place or with excessive gaps 2.0 mm手柄间隙为0.76mmThe gap of handle is 0.76mm机头外壳尺寸偏大,机头外壳与机架耦合处突出0.81.3mmThe size of shell is so large to nose that the prominent coupling between the shell and the rack is 0.8-1.3mm产品面盖与顶板配合间隙大于0.8mm The gap between the panel and the roof is greater than 0.8mm底部塑料与温
20、控器配合间隙为0.8mmThe gap between the plastic part of bottom and thermostat is 0.8mm产品底部与壶身配合间隙为0.5mm The gap between bottom and body of product is 0.5mm安装不到位、部件松脱:部件未装紧或引起脱落Parts assembled are so loose that may cause drop off部件不定位 Parts assembled cannot hold position产品金属外部镀铬层剥落There is sharp edge on the
21、handle of product虚焊、脱焊、焊穿或者焊接点过小可能影响使用功能Welding- false welding , mesh welding loose , welding through parts or welding joint is too minor which may affect function锁紧装置过松或者过紧The latch mechanism is too tight to operate or too loose to be locked 脚垫装配过松导致脱落The rubber foot is too loose with falling off橡胶
22、垫松脱 Rubber feet looses out电水壶底座与壶体离拉/错位For electric kettle,there is gap/step between base and bottom控制面板、开关:产品控制面板保护膜起皱Protective membrane covering onto Control Panel is folded按键卡住 Key/button is jammed/stuck按键太紧 Key/button is too tight when pressing开关不能复位Switch could not reset开关接触不良 Power switch int
23、errupted保温开关灵敏度低The sensitivity of insulation switch is poor控制面板上字体印刷不良 Poor printing on control panel控制面板刮花 Scratch on the control panel控制面板尺寸与规格书要求不符The height of control panel is different from the technical requirement, height of control panel is 120mm, and the technical requirement is 130.5mm控制
24、面板上的按钮用2030N的力可以拔出The buttons on control panel would be pulled out with forces 20N胶脚、支架:支架倾斜超过要求The legs slant outwards/inwards more than requested 胶脚不平 Rocking on rubber foot漏装胶脚 Missing rubber foot胶脚松脱Rubber foot looses附件、元件:漏装附件 Missing components产品发热元件与零部件清单上不一致The heating elements of product do
25、 not accord with Spare Parts list电源线型号没有报备 Style of supply cord do not accord with submitted插头生锈 Plug pins is rusted/oxidized电源线脏污 There is dirt mark on power supply cord电源线损坏,绝缘层/导线外漏Mains cable is damaged so as to 2nd insulation layer and/or conductors exposes电源线夹紧装置松脱Clamping device for power cor
26、d looses火线外漏 Live wire exposed电源线可触及 The power cord could be touched from the outside过滤网损坏 Damaged filter screen内胆刮花 Scratch on the internal bladder产品配件炒锅中缺少手柄There is lack of handle to wok which belongs to the product accessories产品使用的电源线制造商为*,CB报告中没有覆盖。The power cord applied is manufactured by *, w
27、hich does not comply with the CB report.内部结构:产品内部线路混乱Internal connection wires disheveled产品内部电线护套有破损The sheathing material for internal wire is damaged产品内部脏污Dirty mark on the interior of the product内部金属异物Metallic residue inside unit which can cause possible risk of electric shock产品内部有塑胶/金属异物There is
28、 plastic/metal foreign body inside the product 产品内部接线端子处无电源中性线“N”及接地符号“”标识,不符合GB4706.1标准中的第7.8章要求There are no power neutral Nand grounding symbol , which do not comply to the requirements in the sections 7 and 8 of standard GB4706.1产品电源线中性线“N”标识粘贴位置错误,不符合标准GB4706.1要求The position Power neutral Nis po
29、sted on does not comply to the requirements of standard GB4706.1 产品内部关键元件无报备,如The critical components inside the product is not submitted in Parts List,such as相关测试:实验设备无校准记录 The equipment for testing is without calibration data at site .工厂无检具,此项试验无法进行The test is cancelled due to no suitable checking
30、 fixture in the factory .因工厂无仪器,能耗测试无法进行No instrument was supplied for power consumption check关键元器件对照 Critical Components Marking Comparison此项试验不适用 The test does not apply 纸箱不能通过边压测试,耐破度不合格The board could not pass the Edgewise Crush Resistance test ,so its Mullen test is failure跌落测试后,包装出现破洞、撕裂或者缺口,产
31、品明显受损After Carton Drop test, the packaging appears holes, tears, or openings, 跌落测试后产品受损After Carton Drop test, the product is obviously damaged产品跌落测试后锅柄断裂Panhandle is broken after Carton Drop test彩盒跌落测试汤锅手柄脱焊The handle of pot is sealing-off after Carton Drop test功能缺陷During the Functional check , the
32、re is something functional problems of the product功能指示器损坏 Function indicators is damaged指示灯不亮 Indicator lamp on switch could not lit up指示灯不亮、颜色暗淡或错误 Indicator light is inoperative, dimmed, or in wrong colors按钮开关或产品功能间歇 Pushbutton switch or unit function is intermittent间歇无功能Intermittently non-functio
33、n风扇不工作 Fan can not rotate把手运作不顺畅 The handle cant work well 条形码读取失败 UPC can not be read/Bar Code Readability Check failed3M胶纸及耐磨实验不合格3m glue tape test and Rubbing test for all screen printing failed手柄拉力测试不合格 pull test for handle failed插片与端子连接处只能承应*Kg的拉力The joint between the insert and the terminal connection could only bear电源线拉力测试不合格 Power cord strain relief check failed电源线弯折测试不合格 Bending test of connection wire failed 电流/功率不合规格 Current or wattage is out of specification安全测试:
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